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CONTENTS EFFORT IN ENGRAMS Cохранить документ себе Скачать


A lecture given on 12 October 1951 Epicenters in Action

I want to tell you what to look for in an effort engram, effort-wise.

You will find that disruptive counter-efforts shift command in epicenters, with the last control center — the highest echelon of control center — trying to knock the lower echelons back into line.

Did you ever see a fellow who was mad at his teeth? Have you ever been mad at your teeth? Have you ever been mad at your leg?

The action of the highest level of epicenter is to pick up a death engram and run it in on the lower epicenter. And the action of the lower epicenter is to pick up a death engram — or a pain engram, anyway — and shove it at the big epicenter.

This is argument amongst command posts. This argument amongst command posts produces a dissension which tears the body apart, makes people lame, halt, blind, stupid, psychiatric. It may not appear to you at the moment how important this is, but when you start getting your hands on preclears you will find out that it is important.

I am not going to call this diagnosis. Diagnosis is a shabby process by which you collect money. We don’t diagnose anybody, because we are not treating structure anyway. We are trying to handle theta facsimiles. If anybody says you are handling structure, all you have to do is tell him that you are handling something that isn’t there, and since the individual is there and the individual is structure you couldn’t be handling structure. So therefore you couldn’t possibly be diagnosing anybody.

You don’t want to diagnose. What you want to do is find out what control center — what ex-control center — is arguing with the control center. Don’t go off into demon circuitry and have a couple of circuits talking to each other, because they don’t do that. This is strictly in terms of action.

A pain comes in and hits an old epicenter and the old epicenter says, “Hey! The control center let me down! The devil with it. Mutiny! Workers of the world arise!”

What happens is very mechanical: The old epicenter gets hit and it restimulates its theta facsimiles and uses them. Maybe it thinks with them a lot anyway, but it restimulates the very bad ones. At least it makes them available. This old center suddenly exerts its self- determinism, and if it is very badly hit, it forwards a recommendation to the other control centers and to the main control center that they die, because it is through, it says, and it doesn’t want to be pegged around for the next ten, fifteen or twenty years, living — mostly dead — in a body which is otherwise alive.

How would you feel if you were a molar and you got clipped and the whole area around you that you used to be in control of were no longer able to function? Naturally you as theta would want to separate out immediately and go off and make a new body. That is the proper thing to do: make a new body. This one has failed.Every body is born into its new generation with the concepts that this time it cannot die, this time it is completely self-determined, this time it has met all the problems of the environment and this time it has reached a point of structure which is completely invulnerable in the face of the environment.

You never saw such a cocky assumption in your life! I bet that if you could look an embryo in the eye, he wouldn’t fit in with our social code. He wouldn’t be saying apathetically?” Well, I guess I can?” He would be saying, “This is it! This is the last generation. I’ve got the ball now. The rest of you boys all flopped! Now, take it easy; you’re going to take my advice now. You forward me the information necessary for my running of this organism and I’ll be good to you.” Cocky as the devil!

Then all of a sudden an old epicenter gets hit. It has been obediently forwarding through all of its plans, its own facsimiles, its own experiences and so forth, advising the commander in chief all about the whole thing, and then all of a sudden it gets hit. It says, “Hey! I thought that if I gave up command of this here wagon, you’d take care of me. But you haven’t, so therefore a new generation is in order.” If it is very, very badly hit, it forwards through a death facsimile for its epicenter. This is rejected by the other epicenters unless it is a shock wave of sufficient magnitude to reach all parts of the body, at which time everybody passes in his death facsimile, and that is the end of that.

By the way, you can make this very palatable for somebody who wants to follow it on the genetic line; you don’t have to worry anybody about it. You just say, “Well, it has pain facsimiles it can forward that say “Let’s quit!” Actually, they are death facsimiles.

