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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Development of Scientology - Characteristics of Living Science (PDC-45) - L521213d | Сравнить
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CONTENTS Development of Scientology: Characteristics of Living Science Cохранить документ себе Скачать

Development of Scientology: Characteristics of Living Science

A Lecture given by L. Ron Hubbard on the 13 December 1952

But this is uh… December the 13th, first hour of the evening lecture.

Now on this matter of new little gimmicks and so forth, you could expect them to occur every once in a while. And sometimes they occur early and sometimes they occur late. I mean, you had the preclear a week ago that could have used it and he’s… he’s dead now.

But uh… you can expect from here on, undoubtedly a little bit of refinement here and a little bit of codification there. Basic theory of the information on which you are working, however, is of one group of data and it’s not likely to do much varying.

It is highly likely that you will get codifications of mock-ups, however. You will get something that says „This mock-up is better than that mock-up,“ or „This system of mock-ups apply to that,“ or something of this sort. That’s totally very possible.

I don’t want you to get upset and say, „All this information now is invalid,“ simply because you see something that a codification of assessment is now done this way or „Although it was stated that this was the limit of Q it is now found that this following modification can take place.“

Because a live science is not a static science. A live science grows.

In 1894 an old guy that was doing a lot of work on this, a fellow by the name of – not on this; he was just doing work – Freud uh… announced his libido theory. The electronic data which has now led to all kinds of electronic equipment, the formulas that have led to modern electronics, the A-bomb – whether or not these are an advantage, they do demonstrate an advance – were in existence in 1894.

Coincidentally in 1894 then, was the science of electronics and its basic theory. And, in the field of mind, the libido theory.

And in 1952 in that field, just taking that as a field of development, we have the atom bomb and we have the libido theory. No advance. That is not healthy.

Now you’ve watched… you have watched the sudden fusion of Western – mathematical thinking, organization, logic and electronics, suddenly fuse with – not Sigmund Freud, or the Greek philosopher – fuse with the data which was left in India about 8200 years ago, and which lay dormant and which was figured out this way and confused that way and was relatively unanalyzed. It was from that body of data that Christianity came; it was from that body of data that many other things occurred. But it was a tremendously valuable mass of material.

All right, it lay there unevaluated and, of course, was a field of tremendous richness from the standpoint, not of investigation of ‘it’ – more men have gone mad per square inch trying to investigate ‘it’ than any other thing I know.

I was sitting there tonight trying to pretend that this had been a very brave voyage of adventure because it had been so dangerous and there’s so many men fall on their faces doing this. As a matter of fact it has not been a very dangerous voyage. But uh… the point is that an awful lot of men have fallen on their faces in the last century trying to hit this track. Uh… amongst them were Nietzsche, and with him the German nation. Amongst them were Schopenhauer; uh… amongst them were Allistair Crowley. They were all trying to hit this track and they were overshooting, undershooting, round and round; because they were looking at it as ‘It’ and trying to analyse ‘It’ as itself. And trying to apply to ‘It’ its own peculiarities of logic and formulation. And it had no such evaluation.

Needs a dichotomy to work something out. Two things must come together to work something out.

So there was that big body of data and all of a sudden we ran into it with electronic material and Western logic, plus the Western belief that it could be done and it wasn’t complicated.

I ran in ahead of the data this business that all things are basically simple, and had this background of other material. And then I completely neglected that other background of material except where it would cross accidentally once in a while.

And I knew these two fields I… I don’t know anybody else in this century or the end of the last one who had these two backgrounds; background in mysticism and uh… occultism – metaphysics, theology, hokus-pokus, voodoo, mumbo-jumbo, magic, spiritualism uh…and so on, who took a rigorous course of Western orientation. You study civil engineering and it is about the roughest discipline there is, clinically because it says it’s there and it’s there and that you will only solve it if you recognize that it’s there and so on.

And that put one on the track of agreement and a lot of other things. So these two things crossed: This tremendous body of information in the Eastern oriental sphere and this tremendous body of collected information in the occidental, the Western world. And those two bodies of information had never been studied one to the other. I don’t know why nobody from that area about which I have any knowledge whatsoever, in India or the studies thereof, ever thought it worth his while to step out of that field and try to study something else. And I don’t know anybody in engineering who would do anything but get down and swear and spit and get very thoroughly upset at the slightest mention of the word ‘mysticism’.

You go into Bell Labs now and the toughest, terriblest curse that they can lay on anything is „That has something to do with the spirit or ‘mysticism’.“ It sounds mystical to them and so forth. That is their ultimate for imprecision.

Now, all of a sudden these two bodies of knowledge went together with a dull crash; monitored by something above that then, it was possible to codify in terms of MEST the capabilities of theta. And that is the trick here: How do you codify in terms of MEST a capability which really is only a small part MEST? And that’s been quite a trick putting it together and codifying it.

And that codification continues. It continues very definitely. So we’re going forward at this moment from… with a… with a very workable process. This process works; it works fast. If you were to suppose that you were in a static with regard to it, completely, you’d be making an error, and would be demonstrating an ignorance of a live science. A live science is one which can still change. It has not reached the end of the cycle of action.

