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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Beingness (4ACC-37b) - L540309 | Сравнить
- Group Processing Series C - Basic Process (4ACC-37) - L540309 | Сравнить

CONTENTS BEINGNESS Cохранить документ себе Скачать


#0991 5403C12 4ACC-37B

I want you to give me some places where you are not. And now some places where you are not in the past. Some places where you're not in the past. Now get one for sure and then some more. And now some places where you will not be tomorrow. For sure.

And now some things you could know without anybody telling you. Some more things you could know without anybody telling you. OK. Now let's find some goals which you do not have at present. Some goals. Some more goals. OK. And now some things which are not giving you orders. Some things which right now aren't giving you orders. Some more things that aren't giving you orders. OK.

Some people you are not. Get that with great certainly, some people you're not. And now some people who are not present. Some people who are not present, who are not in this room at this moment. Get that with great certainty. People who are not in this room at this moment. And now let's get some animals who are not in this room at this moment. Get some for sure. If any show up, just neglect them.

Now let's check out some things you're not eating at this moment. Some things you're not eating. And now some things which aren't eating you. And some places where you are not thinking. OK.

Let's be some distance from the body, if possible. Some distance from the body and find some places where you are not. Some more places where you are not. Now some things from which you are not exteriorizing. Some things you're not at this moment getting out of. And now some things that aren't pulling you into them. And some things you are not getting out of. And now some things you're not stuck in. Some more things you're not stuck in.

Now some energy masses that aren't wrapping themselves around you at this moment. Alright. Now some energy masses you aren't wrapping yourself around at this moment. And now some effort you are not at this moment trying to get out of. Some effort you're not trying to keep from expending at this moment. Alright.

Now some people you are not dramatizing. Some people you are not duplicating. Some more people you're not duplicating. Some people you're not being the same as. Some more people you're not being exactly the same as. And now some people who aren't being exactly the same as you. And some people you're not being the same as. And some more people you're not being the same as. And now some people who aren't being the same as other people. Specific people. Fathers not being the same as mothers, and so forth. OK.

Now some precipices, some cliffs you're not just about to fall over. Some more cliffs you're not about to fall over. And now some cliffs you're not trying to keep somebody else from falling over. OK.

Now get some things that aren't giving you orders. And some things you're not giving orders to. Some more things you're not giving orders to. And some things that aren't giving orders to you. Now some noises, some noises you could hear that wouldn't kill you. And now some motions that you would not object to. Some motions that you would not object to. And now some things you're not trying to protect. Some more things you're not trying to protect. And now some things you're not trying to hide. And some things which are not protecting you. And some things which are not hiding you. And some things which aren't protecting you. And some people who are not trying to stick you in something. Well, OK.

Find a couple of MEST objects, hold on and don't think. OK. Let go. Now find some heavy masses. At least one very, very heavy mass, and duplicate it. And duplicate it many, many times. OK. Throw that away.

Now let's get the idea of various things in the environment making nothing out of your body. Object after object making nothing out of your body. Object after object making nothing out of your body. Now get space after space making nothing out of your body. Space after space making nothing out of your body. More spaces making nothing out of your body. Now black spaces making nothing out of your body. More spaces making nothing out of your body. Now people making nothing out of your body. Specific people making nothing out of your body. More people making nothing out of your body. OK.

Now look around the environment with your eyes closed and make nothing out of various objects. If you find one you can't make anything out of, go on to another one. Find some more objects and make nothing out of them. Find some more and make nothing out of them. OK. Now let's check over some specific people and let's make nothing out of them, many times. Now put a person up in mock-up and make nothing out of him, and put him up in mock-up again and make nothing out of him. Just over and over, specific people. Alright.

Now, using this as an end of cycle, get a nothingness you've just made of father, mother, so forth, a nothingness you have just made of something. Don't bother to make the nothingness of it. Just get the nothingness and say, well, you've just made that of that. Get a nothingness and say you've just made a nothingness out of something, and that is the nothingness which resulted. Get some more nothingness which you have just made of something. OK.

Now let's get the very best thing to be, to make nothing out of things. An infallible making-nothinger. Very best thing to be, and be it. OK. Now let's get some more nothingnesses. Be anything you please. And get some more nothingnesses which you have just made. OK.

Find a couple of objects and hold onto them and don't think. OK. Let go.

Now let's get an enormous mob of people, each one of them insisting that you make something. Enormous mob of people. Then get another mob. Sweep them aside and get another mob. Sweep them aside and get another mob. Enormous mobs of people insisting that you make something. Mob after mob. This is viewpoint processing. Mob after mob of people, each one of them with a considered, determined opinion that you must make something. OK.

Now mob after mob of people, each person in the mob with the concerned opinion that you must take care of something. That you must take care of something. Now mob after mob of people, put a mob out there. Get it with the opinion, then sweep it aside, that you must repair things. Fix things up, repair things.

And now mob after mob of you insisting that people make something. Now let's get mob after mob of you insisting that people want things. And now mob after mob of people, each one insisting that you make something. OK. Now let's sweep all those people aside and sweep them up. And put hordes of nothingnesses where you had all these things before. OK.

Now let's put mobs and mobs of people out there insisting they're indestructible, they can't be hurt, damaged, injured in any way. OK. Set those all aside. Now let's put mob after mob of you insisting that you're indestructible. OK, Let's throw those all away. Now let's mock you up many times, enjoying your condition. Whatever your condition is, mock you up many times, each time enjoying your condition, whatever your condition is. Many more times of you enjoying your condition. OK. Sweep all that aside.

And now let's get some certainties on some things you are not to destroy. Some things you're certain you mustn't destroy. Now get yourself being certain you mustn't destroy these things, and a whole mob of people out in front of you agreeing with you. OK. Let's throw all that aside now.

And get some places you are not. And now some things which could hit you without knocking your body unconscious. OK. Now let's find a couple of objects and hold onto them and don't think. OK. Let go. Find some places where you're not. Find the floor beneath your feet.

End of session.