I am not shooting the breeze. When you start running a preclear he will get these messages. And if you aren’t picking up the communication line of the epicenters you are not down to reduction on the engram you are trying to run. You can actually contact the impact. At the moment of impact, you can contact the facsimile recommendation of that epicenter. It will appear in the form of a theta facsimile and the individual will believe that he is way back down the time track someplace, in primordial swamps or someplace else. Actually, he isn’t there; his MEST body is right here in present time and continues to be. But to all intents and purposes the reality of this theta facsimile is very great and he will use it. He thinks he is back down the track. This is an epicenter handing through an experience.

You can contact these moments by running the person back down the track through pleasure moments. Epicenters start handing up theta facsimiles of when everything was going right in their lives. Of course, they are still alive, they are still with you and they are still handing this data through.

We have spoken of the central switchboard of the mind, which takes data that is already evaluated and forms super conclusions. The lower switchboard hands up the data and it says, “Here it is — so many items right, so many items wrong.” and finally the central switchboard of the mind comes to a conclusion. If you stop and think how many conclusions you have to come up with on whether or not you open or close the door of a car, you will see the difficulties with regard to driving a car.

How many facsimiles have to come through, from what and where, to do things like swimming and so on? There is a tremendous flood of them necessary in these actions. Those are summed up by the existing command center. But it does not sum up individual theta facsimiles — data, in other words. It sums up master conclusions on conclusions already reached. The source of these conclusions is evidently the epicenters. They keep handing these things up out of their own batteries of experience, both in any time on the genetic line and in any time in this life.

The command center can accumulate data and it sorts out data. You can watch this thing in operation. It is fascinating. You can watch thought taking place, you can watch data being forwarded through, if you know where epicenters are.

But when it comes down to pain, shock and that sort of thing it is really something. Have you ever seen a fellow hit in the elbow? In the kneecap? Get his toe stamped on? These things are hitting epicenters. Those are epicenters; they are old control posts.

Actually, when the arms started to branch out and so on, they never really had a good chance to be brains except on a bivalve system. The brain centers went down both ways.

The hands are in control of an enormous number of motions. They think about and evidently decide upon a great many things without any recourse to the center of the body. They operate more autonomously than any other portion of the body, except the tongue.

The motor switchboard system in the brain has a great big hand and a great big tongue, and the rest of the parts of the body are very small.

All that is important to you is the fact that an old epicenter will make a recommendation on the receipt of pain. This is disagreed with by existing control centers, and existing control centers will evidently throw into existence additional pain facsimiles on the old epicenter. They say, “Okay, boy. Let’s go ahead and hold that apathy engram.” This is a very complex system by which one forces continued appliance of a part of the body that wants to be dead.

Portions of the body, all by themselves, can make up their minds they want to be dead; they want to go on with the game: “Oh, this leg’s been broken four times; it’s no good anymore. Let’s make a new organism! It’s so simple, nothing to it.”

Of course, you could also add this up along the Freudian line and say, “Well, it recommends it to the sexual center so that you procreate.” It also does, by the way, but that is secondary. It says, “Let’s make a new leg and let’s kill off that part of the organism.” but the command center says, “No, you don’t! You can hold that theta facsimile of pain, and any time you get out of line — wham! — that’s tough.” That sort of an operation starts taking place.

If you want to make a test of this, hit somebody on the crazy bone and then pick up the effort on it. The first thing you will contact, probably, is the late part of the engram, and you can find stuff in there. But the engram does not reduce well unless you get the front end of it. I am trying to tell you what the front end is, on effort. We just went through this cycle of what happens to incoming motion. You had better get the first contact of hostile motion on the epicenter or in the vicinity of that epicenter. Get the first contact of hostile motion. Coming right along with it and immediately following it, you will find the epicenter’s recommendation in terms of a theta facsimile. This makes the filow think he is way back down the track. That is the way the epicenter makes recommendations; it forwards through one of its own facsimiles, evidently.

Now, you will find the hostile motion or counter-effort which comes in very, very heavily is held for an instant and thrown back. It can be that this thing is in restimulation just at the moment it is held and not before it is thrown back; therefore the fellow is in a holder. Only it is just this little area that is in a holder, not the rest of the body, and you will get the theta facsimile of that area. You can go ahead and build this up until all epicenters will hand in the theta facsimile to compare with that pain facsimile, because they were affected too.

