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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- What No Auditors - P711209R80 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Что, Нет Одиторов (КРО-4) (ц) - И711209R75 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 711209 - HCO Policy Letter - What No Auditors [PL022-038]
- 711209R - HCO Policy Letter - What No Auditors [PL032-003]
- 711209R - HCO Policy Letter - What No Auditors [PL032-006]
- 711209R - HCO Policy Letter - What No Auditors [PL043-101]
- 711209R - HCO Policy Letter - What No Auditors [PL073-020]
- 711209R - HCO Policy Letter - What No Auditors [PL68-080]
CONTENTS WHAT? NO AUDITORS? Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
22 FEBRUARY 1975
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
22 FEBRUARY 1975
Exec DirsExec Dirs



Every time I see an org with its staff unaudited, every time I see delivery statistics down and backlogs piling up, I wonder What the hell is going on?

Every time I see an org with its staff unaudited, every time I see delivery statistics down and backlogs piling up, I wonder What the hell is going on?

If you’re not a tech person or even if you are, it is vital that you know some of the facts about getting auditing done.

If you’re not a tech person or even if you are, it is vital that you know some of the facts about getting auditing done.

To begin, a large, large proportion of people in and around Scientology would like to be an auditor. There is no slightest scarcity of people who want to audit.

To begin, a large, large proportion of people in and around Scientology would like to be an auditor. There is no slightest scarcity of people who want to audit.

Of these people a large percentage are „naturals“ who readily grasp auditing with no huge struggle. Amongst those will be found a small but present few who are capable of terrific skill.

Of these people a large percentage are „naturals“ who readily grasp auditing with no huge struggle. Amongst those will be found a small but present few who are capable of terrific skill.

The Complete checksheet and pack for Dianetics is readily available to orgs from Pubs.

The Complete checksheet and pack for Dianetics is readily available to orgs from Pubs.

Checksheets and packs for every Academy Level are easily obtained from Pubs Org.

Checksheets and packs for every Academy Level are easily obtained from Pubs Org.

Meters are nowhere barriered or banned and are easily obtained from a Pubs Org.

Meters are nowhere barriered or banned and are easily obtained from a Pubs Org.

And for that matter a Course Supervisor checksheet and pack are easily obtained if you want to train well.

And for that matter a Course Supervisor checksheet and pack are easily obtained if you want to train well.

In fact there are people in Pubs who would mob down on you to get them into your hands.

In fact there are people in Pubs who would mob down on you to get them into your hands.

All you really have to do to get at least a minimum job of it is to get the materials and the students and keep them at it.

All you really have to do to get at least a minimum job of it is to get the materials and the students and keep them at it.

It takes a steady three or four weeks of work to make a Dianetic Auditor. At least you’d have that!

It takes a steady three or four weeks of work to make a Dianetic Auditor. At least you’d have that!

And it takes only a few more months, with the new Academy Checksheets to make Class IVs.

And it takes only a few more months, with the new Academy Checksheets to make Class IVs.

Tapes now exist that show how good auditing sounds.

Tapes now exist that show how good auditing sounds.

All right, so all it requires is the materials and persistence to make passable auditors.

All right, so all it requires is the materials and persistence to make passable auditors.

Anybody who tells you different is just blocking the road.

Anybody who tells you different is just blocking the road.

Better auditors are made by good Course Supervisors.

Better auditors are made by good Course Supervisors.

Auditors become excellent only when Interneship and Cramming and Word Clearing are available.

Auditors become excellent only when Interneship and Cramming and Word Clearing are available.

But for an org or activity of any size not to have auditors is downright silly.

But for an org or activity of any size not to have auditors is downright silly.

The way it’s being lined up and speeded up, even Class VIs and VIIs and IXs aren’t all that hard to make IF YOU SET YOUR MIND TO IT.

The way it’s being lined up and speeded up, even Class VIs and VIIs and IXs aren’t all that hard to make IF YOU SET YOUR MIND TO IT.


There is, sad to tell, a lethargy about making auditors in orgs. That’s because the need is NOW and it would be three months before one could have 5, 20 or 50 HDC Class IVs.

There is, sad to tell, a lethargy about making auditors in orgs. That’s because the need is NOW and it would be three months before one could have 5, 20 or 50 HDC Class IVs.

If you had a real live trained Course Super and a Course Admin and ran a real „What is a Course?“ PL type course you would have enrolled and graduated paying students enough to supply org after org!

If you had a real live trained Course Super and a Course Admin and ran a real „What is a Course?“ PL type course you would have enrolled and graduated paying students enough to supply org after org!

It is NOT hard to do.

It is NOT hard to do.

In fact it is very hard NOT TO DO IT.

In fact it is very hard NOT TO DO IT.

We have run highly prosperous orgs in the ‘50s with which the public was very, very happy, using auditors who were not one-tenth as well trained as those you would make just by getting the materials and a couple of guys down to it.

We have run highly prosperous orgs in the ‘50s with which the public was very, very happy, using auditors who were not one-tenth as well trained as those you would make just by getting the materials and a couple of guys down to it.

Yes, auditing can reach heights today that nobody ever dreamed of in the old days. And your auditors can also reach such heights eventually. But you begin with QUANTITY. And out of that will come quality.

Yes, auditing can reach heights today that nobody ever dreamed of in the old days. And your auditors can also reach such heights eventually. But you begin with QUANTITY. And out of that will come quality.

I’ve seen some execs lately moping around trying to „find’ auditors for the org.

I’ve seen some execs lately moping around trying to „find’ auditors for the org.

You don’t „find“ auditors. You make them!

You don’t „find“ auditors. You make them!

So, Executive, don’t ever let yourself be fooled about how hard it all is to make Course Supers and Auditors.

So, Executive, don’t ever let yourself be fooled about how hard it all is to make Course Supers and Auditors.

Never sit around wondering why there are backlogs in the HGCs (or low student points in Dept 11). Just force the barriers and make Course Supers and Auditors.

Never sit around wondering why there are backlogs in the HGCs (or low student points in Dept 11). Just force the barriers and make Course Supers and Auditors.

Have you asked those in the Academy already? Have you asked HCO to recruit one for one Tech and Admin and begin to TRAIN people under contract? Have you thought it was hard to do?

Have you asked those in the Academy already? Have you asked HCO to recruit one for one Tech and Admin and begin to TRAIN people under contract? Have you thought it was hard to do?

Last time I looked, every clerk in the org wanted to be an Auditor.

Last time I looked, every clerk in the org wanted to be an Auditor.

Well, who’s stopping them?

Well, who’s stopping them?

Or who’s wasting them when trained?

Or who’s wasting them when trained?

Auditors are valuable. Make some fast and get them to work!

Auditors are valuable. Make some fast and get them to work!