Now one might say that one has gone on the line in curves; that there was a 40 t… 0 to 0, and a 40.0 to 0 in this fashion.

(Why don’t you guys that are coughing mock up some explosions?)

You could say this 40…

Did somebody cough in your face?… When did they cough in your face last?… Come on.

Student: (I haven’t any idea) Well, mock up a doll out there coughing.

Student: (Okay) Go on. Mock him up.

Student: (Yup)

All right, mock him coughing real worse than that. Oh, very much worse than that.

Student: (Uh-huh)

All right, get him going into… into spasms of coughing. Now put him behind your back. Have you got him behind your back?

Student: (Yeah)

All right. Now have a… have him do a… a… a epileptiform seizure – just heels crashing down on the floor, back arching as he coughs and wheezes. Got it?

Student: (Yeah) Now take a big can of pepper…

Student: (Yeah) and sprinkle it on him so he coughs harder… Now put him over to the right… Now bring him over the left.

Student: (Okay)

Now take all this huge amount of sneeze powder and put it on him. And just make him go into just fits. Now change him into a dog doing the same thing.

Student: (Okay)

Now change him into a cow and stop the coughing, and start the cow chewing cud. (Yeah) Now put the cow behind your back. (Uh-huh) Now have the cow moo gently in appreciation. (Yeah…) Now put her in your time span of last year.

(Okay) All right.

Now here on the line… here on the line we have actually, what could appear to be 40.0 to 0.0 – 40.0 to 0 – 40.0 to 0.0 as we come down the line.

The reason I put these things up here is you could say that these are the echelons of something. And what you could do, then, is put up here uh… 40.0, 20.0, underscored at 0.0 as a Grand Cycle; or this cycle or this cycle or this cycle.

Here was homo sapiens – only we call that 4.0 to 0.0; and here we had thetan plus body – 40.0, thetan is separate from body. And we have the separateness being the top of the scale: The thetan has suddenly gained a lot of space, you see. And at the bottom of it you’ve got a thetan plus body that’s in pretty good shape. And that’s Theta Clear. So we can call this here ‘Theta Clear’ at this 40.0 with a dotted line under it. And we have here this black ‘40.0’ – we have ‘Homo sap’ as a 40.0 with a dotted line under it. And up here at this highest ‘40.0’ – I mean this now – existing black ‘40.0’ here with a whole series of crosses under it, we would have an ‘Operating Thetan’. And up here at the top of the Grand Cycle, God knows how far up, how many 40.0-0.0 stages up above that one with the x’s under the 40.0, we’ve got what? We have got Cleared Theta Clear: Theoretical absolute… a theoretical absolute sitting up there.

Now here were your bodies of knowledge as they move forward. Dianetics, BOOK ONE, homo sapiens. Boy does he agree with that! But if you use very much of Book… if you used BOOK ONE, you can pretty much maintain homo sapiens. You are well within the field of a therapy for homo sapiens.

You start up the line, however, from BOOK ONE and we get into the never-never land of the early days of Scientology. Well, you’ve got overt acts and motivators, and the second you start to run these things out, something else start to happen. And the GE line suddenly opens up and you start to run that a little bit more and the theta line opens up. And… and you’re just on a whole bunch of tracks and don’t quite know where you’re going and where you’re going to wind up.

Until all of a sudden we get to Standard Operating Procedure, Issue One. It’s now Issue Three. And what’s that produce? That produces a Theta Clear.

Now if you were just studying this midground, just to Theta Clear right now, if that’s all you were studying, this could be a very short course, because we can make Theta Clears in an awful hurry. But you’re not studying that. You’re studying at least 40.0 of the Upper Scale – or Operating Thetan.

So your goals have advanced. Thus when I give you this material I am demonstrating to you that the button-up is complete up to that middle 40.0, Theta Clear. Every time you get a higher echelon, though, these lower things become more easily done. But when you do them from a higher echelon, you get a higher goal. Here is cause and effect, cause and effect. You cannot make a better homo sapiens, actually, with any other process than DIANETICS: THE MODERN SCIENCE OF MENTAL HEALTH and SCIENCE OF SURVIVAL. You use anything above that level and we start operating on homo sapiens with techniques above that level, we no longer get a homo sapiens. We go into ADVANCED PROCEDURE AND AXIOMS and the fellow starts to fly apart. And he does. We get something… something different. He isn’t acting the same way any more. He isn’t going on the same motivations, he isn’t the same bag of tricks.

Now uh… whether… now when we get up here, Theta Clear – we take Theta Clearing techniques and we apply them anyplace to homo sapiens and you are going straight on toward Theta Clear. Now you could take these – and techniques down here at 40.0: DIANETICS: THE MODERN SCIENCE OF MENTAL HEALTH, homo sapiens, and you could re-evaluate those techniques… oh, just re-evaluate them and fix them all up and then use them, and if you expected still to get homo sapiens you’d be very much surprised. You’d not get homo sapiens any more. You’d keep getting a Theta Clear.

