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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Power Processes (DIV1.DEP3.ETHICS) - P650520 | Сравнить

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SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 650520 - HCO Policy Letter - Power Processes [PL008-119]
CONTENTS POWER PROCESSES Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Qual Div HatsQual Div Hats
Cl VII Check SheetCl VII Check Sheet



The Power Processes or any version of them may not be used by persons not trained at Class VII at Saint Hill.

The Power Processes or any version of them may not be used by persons not trained at Class VII at Saint Hill.

The data on this overwhelmingly demands this policy be FIRMLY applied with no exceptions.

The data on this overwhelmingly demands this policy be FIRMLY applied with no exceptions.

These wonderful processes are capable of making a Release from even - 34 in every case to which they are applied.

These wonderful processes are capable of making a Release from even - 34 in every case to which they are applied.

Run by new Class VI auditors who have been star-checked at Saint Hill on them, goofs of huge magnitude have been made.

Run by new Class VI auditors who have been star-checked at Saint Hill on them, goofs of huge magnitude have been made.

In orgs, without full Class VII trained auditors, the Power Processes just wouldn’t work at all.

In orgs, without full Class VII trained auditors, the Power Processes just wouldn’t work at all.

Pcs would be folding up like accordions, Releases just wouldn’t happen.

Pcs would be folding up like accordions, Releases just wouldn’t happen.

Tremendous experience and the closest supervision preceded by full training in the DofPing of the Processes as well as running them is vital to success.

Tremendous experience and the closest supervision preceded by full training in the DofPing of the Processes as well as running them is vital to success.

They are easy. But until every faintest kink is taken out of an auditor’s auditing and every possible eventuality has been shown to him and until he has seen what misuse can do, the auditor cannot handle them.

They are easy. But until every faintest kink is taken out of an auditor’s auditing and every possible eventuality has been shown to him and until he has seen what misuse can do, the auditor cannot handle them.

Thus Ethics must be very alert to illegal use of Power Processes. And must be very severe about it. Otherwise there will be some very sick pcs around and administrative chaos.

Thus Ethics must be very alert to illegal use of Power Processes. And must be very severe about it. Otherwise there will be some very sick pcs around and administrative chaos.

There are then two grades of processes which demand the highest quality of training before they produce results.

There are then two grades of processes which demand the highest quality of training before they produce results.

One is Class VI materials.

One is Class VI materials.

The other is Class VII materials, the Power Process.

The other is Class VII materials, the Power Process.

This is no effort to make a monopoly. It is simply responsibility.

This is no effort to make a monopoly. It is simply responsibility.

After all, auditing on them is available right now.

After all, auditing on them is available right now.

Training for Class VI and VII is available this very minute at Saint Hill.

Training for Class VI and VII is available this very minute at Saint Hill.

The technology will be passed on for training use in an Org when an Org is a Class VII Org - to wit when it is fully qualified to teach and use them and when its Executive Secretaries of HCO and the Org and its Division Secretaries are Clears and its Tech and Qual personnel are Releases. The processes aren’t denied anyone. We are simply protecting people from the fallout of the most powerful auditing weapons ever developed.

The technology will be passed on for training use in an Org when an Org is a Class VII Org - to wit when it is fully qualified to teach and use them and when its Executive Secretaries of HCO and the Org and its Division Secretaries are Clears and its Tech and Qual personnel are Releases. The processes aren’t denied anyone. We are simply protecting people from the fallout of the most powerful auditing weapons ever developed.

We are taking responsibility for our own creation and using it for the greatest good of the greatest number of dynamics.

We are taking responsibility for our own creation and using it for the greatest good of the greatest number of dynamics.

One wishes the atomic scientist had been that socially responsible.

One wishes the atomic scientist had been that socially responsible.
