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A lecture given on 26 March 1963

How are you doing.? How are you doing.?

Audience: Fine.

That's much better. That's much better. Got to get a little live response around here someplace.

Now, the reason this lecture is late today has nothing to do with me, so don't blame me. As you know, I'm running the goal "to be responsible," and so I'm not responsible for very much here, don't you see? And you're - you're all responsible. So why did you make the lecture late?

I have a very, very good announcement to make. The 26th of March AD 13, the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course is on this date entering the - or has completed the hundred - hundredth week of the course. This is the hundredth week of the course. You wouldn't think we could last that long, huh? I mean, the Instructors, and myself and so forth. That shows that we have tremendous survival capacity, tremendous survival capacity.

Now, during that time there have been 192 students enrolled, 130 students have been and gone, and there are 62 students on course at present. Interesting, huh? Now, this is a nice anniversary, and in this anniversary I expect to make some Clears in order to celebrate it. And that means you! Hear? You got that? All right. Get Clear this week. Okay. All right.

Now, we're doing pretty much okay. And it's a fitting note to begin this lecture, a fitting note, to give you a lecture on case repair. Case repair.

Now, worry is the occupational hazard of the auditor doing Routine 2 and Routine 3. It's so much so that there is even a worry rule. And to paraphrase the rule, if the pc is doing okay, don't worry, and if the pc isn't doing okay, worry. In other words, don't worry - to give you corollaries - don't worry yourself and the pc and start worrying about things and diving around on things unless there's some reason to do so. If the pc looks bad and feels bad and so forth, well, that's the time to start worrying. And the other extreme is don't neglect to straighten up a pc who isn't doing all right. Don't just keep plowing madly on, finding more items, hoping for the best, pc ARC broke, flu, upset in general, and all this sort of thing. Don't just keep going on and on and on doing new things, new things, new things. No, get back, take a look at it, and find out what's wrong, because there's always something very specific that is wrong. The worry rules.

You'd be amazed - you'd be amazed how upset some auditors can get. How marvelously upset they can get over a pc who's doing just fine. And you'll be equally amazed at the complete wooden - Indian, God - help - us - all, press - on, press - on, press - on of some auditors whose pc is all curled up in a ball, has turned completely black and the lists aren't running and they're not even in the same goal anymore, and so on, and they aren't even able to get the pc on the E - Meter because he can't curl his hands up. And here this auditor is, trying to find new, new items and so on and never repair anything. Thayh! It's quite interesting.

I want to interject a comment there, because I may forget it when I give you another lecture on goals. Is - Mary Sue made this, and I'd like to interject it. There are two other types of auditors. They're the type of auditors on the routine 2Gs. There's the type of auditor who sets down the pc's goal given him. You see, the pc said, "Oh, I've got a goal, I've got a goal, I've got a goal," and so forth, and the auditor just sits it - puts it down over here and moves it aside and never does anything else with it. He doesn't know why he's doing 2G. And there's the other auditor who never does 2G1, but only sits there and does 2G2. You get the idea? The pc keeps giving him goals, so he keeps doing 2G2, and he gives goals, 2G2, and so forth, and there it is. Marvelous, isn't it? Never does any 2G1.

Well, there's a happy medium. There's a happy medium. When the pc gives you a rocket reading goal you check it out, and when the pc gives you goals and so forth, why, just put them down. And if the pc gets too trying on the subject, he's just nothing but trying to give you goals, trying to give you goals, and there doesn't happen to be anything rocket reading there or anything, and you haven't completed your 2G1, why, just say, "Well, you know, in the first half hour of this session, why, I'm going to check out the goals that you have given me, and in the remainder of the session we're going to do just 2G1. If you think of a goal, of course, why, we can put it down, but it won't be checked out."

In other words, there's ways to handle this situation. Mary Sue authored that observation. It was a direct observation, not a cynical comment. The other - the other thing here is that an auditor very often doesn't quite know why he is doing 2G1. And goes through all the eighteen buttons twice in two hours of auditing and he's done 2G1. That's pretty marvelous, you know?

I don't think I could get the Suppress button flat on a preclear in under one session. That's kind of a different look.

Well, of course, that's a prejudiced look. It's prejudiced and so forth. My pcs are usually in - session. Well, anyhow ... That's a - that's a snide comment, isn't it? No, it's just when - when you can't get the pc to answer the question, the pc isn't giving you anything factual and so forth and giving you a big brush - off on 2G1 and that sort of thing, and saying, "Well, oh well, yes, I've suppressed a lot of purposes. I'm suppressing your purpose right now of trying to run 2G1. All right."

And the auditor says, "Oh, okay, I don't get any read on that, that's fine. And all right, have you invalidated - how have you invalidated a purpose?"

"Well, I guess I just invalidated your purpose now, for trying to run 2GV'

"All right. That's clean, that's clean."

That has nothing to do with why you run 2G1. As a~ matter of fact, a pc who operates that way is the one who has to have the most 2G1. Why? Because their overts come right into the session against the purposes of the auditor who is simply trying to run a process which will deliver the goal into his hands.

