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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Group Processing - Changing Ideas (4ACC-20) - L540226 | Сравнить



#0973, 5402C26 4ACC-20

..processing of the day. We have been trying to remedy a little havingness in the first hour, start to remedy a little bit in this one. But let's work hard on changing ideas.

Now, let's get an idea about a heavy object. An idea about a heavy object. Now let's confirm this idea as the total fact. Now let's say it is the object. Now let's say it isn't the object and change the idea. Now say the idea is the object again. Now that it's not the object. That it is the object. That it isn't the object. Now change the idea again. OK.

Now apply it to its space instead of the object. Now say it is the space. Now that it isn't the space, it's the idea of the space. Now that it is the space. Indistinguishable, this idea and the space are indistinguishable. Now that one is an idea in the other's space. Now put this idea out in front of you and mirror it. Now change the idea into a mirror and have it mirror you. OK. Throw it away.

Find some places where you're not. OK.

Now let's check over some ideas I am not giving you. Some ideas which you're not giving yourself. And now some ideas which are not you. Some more ideas that aren't you. Get one for sure. OK. Let's get some ideas that you did not create for sure. Now let's get another specific person and let's get some ideas that this person is not. And now some ideas that this person did not create. OK.

Now, nearly everybody is haunted slightly by some other personality of some other person. Just on that assumption, reasonable or unreasonable, let's get that other person now. It'll be a person which you wish you'd never known. Alright. Get that person. And get some ideas which this person did not create. Get some for sure, some more ideas this person did not create. Some more ideas which this person did not create. Get one for sure. Some more ideas which this person didn't create. Some more ideas which this person didn't create. And now some ideas which this person didn't make you create. And now some ideas which you didn't make this person create. OK.

Let's get some places where you're not.

Now I'm going to issue a series of things which we're going to call auditing commands. I want you in each case to change it around so that it's a perfectly legible auditing command. OK? Got that? Now, I want you to change it around so it's a perfectly legible, doable auditing command.

Rackaroo. Fogamog. Dun tippa mor tip. Rackaroo. Fomek guppin. Storborgs. Storborg for sure. Snapple bin. Rogamorg. Rogamorg tippin, several places. Get a perfectly intelligible auditing command each time. McGuppin. Ee er sen shu roo. Uno dos tres quatro. Get an auditing command. Ein zwei drei vier. OK.

Now let's spot the machinery you were doing that with, and let's be that machine or that area. Now make a decision about it. Now be that area again. Now make a decision about it. Now be that area again. Now make a decision about it. Now be that area again. Make a decision about it. If you had trouble spotting the area, consider the spots on elephants. Make a decision about it. Consider the length of a piece of string, counter your consideration, and make a decision about it. Calculate the height of up, change the consideration, now make a decision about it.

Now take hold of the two back anchor points of the room. Put them in front of you. Duplicate whatever you see. Duplicate it many times. Find a nothingness in it. Duplicate it many times. Alright. Let go of it and be where you please. OK.

Let's look over the environment. Mock yourselves up as a mirror, and reflect objects, one after the other. Now as a mirror, reflect the depths of spaces as you confront them. Now confront solid objects such as walls and reflect their immovability. One after the other. Now reflect spaces, but reflect their inescapability. OK. Do what you please with the mirror.

Check over some places where you're not.

Now let's locate some MEST objects of which you are not afraid. Find one for sure. And a whole lot of them. OK. Now let's find some objects which are not in full retreat from you. And let's find some objects now which you wouldn't mind if they went away. Some more. Find some more objects that you wouldn't mind if they went away. Find one that you're absolutely certain you wouldn't mind having go away. OK.

Let's find some places where you're not.

And now let's get some machines, check over and find some machines that you're not this moment tending. Not this moment taking care of or tending, watching over. Some more which you're not this moment tending or watching over. Those exteriorized, let's scout around the environment and check over some machines very carefully and let's make sure you're not tending them. Alright. Now let's find some machines that aren't tending you. Find some very certainly that aren't tending you in any way, shape or form. Find some more that aren't taking care of you, that aren't tending you at this moment. And let's find some machinery in the society or Earth or someplace that you're not responsible for the condition of. Oh, let's find a lot more. Now let's find a machine that certainly exists. OK.

Check over some places where you're not. OK.

Now let's find several heavy MEST objects, big ones. One right after the other now. Get very solidly the thought, point at them, "That's all I've got left." Each one, "That's all I've got left." OK.

Let's look around the environment now. Let's look around the environment and let's discover if we can, the owner of everything. And now just elect, object after object, space after space, the owner of everything. OK.

