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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Alcoholism (GD-09) - L550202 | Сравнить
- Group Processing - Present Time (GD-10) - L550202 | Сравнить



A group processing session given by L. Ron Hubbard on the 2 February 1955

Do you realize that I am absolved from all responsibility of any consequences which may occur, because I did tell you that this is very experimental and probably wouldn't do anything for you and so forth, and you came back anyway, so you see it's on your heads.

So what we're going to do now are just some - few little minor exercises in alertness.

And if you follow the auditing commands which I give, why, you'll find it very, very simple. And if you don't follow them, but just sit there (now let me repeat that, some people miss that almost always on these Wednesday nights) if you just sit there and say, "Well, that's not for me," you know, and you sit there, tomorrow - tomorrow you've-"! don't know quite what happened." Now that happens to be a fact.

He isn't here tonight, so I can tell a story. My own father - you know how fathers are - my own father sat at a congress we had over at the Little Theater last December, and he omitted doing about an hour's processing. He sat there and he got interested in watching the people and watching me and so forth, and he just omitted doing this. And he didn't come next day to the congress because he had such a bad cold. And he could not connect this bad cold which he had with having sat there not doing the processes, but saying, "Oh, well," you know, "don't have to worry about it."

So let's just follow these through as best you can, and if you miss some of them, that's all right, we can always go back and sweep them up. And you will find these exercises very, very simple.

Now, if you have a pain or something like that - the pain turns on or you get a pain in your eyes, as occasionally once in a great while happens, why, don't just cease and desist, you see, from doing the process. What turned it on will turn it off. And if you get a sudden pain in your head or something like that, don't worry about it, just keep on doing the process and the pain will undoubtedly go away. We're not worried about your psychosomatic ills. What we're mainly concerned with is your alertness with this thing called present time, so let's take a look at it.Where is present time?

Audience: Here.

Well, let's look around real good. That's good. Where is present time?

Audience: Here.

Is this present time?

Audience: Yes.


Is it present time?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is the floor in present time?

Audience: Yes.

Is the chair in present time?

Audience: Yes.

Is that wall in present time?

Audience: Yes.

Is the other wall in present time?

Audience: Yes.

Is the ceiling in present time?

Audience: Yes.

Well, fine.

Are you in present time?

Audience: Yes.


Is the chair in present time?

Audience: Yes.


Is the floor in present time?

Audience: Yes.

Is your head in present time?

Audience: Yes.

Well, let's feel it and find out. Is your head here?

Audience: Yes.

Didn't leave it home?

Audience: No.

All right.

Your head is here, huh?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Let's find out if your right shoulder is here.

Audience: Yes.

Is your right shoulder here?

Audience: Yes.

Well, good.

Now let's find out if your left shoulder is here.

Audience: Yes.


Is it here?

Audience: Yes.

Well, good.

Let's find out if your right knee is here.

Audience: Yes.

Is that here?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Now let's find out if your left knee is here.

Audience: Yes.

It's here?

Audience: Yes.

Well, good.

It's really here, huh?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Let's find out if your right foot is here.

Audience: Yes.

Oh, let's be more careful about that. Is your right foot really here?

Audience: Yeah.


Now is your left foot here?

Audience: Yes.

Well, good.

Your left foot is here, your right foot is here. Is your head here?

Audience: Yes.

It didn't leave?

Audience: No.

All right.

Is your right hand here?

Audience: Yes.


Your right hand is here?

Audience: Yes.

Oh, let's find out better than that. Is your right hand here?

Audience: Yes.

Well, why don't you pinch it a little bit and find out.

Male voice: Yeah, it's here.

Is it here?

Audience: Yes.


Female voice: Yeah.

It really here?

Audience: Yes.

Oh, that's a big convincer, isn't it? Now let's take the left hand and find out if it's here.

Audience: Yes.

Is it here?

Audience: Yes.

Well, good.

Your left hand is here, your right hand is here, your feet's here. My goodness, are you here?

Audience: Yes.

Well, fine. Fine.

Is your head here?

Audience: Yes. Are you here?