All right. So in goals finding - in goals finding, we begin the activity of creating a case folder, creating a case background as we audit this person, we create a line - or goals plot, and we get our Auditor's Report Forms, and all of that sort of thing, and that goes forward. And this is all germane. This is all germane to case repair, but case repair doesn't get crucial until the person has had that goal run.

Now, normally, simply finding a wrong goal on a pc - it's "so what?" If nobody does anything with the goal, perfectly all right to have found the wrong goal. Who cares? If nobody does anything with the goal. And the repair of it's very easy, if nothing has been done with the goal, repair is very simple. All you've got to do is prepcheck it. Or even if something's been done with it, just give it a Prepcheck and that straightens it out.

And most case repair however does begin in the finding - the - goal area because sometimes the pc has had found on him a goal that wasn't ready to be found. It doesn't rocket read or do very nice things, you know. And somebody's forced it off on him, and the bank they're - the GPM they're running has nothing whatsoever to do with the goal that has been found and so forth. Well, then you have to case repair it back to finding a goal, when this kind of thing exists.

So the 2Gs do come into case repair. They do come into case repair. Because you could take somebody who found a wrong goal and his R/S and RR disappeared and that sort of thing, and they've run down a bank and they can't seem to find a goal and that sort of thing . . . Well, the thing to do is just to recognize that the case has been run off the rails most gorgeously, and that the proper action is to straighten it up from a goals point of view.

If however you did have a goal, it did fire and you did get a blowdown on it and so on, and you've merely run more items and strays out of another bank and so forth, you of course still are engaged in 2G1, but you tend not to look on it as that. You look on it as part of 3M. The action which you should undertake when a case has had one goal run and it has disappeared or something has happened with it, the actions which should be undertaken are all resident in the 2Gs. They're actually not 3M actions.

Well, what do you do? You have to list goals against items, and you have to list goals, you have to null old lists, and sometimes, sometimes you have to run 2G1 on the person because their goal was so faint in the first place, because 2G1 had not been run, you see. And therefore it was the wrong goal or something like that. You have to prepcheck an old goal that you can't make any sense out of So case repair can begin in the action of Routine 2G. In other words, if you had a line plot in front of you and you didn't even have the goal for that line plot ... I saw one the other day. You didn't think this will exist. This goal actually did not compare to the line plot. The goal was "to experience" and the line plot on it had something on this order: It had "people who do what I tell them," I think. That was the dominating theme of the line plot. And here was - here was this goal "to experience."

What did it have to do with the plot? Well, either - maybe one or two of those items did belong to the goal "to experience," but then they had strayed off into some other GPM through reversing - you know, they reverse oppose something, and flipped over. They did a skip, and they went over into this other GPM. When they got over into this other GPM, they just kept on finding items, finding items, finding items, and the pc kept trying to say faintly - or maybe they omitted the "how does the goal compare to it" step because the pc usually says, "Well, of course it compares to it; it's the reverse of it." And the auditor finally says, "Well, the step is not necessary."

And he's got a goal "to be a ballet dancer," see, and they run across an item "a steam locomotive." And the auditor is omitting "How does this - how does this goal - how is this goal related, or how is this item related to experience - to 'to experience'? How is this item related to it? Steam locomotive." Or "How is it related to the goal 'to be a ballet dancer." Steam locomotive. Ballet dancer."

And the pc says, "Steam locomotive? Ballet dancer? Well, a steam locomotive couldn't do ballet, could it? I don't know. Don't know. I don't know how it relates to ... Let's see, steam locomotive and ballet dancer. I don't know, maybe the ... maybe ... maybe the steam coming out of the funnel, maybe the steam coming out of the funnel, maybe ... maybe it looks like a ballet costume. Yeah. Must be. I guess."

Well, the press - on type of auditor says, "All right. Well now, let's oppose it. Now, let's see, is it a terminal or an oppterm?" and so forth, "Who or what would oppose a steam locomotive?" Well, they're running this bank over here which is "to be powerful." See? And they get all these items for the bank "to be powerful," and they're sitting here with the goal "to be a ballet dancer." There's one item on the line plot, or two items or three items on the line plot that have to do with a ballet dancer, and all the rest of them have to do with "to be powerful," you see? "Hydroelectric plants." "Hydroelectric plants." "Tremendous, crushing force." "Powerful people." "People who smash you," and so forth, and the auditor's sitting there, you know - if he was doing this step; if he didn't omit it - he'd say, "All right. Now, how would the item 'smashing people' compare to - relate to the goal 'to be a ballet dancer'?"

"Well," pc - "Well... I guess he makes a smashing impact on the audiences, I guess. Smashing impact on the audience."

And the auditor says, "Oh, all right, it does relate. Does relate. Good." Down it goes on the line plot. He's sitting here looking at the E - Meter one session. He notices his RRs have been kind of small, and all of a sudden he can't get an RR. There's no RR on any list, there's no RR here, there's - the needle is just sort of something, and the tone arm is up here at five and a quarter, and what's he done?

Well, he's run 3M in such a way as to make it necessary to repair the case with 2G. You get that?