Let's find a couple of heavy MEST objects now and hold on and don't think. OK. Let go of it.

Now let's get the feeling, or actually do this, find a heavy mass and interiorize into it. Or just get the feeling you're doing it right where you are. Alright. Without removing that heavy mass, let's interiorize into a second mass. Now without letting go of that mass, let's interiorize into a third mass. Now forgetting we interiorized in the first mass again, let's re-interiorize into it. Now let's get the recognition that we're now lost and have these masses step away and each one inform you of where you are. OK.

Now let's check over some places where you're not interiorized. OK. Let's check over some people you are not. And now some people who are not jamming thoughts into you. OK. Check over where you're not.

Now let's dream up some places where not to be. You dream them up so you're not there. Now let's get a person that you wish you never knew, never knew. Wish you'd never known. And check off some ideas which this person did not give you. And some crimes which this person did not commit against you. OK.

Let's find very rapidly now some places where you're not.

Now let's predict some dire consequences. Just that, predict some dire consequences. Horrible things. Predict some more horrible things. OK. Let's take these horrible things now and mock yourself up as having had them happen to you. OK.

Let's check over some pets that you're not at this moment torturing. And now let's sweep aside any of the mock-ups which you have. OK. Now let's check over some things you're not at this moment trying to make nothing and invisible. OK.

Find some places where you're not. Find two heavy MEST objects and hold onto them and don't think. OK. Let go of them.

Now rapidly, one after the other, locate many objects and put unconsciousness into each one. OK. Let's check around these objects again, let's put apathy into each one. OK. Let's check these over again, now let's put indifference into each one. The feeling of indifference into each one.

Now look around and find or get the idea of people, you standing in front of them, and person after person, put a nothingness back of their heads. More of them now. If you're exteriorized and operating fairly well, just walk around and put nothing in back of the heads of a lot of people. If you're not, mock it up. And lots more and you put a nothingness several feet behind the head of each one. Good. Do it some more. OK. Everybody now in mock-up form, mock up this person and that, one after the other, and each time put a nothingness back of their heads.

Now let's find some places where you're not. OK.

Look around the environment now, find a number of objects and put unconsciousness into each one. Put unconsciousness into a lot more of them. OK. You sweep that aside. Find a number of heavy masses now and put a small spot of nothingness behind on the other side of each one. OK. Now one after the other, get the idea of removing a nothingness you didn't put there from behind each object or heavy mass. Alright. Remove these nothingnesses, store them carefully.

And check over some places you are not. OK.

Now let's mock up a sound. Change it and stop it. Do that again. Again. Now mock up yourself as having been surrounded by sounds, change them and stop them. And do that again, over and over and over as a cycle. Mock up a sound, change it an stop it. Many of them, around you. Mock up some more sounds around you. Change them and stop them. Mock up some more sounds around yourself. Change them and stop them. Now stop them this time just by not putting any more sound there, not by putting up a wall or a barrier. Distinctly different, but stop them now simply by putting no more sound there. Get a sound and then stop it by putting no more sound there. Do that some more. OK. Now let's look around the environment again and put unconsciousness into many objects. OK.

Now mock up a beam of light and unmock it, that is to say, just by not putting another beam of light there rather than stopping it. Just mock up a beam of light and then not mock it up again to stop it. Do that some more. Mock up a beam of light, see if we can get bigger brighter beams now. And then just stop it by not putting it there. OK. Now let's mock up a beam of light and a sound and stop them. OK. Now let's mock up a beam of light and a sound simultaneously and this time simply stop them by not putting them there anymore. OK.

Let's mock up some places where you're not. And mock up some places where you're not. OK. Let's find a couple of heavy pieces of MEST and hold onto them and don't think. OK. Now let's check over some places where you're not. See if we can spot some other universes we're not in. And some bodies which at this moment we're not running. OK. Let's check over some people we're not.

And now let's fix our attention very heavily upon anything that's immediately in sight. Hone it right down, fix it and then lift it up and move it onto something else. Now put our attention on that very heavily. And then lift it up and put it on something else. Put our attention on that very heavily. And lift it up and put it on something else. Now put our attention on this next thing very very heavily. Then get a railroad crane, have it come along and unfix our attention and put it in a freight car. Duplicate the wheels of the freight car very carefully. Duplicate them many times, very carefully. Put them in our head. Make them go around. Alright.

Now pick up any automaticity, any sudden lurch or unconsciousness or something of the sort, that might have occurred during this last hour, and mock it up several times. Duplicate it many times...