Audience: Yes. Good.

Is your head here?

Audience: Yes.

Well, now let's look. Is your head here?

Audience: Yes.

Come on, let's look at your head. Is it here?

Audience: Yes.

All right. All right.

Are you here?

Audience: Yes.

Well, if your head is here, then are you here?

Audience: Yes.

Well, all right.

If you're here, is your body here?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Are your feet here?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is this room here?

Audience: Yes.


Am I here?

Audience: Yes. Well, fine.

Are you here?

Audience: Yes. Thank you.

All right. Now, I'm going to ask you to do a little exercise, which is a very interesting exercise, and that is to have a small spot, a little spot right here out in front of your face and I want this little spot - want you to have this little spot say, "Hello." Now we got that?

Audience: Yeah.

A little spot say, "Hello." And every time it says, "Hello," you say, "Okay." All right.

Now get this little spot and have it say, "Hello." Got that?

Audience: Yeah.

Well, fine.

Now you say, "Okay" to it.

Audience: Okay.

All right.

Now have it say, "Hello." Now you say, "Okay."

Audience: Okay.

All right.

Now let's just keep that up rapidly. Have the spot say, "Hello." And you say, "Okay." And the spot say, "Hello." And you say, "Okay."


Let's do it.

Audience: Okay. (repeated many times)

Tell it okay.

Audience: Okay.

You still got it there?

Audience: Yes.

Well, that's fine.

Now have it say, "Hello." And you say, "Okay" some more.

Audience: Okay.

Got it now?

Audience: Yeah.

Is that working real good?

Audience: (various responses)

Well, fine.

Now have it say - you got that now?

Female voice: Yeah.

That was easy.

All right.

Now have it say, ''You can fight" and you say, "Thank you." All right.

Now, you got that?

Have it say, You can fight" and you say, "Thank you." You can fight." "Thank you." ''You can fight." "Thank you." Come on, let's do it now.

Audience: Thank you. (repeated many times)

Good. Good. Fine. Fine.

Now have it say, ''You can fight" and you say, "Thank you."

Audience: Thank you. Good. Good. That's fine. Let's do it some more.

Audience: Thank you.


How you making out with this now, huh?

Male voice: Good.

Making out good?

Audience: (various responses)

All right.

Now let's have this little spot say, ''You don't have to fight" and you say, "Thank you."

Audience: Thank you.

Good. Good.

Audience: Thank you. Good.

How is that, nice and easy?

Female voice: Very easy.

Audience: (various responses) Is it getting easier?

Audience: Yes. Getting harder?

Female voice: Easier! All right.

Now let's have this little spot back of your head, back here now, and have it say, ''You don't have to fight" and you say, "Thank you" back to it.


Let's do that.

Audience: Thank you.

How is that going? Keeping a little spot there real easy?

Audience: Yes.


Audience: (various responses)

All right.

Now let's have this little spot back of your head say, ''You don't have to fight" and you say, "Thank you."

Female voice: Okay.

Audience: Thank you. Good. Good.

Getting easier to do?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Now let's have that little spot - now you got that, that's just fine. All right.

Now let's have that little spot say, ''You can fight" and you say, "Thank you."

Audience: Thank you. (repeated responses)

That going better now?

Audience: Yeah.

Female voice: Real fine. That going easier?

Audience: Uh-huh. Yeah.


Audience: (various responses)

All right.

Anybody that's going harder speak up. All right. Fine.

Now, got that little spot back there now?

Audience: Yeah.

All right.

Now you tell it, ''You can fight" and have it say, "Thank you."

Audience: You can fight.

Got it real good now?

Audience: Uh-huh.

All right.

Now you tell this little spot right back there, ''You don't have to fight" and it says, "Thank you."

Audience: You don't have to fight.


Is that getting easier?

Female voice: Uh-huh. All right. Fine.

Now let's have the little spot back here again, in front of your face and you tell it, ''You don't have to fight" and have it say, "Thank you."

Audience: You don't have to fight.

Okay. That's fine. That's real swell.