Now, the goals check, 1963 Issue II says that the first action - this'll continue to be the first action in checking out a Clear - is, does the goal relate to the line plot? And that'll seem silly to a lot of you, but you're going to be disabused of it, man. You'll be out in some organization or Keokuk or someplace, an auditor is going to turn up with this line plot, and it's going to have "Hydroelectric power plants. Steam locomotives. Crushing, smashing force. Inexorable pressure. A poor little weak erk." And the goal of this is "to be a ballet dancer." It's just by inspection.

How do you repair this case? You find the goal of the items which you've got. Or if you've got a goal that fired and was inspected and seen to fire, you find the items that apply to that goal. So, the items that apply to the goal, of course, is a 3M action. To find the goal for the items you've got is in actual fact a 2G action. And you just go at it and just find the goal.

You've got a lot of items, and you just go ahead with your 2G actions and you find the goal for them.

But basically, you should try to find items for a goal if the goal was a proper goal and if it did fire. And you will greatly appreciate when you’ve doing this, having some Class IV initial down in the corner of the auditor's report. Not a separate sheet floating around someplace, but right on the auditor's report the day the goal was found, or a few days later when they went and got it checked out, and right down there in the corner, it says, "Checked out, RRed, so - and - so, so - and - so, so - and - so, signed - initial." And you say, "Oh." Or name. You say, "Well, it's checked out by a Class IV Auditor." Therefore - therefore the action is to find the items which belong to this goal. But if there was no checkout, and somebody said, "Oh, it rocket read all right. The needle just went all over the place, you know? It rocket read. Yeah. It rocket read when it was found; it went just like that."

You say, "Oh, brother, where are we at?" Well, I can tell you where you're at. You've got a hatful of items that may or may not have validity; you have an auditor who didn't know a rocket read; you've got a mess on your hands, and you will be very pleased at that time as you look with some horror at this mess - you'll be very pleased to remember this primary datum of all case repair. Now, this datum applies to running an old goal which has already been listed out on 4 lines, 16 lines, 40 lines and 114 lines. It's been listed out till you can't get a tick on it anymore, but it did produce at one time a free needle with all this listing.

This applies to somebody who had a wrongly worded source list, it applies to somebody who suddenly cognited on what the first item was and made up his own line plot. We had somebody here do that the other day, by the way. He didn't cognite on the first item; he just made up the balance of his line plot. And he's pretty sick, too. That's all right.

These wild actions, you know - these wild actions are all of them - are all of them incapable of deranging the GPM. You say, "What?" You're handling a nearly indestructible commodity called the GPM - or the GPMs. We should call the whole bank the Goals Problems - Goals Problem Masses and one GPM the Goals - a Goals Problem Mass. In other words, "the" and "a" would be different and "masses" or "mass." In other words, call one single GPM which consists of one goal and a packet of items - call that a GPM, and all of these many goals, you see, each one with their system of items, and so forth, why, call that aggregation the GPMs. And I think we'll have a little bit easier time communicating.

Now, a GPM or the GPMs are almost completely impervious to improper 3M. Now, you can just hang that up as a stable datum. The pc can be made pretty green, purple and pink. The pc can be listed backwards and upside down. The pc can be made pretty sick and be caved in most magnificently. Fine, fine job of press - on has been done on this pc, you see, he's been pressed on up to the point of where he's practically in the hospital. And you say, "Oh, my God, look at the extent of the damage."

Well, remember something, remember something: The human body is not the GPM and the thetan isn't the GPM; what hasn't suffered any damage there of any kind whatsoever is the GPM. And that is a good datum for you. Well, the pc hasn't been destroyed or anything like that, he can still talk occasionally. If he's fed a quick brandy and then you listen, you know, closely, he'll be able to say - he'll be able to say, "A cat." And you get another item for your list, you know, and feed him another quick brandy, you know, and get two items a day for four or five months, and you eventually get the new source list, you see, and he feels better. Sarcastic.

If the pc feels bad, if the body feels bad, if it all is caved in, remember this is your stable datum. The GPM is impervious to anything but perfectly done 3M. That should make you feel good. It doesn't make the pc feel good.

Oh, you can throw the pc into various parts of the GPM. Yes, you can get splinter items. Yes, you can list things backwards and throw him into other banks. Yes, you can produce the full effect of being in a grouper. Yes, all these things can be done to the pc, and they're not comfortable but they don't disturb the order of sequence or anything else of the GPM. Isn't that remarkable.

You've run the whole goal out. There's big blowdown. The goal doesn't even tick anymore. And yet you're absolutely certain looking at this line plot that less than half of the items on this line plot - which only has twenty items on it and none of the fundamental bottom items - this whole line plot, only half of it refers to this goal. Where's the rest of the goal?

You say - well, here's the worry type at work, see. "But, my God, how can I find any more items or run any more items? How can I possibly do any of this? Because look here, look here, I mean, the goal hasn't got any further charge on it. Therefore, I can't find the rest of the GPM because the goal hasn't got any charge. . ." Yes, you can go finding items as long as there are items to be found, whether the goal responds to your read or not.