Here’s Cause and Effect at work: You postulate what kind of an effect you want to achieve, you have to take it from the level of Cause that will produce that Effect.

It should tell you something, then, about processing where you’re not making a Theta Clear. You start using mock-ups and that sort of thing to any very vast degree, you’re going to head toward making a Theta Clear. But you can use them without theta clearing somebody. You get somebody who has a bad shoulder, or something of this sort, and you go on and give them a… give them a push forward.

But if you were to run a low level of this middle 40.0 to 0.0 theta clear goal, somewhere in that area you’d get something like brackets on responsibility and irresponsibility. And the second you start to run brackets on responsibility and irresponsibility, if you start very long… you keep at it very long – Ka Boon! The guy’s going to be out of his head looking at himself. That’s… I am sorry, but it just… just… just happens.

Now you say we want this effect. We work toward this effect and we have the ritual necessary to produce this effect. And the funny part of our ritual is – never make a mistake about this, by the way. There are guys running around the bush in loin cloths uh… in Colorado Springs and places like that, who think they know something about this business. And all they ever studied is how you give somebody a super-control operation. And they’ll tell you any time you postulate that a fact exists, why a certain number of people will believe it and somebody or other’ll get well.

The guys read this in a Christian Science Handbook or Medical Association, or someplace. He… he didn’t get this anyplace else. Because it doesn’t happen to be even vaguely true, when applied on this level. You get the ritual which works spontaneously without education in it, you’ve got natural law. That is really the definition of ‘natural law’. An engineer and a train do not have to be educated in gravity to start running like hell down a ten-percent grade on a railroad track. You put any engine and any engineer on that ten-percent grade on a railroad track and they will start running like the devil down the track. That’s natural law; that’s the natural law of gravity.

All right, you get any preclear out here, you get anybody off the street – the guy that runs that… that fiend that runs that streetcar up and down – you get him in here and you start working with what? You just start working with mock-ups, just plain mock-ups this way and that way and the other way and so forth. And all of a sudden it goes ‘zzzzzz-wham!’ and you work on it too long and he’ll be standing there looking at himself.

You run Responsibility and Irresponsibility and he’ll be standing there looking at himself. I don’t care if he’s a streetcar conductor. It’ll work.

All right. That’s natural law. Probably in the framework of engineering itself, there exists much better discovered laws than have so far been discovered.

What I like about the guy is he runs down the track, see. And he gets down the track and then he picks that streetcar up and he runs back up the street and runs it down the track again.

Well, anyhow… there are probably better natural laws. And maybe we have some… some of them in this bulk of knowledge right here. So far as physics is concerned. They probably will get readier agreement with the universe, or with MEST, than we have so far found out through the science of physics. That doesn’t matter: You take fulcrums and balances and horsepower and so forth in the framework of physics and you’ll find out that it’s any hill… any hill on Earth obeys the laws of physics. Any ditch, any drop of water.

And any preclear works on these bases.

All right. Some day or other, somebody can take a look at physics for this and fool around with it. We’ve made a few gimmick-ahoojits in physics that are quite interesting. Uh… I mean they’re pretty upsetting things. They’re… they’re very upsetting. They’re… they’re… they seems to be disobeying natural laws. You might say they’re disobeying a grosser manifestation of a law. They are not disobeying a finer law. There’s a law that undoes the bigger law every time.

All right. Let’s look this over then and recognize that if you’re going to insist on homo sapiens being homo sapiens, you’d better not use any of the techniques about which I’ve been talking. I mean, that’s sad. But if you use the techniques about which I’ve been talking here, as such, know that they lead to that, not because you postulate it, but just because it happens that way. That’s to help you postulate results which you want… to know that.

Now know this, too: That if you make a theta clear, it’s cruelty not to permit this individual to go up here to an Operating Thetan.

What’s an Operating Thetan? An Operating Thetan’s a guy who can handle MEST without beams and travel without energy. And uh… that’s not too hard to achieve. We have those techniques. We’ve talked about this sort of thing.

So, right here, right now oh the discussion of Standard Operating Procedure, we have to make a designation, a definition of Standard Operating Procedure to do what? This Standard Operating Procedure makes a Theta Clear… to this – Theta Clear… 40.0. You see those cycles within a cycle?

Now a Theta clear is stable outside of his body, even though the body is hurt. Or he does not snap into a body just because that body is injured, no matter the suddenness of the injury. That is a Theta Clear. In other words, you have made a thetan trap-proof. You have not made him an Operating Thetan yet. He’s just trap-proof, that’s all. He can’t be trapped by a body; and he can still operate in conjunction with or in control of bodies.

Now an Operating Thetan and the techniques leading to an Operating Thetan have also been covered in this course. And that, you might say, is just more of… more of the same type of processing above the level of stability.

Your problem then, and focus your range on this, is not to make a Five into a Theta Clear as the toughest problem there is. But your problem is making relatively, sometimes very unable and almost falteringly weak thetans, strong enough and tough enough so that they can operate as a thetan and not as a body at all.

