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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Group Processing Series A - Courage (4ACC-25) - L540302 | Сравнить
- Group Processing Series A - Location (4ACC-26) - L540302 | Сравнить



#0978, 5403C02 4ACC-25

We're going to take up here processing of courage.

And I want you now to waste some courage. See if you can get some courage, and waste it so that you really know you're wasting it. You really know it's a waste of courage. OK. Now let's get somebody else wasting courage. Now let's get somebody wasting somebody else's courage. And somebody wasting your courage. And you wasting somebody else's courage. Now let's you waste some courage. And be sure you're wasting it now. Be sure it's really a waste of courage. Now let's get somebody else wasting some courage. And now let's get somebody wasting somebody else's courage. And somebody wasting your courage. Then you wasting somebody else's courage. OK.

Now let's get you saving some courage. Saving some courage. And somebody else saving some courage. And somebody saving somebody else's courage. And somebody saving your courage. And you saving somebody else's courage.

Now let's get you accepting courage. Get you accepting courage. And somebody else accepting some courage. And somebody accepting somebody else's courage. And somebody accepting your courage. And you accepting somebody else's courage. OK.

Now let's get you desiring some courage. And somebody else, a specific person, desiring courage. And somebody desiring somebody else's courage. And you desiring somebody else's courage. And somebody desiring your courage. OK.

Now let's mock yourself up as courageous about living in this universe. And do that several times. And now mock yourself up as courageous about knowing this universe. Courageous about knowing about this universe. Do that many times. OK. Now mock yourself up as courageous enough to know about yourself. Many times.

And now mock yourself up many times, courageous enough to accept the standards or others. OK. Now mock yourself up many times, one after the other, as courageous enough to appear. OK. Now mock yourself up many times, time after time, courageous enough to disappear.

Now mock yourself up many times as a bright dot. A bright dot courageously appearing. OK. Now mock yourself up many times as a bright dot courageously disappearing or pulling back from being seen. Now let's mock yourself up as enjoying disappearing. A bright dot, many times, enjoying disappearing. And now many times, enjoying appearing. Now being courageous about appearing. Now mock yourself up many times as being courageous about somebody else courageously appearing. OK. Now let's waste some courage. And be sure you are wasting it. Let's waste a lot more courage. Now let's get somebody else and have this person waste courage. Now let's have somebody waste somebody else's courage. Somebody waste your courage. And you waste somebody else's courage. OK.

Let's find a couple of heavy objects and hold onto them and sit there and don't think. OK. Let go. And find some places where you are not. Alright.

Now let's mock yourself up many times, as being courageous about sex. OK. Now let's mock yourself up many times as being courageous about eating. Alright. Now let's mock yourself up many times as being courageous about symbols, letters, words. Now let's mock yourself up many times, being courageous about thinking. One after the other. Now mock yourself up many times, being courageous about work. Courageous about work. And now courageous about monotonous work. Do that many more times, courageous about monotonous work. OK. Now mock yourself up many times as being courageous in the face of emotion. Many, many more times. Courageous in the face of emotion. OK. Now mock yourself up many times, being courageous about seeing things. And now courageous about hearing things. And now mock yourself up many times, one after the other, courageous about knowing. OK.

Now get a picture of your body out in front of you flip-flopping entirely out of control. Throw that away and do it again. Do it again. Now mock yourself up as being courageous - throw that other one away - courageous about duplicating. Now mock yourself up many times, as being courageous about dying. Let's do that many, many more times now. Courageous about dying. OK. Throw those away.

Let's mock up your body flip-flopping out of control, dying and withering away rapidly to dust. And then do it again. Do it again. Your body flip-flopping out of control, dying, withering away to dust. Let's do that many more times. Your body flip- flopping, dying, withering away to dust. OK. Now let's mock you up being courageous about dying, flip-flopping out of control, dying, and withering away to dust. Complete that cycle many times. Let's complete that cycle some more times. Being courageous about dying, and your body flip-flopping completely out of control, then it dies, goes rigid and withers away to dust. OK.

Let's find a couple of objects, actual objects, hold onto them, don't think. OK. Let's find some places where you are not. Now let's find some places you wouldn't have to look at to know whether or not you're there. OK.