In fact, practically everything you're ever going to worry about is covered rather magnificently, succinctly and so forth, that the GPMs or a GPM is impervious to anything but absolutely correctly done - correctly done 3M. And that should hearten you. Because at any stage of case repair, everything that's been done right with 3M will remain right, and everything that's been done wrong can be remedied. And you'll find out that the correct is sitting there. Isn't that interesting.?

Remember that now when you start doing case repair and it'll keep you from doing a lot of silly weird things and keep you from worrying, that's for sure. Because, all right, this character comes in, and he's got this, and you've got the goal. And the goal's apparently been run out. And they've done a source list for every item. (Well, somebody will, sooner or later.) Done a source list, and they found an item, and then they've done a source list and they found an item, and they've done a source list and they found an item, and they've done a source list and they found an item. Well, they've done it the hard way. They've done it the hard way. All you need to do is find where it didn't work anymore. And at the point it didn't work anymore, you're going to find that the GPM was totally impervious. And where did it stop working?. It stopped working on the second source list.

And did they find any items after that? Yeah, they found some ticks, and they found some rocket reads, and they opposed them and they did this and they did that and they found some things, they found some things on the bank.

Well, don't disturb - ever disturb an existing line plot. You can haul items off of it and put it on some other line plot, but don't ever disturb an existing line plot. Anything that you've - been found on the pc has been found. There's another big stable datum in case repair.

So, they found a steam locomotive in this goal "to be a ballet dancer." All right. You can put a ring around it if you want to; it doesn't seem to belong. And sooner or later you're running this case and somebody's running the case and they say, "Here's a goal 'to be powerful.' Ha - ha. I wonder if he got any items anywhere else in this case, and so forth. 'Steam locomotive.' Ha - ha."

Let me tell you something very peculiar that a steam locomotive has been found and exists on another line plot does not alter the GPM so far as 3M is concerned. And the GPM called "to be powerful" will be found to obey all the rules of 3M. And everything has to be done to it that has to be done to it. Isn't that interesting?

Let's say you found item 1, item 2, item 3, item 4, item 5. Let me say all these things have been found, and they already existed and so forth. When you do your - your goal oppose list for that GPM ... And yes, you do two goal oppose lists for the GPM, which I'll talk about in a moment. When you do the goal oppose list for the goal "to be powerful," it'll land you right exactly where you're supposed to be if you've done it properly.

Yeah, but you say, "Good God, in 2 - 12 they found a 'harelipped lightning bolt.' And they found 'weak as a catwhisker,' and they found all these vital items. All these vital items have been found, and there they are, and sure they belong in the line plot. And that undoubtedly upsets because that'd be the top terminal and that'd be the top oppterm. And, oh, life is too cruel here. Look all this stuff's been found, so therefore I'm going to pick it up in the middle of the bank."

No, you're not going to pick it up in the middle of the bank, you're going to pick it up in the right top oppterm or the right top term. Simple, huh? It is simple.

It doesn't matter what's been found. It doesn't matter how many skips have been gone into in the bank. It just doesn't matter. I'll give you some kind of an idea of this: I had a goal that we got into and ran about twenty items in, ran it clear - and didn't find the goal for it, and then became aware that there was a goal for it. And there was a bunch of randomity of one kind or another, and we found the goal to the next bank. And we finally came back and found the goal for this thing.

And ran it on down and finished it up, and so on, all was going along fine. Ha - ha! On the case repair - on the case repair on that particular goal, because no source list had been done on it and so on, and it'd landed in the wrong spots, we found nineteen items. The nineteen correct items. The nineteen correct items for that bank were found. Even though twenty items had already been found in the bank and it had appeared to run. Now, you got that? See? Why worry, man?

Look, you know that a thetan has been sitting around here for a couple of hundred trillion years. You realize that there have been psychiatrists all over the track? I mean, you probably didn't realize that it was a stupid universe, but it is. Been psychiatrists all over the track; they've been electric shocking people. Well, that certainly should have upset the GPMs, shouldn't it have? Huh? You know, the idea of a cure is a hundred billion kilo - megavolts or something, you know?

And you've got all this blast pistol and glare fights, and this person was through World War 1, and World War II, too. And in addition to that was standing in the middle of Hiroshima on that memorable day when the US collected a motivator.

What the - what the hell, you know? This is a pretty - this is a pretty bad thing here. And this pc - this pc is going to - going to respond properly? No, his bank will be scrambled. Been electric shocked, he's had - well, back about two hundred thousand years ago he had eighteen prefrontal lobotomies, four transorbital leukotomics and had to listen to a lecture by Kennedy. The guy was completely brainwashed, utterly, see.

All right. Now, what's this bird all about? What's this bird all about? That didn't upset the GPM; that's the stuff it's made of

The one thing it can't stand. . . And I've got to give you a lecture someday on exactly how the GPM is formed, exactly why it is formed, exactly why it is always of that pattern, exactly why, exactly why, exactly why. It's the most remarkable story you ever saw. If you want to know exactly what it is, read Book One, and wherever it says "engram" in the explanation of why people have engrams, why, you just put in its appropriate place "item" or "GPM" and you've got the whole explanation. It's quite interesting.