Now what’s a thetan have to do? He has to be able to comnunicate. He has to be able to travel, and he has to be able to handle MEST. He’s got to be able to communicate with other thetans, and he has to be able to communicate with bodies in order to be an operating thetan.

I don’t know how close you’ll hit that line. I know that as you look at that, I think very few of you just intend to be a Theta Clear. I think very few of you would say, „Well, I’m just going as far as that Theta Clear. That’s good enough for me.“ I have never heard one say this yet. So you are going up to Operating Thetan to work…

Remember, however, that it’s just an application of ‘more of’.

But this process, Standard Operating Procedure Issue Three, is specially designed to make a Theta Clear. And you have attained that goal when you have reached up to the point where the person knows he is outside, and does not return into the body if the body is injured. Or would not snap into a body if the body became hurt. He’s outside; he knows he’s a thetan, not a body; and he doesn’t suddenly snap in, inexplicably.

Now that’s just a little bit further and just a little bit more than you think. Because as your process w… w… to make a thetan exterior is fast. That… about 50 percent of the people you might as well say 10 minutes, Theta Clear. Only it’s not a Theta Clear. It’s ten minutes to thetan exterior.

Now just as we’ve had a tone scale, a tone scale for homo sapiens, so do you have in the lower reaches of this thing, so do you have a tone scale for the thetan. Now I’m very sorry that these tone scales had just homo sapiens injected in here, but that’s kind of the way it is. So we’ll take over here Position ‘A’, down to Position ‘B’. And down here at Position ‘B’ we have minus 8.0. And here at Position ‘A’ we have… doesn’t matter. Probably 20.0. And this range which I will describe here with a zig-zag track down to, is the range of thetan tone range necessary. The thetan tone range necessary to stabilize.

Your thetan has to be jumped from the extreme low of minus 8.0 which is necessity to own and protect… he isn’t himself; in order to be at all he has to have a body be for him, so he’s below tone scale. And this 0-0-0, as we notice here, is ‘being a body’. And below this level he is… anywhere on this level he’s less than a body – anywhere. From 0.0 down to minus 8.0 he’s less than a body. Not only does he not know he’s there, he thinks all that’s there is a body and he has to own it and control it and protect it. And of all things, he goes on this horrible computation „The body needs me.“ This is something on the order of „That table needs me“ – about as important as that.

You just spring a lot of preclears and they will say, „Oh, yes“ – propitiate, propitiate, propitiate – uh… „The body needs me,“ and „Poor body. What would it ever do without me?“ Believe me, what would that tin can ever do without its spinach?… any difference? And then the guy moves out one day and he says, „You know,“ he says, „this thing really doesn’t have any real decent life in it at all, except for me.“

That’s right: The GE is so low-order and so weak and so on as to practically not be there at all, and as a consequence when the fellow moves out, the body ceases to have enough umph to do any functioning on its own. It too has become… has a dependency. It has become so dependent upon a thetan that uh… it can’t really function at all without one.

GE is that bad off.

So, get this, get this set-up here: From down here at ‘B’ this double zig-zag line here is the range that you are going to have to put your preclear up – somewhere in that bracket. And your very ability on theta clear will be from 20.0 up to about 40.0 to stabilize him. But he won’t begin to be stable at all… see, there are varying degrees of being stable on; he won’t be stable at all below 20.0 on this overall range. He just won’t be stable at all. He’ll snap in and he’ll snap out. And you’ll process him and he’ll be fine, and, „Oh, yeah! Can you stay out there now?“

„Oh, yeah. I’m just doing fine. I’m out here. I’m on the balcony,“ or „I’m on the roof and everything’s going fine.“

You say, „All right, now let’s have another session tomorrow afternoon.“ And he will come around and he will have this… „Where are you?“ „I am in my head.“ „Whatcha doing?“ „Well, I don’t know. I am just in my head.“ „Well, let’s move out.“ „I can’t.“ And you will say, „Oh, for God’s sakes! What’s gone wrong here?“

Well, what’s gone wrong here is several things; the guy fooled around; the guy jumped out while he was in the middle of a restaurant. The guy went across and all of a sudden took… he decided to take a trip to the other side of the galaxy or some such thing and he’s gotten caught in an explosion. Uh… he’s uh… he’s made up his mind that he won’t get out until… until his wife gets out and uh… so on. Or he has a heck of a lot of postulates he has to hold on to, and for some reason or other he’s not going to get rid of any of these postulates. On and on and on and on and on. So you work. And what do you know? It doesn’t take quite so fast to spring him… it doesn’t take quite so long to spring him this time, and you balance him up and get him a little bit more able to handle force.