Now let's have that little spot out in front of your face there still, and you say to it now - you say to it now, ''You can fight" and have it say, "Thank you."

Audience: You can fight.

Come on now, you're giving it permission.

Audience: You can fight.


How's that going now, huh?

Audience: Fine.

Is that getting real easy?

Audience: (various responses) Well, swell.

You don't suppose the floor is still here, do you?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is your chair still here?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is your right shoulder still here?

Audience: Yes.


Is your left shoulder still here?

Audience: Yes.


Is your head still here?

Audience: Yes.


Is your right foot still here?

Audience: Yes.


Is your left foot still here?

Audience: Yes.


Is your right hand still here?

Audience: Yes.


Is your left hand still here?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Now, you must be here then. All right.

Now we're going to do a little exercise into the future, a little exercise in the future.

Now, you're going to say to yourself, now, "My right hand will still be here in five seconds." And then I'm going to count them out.

Say it.

Audience: My right hand will still be here in five seconds.

And two and three and four and five. Check it.

Audience: Here. Still here.


Now say to yourself, "My left hand will be here in five seconds."

Audience: My left hand will be here in five seconds.

And two and three and four and five. Check it.

Audience: Yes.

Is it there?

Audience: (various responses)

Hey, what do you know? All right.

Now say to yourself, "I will be here in ten seconds."

Audience: I will be here in ten seconds.

And two and three and four and five and six and seven and eight and nine and ten. Are you here?

Audience: Yes.

Well, good.

You were right, then.

Male voice: Yeah.

Well, fine.

Now say, "My right hand will be here in five seconds."

Audience: My right hand will be here in five seconds. And two and three and four and five. Check it.

Audience: Yep. Yes.

Well, good. All right.

Say, "My left hand will be here in five seconds."

Audience: My left hand will be here in five seconds. And two and three and four and five. Check it.

Audience: Yep. Yes.

Is it there?

Audience: (various responses)

Well, good.

Now say to yourself, very determinedly, "I'm going to be here m ten seconds."

Audience: I'm going to be here in ten seconds.

And two and three and four and five and six and seven and eight and nine and ten. Check it.

Audience: Yep. Yeah.

Well, you were right again, huh?

Female voice: Yes.

Gee, we can get five and ten seconds into the future real good. Okay. That's real good.

Did anybody have any difficulty doing that? All right.

Now I'm going to ask you a question which is in a process which we call "Straightwire." I'm going to ask you now a question which has not been run on groups before, but I said this was an experimental process and so I'm going to live up to my word on this.

Now I'm going to ask you to remember something you wouldn't mind forgetting.

Got it?

Audience: Okay. Yeah.

All right.

Now let's recall something else you wouldn't mind forgetting.

Audience: Okay.

Got that real good?

Audience: Yes.

Well, good.

Now let's get something else you wouldn't mind forgetting.

Female voice: Okay.

Got that now?

Male voice: Oh yes. Got it.

All right.

Now, you got that real well?

Audience: Yes.

Give us something else you wouldn't mind forgetting.

Audience: Okay.

Got it?

Audience: Yes.

Well, fine.

Now get something else you wouldn't mind forgetting, and then some more things you wouldn't mind forgetting. Gotten them?

Audience: Mm-hm.

Have you gotten them really?

Audience: Yeah. Yes.

Real good?

You got some things you wouldn't mind forgetting, huh?

Audience: Uh-huh. Yes.

Well, fine.

Now we've got a slightly different one: Give me some things you wouldn't mind other people forgetting about you. Let's just check off a few of them. Things you wouldn't mind others forgetting about you.

All right. That's fine.

Now let's get some more things you wouldn't mind others forgetting about

Okay. That's real fine.

Now let's pick out one person, one person, who is your favorite nemesis.

You know, the one person who is responsible for everything that ever happened to you. The one person that's the downfall of your life. The one person that made you as you are today. You got that?

Audience: Yes.

Just pick one out now. Let's pick one out. Got one?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Now let's get some things you wouldn't mind this person forgetting about you.

All right.