But I'll give you - I'll give you a lecture on this sometime. There is a reason he postulates each goal. The only thing that I have ever been in error about - I said many times that he had no reason to postulate these goals. Well, in actual fact on very close examination, he each time had a reason to postulate the goal. And it was borne out from the goal he had just survived. And he carries that on over his postulation of his next goal.

But he doesn't just postulate them from nothing. That is the first goal of the bank, is postulated from nothing. Nothing else is.

All right. Now, this - this character has lived through all of these things, this character has actually been subjected to the socialist economic principles of Galbraith, he's read a book on economics by Lord Keynes, he's been educated in several different schools and places and at numerous times in his life he couldn't find the decelerator switch in time to keep the ship from plowing into a sun. He - in other words, he's had a ball.

This didn't upset his GPM. The only thing that can upset a GPM is just this, just this: is a perfect mechanical auditing - this doesn't mean mechanical auditing, but a perfectly mechanically arranged, exactly right approach with an E - Meter and so forth, and there goes the GPM, zzz.

It can't stand the precision which we give it because we know exactly how it hangs together. It actually hangs together more or less by violence or lack of it. So it's very accustomed to violence, and it's very accustomed to mistakes. And it's very accustomed to all kinds of things. But you - frankly it'd be nearly impossible - absolutes are unobtainable but it'd be nearly impossible to make a sufficient auditing goof to actually upset the GPM.

On the other hand, you could make the pc very unhappy so it'd make it very hard for you to get him in an auditing chair. You might be sufficiently knuckleheaded ... I doubt it. It'd take a lot of duress. You might be sufficiently knuckleheaded to knock off the mock - up, don't you see. You could affect the morale of the pc with regard to auditing, strenuously. You could affect the body - the body is more resilient than you would suppose. But in actual fact the handling of a GPM correctly handles it, and slightly incorrect handling doesn't handle it, and doesn't even derange it. I think that stands very much in your favor.

You start doing one wrong and you actually ... I don't know what the count of items you could find in the thing is concerned. It is just go - will go on and on and on and on and on. And some of those items will be right, but the bulk of those items needn't ever have been found. That's why you get the varying length. The varying length of a GPM has to do with how long the goal served the pc as a survival mechanism. Its success, in other words, as a survival mechanism. And that doesn't vary it very much.

The difference of line plots, however, gives an apparent difference in the number of items in the GPM, because it's how many extraneous items does the auditor find and put on the line plot, that - still in that GPM but really needn't have been found - that would have blown if you'd found the right item. So you can put extraneous items in a line plot.

You can also put strays in a line plot that are from some other goal. You don't recognize they're from some other goal and they go into the line plot, and it isn't till you're straightening them up afterwards, after they've done three or four and you're neating up line plots, and you all of a sudden, "Where the hell does steam locomotive come from?" you see? Thooh! There's a steam locomotive sitting right there staring us in the face, and it's an oppterm, and it's got "a drunk engineer" as its terminal. And you say, "Where did they come from? Where did that pair arrive from?"

You look around for a while, you may not even have the goal yet. But you'll eventually find the goal and eventually you will find "to be powerful," something like that, and you'll be all set.

So stop worrying about the damage an auditor can do to the GPM because it is still sitting there - if it's grossly misrun, it is still sitting there ready to be run right. And that's a wonderful datum. It's still sitting there ready to be run right.

All right, we found item 1, item 2, item 3, item 4, item 5, item 6, item 7, item 8. Now all of a sudden we couldn't find any more items and we got "a steam locomotive" sitting in the middle of the line plot. Well, where did that come from? Where did all this go from? And we go back and we find that this one is ticking and that is R/Sing and another one's ticking. And we say, "Wha - whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What's going on?"

Well, your immediate conclusion is, is "Well, my God, we've messed up the GPM to such an extent that... And we can't find anything right. You know? Write off one pc." Pc'll feel like this too. He'll be sure that he's now now'll be written off.

What's the truth of the matter? You go back and you look this over and you find something as flagrant as this: When they did the first source list for that GPM, they did it with a wrong wording, because the pc said he couldn't answer the right goal wording. Instead of "Who or what would 'to be a ballet dancer' oppose?" why, the auditor's Q - and - Aed, and he said, "'being a ballet dancer' oppose." "Who or what would 'being a ballet dancer' oppose?"

This of course has opposed an item. Naturally there's an item in there called "being a ballet dancer."

And he's handled this now as a source list. Since it'll kind of act like this and can be overlisted - you see, any list can be overlisted. And he'll write it out, and eventually he'll get something that opposes it. And sure enough, he'll wind up with something opposing it.

But after he's opposed a couple of these RI lists he all of a sudden winds up with nothing and it's all backwards, or he's skipping the bank, and nothing is working right. He's done a wrong source list. What is your proper action? In all case repairs, no matter what state of running the GPM ... See, you're not running a pc in the first place, you're running a GPM. The pc and you are cooperating in the running of a GPM. And at any stage of auditing on a GPM, you'll find the first wrong action behind you that can now be found - the first wrong action behind you that can now be found - and correct it, and do it right, the way it should be done. Well, we - you can just apply it and apply it and apply it and apply it. I mean, there it is. It goes back as early as the source list.