And you understand the only thing that’s snapping him back in is lack of force, and fear of things which are forceful. And the guy might be just doing fine until he suddenly sees two automobiles hit in the pavement in front of him, or something of that sort, and he looks at all that force. And he says to himself, „Oh, no-no-no – it’s a force universe, here I go in my head and I’m not going to come out. Not me!“ and uh… his concept of force is what’s doing it to him. There isn’t a single facsimile anyplace in his bank; there’s not anything in his bank, really, that will answer up to force, other than just go by the hoards. I mean, force – if he’s got enough force, there’s nothing in his bank can disturb him. Nothing can talk back to force because what that bank is, is composed of things he’s mocked up out of energy. So if nothing there… is there… there except energy things, his ability to control energy, of course, controls all that.

You says this preclear is in dispersals and he keeps getting blown out of his head and blown into his head again. Yes, you can work dispersals, you can get him to mock up on dispersals, you can do all sorts of things until you are black in the face; but if any more direct principle of the utilization and use of force, rehabilitating his belief in his ability to create and handle force came forward, you would use that. That would be an improved technique. So don’t say you aren’t warned if you get something that creates or raises a person’s force faster. There are things that do that.

So your task is to get a thetan from minus 8,0, e… or 4, minus 4.0, up to this middle range, 20.0 – not to a homo sapiens’, and so on. You already saw this homo sapiens’ scale. I just call these cycles of action at different scales. This 40.0 I’ve got marked here is 4.0 to 2.0 to 0.0; you see that, don’t you? But I’m telling… trying to emphasize that you’re looking at 40 to 0.0. I’m trying to emphasize it’s a whole body of knowledge. I’m trying to emphasize right now that this is a whole body of knowledge up here between this second Theta Clear 40.0 and 0.0. It’s a whole body of knowledge. How do you get a thetan out of the head of a homo sapiens and keep him there? – keep him out? That’s… that’s quite… quite important, see. That’s a whole body of knowledge, right there.

We’ve got another, which you already have and which we know a lot about right now, with Q-1. See, we had 40.0 Theta Clear before we had Q-l. Now that you’ve got Q-1 you can get an Operating Thetan down to this p… this upper 40.0 here to the 0.0, Operating Thetan range. You’re operating… doing different things. So, 40.0 Theta Clear, Standard Operating Procedure. You’ve got to get him up there to where his force is good.

I’ve been doing a little testing on this – minor, but it pointed up something I already knew: If he can handle his body with force, he never afterwards does anything but handle his body. Let’s make a special condition out of this: He’s trying to handle a body, isn’t he? And his idea of himself has gotten very weak because the body has to pick up things and put them down for him, isn’t that right?

All right, let’s make him be able to pick up what picks up things and puts them down for him. So we get Standard Operating Procedure to Theta Clear; it is… it says… Theta Clearing – let’s supplement the whole thing all the way down the line, just as you find it there, let’s supplement it with a drill. No… n… we can standardize the devil out of this. You won’t see this thing change. I… I’ve been doing this now for months, by the way, with people. Uh… it’s the routine I told you about which we will call ‘Body Lifting’ – a good, simple term. We do Standard Operating Procedure and then as soon as possible we merge right over into Body Lifting. You do Body Lifting very simply: You have him pick up a finger with energy. And have him move it aside and put it down again, and pick it up again. And then have him mock up a hand – no matter how big or how small. You do a mock-up of that exact activity and make it a much more powerful action that he can do. Then you pick up another limb – then you pick up another finger; you pick up his whole hand now. He picks it up from outside, standing over the hand – not from inside the body. He’s outside the body; the hand is sitting flat on a desk or some such thing as that; and he comes over the top of the hand and by putting out anchor points and lines or by putting out a tripod of energy and lengthening its steps with a tractor beam on a finger, he lifts the finger. He does it with energy beams.

And then you… you then have him mock up doing it. Or you have it mocked up first, if he can’t conceive it. Have him do a mock-up. Have him build a mock-up, lift its finger and drop it. Build a mock-up, lift its finger and drop it a few times. Vary the mock-up; shift the mock-up around a little bit. Have him come back and pick up a little more hand.

Then have him do a mock-up of lifting whole hands, and then have him lift his actual hand. And then have him do mock-ups of lifting whole arms, and move those around, position them here and there in space. You see, you’re keeping him from agreeing too badly about… with the MEST universe by these mock-ups. That’s why the mock-ups are in there.

Then you have pick up his whole arm and throw it up in the air. And then you have him go over to his other hand and pick it up a finger at a time, and then mock up picking up a finger at a time. And then pick up the actual hand. And then mock up picking up arms, and then pick up his left arm. Then pick up his right and left arm up simultaneously and throw them into the air. Then have him pick up… have him mock up picking up ankles or feet, and then have him mock up picking up uh… have him pick up both feet or have him pick up a foot – whichever you can get him to do. Then mock up picking up bigger legs and all that sort of thing. Then have him pick up his actual legs.

And you will finally get him so he is throwing that body around the room like a sofa pillow. There is no…

You worry once in a while. You’ll think there’s a deception involved here. You think there’s real big deception: „He’s kidding himself. He’s actually working it from inside and so forth.“ Oh no, he isn’t. You can’t work a body that fast from inside. There aren’t muscles made that can work bodies as fast as you can from the outside.

