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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Only Valid Security Check - P610522 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Единственная Действенная Проверка Безопасности - И610522 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 610522 - HCO Policy Letter - HCP Sec Form 3 [PL103-001]
- 610522 - HCO Policy Letter - Only Valid Security Check, The [B001-042]
- 610522 - HCO Policy Letter - Only Valid Security Check, The [B001-043]
- 610522 - HCO Policy Letter - Only Valid Security Check, The [B072-002]
- 610522 - HCO Policy Letter - Only Valid Security Check, The [B072-003]
- 610522 - HCO Policy Letter - Only Valid Security Check, The [B164-001]
- 610522 - HCO Policy Letter - Only Valid Security Check, The [PL004-066]
- 610522 - HCO Policy Letter - Only Valid Security Check, The [PL004-067]
CONTENTS THE ONLY VALID SECURITY CHECK Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex


(Amends all existing data on Security Checks)

Name of Person ___________ Date __________

Name of Security Checker ___________ Location ___________

Since a Security Check failure can compromise or injure a person’s position or economics, and because we are not moralists, it is better to be more positive on the subject of a Security Check failure, leaving no part of it up to judgment.

The question of what constitutes a Security- Check failure has now troubled enough people to make it necessary to lay down the following policies.

A Security Check to be used for any organizational reason must be made on an HCO WW form.

There are only three ways a Security Checker may flunk any person.

  1. The Security Check may be considered flunked if there is no needle response of any kind to any question with meter sensitivity even at extreme high. Rise as a reaction is ignored throughout a Security Check. A rise is not a useful reaction.
  2. The Security Check may be considered flunked if any compromising or important question still persists in getting a consistent reaction (not a rise) even after the Security Checker has done his best to get the person being checked to clear it by answering truthfully.
  3. Refusal to be checked.

Lie Reaction failure may no longer be considered a flunk. Important questions always have enough charge on them to cause a reaction even on bad criminals and the reaction will continue consistently or sporadically if the person is still withholding information.

The question of something reacting because of past life crimes is ruled out if, when a question fails to clear, the Security Checker adds “In this lifetime?” to or in the question and works on that question continuing to use that added phrase. Reactions by reason of past lives tend to drop out and clear if this is done.

The task of the Security Checker is to carefully question and clear if possible changes of meter needle behaviour caused by the question. Plainly note any level that failed to clear. This fails the person.

The Lie Reaction questions were originally used in Scientology only to study the needle pattern of the person being checked so that changes in it could then be judged in their true light. Some pcs, for instance, get a slight reaction every time any question is asked. Some get a reaction only when there is heavy charge. Both can be Security Checked by studying the common pattern of the needle demonstrated in asking the Lie Reaction questions. The purpose of the Lie Reaction questions is returned to the original intention.

A totally stuck needle can be freed by processing, or by getting off withholds. If a person is flunked by reason of I above, they require auditing before another check is taken, the auditing to be taken at the responsibility of the person being checked.

All Security Check sheets of persons Security Checked should be forwarded to Saint Hill, complete with all markings and the reason why the question would not at first clear, if important, or the drop marked which would not clear and whether or not the person was passed or failed.

Nothing in this Policy Letter changes the responsibility of the Director of Training in preventing Scientology from being taught to persons who would use it in violation of the Code of a Scientologist.

In reprinting this check sheet leave all directions as part of every sheet.

Directions: Attempt to clear any reaction observed. A Rise is not classed as a reaction. Mark any reaction observed or any meter reaction change elicited by the question. Then write what it cleared on. Mark largely if the reaction could not be cleared since this constitutes a failure to pass. Only fail somebody if there is no needle motion of any kind even with sensitivity at 16 on any question. (Rise is not a reaction.) If they are failing because it is hard to clear a question, work very thoroughly on it in an effort to clear it. In all cases complete the test. Run check with a high sensitivity setting (more than 1/3 of a dial drop).

If an important question fails to clear even after Security Checker has worked very hard to get it off, the test is flunked.

The following statement should be read or quoted to the person being Security Checked:

“We are about to begin a Security Check. We are not moralists. We are able to change people. We are not here to condemn them. While we cannot guarantee you that matters revealed in this check will be held forever secret, we can promise you faithfully that no part of it nor any answer you make here will be given to the police or state. No Scientologist will ever bear witness against you in Court by reason of answers to this Security Check. This Security Check is exclusively for Scientology purposes. The only ways you can fail this Security Check are to refuse to take the test, to fail to answer its questions truthfully or if you are here knowingly to injure Scientology. The only penalty attached to failure of this check is processing or our refusal to employ you or issue you a certificate, and this will only happen if we find that you are trying knowingly to injure Scientology. You can pass this test by (1) agreeing to take it, (2) answering each question truthfully and (3) not being a member of a subversive group seeking to injure Scientology.

“The first questions are nul questions to determine your reaction pattern. “We will now begin — ”

Establish needle pattern:

Needle Pattern

Passed _____________ Failed __________

Why? __________

___________ Signed by Examiner