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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Group Processing - Being The MEST Universe, Specific Manifestations (3ACC-68) - L540210 | Сравнить
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- Group Processing - Being the MEST Universe (continued) (3ACC-67) - L540210 | Сравнить
- Group Processing on Class - Being MEST (3ACC-63) - L540210 | Сравнить

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CS Booklet


Lecture 68
Disc 72A
Group Processing Session Given on
10 February 1954
60 Minutes

We’re going to do here another Group Process, more or less on the same lines as before. Now, we’re going to do here some more specific and some less specific manifestations.

I’m going to leave some of them open to your imaginations, there, to hit more particularized problems.

But right here, at first, I want you to mock yourself up as the mest universe, getting a tremendous kick out of punishing you, a thetan. Very gleeful about it, tremendous kick out of it.

All right. Now mock yourself up as the mest universe, anything you want to mock yourself up as, as part of the mest universe, but get this tremendous kick out of-this glee out of it. And get how unpredictable you are to you, as a thetan.

And study how to be less predictable.

All right. Set that aside. Mock yourself up the same way again, doing the same thing.

And set that aside and mock yourself up the same way, doing the same thing again

Okay. Now I want you to mock yourself up as a machine, a motor, a mechanical something, getting a tremendous kick out of being unpredictable to you, a driver or runner or operator.

Some sort of machinery. Get a big kick out of being very unpredictable. Get what’s going to break down next and how you, a thetan, don’t know a thing about it.

All right. Put that aside and mock yourself up the same way again.

Now get an actual view of the operator. An actual view of the operator. And get what a damn fool he is to be so trusting. Get a big kick out of this.

Now get what you’re plotting up to break or do next, that he doesn’t know a thing about.

Now get very proud of being so full of surprises.

Okay. Set that aside and mock yourself up as another machine. Same way, the same thing.

All right. Set that aside. Now mock yourself up as a body-as a body getting a big kick out of withholding information from that liveness in your head. Just enjoy now withholding information from this liveness in your head. The motto of this being: “Don’t let him know.”

And enjoy the confusion of the liveness.

Now those exteriorized, have the body be the body being very, very amused at withholding information from that thing which is outside or inside, as the case may be.

Now get how predictable you are and get what-how unpredictable, rather-and get what you’re planning to do next, just to be a surprise.

Now get what sickness would be the most discombobulating to that thing, there, that runs you.

Now get a pretended docility, very docile. Just pretend you’re docile, just to throw something off guard.

Pretend you’re nice and tame, all the while planning something else.

Okay. Now set that aside. And mock yourself up as a huge black expanse. Huge expanse, limitless expanse. And have a little dot of light appear innocently and sweetly in the middle of the expanse. And you sit there and go on pretending that you’re just a big black mass that’s easily handled. All the while, you know what’s going to happen.

Now get the nobility of this little bright spark and get how much it thinks it is and get your real emotion toward it.

And set that aside and do it again.

Now set that aside. Do it again and this time get how unpredictable you are, this huge mass, to that little spark.

And get the communication tricks which you can play upon this spark, such as bringing the news late.

Okay. Set that aside.

And now be well above Earth, if you can, well above Earth, and check over a series of things which you are not trying to hold apart. A series, two each, that you’re not trying to hold apart.

All right. Now let’s get a series of things, two each, that you’re not trying to hold together.

All right. Now let’s get a series of things, two each, that you’re not trying to push together.

And now a series of things, two each, that you’re not trying to pull apart.

Okay. Now let’s check over the environment and find one object after another that tells where some other object is. Let’s find one object after another now that tells where some other object is.

Okay. Now let’s locate some objects which don’t where other objects are. Don’t tell where other specific objects are.

Okay. Now let’s be an enormous cloud of smog. Fog, enormous cloud of fog. And get a little bright spark and move around so that the little bright spark can’t arrive at the edge. It tries, but you keep moving in such a way that it can never arrive at the edge.

And do this as a completely pleasant pastime.

Now throw in some little barriers that the little bright spark didn’t see and hit him with them. It moves and hits them. And then it moves in another direction, you put another little barrier there and it hits that barrier. Then the bright spark moves in another direction and hits that barrier. And do that until it’s in complete apathy.

Okay. Now put that aside. And mock yourself up as a huge black n-i-g-h-t-night Have a little bright spark enter you. And now fill yourself, and all parts of you, full of terrifying and horribly unknown and mysterious things that will frighten this thing into immobility.

Now any direction it moves, stop it with something frightening. A mystery.

Okay. Let’s set that aside and do it again. And get what a thorough, workmanlike job you can do of this.

Okay. Now mock yourself up as a black and horrible demon of great dimensions and have a little bright spark come in and every time it tries to move in a direction, you jump in front of it.

All right. Let’s put that aside and do it again.

All right. Let’s put that aside and do it again. Now get yourself as a particularly potent demon-full of mystery.

All right. Now put that aside. And do that again. And this time, every time a little bright spark comes in your direction, eat it.