Let's get some more things you wouldn't mind this person forgetting about

you. Now, you know what person it is. Now, don't change your mind. Don't change your mind, ever.

Okay. All right. That's real good. That's real good.

Now let's get some things you wouldn't mind forgetting about this person. Same person. Things you wouldn't mind forgetting about this person. Getting that real easy?

Well, let's get some more things you wouldn't mind forgetting about this person. Oh, you're really getting some now, huh?

Female voice: Uh-huh.

Well, fine. All right.

Now let's play it the other way to, and this same person. Now let's get some things you wouldn't mind this person forgetting about you. Some specific things now. Getting those real easy?

Female voice: Mm-hm.

Well, fine.

Are you working with this person easier now?

Male voice: Yeah.

All right.

Now let's get some things you wouldn't mind forgetting about this particular person.


You got some of them now real good - hm? All right.

Now let's play it the other way around. Now let's recall some things or get some things that you wouldn't mind this person forgetting about you. Same person.

Some more things you wouldn't mind this person forgetting about you. All right. Fine.

Now say, "Okay" to all those memories.

Audience: Okay.

All right.

Say it again to all those memories.

Audience: Okay.

And again, to all those memories.

Audience: Okay.


And again, to all those memories.

Audience: Okay.

All right.

And again, to all those memories.

Audience: Okay.

All right.

Now let's have all those memories say, "Okay" to you. And have them say all - "Okay" to you again.


And have those memories say, "Okay" to you again. Fine.

Now you say, "Okay" to those memories.

Audience: Okay.

All right.

And say, "Okay" to them again.

Audience: Okay.


And say, "Okay" to them again.

Audience: Okay.


And say, "Okay" to them again.

Audience: Okay.

All right.

Now say, "Okay" to that person wherever he may be - she may be.

Audience: Okay.

Say, "Okay" to that person again.

Audience: Okay.

All right.

Get the idea of that person saying, "Okay" to you.

Audience: Okay.

All right.

Now you say, "Okay" to that person.

Audience: Okay.

Get the idea of that person saying, "Okay" to you.

Female voice: Yeah.

All right.

Say, "Okay" to that person.

Audience: Okay.

All right.

Get the idea of that person saying, "Okay" to you. Got it?

Audience: (various responses)

All right.

Now let's have that person, wherever that person may be, simply say in your direction, "Okay, okay, okay, okay," many, many times.

All right.

Now you say to that - "Okay" to that person many, many times. Go on, say it aloud.

Audience: Okay. (repeated many times)

Got it?

Audience: (various responses)

All right.

How do you feel?

Audience: Fine.

Let's find the floor.

Let's find a chair.


Let's find the floor.


Let's find the chair.


Let's find the floor.


Let's find the chair.


Let's find the floor.


Let's find the chair.

Audience: Okay.


Let's find the floor.


Let's find the chair.

Audience: Okay.


Let's find the floor.


Let's find the chair.

Audience: Okay.


Let's find the floor.


Let's find the chair.

Audience: Okay.


Let's find the floor.


Let's find the chair.

Audience: Okay.


Let's find the floor.


Let's find the chair.

Audience: Okay.


Let's find the floor.


Let's find the chair.

Audience: Okay.


Let's find the floor.


Let's find the chair.

Audience: Okay.


Let's find the floor.


Let's find the chair.

Audience: Okay.


Let's find the floor.


Let's find the chair.

Audience: Okay.


Let's find the floor.


Let's find the chair.

Audience: Okay.


Let's find the floor.


Let's find the chair.

Audience: Okay.


Let's find the floor.


Let's find the chair.

Audience: Okay.


Let's find the floor.


Let's find the chair.

Audience: Okay.


Let's find the floor.


Let's find the chair.

Audience: Okay.


Let's find the floor.


Let's find the chair.


Let's find the chair. Audience: (various responses) Good.

Let's find the floor.


Let's find the chair.

Audience: Okay.


Let's find the floor.


Let's find the chair.

Audience: Okay.


Let's find the floor.


Let's find the chair.

Audience: Okay.


Let's find the floor.

All right.

