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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Establishment and the HAS (ORG-57) - P801030-1 | Сравнить
- Post Transfers (PERS-37) - P801030-3 | Сравнить
- Tech (EXEC-30, ESTO-49) - P801030-2 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 801030 Issue 1 - HCO Policy Letter - Establishment and the HAS [PL057-036]
- 801030 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - Tech [PL049-093]
- 801030 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - Tech [PL057-037]
- 801030 Issue 3 - HCO Policy Letter - Delivery Duties [PL038-008]
- 801030 Issue 3 - HCO Policy Letter - Delivery Duties [PL049-094]
- 801030 Issue 3 - HCO Policy Letter - Delivery Duties [PL057-038]
- 801030 Issue 3 - HCO Policy Letter - Post Transfers [PL038-007]
- 801030 Issue 3 - HCO Policy Letter - Post Transfers [PL049-095]
- 801030 Issue 3 - HCO Policy Letter - Post Transfers [PL057-039]
- 801030 Issue 4 - HCO Policy Letter - Performance [PL038-006]
- 801030 Issue 4 - HCO Policy Letter - Performance [PL049-096]
- 801030 Issue 4 - HCO Policy Letter - Performance [PL057-040]
- 801030 Issue 5 - HCO Policy Letter - Study [PL038-005]
- 801030 Issue 5 - HCO Policy Letter - Study [PL049-097]
- 801030 Issue 5 - HCO Policy Letter - Study [PL057-041]
CONTENTS TECH Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue II
(Originally LRH OODs item of 22 June 1974.)
Remimeo Exec Series 30
Esto Series 49


Every action that results in a product has a certain tech.

One finds out about it or develops it.

When one adopts false tech he will then wind up with confusion as false tech will not deliver a product. It delivers a confusion — like psychiatry.

The more false tech you hold onto or apply the more confusions you will get.

When real tech is invalidated then false tech can enter in. So the test of false tech is does it give a confusion and the test of real tech is does it give a product.

A Mis-U word in real tech then can let false tech in.

If the tech is not available for a certain job one then has to develop it. His development will be correct only if it delivers a real product.

When one busily develops tech where proven tech already exists and is available, one is wasting his time.

Technology is that part of knowledge that is used.

So it is not enough just to know. One also has to apply.

If one really knows his tech it is very easy to apply it. When one is uncertain, his application is uncertain.

Life in living forms depends upon real products.

When products take too long to bring about or when they turn out to be overt products then they are not economical to produce. Overdue and overt products are both very costly in time and catastrophes.

If you find in any area you are taking too long to produce a product, then it’s time to review your tech. (A) Does tech exist? (B) If yes, “Am I applying it?” (C) If no, “Do I have to develop it?”

If it is (C), then one had better get very busy sorting it out. It is easier and less expensive to do that than to go on turning out overt products.

Any product has its tech.

Do you know the tech to produce yours?

(Note: Also see HCO PL 23 August 1979, Issues I and II, DEBUG TECH and DEBUG TECH CHECKLIST.)

Compiled and issued by Sherry Anderson Compilations Missionaire
Accepted by the