Now act as a sort of an inflow point so that they can’t help but flow in your direction. Get very gravitic, in other words. Attract these things to you. And then eat them up.

All right. Be the demon, now, not yourself. Be the demon and do it some more.

Now get the kindness and trust in these little bright sparks and eat them right on up.

And get the pain with which they enter your anatomy. And keep eating them right on up.

Okay. Let’s put that aside and mock yourself up as a stone.

And get little thetans coming up and smashing their life out and sticking against you.

And just pull them in, make them stick against you and then don’t let them go.

Now convince them they’ve got to stick against you, so that they stick.

Okay. Throw that away and do it again.

All right. Now mock yourself up as a black vacuum and every time a little spark comes in, take everything away from him so fast that he explodes.

All right. Put that aside and be a large area, not particularly light or unlight, but full of confusing sounds.

Now every time a being comes into your vicinity, pound him on all sides with sound, so that he can’t possibly stop the sound coming in, until he goes mad or goes into terror. As soon as you’ve got that one done for, why, get another one and pound him with sound from all directions.

All right. Set that aside. Mock yourself up as a huge black night full of horrible and warning sounds. And every time a being comes into you, why, hit him with these mysterious sounds so as to shock and paralyze him. And get another one coming in. Shock and paralyze this one.

Now set that aside.

And mock yourself up as a white area. And wrap yourself around any life there is and crush it out One life unit after another.

Okay. Set that aside. Be well above the city here and let’s check over some spirits that you are not.

And now let’s check over some things that you are not at this moment stuck to.

Now some more heavy masses that you are not at this moment stuck to.

All right. Now let’s check over some spaces that you are not lost in.

Okay. Now let’s mock yourself up as a huge malevolent demon with the sole mission in life of withholding information from you, a thetan, and convincing you, a thetan, that you don’t know. That’s your mission, as a demon.

All right. Let’s set that aside and do it again. And set it aside and do it again. And set it aside and do it again.

All right. Let’s set that aside. And mock yourself up as a black demon again and this time use the modus operandi of convincing this little thetan that it was places and did things which it really didn’t do.

Now set that aside, mock yourself up as a demon again and convince a little spark of light that it needs a lot of things.

Okay. Now let’s set that aside.

And mock yourself up as your home planet.

And then do that again and again and again and again and again.

Mock yourself up as a home planet. Very massive and holding you, a thetan, to its surface.

Okay. Now mock yourself up as your home sun and shine on this individual that’s you, a thetan.

And then do that again and again and again and again and again.

Okay. Now mock yourself up as your home system: sun, planets and so forth. Just call yourself your home system and exist solely for the pleasure of this being, you, a thetan.

And then set it aside and do it again and again and again and again and again. Okay. Now be well above the city and check over some places you are not. Now check over some things that you do not have to own at this moment. Now let’s check over some things you’re not losing at this moment.

And now let’s rush around or look around, and assign cause. Point at something and say, “You’re the cause of everything that’s happening to me.” And then get some reasons why. And then point to something else and get some reasons why and get something else.

Okay. Now mock yourself up as some beautiful scenery and collapse on you, a thetan. And then do it again and do it again and do it again, until you make him a completely solid mass.

Now convince him by doing this that he’s the cause of it.

Okay. Throw it away. Do what you please with it.

Now be well above the area. And mock yourself up as blue sky. Be very unpredictable and treacherous but continue to be a blue sky and look around for somebody to impress or fool.

Do it again.

Okay. Now mock yourself up as a planet. Good, solid, dense planet. And get somebody flying overhead in an airplane and get them to crash on you, just by pulling in. And then something else to crash and fall on you. And something else to crash and fall.

Get how this feeds you.

Having difficulty getting things to fall, make several things appear on the surface and fly up into the air from you. And then have them fall.

Okay. Now be well above the city and pick out some places you are not.Now pick out some places where your body is not.

And now pick out some things you don’t have to take orders from.

Okay. Now mock yourself up as your ideal self and imbue it with the personality which you’d like to have.

Let’s do that again many times.

Okay. Now mock yourself up as an infinite space. Black space.

And as you do this, get your emotion toward any living thing that might try to find its way amongst you.

Now set that aside and do it again.

And set it aside and do it again.

And set it aside and do it again.

All right Mock yourself up now as God. And regard this being called your name.

All right. Set that aside. And mock yourself up as God again. And this time, adequately punish this being, called your name, for attempting to be you, God.

And do it again and again and again. And get your completely detached attitude toward any feeling this thing has.

Okay. Set that aside. And now many times, one after the other, mock yourself up as Christ on a cross, forgiving the sins of all Man.

Okay. Let’s set that aside.

And let’s mock you up now as a large black expanse with a bunch of hidden barricades and barriers and thorn bushes, as an obstacle course for anybody trying to work his way through you.

And get how foolish this person is to try to predict what you’re going to do next.

Okay. Now let’s mock yourself up as a large expanse-black, white or whatever you happen to be running into there. Mock-up yourself as a large expanse and convince a little bright being that it should put its attention squarely on itself. And every time it tries to put its attention elsewhere, you shift it and put it back on itself.