You found twenty - seven items in this GPM, and it's all been very difficult, and you've also found some strays and skips and have things backwards. It was all very, very difficult. And you eventually - why, you get very wise, and you go back and you look at your source list. This first goal oppose list, see. You look at this source list, and you look at that thing, and you say, "Oh, I don't know, I said, 'Who or what would "to be a ballet dancer" oppose?' And I - I listed it, but nothing's run right since. The first item that I found, which is 'elegant dancing - obviously an oppterm - wound me up with a terminal 'to eat pork.' Deteriorated form of ballet dancing. Or is it?"

You don't even have to know that much about it. Go back and look at the mechanics of the source list. What's it look like? What's it look like? Well, along about that time, why, the auditor, let's say, has heard a lecture on don't overlist. Don't run the pc into the ground with overlisting. So he's done a perfectly valid - perfectly valid source list. Done a perfectly valid source list. Perfectly valid. It's eight pages. Eight pages of goal oppose, it's all answered properly and so forth. And there's even fifty items there on which no R/S or RR is marked - is marked.

Well, you realize - do you realize that if you went over any section of the list and found something else rock slamming or rocket reading, the list was incomplete. "Hey," you say, "but we've ruined it. We've ruined everybody. We've ruined everything." Now, in Routine 2 you can't make goofs like this. You can take some item off of a Routine 2 list and oppose it, and then you can't get anything else on the list to fire and it's all disarranged.

But 3M isn't like that. 3M is much more rugged. The actions of - in the GPM are much more rugged. He had an incomplete source list. Well, let's complete it. Let's complete it. All right. And at page thirty - nine, only then have we got an area of fifty items beyond the last RR or R/S, and no tone arm action. Page thirty - nine! Well, we skip back and we look at all the RRs, and they don't fire, and we find this mysterious thing has happened, that something fired someplace on the list that we don't have anything null. So we eventually null the whole list, and there it is. And there it is, gorgeously. It's "ballet dancers." Quite obviously.

Fires like crazy. We oppose it properly. We keep opposing it, everything starts running off, bing - bing - bing - bing - bing. Goes right on down to the bottom of the bank and there we are, bang. Yeah, but you've already found seventeen items into this GPM. Obviously it was all disarranged, everything has gone to pot, hasn't it? No, it didn't disturb the GPM.

Let's say you found all the items to the bottom of the GPM and you even have the goal as an RI at the bottom. You've gone that far. And the thing is still all charged up and so forth, and you suddenly say, "Hey, do you know that we've never done a goal oppose list to start this GPM?" Do you know that you can now do a goal oppose list to start the GPM, and a goal oppose list to end the GPM? This is getting phenomenal, isn't it?

In other words, if a piece of it's missing, you can always put it there. You can always do the right action.

Now, your stable data for case repair - your stable data for case repair - is to take the auditor and put the fear of Ron in him. That's always the first action. First action. You say, "You realize - you realize Ron's nearly an OT now. And if he heard you doing things like this, ohhhf' You know that sort of thing, I mean, you know, put it in like that. You don't have to take responsibility for it, you see. As long as I don't hear about having to take responsibility for it, why, I will.

So your next - your next action after you've done that ... You can also - you can also pick up one of the - one of the better looking girls around the organization or something like that, and tell the auditor that this girl - you'll arrange it so this girl will never again speak of him or to him, or something like that. You know, you can work up things by which he will realize that he should read his bulletins. And you get him to study up on his bulletins and read over his bulletins.

Now, if he's being too zzzzz about it all, you'd better have him read his bulletins. All right. Have him read bulletins, supplementary bulletins, anything else that he's got on the thing, and have him get this thing fairly straight.

Because he's got some data in crosswise. So don't just straighten up every blunder this auditor makes, straighten up the auditor. You got that? Straighten up the auditor and his blunder. Got that?

Now, right now there's some excuse. There's some excuse because you haven't got all the materials you could have. Data is still snugging in. The job is getting easier and easier to do. There are little, short, quick cuts that are being found - that I'm finding that are not just shortcuts of doing 3M, but actually more accurate methods of doing 3M which cuts out extraneous material. And we're still left with our basic stable data on source lists, but we're not left with the stable data on RIs. For instance, it's nonsense to run a long RI list now. But that's a horse of a different hue, and I'll give you a bulletin on it. The point - the point I'm making here is the guy has got to know what has been found to be runnable. Now, you read the first three bulletins back in 1963, and it is now 1985, and he hasn't read any of the rest of them. That would be quite catastrophic, wouldn't it, trying to run 3M? So you straighten him out and then straighten out what he's doing. There's your stable data. Because if you don't get him and coax him every time to review his material on the thing and go over this, and so on - if you don't coax him also to do that - then all your action will multiply on straightening out cases. In other words, he'll keep fouling up cases which gives you more and more wasted auditing, more and more wasted case repairs; more and more wasted this. You want to send him always back and refer him to a bulletin and insist he read it. You got that?