Now what you do with all this is practice. And this is the essence of it. Never let him get away with a ‘can’t’. Always make him lift it. And don’t assign such big jumps that he will have difficulty lifting it.

Furthermore, the drill is intended to let him pick it up and lay it down suddenly. When he lays hold of the body with a beam, have him then cast it loose suddenly – up and down with a beam. How fast can he turn that beam off? If he isn’t turning it off fast enough, have him get out and throw something… a loop of energy over his cigarette package or something, and then put it on there, turn it off; put it on, turn it off; put it on, turn it off; put it on, turn it off; put it on, turn it off. You get the idea? Until he’s really got speed in turning that thing on, turning it off, particularly on turning it off. Much faster to be able to turn them off… much better to turn them off fast than turn them on fast, because he can be swept into a body or into something or other because he can’t shut a beam fast off… fast enough… off the beam.

All right, so we have him pick up… pick up the body piece by piece and turn… turn off the beams and drop it. Pick it up, drop it; pick up a finger, drop it; pick up a finger, drop it; mock up a finger, drop it; mock up a finger, drop it; pick up a finger, drop it.

All of a sudden he’ll say, „Why that’s easy! Nothing to that!“ Well, you go right on through until he’s throwing that body around like you’d throw around a volleyball. You think a MEST body can move? Piffle! Phooey! You’ll never know how fast a MEST body can move till you’ve been outside the thing and snapped it around. And it snaps quick! How fast could… how fast could you throw your arm up in the air? How fast could you move a finger up in the air? That fast from inside? Well, you’d have to jar your hand all over the place in order to get any real fast action out of a limb.

From the outside you can snag a tractor on to the thing and have that hand up over your head faster than an eye can see it move. Of course, it practically tears the arm off, but who cares ?

Now you make him hurt himself doing this… you make him hurt himself every once in a while. If he hurts himself, don’t say, „Well, you poor fellow. You’re getting tired now. Oh, yes! Well, probably using up a lot of energy.“ Because he will keep telling you all the way through this thing „I’m so tired. It’s tiring me out!“ How the hell can anything that runs on postulates get tired out? It’s just because he supposes because fingers get tired that he gets tired – simple? So he doesn’t get tired out. So don’t let him beg off on that. Just keep him at it, little bit at a time, little bit at a time. Make him win every time in lifting it and he’ll be able to throw his – body around like mad.

Now you’ll be surprised how big this makes him feel. He says, „Bodies?“ Before that he thought he was way outside of a body and he was pretty big anyway, but after… after this he’s been in through and he’s out and he looks at his body and „Bodies?“ He’s liable to reach over and say, „How are you, Joe?“ Spat! Spatter! Now, that’s concept of size, and that gets a person up to Theta Clear. He can handle that body around, he’s not going to snap into bodies. He’ll use bodies and he’ll continue to use bodies, but he won’t snap into them.

He can turn beams off and turn them on and he can handle bodies and he’s good and forceful, and so on.

So as soon as you get him out and even vaguely stable so that he can perceive that he has such a thing as a hand, you start this exercise. When do you start this exercise? When you have him out and he knows it and he is able to perceive a hand. That’s the very precise moment that you start this exercise. And then you just go right on with that. There’s no use you doing much else with him. Because that’s what he’s been trying to do all this time.

Now you do other things with him, but then we’re going on up from 40.0 to operating… 40.0 Theta Clear to 40.0 Operating Thetan. How do you get him up there? Well, I hate to tell you this. And as a matter of fact I’ve talked to you too much and you’re probably not too interested in a lot of this data, so I think we’d just better close over that. And I’ll just go on with this other… (Nooooo!) What’s the matter? Can’t I even pull a scarcity racket on you here?

Now, actually, what you do is… what do you think? He’s used to handling bodies, isn’t he? But you’ve got Theta Clear and you know what its goal is, and there’s the technique I finally decided gets you there.

I’ll tell you what authority that technique rests on: Me. I’m not an authority, so you want to be very careful in using it, and do it very precisely and so forth.

How do you get up from there? Why, sure… he’s not going to duck in and out of heads . He’ll… you’ll cure him of ducking in and out of his head which is the worst trouble you will have with a preclear. As far as I’m concerned, after that, the amount of ducking in and out that he will do, he’ll consider this as absolutely nonsensical, ducking into this head.

What possible protection could it be? Your technique that goes up from there specializes in unmocking and mocking. He goes out and selectively unmocks MEST objects, particularly bodies. And it can carry along from there – unmocking and unmocking. And how do you unmock? You create a big space with anchor points with plenty of MEST objects in it, and find absolutely nothing in it and pass through it in all directions, and find nothing in it whatsoever. That’s unmocking. And then into that space you put up your own mock-ups. Just as you tear down a tenement before you build a palace, unmock the objects that are there.

Now you carry forward this unmocking, and it goes hand in glove with mock-ups of handling bodies by postulates and so on. Just more Creative Processing and more Postulate Processing. More Creative Processing.