Did you do that?

Audience: Yes.

Is that real easy to do now?

Audience: Yes.

Anybody got any aches or pains?

Audience: No.

Aw, gee, no aches or pains?

Female voice: No.


Audience: No. None.

All right.

Now we'll just show you, we'll just show you you were wrong. (laughter)

Find your right ear.

Audience: (various responses) Find your left ear.

Audience: Okay. Sure.


Find your right ear.

Audience: Okay.


Find your left ear. Female voice: Okay. Good.

Find your left ear.


Find your right ear.

Audience: Okay.


Find your left ear.

Audience: Okay.


Find your right ear.

Audience: Okay.


Find your right ear.

Audience: Okay.


Find your left ear.

Audience: Okay.


Find your right ear.

Audience: Okay.


Find your left ear.

Audience: Okay.


Find your right ear.

Audience: Okay.


Find your left ear.

Audience: Okay.


Find both ears.

Audience: Okay.


Find the floor.

That was real easy to do wasn't it? Real easy to do.

Female voice: Sure.

But that's not the half of it. Now without your hands - without your hands and with your attention only - find your right ear.

Audience: Okay.

All right.

Find your left ear.

Audience: Okay.


Find your right ear.

Audience: Okay.

You do that?

Audience: Yeah.


Find your left ear.

Audience: Okay.

All right.

You give me an "Okay" when you've done so.

Audience: Okay.

All right.

Find your left ear.

Audience: Okay.

All right.

Find your right ear.

Audience: Okay.

All right.

Find your left ear.

Audience: Okay.

All right.

Find your right ear.

Audience: Okay.

All right.

Find your left ear.

Audience: Okay.

All right.

Find your right ear.

Audience: Okay.


Find your left ear.

Audience: Okay.

All right.

Find your right ear.

Audience: Okay.

All right.

Find your left ear.

Audience: Okay.

All right.

Find your left ear.

Audience: Okay.

All right.

Find your right ear.

Audience: Okay.

All right.

Find your left ear.

Audience: Okay.


Find your right ear.

Audience: Okay.


Find your left ear.

Audience: Okay.

All right.

Find your right ear.

Audience: Okay.


Find your left ear.

Audience: Okay.

All right.

Find your right ear.

Audience: Okay.

All right.

Find your left ear.

Audience: Okay.

All right.

Find your right ear.

Audience: Okay.

All right.

Find your left ear.

Audience: Okay.

All right.

Find your right eye - no hands.

Audience: Okay.


Find your left eye.

Audience: Okay.

All right.

Find your right eye.

Audience: Okay.

All right.

Find your left eye.

Audience: Okay.

All right.

Find your right eye.

Audience: Okay.

All right.

Find your left eye.

Audience: Okay.

All right.

Find your right eye.

Audience: Okay.

All right.

Find your right eye.

Audience: Okay.

Right eye?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Find your left eye.

Audience: Okay.


Find your right eye.

Audience: Okay.

All right.

Find your left eye.

Audience: Okay.

All right.

Find your right eye.

Audience: Okay.

All right.

Find your left eye.

Audience: Okay.

All right.

Find your right eye.

Audience: Okay.

All right.

Find your left eye.

Audience: Okay.

All right.

Find your right eye.

Audience: Okay.

All right.

Find your left eye.

Audience: Okay.


Find your right ear.

Audience: Okay.

All right.

Find your left ear.

Audience: Okay.


Find your right ear.

Audience: Okay.

All right.

Find your left ear.

Audience: Okay.

All right.

Find your right ear.

Audience: Okay.

All right.

Find your left ear.

Audience: Okay.

All right.

Find your right ear.

Audience: Okay.


Find your right ear.

Audience: Okay.

All right.

Find your left ear.

Audience: Okay.

All right.

Find your right ear.

Audience: Okay.


How are you doing?

Audience: Fine.

Got any pains?

Audience: No.

Feel good?

Female voice: Feel good.

Real easy?

Audience: Sure. Yes. All right.

Now let's look yourself over very, very carefully and find out if there's anything around that you could have.

