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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Group Processing - Area Assessment (5ACC-15b) - L540419b | Сравнить
- Group Processing - Universe Assessment (5ACC-15) - L540419a | Сравнить

5ACC-15 5404C19 (5ACC-15B follows after - 15) Number 16 of „Universes and the War between Theta and Mest“ cassettes.


19 April 1954

This is Universes - assessment on universes.

Now let's see right now if you can get some ideas, locations where you decided you wanted to be in somebody else's universe. See if you can spot some times or places when you decided you wanted to be in somebody else's universe.

Now let's see if you can get some times when somebody else decided they wanted to be in your universe.

And now let's just name off to yourself several desirable universes. Universes you'd really like to be in.

Now let's just check off some places, you know, universes - worlds, like the world of hospitals or something like that; universes you'd really hate to be in. That you'd just hate like the mischief to be in.

Okay. Now let's check off some people who were quite aberrated or insane that you have known.

Okay. Now let's check off some physical conditions of injury that you know you couldn't do a thing about.

Okay. Now let's check off some fields of healing that you have known about in the past that didn't do much for anybody.

All right. Now let's check off some physical conditions that you know you couldn't do anything about.

And now some mental conditions you know you couldn't do anything about.

And let's check off some people you know you couldn't do anything about. All right. Now let's check off some physical or mental conditions which would be very worrisome.

Now, specifically some physical conditions that would be very, very worrisome.

And now some mental conditions which would be very worrisome.

Now let's check off some people that you couldn't do a thing about.

And now let's check off some economic conditions which you know very well you couldn't tolerate.

And now some kinds of bodies you'd hate to be in. And some kinds of groups you would hate to be in. And some animals, birds, snakes or insects that you'd hate to associate with. And some kinds of spirits that you could do nothing about.

Okay. Now, some things that God wouldn't be able to do to you in the next couple of seconds.

And some things you wouldn't be able to do to God.

Now, some sexual activities which you look upon as utterly forbidden.

Now let's check off some people who find their viewpoints utterly untenable. Some people who find their own viewpoints completely untenable. They just can't exist as themselves.

And now let's check over some people who are very, very, very lazy. And now some people who can't do anything about anything.

And now some people who find existence terribly dangerous - just the fact of living, a dangerous thing.

Okay. And now some fates you'd hate to come to.

And some conditions which you would hate to have the society arrive at, or get into. And now some punishments you wouldn't like.

Okay. Now let's review, just take a look at, think about - just take a look at the following people: your father, an idea of his character and what he was all about.

Okay. Now let's take a look at your mother. What sort of a person was she, and so forth.

Now let's take a look at the person that you regard as having raised you. How did this person add up in life?

Now let's take a look at your grandfather. You either know of one or knew one.

And what sort of a person was your grandmother? All right. Now let's look over any sisters. And on the subject of brothers, let's look that over as a subject. Now let's look over the matter of aunts. Now let's get an idea of uncles. One or more.

And now let's look over the character of childhood companions. What sort of people? And now let's look at teachers.

Now let's look at your favorite teacher. What sort of a person was she or he?

Now let's look over the general subject of human beings. What about human beings?

Now let's look over the subject of pets.

Now let's look over the subject of marital partners, just the character of marital partners that you have known.

Now let's review the subject of superiors. What sort of people have they been?

And whether you have any or not, let's look over the subject of your children.

Okay. Now we're going to just check over your life. We're going to do it this way. Now where were you born? When were you born? Was it a good or a bad birth? Where did you live in the first few months of your life? Sort of spot this place.

Who do you suppose taught you how to talk, taught you how to walk, taught you how to tell time, taught you how to read?

And how about other kids that you knew before you went to school? What sort of toys did you have before you went to school?

And where did you first attend school? And where are some other places where you attended school? What sort of teachers did you have? Which one did you like best? Which one did you like the least?

And how about pets, what pets have you had?

What used to be your principal ambition? Well, what about all the ambitions you have had in your life? What person was opposed to your ambitions?

What successes have you had? What do you account now your biggest failure? Where did that happen? Let's spot the place. Okay.

Now what do you think you'll be doing in the future?

All right. Let's just take a look at your life now as a whole. And let's just state that something is going to happen in the future. You make up your mind what it is and you state what it is - something you're sure you can have happen in the future.

Okay. End of that session.

(end of lecture)