There is another level of Postulate Processing above that level, and that level consists of using the dichotomies as rising scales. You’ll find out in here that there’s an awful lot of dichotomies listed, and you’ve probably wondered what these… why we should worry about dichotomies if we’re not going to run flows. Well, I put it in there because it is pretty important to have dichotomies listed. And if it’s important to have them listed, there should be a reason for them. So I finally figured one out: Uh… now actually this is Rising Scale and you’ll find it on page 35 of your textbook. And it says „The dichotomies are…“

And if you’ll merely consider these… the top figure, the top of the tone scale, and the bottom figure, the bottom of the tone scale… You see, an infinity of tone scale would be the whole emotions, all the emotions. Survive, Succumb, Communicate, Not Communicate, Agree, Disagree.

Of course, these are not set as dichotomies, and naturally, Agree is the bottom of the scale and Disagree is the top of the scale. It’s toward the top of the scale for Number Three… Four. Stop is at the bottom of the scale, and so on.

But you can use these dichotomies to make sure. That contin… continues, by the way – your Chart of Attitudes are in this thing, see. But it’s got more of them.

You ask, „What’s… what’s your general… what’s your general postulate about propitiation? The difference between propitiation. I mean, what’s your g… general postulate about it?“ „Well, so-and-so should propitiate so-and-so.“ „Well, raise that to as high as uh… you want to go… a little bit higher idea, a little bit better idea what you should propitiate, or what you shouldn’t propitiate or should you or shouldn’t you.“ And the guy will kick it up just a little bit more, until he gets up above to Sympathy. Sympathy’s above Propitiation.

Well, you can use that, then, as Rising Scale Processing. You probably will never need it, but it goes from minus 8.0. Now that’s over here on minus scales. (Your minus scale’s over here someplace in this book somewhere.) Uh… minus scales are uh… minus 8.0 is Hiding. Minus 4.0 is Needing. Minus 3.5 is Approval from Bodies; minus 3.0 is Owning Bodies; minus 2.2 is Protecting Bodies; minus 1.5 is Controlling Bodies; minus 1.3 is Responsibility as Blame – Blaming Bodies; minus 1.0 – Punishing Bodies; Minus .2 – Being Other Bodies.

You see, after… after a guy is being his own body, then he doesn’t quite know what body he is, so he goes around and he ‘be’s’ other people’s bodies too. And he develops their mannerisms and characteristics.

So, you take that whole range and just find out what a guy is sitting on. Actually you should know this more than use it, because generally the fellow will shift his own postulates.

Now it’s quite interesting that this thing I was talking to you about this afternoon, this uh… conviction comes in there. Being convinced that this stuff agrees, disagrees with him, upsets him and doesn’t upset him.

Now we have a formula which you better put down, because it isn’t down anyplace, on the, subject of Rehabilitating a Thetan as a thetan. And the formula is: Take the behavior of space, energy and objects. You know what I mean? The general behavior in the MEST universe of space, energy and objects as they interrelate to one another, and run mock-ups on their doing the wrong thing. You run mock-ups on their doing the wrong thing. In other words, you have planets which repel with their gravity; you have space… space that the more you put in it, the smaller it gets; you have uh… uh… water uh… which dries things. Just look at all the MEST manifestations. Light, that when it shines out, turns everything dark, and when it shines in, lights up everything – everything haywire about this.

And off of this will come postulates on the conviction of the observable behavior. You will actually, by doing this, all of a sudden locate the postulate the guy made. „Well, what do you know? These planets do hold you down!“ „What do you know? Particles do stick together! Now I’m convinced!“ That’s the only way a fellow could ever perceive matter, you see. „Particles DO stick together! I’m convinced now. Yeah, that… that’s right.“

All right. And you take mock-ups on this: You mock up in brackets. Now you know what a bracket is? That’s what happening to the preclear and what the preclear’s doing to somebody else, and what others are doing to others. You mock up brackets on all the things a person should and shouldn’t do, perceive and be. There’s one more in there: Have. All the things a person should have, should do, should perceive and should be. And mock up brackets on the things a person shouldn’t have, shouldn’t do, shouldn’t perceive and should not be.

You know, this… your mother was always doing to… this to you. „That little girl that lived down the block: Now she’s a nice girl. Why, if you could just act like her my hair wouldn’t get near as grey.“ Or, „That little boy“ – that you couldn’t detest – „he… he“ – you just… I mean, you might think this… this guy… this – horrors! He gives you horrors every time. „He’s a nice little gentleman. Why can’t you be more like him?“ Now there, he’s a model for behavior.

What is behavior? What should it be like? You should be polite. Take a pattern of what behavior should be. If one should be polite, one should be wrong, one should be propitiative, uh… one should ask for things, one should accept things, one should give things that he doesn’t want to give, uh… and so on. What are all these behaviors? Well, you look it up and you find out that in ev… everybody’s code there’s a bad one… oh, a bad behavior manifestation of some kind or another. Like… like he… he has a terrible compulsion to take his hat off in an elevator. E… actually a compulsion. He couldn’t stand there with his hat on if a lady stepped into the elevator.