Female voice: Why, yes.

Anything that you could have in your vicinity or on your person. Do you have anything you could really have?

Audience: Sure. Mm-hm.

All right.

Let's find some more things you could have.

Audience: Mm-hm.

All right.

Let's find some more things you could have.

Audience: Okay.


Let's find some more things in the room you could have.

Audience: Mm-hm.

All right.

Let's find some more things in the room you could have - you know, under certain conditions.

Let's find some more things in the room you could have.

Audience: (various responses)

Anybody found any yet?

Audience: Yeah.

All right.

Let's find some more things in the room you could have. You're in the room, too, you know.

Audience: Yes.


Let's find some more things in the room you could have. All right.

That real easy?

Audience: (various responses)


Now what part of your past could you own?

Male voice: All of it.

Let's look it over and find one item. Find out whether or not you could own it.

And let's find some more things in your past that you could have. Good.

Now let's find some more things in your past that you could have. Find some?

Audience: Mm-hm.

Well, good.

Now let's find something in your future that you will be able to have.

Let's find some more things that you will be able to have in your future. Good.

Now let's find some more things that you will be able to have in your future.


Let's find some more things you will be able to have in your future. Old musty crust of bread, something.

All right. That's fine.

Now let's get some more things you'll be able to have in your future.

Now if these things that you're getting are in picture form and they're coming from some direction, every time one goes by, say "Okay" to it too.

Let's get some more things you can have in your future, now.

Male voice: Okay.

All right. That's fine.

Now let's find some more things you'll be able to have in your future. Okay. That's fine.

You really getting some now? All right.

And let's find some more things you'll be able to have in your future. Okay.

Let's find some more things you can have about your future. Some more things you can have in your future.

All right.

Now let's find some more things you can have in your future. Okay. That's fine. That's fine.

How are you doing?

Audience: Fine. (various responses)

Anybody find one thing?

Female voice: No.

Huh? Did you find one thing? Audience: (various responses) Well, then let's find the floor. Good.

Find the chair.

All right.

Is the chair there?

Audience: Yes.


Is the right wall there?

Audience: Yes.


Is the left wall there?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is the right wall there?

Audience: Yes.


Is the left wall there?

Audience: Yes.


Is the right wall there?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is the left wall there?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is the right wall there?

Audience: Yes.


Is the floor there?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is the chair there?

Audience: Yes.


Is the right wall there?

Audience: Yes.


Is the left wall there?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is the right wall there?

Audience: Yes.


Is the left wall there?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is the right wall there?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is the left wall there?

Audience: Yes.


Is the right wall there?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is the left wall there?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is the right wall there?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is the left wall there?

Audience: Yes.


Is the right wall there?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is the left wall there?

Audience: Yes.


Is the left wall there?

Audience: Yes.


Is the right wall there?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is the left wall there?

Audience: Yes.


Is the left wall there?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is the right wall there?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is the left wall there?

Audience: Yes.


Is the floor there?

Audience: Yes.

Is your chair there?

Audience: Yes. Are you there?

Audience: Yes. Okay.

Is there another person in the room?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Let's spot him.

Audience: (various responses)

All right.

Tell him "Hello."

Audience: Hello. All right.

Now, is there a third person in the room?

Audience: Yes.

Well, let's check it real close.

Audience: (various responses) Okay.

Tell him "Hello." Audience: Hello. All right.

Now, is there a fourth person in the room?

Audience: (various responses)

You sure of that?

Audience: Yes.

You sure of that?

Audience: Yes.

Well, tell him "Hello."

Audience: Hello.

Oh, tell them so they know you said it.

Audience: Hello. Tell them again.

Audience: Hello. All right.

Is there a fifth person in the room?

Audience: Yes.

You sure?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Are there five of you here?

Audience: Yes.

Male voice: No.

Well, all right.

Is there one person in this room?

Audience: Yes.

Well, check it over.

Audience: (various responses) All right.

Are there two people in the room?

Audience: Yes.

Check it.

Female voice: Say something, Ron.


Are there three people in the room?