When you have done this, you have what we call?” complete reality on the incident?” You don’t even have to tell the preclear what he is doing, but these are the mechanics of it.

You will find a heavy epicenter effect when a pain comes in which is then held — where motion is held with no effort to reject it. And you will find a very heavy epicenter effect and the death facsimile on a motion that the area is being told to vibrate to, where motion has overcome it.

So this gradient scale of motion gives you a gradient on what is happenmg.

You can get all kinds of effects on effort. You can get an all-over effect on the body where every epicenter was in agreement that this was a tough one, where the effort came in so heavily that the whole body appears to be not only holding that incoming motion that came in and practically swamped it at the time but holding it and keeping itself from getting swamped by it and damping it out, and the body gets caught in a holder. The whole body can be crunched together in an effort to do this, to a point where incident after incident will keep on pulling in. The person appears to be pulling in on this pain. He is trying to pull in himself and what he is doing is pulling in the pain; this is a natural setup on a grouper. These are quite common to find in prenatal areas and so forth. The body is all curled up and holding on like mad, and it is not only holding on like mad, it is pulling in. Incidents will feed right into this. A person’s whole life can start dropping into one of these things until the whole track is grouped. He is holding on, and any facsimile that comes near gets this datum in with it?” Hold on?” So the fellow doesn’t have any time track to run on.

An epicenter can get hit and then be doing a rejection, or many epicenters can get hit simultaneously and be doing a rejection. What do you get as the conduct of this whole individual in life? Rejection. He rejects everything and everybody. He is trying to get rid of that motion. What motion is it he is trying to get rid of?

You have seen people who will work at various places on this scale. There is the individual, for instance, who receives an incoming motion and will hold it and dampen it out — no effort to feed it back at all. This is the fellow who is accepting anything without retaliation. This fellow won’t retaliate. You let him go on that one motion he is stuck in — that one activity he is stuck in — and he will start retaliating. He will start retaliating toward Mama and Papa and everybody else, and what he is then doing is just completing the action with this motion.

All you are doing when you are doing Effort Processing is assisting the preclear to complete actions. You are assisting the preclear to complete actions with regard to motions received.

That motion received can also be internal. A fellow can take poison and he feels the apathy seeping up over him inside, and this makes a very apathetic engram. This is tough, because it is a kind of randomity he can’t get at. Furthermore, the body won’t obey him. The control center — or the epicenter, if it was in a past life — all of a sudden says, “Get up.” He tries to get the message across and it just won’t get there; he tries to make his body sit up. Then he starts using old whips. He starts trying to make the epicenters operate by throwing theta facsimiles of theirs into operation. He finds one that says “Kick it out” but this isn’t good enough. He finds another one that says “Jump” “Fright, that’s a good one” — but nothing happens. The body still won’t move.

So the control center sorts through and says, “Well, let’s put an anger one on the whole thing. Let’s just make these epicenters hold on to it long enough so that I can operate with them.” It kicks in one of these anger facsimiles, but nothing happens. The control center finally says, “Well, I’ve got to operate whether you as epicenters operate or not; therefore, here are your walking papers.” And it hands out a death facsimile. Then the fellow really goes into apathy. This is a nice mechanical operation.

You will find in Effort Processing that the first efforts you hit in the preclear are the middles of efforts; you are not hitting the beginnings of efforts. You will find the preclear sitting in the middle of apathies and so forth. What you want to do is find the beginnings.

Just like we used to tell you that engrams have to be run from the beginning, efforts should be run from the beginning. Find the beginning of the engram — find the beginning of the effort. If this preclear is holding on solidly to an old pain, he is trying to damp the motion in that pain. That pain has already been received so you had better get the earlier effort. Of course, he will go down the track if you ask him for the earlier effort. You just want the instant before, when the pain started to come in.