A lot of Naval officers got broken of this during the war because an order was issued that insisted that a Naval officer should not remove his hat in an elevator because of the presence of a lady. This is one of the more important orders that came out of Washington. That’s why you couldn’t get your telegrams through, is there are so many of those orders are on the wires all the time.

Like, I was awakened one night… I was dragged out of the Copeley Plaza Hotel one day… one night… been out forever and had come back to the ship and, it was the first liberty I’d had for ages and I had to come back to the ship to… because the Officer of the Deck had received a secret message… ‘secret’, they didn’t have ‘top secret’ yet, and they didn’t even have ‘top secret super frantic hysterical’ – one of the later classifications. And so the boy met me there. Boy, this looked awful important. Looked like we’d be sailing any second, see? And we find out that it’s in such a secret code that it was only in my safe and… and, so on, and he didn’t have the keys to the inner side of the safe. He had most of the code, and we broke that thing out and we set up the board. And we worked and we worked – it takes a long time to set up one of those boards and get it all set up – and we got the message all broken down. And what do you know? Instead of orders, instead of the fact that „the Germans have just landed in Maine,“ which was about its level of rush and all that sort of thing, it says, „No dogs will be landed in Australia.“ It was too late to go back on liberty! Yeah.

Well anyway, mock up an admiral sending out something like that. And then shoot him.

Now wherever you can get in a mock-up, wherever you can substitute MEST meeting MEST with an electronic punch, use the electronic punch. That’s more important than your mocking up little boys beating up little boys. Have little boys sock each other a few times just to show that this can happen and move them around doing so and so forth. And then have them get off well away from each other and just zap the hell out of each other. Because that’s what the preclear was trying to do at the time he was being beaten up. He knew there was something else he could do and he couldn’t think of it. All he had to do was back up and go „Zzzzzzapp!“, see, and the other guy’d say, „Mmmmzzzzrrrmmm“ – melt. And it’s much more efficient. Instead of that, you stand in there and get all bruised up.

Anyway, get the polite thing to do.

Now there are many things that one does not do, and people very often have nightmares about doing these things – such as rushing down Main Street without any clothes on. In other words, you’re looking for these inhibitions, upsets and many things he ‘doesn’t do’. And uh… you just start knocking them out and you’ll break loose from a lot of things. But much more important is what he should or shouldn’t do with objects.

Now you don’t think… you don’t think that… that I’m being… y… y… you’re just… when I’m talking about behavior I’m giving you the… the ‘polite’ level of behavior… what he shouldn’t do and… manners and so on. What I’m stressing here is more important than that. When I say, „shouldn’t do, shouldn’t have, shouldn’t perceive, shouldn’t be…“ – he shouldn’t have a sun in his pocket. He shouldn’t have a planet in a sandwich. You get the idea? He shouldn’t pick up the bottom of this chair simply by having his arm lengthen and pick up the bottom of the chair. He should pick it up from the top.

Furthermore, he should pick it up to have it move. Next, this chair should sit on MEST, not sit two inches below MEST, very nicely poised there. When a coke bottle is turned upside-down, the coke should pour out of it; it should not pour out of it when the coke bottle is sitting right side up. A fellow who puts his hand in a fire and so forth shouldn’t get it frozen. Icicles which you carefully test as being icicles shouldn’t get he… more heavily frozen from flames. You should not be able to fry a steak in a refrigerator.

And the second you start to do these things this guy’s carefully assembled and built up postulates… and some people are just holding on to these as though they’re the most precious things in the world. They couldn’t possibly create an idea that’s better than that, and they’re just holding on to these things. They’re going out through the bottom. They’re about to become MEST, and they think the only way they can save themselves is by agreeing some more. ‘Cause they’re just on their way out.

And so there the guy is, agreeing some more and agreeing some more and getting lower and lower on the tone scale, and lower and lower on the tone scale and you ask him to come along and say „Hey. Will you… why… why… why are you agreeing with the fact that uh… and so on… you have to feel this way?“ Well Lord! Agreeing that he has to feel this way is the least part of it. He agrees that when he stands on a platform he is supported at the height of the platform. Guys can get just sick when they first start to mock this up and realize there’s not anything under them. There really isn’t a damn thing under you; you’re just sitting in space. But boy, you’ve sure got a nice comfortable idea about it.

Every once in a while a pilot… every once in a while a pilot inadvertently will look sort of theta-wise down through his body and through the seat and through the fuselage of the plane at the ground below him and suddenly realize there’s nothing down there. Once in a blue moon a pilot does that and it gives him quite a turn. He doesn’t quite know why he got that idea. Or if he’s suddenly going to run into something and he wishes to avoid it, he’ll just unmock his plane and unmock everything. And of course he’s sitting for an instant in space. Then that’s no good so he’ll put his plane back and hit it. You can find instance when pilots have done just this.

So your upper level on the thing is you get him to disagree up to a point where he can operate in the MEST universe with complete freedom. And it’s much easier than you think.

But he has to be able to operate wholly without energy.

Let’s take a break.