Your next action on. a case repair, just looking it over, is handle the thing as though you were giving him a Clear test or something like that. The steps are given in there. Compare the goal to the line plot. Do they make sense? Does the line plot got anything to do with the goal? Read the goal. Put in your left - hand buttons on the thing. Get it to fire. See if it fires. See if it ticks. Later in the bank, of course, it won't fire anymore.

Then go over your - line plot and read from the bottom to the top or from the top to the bottom. Read each item against the meter. Just read them against the meter. Well, let me tell you, if one of the items that should have come from a source list now RR - now rock slams, it's been opposed but now rock slams, brother, that is the most incomplete source list that anybody ever ...

Just the fact that the item off of the source list rock slams is enough to tell you that the source list was improperly handled. I mean, it's just one - two. See? It was opposed, and the charge did come off of it and the question didn't read anymore, see.

All right. That - a harmonic of that carries through the remainder of your - of your actions here on this plot. So here is your stable datum. Any item that reads, no matter how slightly - you got that, now - any item that reads, no matter how slightly, after itself being opposed, in actual truth came wrongly into being. It came off a wrongly done or handled list. That is just your stable datum. One, two, three, four, five, six. You see? That takes care of everything.

In other words, the list is wrong. "Oh, yes," you say, "what about these wrong way oppose?" Well, I'll get to that in a minute. If the thing rocket reads after having been opposed, beautifully, that still really is no guarantee of a wrong way oppose. That is a guarantee that the list on which it appeared - you know, the list just behind it on which it itself occurred - was wrong. Got that? Now, what you want is the earliest item on the line plot which now reads. You say, "With or without Tiger Drill?" I don't care which; doesn't enter into it. The thing has to be charged in order to have Invalidate read. You realize that?

You find the earliest in that sequence of auditing that ticks and look behind it, look at the list on which it appeared and do that list correctly.

There'll be something wrong with that list. It'll be overlisted or underlisted or listed wrong way up or down or something. There'll be something wrong with that list. That's the list you're looking for. That's the list. It isn't how long a list is, how short it is, how beautiful the handwriting on it is, none of these things enter, it is simply that list. That is the one you want. And don't let anybody disturb that stable datum. There's something wrong with that list.

All right. If you don't find something wrong with that list, you had better recheck earlier items found. Because you haven't found - you're not exploring the fundamental error. In other words, there's a - if you can't find it off of that list immediately behind, then you look earlier for another one that ticks, because there's going to be something wrong with those. There's going to be something wrong with those. And as you go up the bank, if there's apparently no top on the goal or something like this, you know that the item just isn't on the list at all.

But in actual sober fact, in actual sober fact, you don't - there's no variations to this - you find the earliest one that was put on the plot ... That was put on the plot, see, that's in chronological order of finding; not the earliest one or latest one' in the bank or anything like that - get the earliest one that was put on the plot that ticks, and then correct the list from which it came.

You'll find inevitably and invariably and always that there is something wrong with that list. I don't care whether it was the source list, I don't care whether it was the first RI oppose, the second RI oppose, the third RI oppose, there's always something wrong with that list.

Now, what about these wrong way to oppose? Well, you worry more about wrong way to oppose than you should. It isn't true that it's something that you should neglect. That's not true. But a wrong - way oppose, most frequently has this phenomena connected with it: It throws you out of the GPM. It throws the pc right out of that GPM into another GPM, and you get what we will call a stray.

And this stray looks entirely different than the rest of the plot. So when you find a stray on a plot, then you trace back and locate which one was wrong - way opposed that gave you the stray. Where's the first stray on the plot? And that is the way you check your wrong - way opposes.

Now, normally you try to list an item wrong way to, the mass comes in on the pc and the needle tightens up, and a lot of undesirable things happen, and it's pretty obvious. Also, calling the item to the pc with the line question one way and the line question the other way usually winds him up with an idea of which one turns on the most mass. And you don't want that one. You want the reverse one.

One of them makes him feel easier, the other one, so on. Some pcs out of pride will direct you to the wrong item and the test is not very good. But in actual fact you yourself should know by inspection and your location in the bank whether it's a term or an oppterm. Have you got that? You ought to get good enough to just recognize it by significance. You, a trained auditor, recognizing that all GPMs follow the same pattern as the one in the March thirteenth bulletin - those lower items and so forth; they're all in that sequence and so forth - should recognize where you are. And if you've cut in, down deep into the bank with the wrong source list, or something like this and it starts all going unsatisfactory you will find the first source list item that you found and put on the plot is still reading. So it goes back to the first correction.

Now, what do you do with all these items you have on the plot? You leave them on the plot. You don't take them away from the pc, you say, "There is his items. There are your items. That's it," he's all happy about it, they're his items, fine. And you just proceed from the new correct item you find on the list that was incorrectly done. Just as though you had not found any other items. And you'll find out that your plot just keeps on beautifully. And that's true for all stages of case, that's true for all cases, that's true for all GPMs. I don't know what more you can need as a repair datum. Quite remarkable.