It is very intriguing. You can get a differentiation then. You can get his first effort to reject, even on such a thing as a bullet. The differentiation is very fine. I don’t know about a 4400 foot-per-second slug, but I sure know about 600 foot-per-second musket balls and that sort of thing; I have become quite a ballistics expert on running past deaths! It is very interesting. You take some girl who doesn’t know anything about ballistics or anything like this, and it is really something.

Anyway, you can get the first instant of contact. That is an effort because the effort of the slug is to do the contact. The effort of the individual is to knock it back, and the epicenter will take care of that all by itself. It doesn’t wait for a telegraph message from Washington to get the idea that it should kick this effort back out, because the quicker you kick them, the further they go! You should be able to kick them right back.

The first reaction, when the bullet is a little bit deeper, is “Damp it, in order to knock- it down, decrease its motion, so it can be handled. Damp it down and throw it back.”

Then the next reaction is “Hold it! Damp it right on out.”

When that doesn’t work — the bullet comes right on in — the next reaction is “Succumb to the motion”

You get this cycle. And you slide him right off. But don’t make the mistake of leaving him in a state of succumb! That is the bottom of the tone scale. You run this out. When we were first doing Effort Processing, the boys were so intrigued that they weren’t running this stuff out. After a severe effort, individuals go into shock, and they get tired and so on right after they have done a lot of hard work. The auditors weren’t running out the last tail end of it and their preclears were getting up off the couch really weak and slow — they were so tired.

What the auditors had to do was bring the cycle of effort — the effort to repel the counter- effort — right straight down to no-effort, if it was a severe one, and then taper off and take the tiredness off the end, which is an effort too.

That is the cycle of effort. And if you are going to put preclears on the couch and run Effort Processing, you had certainly better know that cycle of effort.

An illness comes on, on a tiredness basis, and it gets more and more apathetic and more and more apathetic, and there are past deaths, past pains and apathies which get restimulated and so on. But these are efforts. You don’t have to get anything out of an illness but effort. And with an illness of that character, you can get an early enough effort to kick it out anyhow. It doesn’t matter too much. Don’t worry about where you pick it up on the track. But if you pick it up, for heaven’s sake, run it out. It doesn’t take very long. The dickens with the perceptics — you will turn all the perceptics on full as you go through the thing, but what you are blowing is the effort.

So, this is the cycle of effort on an impact: slight rejection; greater rejection; damp it and reject it; hold it, kill it and throw it out; can’t do it, endure the motion, try to equalize with it; and, last, succumb to it, start moving at the same vibration.

The cycle on an operation, of course, starts at the decision to be operated on; that is a conclusion. Next is ether, then the pain impacts. And you will find down in the middle of the ether these same effort-pain rejection points every time the scalpel touches or anything like that. As it comes on through to the end, you run off the last of the effort and then blow it.

Those are the only types of engrams there are on this. The sensitivity of the body is remarkable.

It is also remarkable that the epicenter which is nearest the action scene is apparently in command, at the moment, of that little area. You will find other epicenters canceling out and forwarding the recommendations of that area’s epicenter, accepting them and doing things with them. The effort comes in, the epicenter forwards something through and all of a sudden as your preclear is sitting there he will suddenly turn on something way down the line in some primordial swamp. If he does that and you give him a little attention on the thing, he will very neatly find that that old facsimile is from one place and that the one you are running is from another place; he can differentiate. But don’t tell him to differentiate; just don’t worry about it. Your mistake could be in not exhausting the effort that you are trying to get. Your mistake could actually come about from taking this facsimile and tracking back on it, and you can run a preclear clear back to photons by doing that. Stick with the effort when you get it, and roll it.

You will find out that one part of the body is doing one thing and another part of the body wants to do something else. You will find this conflict. But the conflict is not in terms of thought, computation and so forth; you are not trying to get any thought out of this and you are not trying to get any conclusions out of this. The only reason you are even faintly interested in these computations is that they will forward theta facsimiles which will carry the preclear back too far on the track. You are interested in whether you have gotten all the effort contained in that incident.