Now set that aside and do it again.

Okay. Let’s be well above the town. Take a look at the town and check off some buildings in the town where you are not.

And then start unmocking anything you see, selectively, one after another. Just unmock each one.

Now be the mest universe and unmock you.

Now be yourself and unmock objects.

Now be the mest universe and unmock many of you.

More of you.

Many more of you.

Now be the mest universe and unmock any and all systems this little, puny being might have developed, to get out.

All right. Be you and unmock some systems.

Okay. Be well up above the environment and check over some places you are not.

Now put some places there that you might like to be in.

Okay. Let’s move these aside.

Now let’s pick up the first automaticity that you can immediately get hold of that happened to you today during processing. The first automaticity, the first sudden happenstance, and duplicate it.

And duplicate it.

Many times.

Many more times.

Now pick up another one that might have happened. And duplicate it many times.

And one after the other, take these automaticities that occurred and duplicate them many times. [pause]

Pick out another automaticity that has occurred sometime during your processing. Any processing you’ve had here, or any processing, and duplicate it many times.

Okay. Mock-up a noise.

Change it and stop it.

And another one, and change it and stop it. And another one, and change it and stop it. And another one, and change it and stop it. And so forth, [pause]

Okay. Now put up the postulate “there is no remedy.” And then duplicate it many, many times. Keep putting it up. There is no remedy. There is no remedy. There is no remedy.

Put it in specific places.

Okay. Now mock-up a large mob of people trying to understand.

And another one and another one and another one and another one. Each mob trying to understand.

While this is going on, mock-up yourself as the mest universe, and this large mob in you trying to understand, trying to understand.

Do that again and again and again.

Okay. Set that aside. Now be the mest universe and lead this little thetan to reach out and try to understand, so that you can slap him back. And repeat that many times.

Now mock-up yourself as the mest universe, having to have thetans. And get an insatiable appetite.

And then set it aside and do it again. Set it aside and do it again. Set it aside and do it again.

All right Now mock-up yourself as the mest universe, with an insatiable appetite for adoration from thetans. And do it again and do it again and do it again and do it again.

Now get ways and means of making them get into a state where they will adore you.

All right. Set that aside. Now mock-up a large mob of you trying to understand.

Set it aside. Another large mob of you trying to understand. And so forth.

All right. Now a series of large mobs of you, each time being very certain, and then being immediately certain that it was wrong.

Get another mob very certain, then very certain it’s wrong.

Okay. Throw that aside. Be well above the environment, take a look at the environment and duplicate it. Take a look at the environment, whatever you can see now, and duplicate it. And duplicate it. And duplicate it. And duplicate it. Lots of them.

Okay. Now get the difference between your right and left foot.

And the difference between the right and left front upper corners of the room.

The difference between this house and the one next door.

The difference between your right and your left shoulder.

The difference between your right and your left eye.

The difference between the door in front of this room and the door at the back of this room.

The difference between the rear window of this room and the front window of this room.

The difference between two trees.

The difference between your right hand and your left hand.

The difference between the floor and the ceiling.

The difference between the right wall and the left wall.

Now be the mest universe and smash out all differences.

Carefully even everything out to an utter sameness.

Okay. Throw it aside.

Be well above the city and duplicate it. And duplicate it. And duplicate it. And duplicate it. Duplicate anything you’re looking at, at this moment, for those that aren’t above the city.

Duplicate anything you’re looking at, many times.

All right. Now let’s get something of which you’re absolutely certain on the First Dynamic, yourself.

Something of which you’re certain on the Second Dynamic, sexual act.

Something of which you’re certain about infants.

About children.

About teenagers.

Now the most certain thing you can get about groups.

The most certain thing you can get about Mankind.

The most certain thing you can get about animals

The most certain thing you can get about the mest universe.

The most certain thing you can get about space.

The most certain thing you can get about energy.

The most certain thing you can get about time

The most certain thing you can get about travel.

The most certain thing you can get about remembering.

Most certain thing you can get about demons.

The most certain thing you can get about spirits.

About ghosts.

About saints.

The most certain thing you can get about the Devil.

The most certain thing you can get about God.

The highest certainty you can get about knowingness.

About sex.

About symbols.

About thinking.

About effort.

About emotion.

About smelling.

About looking.

About sound.

About beingness.

About knowingness.

About causes.

About effects.

All right. Take a look at whatever you see now, regardless whether it’s the environment, the room, a facsimile-whatever you’re looking at right this minute-and duplicate it. Duplicate it. Duplicate it. Duplicate it. Duplicate it. Duplicate it. Duplicate it. Duplicate it. Duplicate it. Duplicate it. Duplicate it. Duplicate it. Duplicate it.

Throw it away.

Be above the environment and give me three places where you’re not. Find two mest objects within your reach, hold on to them, don’t think. Have the things you’re holding on to think, [laughter] Find the floor beneath your feet.

Let go and be where you please.

End of session.