Audience: Yes.

Check it.

Audience: Yes.

Come on, let's check it. Dickens with this bashfulness, let's check it over, this third person.

Audience: Yes.

You sure of that?

Audience: (various responses)

Well, come on, let's make real sure.

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is there a fourth person in the room?

Audience: Yes.

Pick him out. Check it. Check it real good.

Audience: (various responses)

All right.

Is there a sixth person in the room?

Audience: Yes.


Check it.

Audience: (various responses)

Tell him "Hello."

Audience: Hello.

Tell him "Hello."

Audience: Hi. Hello. All right.

Tell him "Hello."

Audience: Hello. Okay.

Tell the people in the room "Hello."

Audience: Hello.

All right.

Tell the people in the room "Hello."

Audience: Hello.


Tell the people in the room "Hello."

Audience: Hello.


Tell the people in the room "Hello."

Audience: Hello.


Tell the people in the room "Hello."

Audience: Hello.

Come on, everybody. Tell the people in the room "Hello."

Audience: Hello.

All right.

Tell the people in the room "Hello."

Audience: Hello.

All right.

Tell the people in the room "Hello."

Audience: Hello.


Tell the people in the room "Hello."

Audience: Hello.

All right.

Tell the people in the room "Hello."

Audience: Hello.

All right.

Tell the people in the room "Hello."

Audience: Hello.


Tell them "Hello."

Audience: Hello. All right.

Tell them "Hello."

Audience: Hello. All right.

Tell them "Hello."

Audience: Hello. All right.

Tell them "Hello."

Audience: Hello. All right.

Tell them "Hello."

Audience: Hello. All right.

Tell them "Hello."

Audience: Hello. All right.

Say, "Okay" now to all those hellos.

Audience: Okay. (repeated many times) More of them.

Audience: Okay.

All right.

Now - now answer me, answer me this: Are there people present?

Audience: Yes. Are you alive?

Audience: Yes. Okay.

Are they alive?

Audience: Yes.

Find out.

Come on, let's find out. All right.

Are the people in the room alive?

Audience: Yes. Are you sure?

Audience: Yes. Okay.

Are they alive?

Audience: Yes.


Are you alive?

Audience: Yes. All right.

How do you feel?

Audience: Fine.


How are you?

Audience: Fine.


How are you?

Audience: Fine.


How are you?

Audience: Fine.


How are you?

Audience: Fine.


How are you?

Audience: Fine.


How are you?

Audience: Fine.


How are you?

Audience: Fine.


How are you?

Audience: Fine.


How are you?

Audience: Fine.


How are you?

Audience: Fine.


How are you?

Audience: Fine.


How are you?

Audience: Fine.


How are you?

Audience: Fine.

All right.

Now you ask me.

Audience: How are you?


Audience: How are you?


Audience: How are you?


Audience: How are you?


Audience: How are you?


Audience: How are you?


Audience: How are you?


Audience: How are you?


Audience: How are you?


Audience: How are you?


Audience: How are you?


Audience: (various responses)

All right.

Are you alive?

Audience: Yes.


Am I alive?

Audience: Yes.


Are they alive?

Audience: Yes. All right.

Is there a right wall in this room?

Audience: Yes.


Is there a left wall in this room?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is there a right wall in this room?

Audience: Yes.


Is there a left wall in this room?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is there a right wall in this room?

Audience: Yes.


Is there a left wall in this room?

Audience: Yes.


Are there people in this room?

Audience: Yes.


Is there a right wall in this room?

Audience: Yes.


Is there a left wall in this room?

Audience: Yes.


Is there a right wall in this room?

Audience: Yes.


Is there a left wall in this room?

Audience: Yes.


Is there a right wall in this room?

Audience: Yes.


Is there a left wall in this room?

Audience: Yes.


Is there a right wall in this room?

Audience: Yes.


Is there a right wall in this room?

Audience: Yes.


Is there a right wall in this room?

Audience: Yes.


Is there a right wall in this room?

Audience: Yes.


Is there a left wall in this room?

Audience: Yes.


Is there a right wall in this room?