Now, this is Effort Processing which is reduction of the actual engram containing the effort. That is done on an event level. It has nothing to do with Straightwire. Straightwire has to do with computations and conclusions and so forth, but this is just Effort Processing.

As far as “diagnosis” goes, you can actually look a person over and know what epicenters have handed in their chips. Where are the pain facsimiles of the epicenters? Where are they restimulated into pain facsimiles? Remember that the whole body could be in a state where every epicenter in it has handed in a little bit of pain and is hung up in it. Here the command post would be getting no cooperation, bad coordination — everything haywire, nobody taking anybody’s orders. What you want is a smooth agreement.

You will find that the command center will enforce commands upon old epicenters by pushing them into death and holding them there — actually trying to will them out of existence somehow or trying to get complete compliance. You can watch this happening in preclears. Work them over and if you come to a different conclusion, write in about it. All conclusions along this line are tentative; I am just giving you something that works.

Whenever you start running effort on anybody, it is a great temptation just to shotgun all over the place and not exhaust this or exhaust that, or ask just for efforts down the line on the dictionary and so on. You will find that your preclear does better if he is kept oriented. And if you are trying to knock out a series of chronic somatics in an individual, you are working with an epicenter that has handed in its chips. You can actually go back to the primordial swamps with that epicenter and get a lot of stuff off it. But please, only get it off to the point where it disagrees with the central command post of this generation. Get it off to the point where it is perfectly willing to come back to life, so there is some ARC between the central control center and the epicenter.

There are a lot of these epicenters. They are at every crossroads of nerves — wherever you have nerve crossroads, wherever you have sensitivity. They are at all the joints, they are down inside the body in various organs and so on. It is wherever an epicenter has been set up in the past. Most of these epicenters, as I say, either had a central control, or a dual control because of a bivalve system that started with the epicenters in the jaw.

You will find that the two epicenters on either side of the jaw can sometimes be run on different tracks. Each one goes back on one track and has its own experiences, because what happened was that two animals got together to set this up. They are not necessarily on the same ancestral line.

By the way, that will stand correction on further investigation, but it apparently is true.

From this first bivalve forward, these two epicenters have their experiences in common, but only back to that point. From that point — from the bivalve state when these were the centers — straight on forward to present time, their experiences compare. But before they were united their experiences do not compare, and this gives you a split of the body, because the series of experiences back from one part of the bivalve has basic characteristics which are different from those of the other. So when these two get together their facsimiles aren’t identical, and one starts building up something on one side and the other one builds up something on its side, and they go on from there. But there is a point when they get together on the matter.

This is worth your taking note of, because the two sides of the body are not equally built. They don’t even have the same individuality. But they have carried along together for many, many generations. If you want to correct the two sides of the body and get them into comparison, I am afraid you will have to go back before the bivalve point of unison, and you will have to go way back on one bivalve or the other.

I notice that the tongue is split, so it may be that there was a double control center before the jaw bivalves. But the tongue might only be split because it divided its setups. There is some period in there where this happened.

You will see that you can modify the structure of an individual by doing this — running the right and left sides of him. If you take a lot of pictures of people, cut them in half and paste these halves together, they will look entirely different. If you take two left sides and reverse one so the picture is made up of two left sides or two right sides, the person will look like two entirely different people. All you have to do is take a cardboard or something and hold a picture up to a mirror with one side masked and you will see that a person is entirely different from one side to the other. There are two different structural blueprints from a certain point back, evidently.

So we have a postulate on how this comes about and why they don’t compare. It also gives you some insight into the origin of schizophrenia and its correct definition, not its present psychiatric muck-up. It is a split.

Mostly one side of the brain has been handed the control of the body as the new control center, so that there is not a parity of control on these two centers either. One of them was boss, and they jockeyed around and had some compromises — and you will run into that period, by the way. Then you will get to a point they finally advanced to, where there was no argument. As a matter of fact, you can deal with only half of the brain and have quite a bright fellow.