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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Supervisors Stable Data - P621202 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Стабильное Данное Супервайзера - И621202 | Сравнить
- Стабильные Данные Супервайзера (КРО-4) (ц) - И621202 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 621202 - HCO Policy Letter - Supervisors Stable Data [PL005-130]
- 621202 - HCO Policy Letter - Supervisors Stable Data [PL012-040]
CONTENTS SUPERVISOR’S STABLE DATA Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
(Reissued as amended 7 September 1967)
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
(Reissued as amended 7 September 1967)
Tech Sec HatTech Sec Hat
D of T HatD of T Hat
Supervisor HatSupervisor Hat



In addition to the supervisor’s Code (old instructor’s Code), there is a primary stable datum about all supervision:

In addition to the supervisor’s Code (old instructor’s Code), there is a primary stable datum about all supervision:

Get the student to accomplish auditing the preclear and then get the student to accomplish it with better form, speed and accuracy.

Get the student to accomplish auditing the preclear and then get the student to accomplish it with better form, speed and accuracy.

A supervisor must never lose sight of the PURPOSE of auditing. Auditing is for the preclear, is intended to improve the preclear’s case Auditing is not just a matter of good form.

A supervisor must never lose sight of the PURPOSE of auditing. Auditing is for the preclear, is intended to improve the preclear’s case Auditing is not just a matter of good form.

The reason some students do not accomplish auditing is that they become so oriented on form alone that they forget the purpose of the form.

The reason some students do not accomplish auditing is that they become so oriented on form alone that they forget the purpose of the form.

Good auditing form and correct sessioning obtains many times the result of bad form and incorrect sessioning. But total form and no effort to do something for the pc results in no auditing.

Good auditing form and correct sessioning obtains many times the result of bad form and incorrect sessioning. But total form and no effort to do something for the pc results in no auditing.

The result comes before the form in importance. Because students may use this idea to excuse lack of form, Q and A-ing, and to squirrel with their processes, the stable datum becomes unpopular with supervisors.

The result comes before the form in importance. Because students may use this idea to excuse lack of form, Q and A-ing, and to squirrel with their processes, the stable datum becomes unpopular with supervisors.

A student should first be held responsible for the state of the pc during and after sessions and made to know that as an auditor he is there to get a fast, good result The student should then be taught that he can get a better, faster result with better form. After that the student should be taught that Scientology results are only obtained by correct and exact duplication of Scientology processes, not by off beat variations.

A student should first be held responsible for the state of the pc during and after sessions and made to know that as an auditor he is there to get a fast, good result The student should then be taught that he can get a better, faster result with better form. After that the student should be taught that Scientology results are only obtained by correct and exact duplication of Scientology processes, not by off beat variations.

The student wants to know how to do this or that. Refer him to his materials on how to do the most fundamental actions, but MAKE HIM OR HER DO IT. And keep up a running refrain that you want results, results, results, on his pc.

The student wants to know how to do this or that. Refer him to his materials on how to do the most fundamental actions, but MAKE HIM OR HER DO IT. And keep up a running refrain that you want results, results, results, on his pc.

The student will be all thumbs and faint. The supervisor may be horrified by the goofs. But don’t bother with the goofs. Just demand results on the pc, results on the pc, results on the pc.

The student will be all thumbs and faint. The supervisor may be horrified by the goofs. But don’t bother with the goofs. Just demand results on the pc, results on the pc, results on the pc.

This action by the supervisor will teach the student (a) that he or she is supposed to get results in auditing and (b) that results can be obtained and (c) that he or she sure needs better skill.

This action by the supervisor will teach the student (a) that he or she is supposed to get results in auditing and (b) that results can be obtained and (c) that he or she sure needs better skill.

So the first address in training is to teach those above three things (a), (b) and (c).

So the first address in training is to teach those above three things (a), (b) and (c).

You can’t teach a student who doesn’t realize that results in the pc depend on the auditor and auditing and that results are expected from auditing; who believes results can’t be obtained from auditing or wants to prove auditing doesn’t work; and who doesn’t yet know that he or she doesn’t know. These are the barriers to training and a good auditor.

You can’t teach a student who doesn’t realize that results in the pc depend on the auditor and auditing and that results are expected from auditing; who believes results can’t be obtained from auditing or wants to prove auditing doesn’t work; and who doesn’t yet know that he or she doesn’t know. These are the barriers to training and a good auditor.

The gradient approach to the mind is vital. Clearing will not occur without it. But the gradient approach to auditing can be overdone to a point where the student completely loses sight of why he is auditing.

The gradient approach to the mind is vital. Clearing will not occur without it. But the gradient approach to auditing can be overdone to a point where the student completely loses sight of why he is auditing.

1. First and foremost the auditor accomplishes something for the pc and without that there is neither sense nor purpose to auditing;

1. First and foremost the auditor accomplishes something for the pc and without that there is neither sense nor purpose to auditing;

2. Excellent form accomplishes more for the pc faster; and

2. Excellent form accomplishes more for the pc faster; and

3. Exact duplication of processes alone returns standard high level results on all pcs.

3. Exact duplication of processes alone returns standard high level results on all pcs.

The student thrown in over his head learns:

The student thrown in over his head learns:

A. Results in the PC depend on the auditor and auditing and that results are expected from auditing;

A. Results in the PC depend on the auditor and auditing and that results are expected from auditing;

B. That results can be obtained in auditing and the better the form and duplication, the better the results and

B. That results can be obtained in auditing and the better the form and duplication, the better the results and

C. That the student has more to learn about auditing and that the student doesn’t yet know.

C. That the student has more to learn about auditing and that the student doesn’t yet know.

Therefore the supervisor must teach the student:

Therefore the supervisor must teach the student:

(a) That he or she is supposed to get results in auditing;

(a) That he or she is supposed to get results in auditing;

(b) That Scientology can obtain results; and

(b) That Scientology can obtain results; and

(c) That better form and duplication obtain better faster results.

(c) That better form and duplication obtain better faster results.


I dare say many students learn things just because they are told to and find no relationship between form, duplication and the preclear. Let them fall on their heads and yet obtain results and this attitude will change-and you’ll save us a lot of off beat nonsense and case failures in orgs and the field.

I dare say many students learn things just because they are told to and find no relationship between form, duplication and the preclear. Let them fall on their heads and yet obtain results and this attitude will change-and you’ll save us a lot of off beat nonsense and case failures in orgs and the field.