Audience: Yes.


Is there a left wall in this room?

Audience: Yes.


Is there a left wall in this room?

Audience: Yes.


Is there a right wall in this room?

Audience: Yes.


Is there a left wall in this room?

Audience: Yes.


Is there a right wall in this room?

Audience: Yes.


Is there a left wall in this room?

Audience: Yes.


Is there a right wall in this room?

Audience: Yes.


Is there a left wall in this room?

Audience: Yes.


Is there a right wall in this room?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is there a left wall in this room?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is there a left wall in this room?

Audience: Yes.


Is there a left wall in this room?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is there a right wall in this room?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is there a right wall in this room?

Audience: Yes.


Is there a left wall in this room?

Audience: Yes.


Is there a right wall in this room?

Audience: Yes.


Is there a left wall in this room?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is there a right wall in this room?

Audience: Yes.


Are you here?

Audience: Yes. Well, all right.

Is anybody else here?

Audience: Yes.

Find out.

Audience: (various responses)

Come on, let's find out. Okay.

Is there anybody else here?

Audience: Yes.


Now answer me this yes or no: Are you the only one in the world?

Audience: No.

You sure of that?

Audience: Yes.

You sure there are other people in the world?

Audience: Yes.

Well, fine.

Are they sure you're in the world?

Audience: Yes.

Well, okay.

Are you alive?

Audience: Yes.

Well, all right.

Are you alive?

Audience: Yes.


Are you alive?

Audience: Yes. Okay.

Are you alive?

Audience: Yes. Okay.

Are you alive?

Audience: Yes. Okay.

Are you alive?

Audience: Yes. Okay.

Are you alive?

Audience: Yes. Okay.

Are you alive?

Audience: Yes. Okay.

Are you alive?

Audience: Yes. All right.

Are you alive?

Audience: Yes. Okay.

Are you alive?

Audience: Yes. Okay.

Are you alive?

Audience: Yes. Okay.

Are you alive?

Audience: Yes. Okay.

Are they alive?

Audience: Yes.


Are they alive?

Audience: Yes.


Are they alive?

Audience: Yes.


Am I alive?

Audience: Yes.


Am I alive?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Am I alive?

Audience: Yes.


Are you alive?

Audience: Yes. Okay.

Are we alive?

Audience: Yes. Okay.

Are we alive?

Audience: Yes. Okay.

Are we alive?

Audience: Yes. Okay.

Are we alive?

Audience: Yes. Okay.

Are we alive?

Audience: Yes. Okay.

Are we alive?

Audience: Yes. Okay.

Are we alive?

Audience: Yes. Check it.

Audience: (various responses)


Do you know that for sure now?

Audience: Yeah.

You absolutely know that for sure?

Audience: Yes.


Find the floor.


Find your chair.

Audience: Okay. Yes.

Tell me when you have with an "Okay."

Audience: Okay.

All right.

Find the floor.

Audience: Okay.

All right.

Is there a chair there?

Audience: Yes.


Is there a floor there?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is there a chair there?

Audience: Yes.


Is there a floor there?

Audience: Yes.


Is there a chair there?

Audience: Yes.


Is there a floor there?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is there a chair there?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is there a floor there?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is there a chair there?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is there a floor there?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is there a chair there?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is there a floor there?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is there a chair there?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is there a floor there?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is there a chair there?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is there a floor there?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is there a chair there?

Audience: Yes.

Oh, come on, speak up. Is there a floor there?

Audience: Yes!

All right.

Is there a chair there?

Audience: Yes!

All right.

Is there a floor there?

Audience: Yes.


Is there a chair there?

Audience: Yes.

Check it.


Is it there?

Audience: Yes.

Well, fine.

Is the floor there?

Audience: Yes.


Is there a chair there?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is there a floor there?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is there a chair there?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is there a floor there?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is there a chair there?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is there a floor there?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is there a chair there?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is there a floor there?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is there a there?

Audience: Yes.


Audience: Here.

All right.

Are you alive?

Audience: Yes. All right.

In good shape?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

End of session.