You'll find in - I know this, that you'll find if an item R/Ses when you read it back on the line plot and you get an item that R/Ses - one of those RIs now R/Ses - that the chances are it came from the source list, and the source list was incomplete. And the source list was a total mess. And it was nulled backwards and upside down and a few other things like that. If there's something wrong with the list the item that ticks comes from and the item that gives you a stray was a reverse - opposed.

These are stable data in case repair. And all case repair should include in it - if you yourself are supervising auditors - the case repair should include an admonition to the auditor to review his material. He's probably re - he's probably missing something. Try to teach him yourself a bit, tell him to reread his material, keep him pushed on at it, and all of a sudden light will dawn, bells will ring, sirens will go off, a steam engine will vanish out of his immediate vicinity.

Now, there's your action. Get him educated, repair the case, see. Now, if you yourself are doing it, and you're trying to repair a case, don't repair a case that doesn't need repair. That's worrying too much. Don't fail to repair a case that you yourself are auditing, don't fail to repair a case that needs repair. Don't just keep blundering on.

Now, you have the ARC break assessment, you have other things, and you will come to learn that every time you goof badly is when the pc has a small, slight ARC break, or a big roaring one and you fail to do an assessment off of the ARC break bulletin. You always thought you knew what was wrong, and it's very remarkable that you will find out that you didn't. You will spot what is wrong in the immediate vicinity of it, you'll say, "Yes, I picked up the wrong item. Yeah, I bypassed the fellow's goal, obviously."

No, no, I'm afraid that isn't what you did. You probably did something else. Like, you didn't complete the list, or you didn't do something else. And it'll show up. The judgment of the ARC break assessment is better than the auditor's. That's true of all auditors. That's true of me. True of all auditors. It's - the judgment of that is better than the auditor's judgment any day of the week.

It comes up, and it says you have a wrong GPM. Well, God, you know you're in the right GPM. The thing is all worked out. Here you've got this goal, and you've got these items and so forth. "Wrong GPM! Ha - ha - ha - ha! Nuts! Here you have this goal 'to be a ballet dancer' and you've got 'smashing power,' 'steam locomotives.' There they are, right there, and so forth." So you say, "Obviously there's no reason to do an assessment."

But I've seen some blunders made recently, all done by an auditor who assumed he knew what was wrong because it was so obvious in front of his face and then pressed on with that assumption. And then really went wrong.

Because he didn't pick out what was wrong. What was wrong was a missed withhold. All right, but it was of a slightly different character than he thought. He thought he had the wrong goal, or he bypassed a goal. No, he just bypassed a GPM, that was all. He thought that he'd reverse listed something. No, he didn't reverse list something; he hasn't - he's not picked the item off of a list three lists ago. It shows up something else.

The real rough ones are withheld from both the auditor and the pc. That's the real rough ones that really cause you trouble.

Well now, that's case repair. And I could give you 8,760 laws and you could memorize and spend the rest of your life memorizing them all. In actual fact there aren't this many rules and laws in case repair. There are just those rules and laws in case repair. And you could also do some other things with case repair. You could also run cases so that they always have to be repaired. But the real method of repairing a case is to run it by perfect 3M in the first place. It's my job to give you perfect 3M. And it's your job to see that it works for you too.

You'll find out this indestructible thing, the GPM, will only surrender to exactly correct Routine 3M. It's the only thing in the universe that makes a dent in it. That safeguards you, because you can learn 3M, I can teach it to you. And on the other hand, if a case is run totally wrong, why, all you have to do is run it right. And the only thing you have to do with case repair is find out where it wasn't run right, and then you've got it taped. And take the earliest action of it that wasn't run right, correct it, and the case all straightens out.

3M looks very dramatic, you're liable to get very, very nervous, YOU. - liable to develop ulcerosis glaucoma magna. But actually, you're probably worrying too much. You've probably got too many conditionals. There's all kinds of "Well, gee - whiz, you know, the pc kept blinking his eyes in the session, and I knew very well there must be an oppterm there of some kind or another." Yeah, the pc kept blinking his eyes in the session, yeah. Probably couldn't have done anything else. The auditor turning the sheets over for the listing kept hitting him in the face. I mean, you just worry too much. You understand? There's too many cockeyed significances. There's too much worry - worry - worry, think - think - think, figure - figure - figure.

Now, what you want to think is, "Are you doing exact Routine 3M?" It's my job to show you exactly what routine 3M is. And then you recognize when it isn't done. Because there's 7,865 ways per square inch of the pc's bank area that it can be done wrong. That's by actual calculation.

Okay, you couldn't imagine all the ways it could be done wrong. Man has been trying to do something to his reactive mind and his bank and make a dent upon his fellows for two hundred trillion years; you've got the pc sitting in front of you with an intact GPM. Isn't that marvelous? I consider it's absolutely wonderful. What's only more wonderful than that is we get the exact key to the lock ' and delicately and adroitly turn it in exactly the right place and open the door to freedom.

All right. Well, that's the way you repair one. I hope that it'll do you some good. I know that I've had quite a time working out its principles because there were so many things that could be wrong and weren't. And these were the principles that stood up. You will always have exceptions to it, and the exceptions will inevitably be the creation of somebody who didn't know 3M in the first place. Okay?

Thank you very much, and good night.