Let's you waste some courage. Let's get somebody else wasting some courage. Somebody wasting somebody else's courage. Somebody wasting your courage. You wasting somebody else's courage. Alright.

Now let's get you accepting some courage. Somebody else accepting some courage. Somebody accepting your courage. You accepting somebody else's courage.

Now mock up a huge mob of people, each one of them being courageous about the mystery of living. Just throw it aside, and put another mob there and then throw that one aside and put another mob there. Each time everybody in the mob being courageous about the mystery of life and living. Mob after mob. OK.

Let's mock up now, a mob of other people, each one with the viewpoint that he must be courageous about sex. OK. Now, let's get these people, this whole mob of people enjoying the idea of sex. Get another mob doing the same thing, and another mob doing the same thing. OK. Sweep these mobs aside.

Now let's get a mob of people being courageous about eating. OK. Mob after mob. OK. Now get mob after mob of these people enjoying eating. OK. Now let's get mob after mob of people being courageous about thinking. Now let's get mob after mob of people enjoying thinking. More mobs. Get a mob and set it aside, get another mob, set it aside, each one enjoying thinking. OK.

Now let's get a huge mob of people enjoying work. Enjoying the effort of work. Now get mob after mob being courageous about work, the effort of work. And now have them enjoying being courageous about work. Mob after mob. OK. Now let's get mob after mob of people being courageous about emotion. OK. Get mob after mob of people now, enjoying emotion. OK.

Now let's mock you up time after time after time, as a little bright dot being courageous about having a body. Many more times, being courageous about having a body. OK. Now let's mock you up as a little dot, many, many times, time after time, each time enjoying having a body. OK. Keep sweeping that aside. Get yourself as a mob of little bright dots, each one now being courageous about having a body. OK. Now let's get mob after mob of you, little bright dots, enjoying having a body. Many little bright dots and each one enjoying having a body. Then set it aside and get another such mob. OK.

Let's find a couple of objects and hold onto them. Sit there and don't think. OK. Let go. And find some places where you are not. Alright.

Now let's be courageous about a machine. Set that aside and do it again. Set it aside and do it again. Courageous about a machine. Do it time after time. Courageous about a machine. OK. Get mobs of yourself and mobs of machinery and have yourself, in each case, being courageous about machinery. Sweep it aside. Get another such mob. OK. Let's set that aside. And now let's get you, a whole mob of you as little bright dots this time, enjoying machinery. OK. Now let's get mobs and mobs of machines now, one mob after the other, and have these machines enjoying you. Mob after mob of machines and have them enjoying you. OK. Let's throw all that away.

And get some places where you're not. Alright.

Now let's look around the surroundings and find some objects and into each object, put enjoyment. And find some more objects and do the same thing. OK. Now let's check over some things you do not at this moment have to be courageous about. Things of which you do not have to be courageous, about which you do not have to be courageous. Some more things, about which you do not have to be courageous. And now check over the environment for things that you don't have to enjoy. OK.

Now let's mock yourself up dead several times. OK. Throw those away. And now let's mock yourself up, let's spot an awful lot of jails and mock yourself up in each one, enjoying your stay in it. Now find a lot more jails and get yourself in each one, enjoying your stay, being very pleasant. Not being grateful or anything, but just enjoying it. Now you can go back over the same jails again and do it again. OK. Now mock yourself up in several police stations, being grateful for attention from the police. Now a lot more police stations, each time being grateful for attention from the police.

Now mock yourself up many times being grateful for the attention from your father and mother. Grateful for everything they've done for you. Many times. Now mock up your father and mother two at a time, time after time, and get the idea of them there, being grateful to you for having been their child. Many times. OK. Now mock up a member of the opposite sex, whether you're married or not, grateful to you for being your wife or husband, for being permitted to be your wife or husband. Grateful. Now mock up yourself many times, being grateful to this marital partner for being permitted to be their partner. If that's a little harder, let's really work at it. Doesn't matter whether it's true or not, let's just do it. Let's manage that one. Let's really do that one. Grateful to this marital partner for being permitted to be their marital partner. OK. Now mock yourself up grateful to this marital partner, and then falling down dead. Mock yourself up as being grateful and then falling down dead. And wasting away to dust of course, immediately.

Now mock yourself up as infinitely grateful to god for all he's done for you. You could manage that, now let's do that. Just try it some more until you really get it. Now mock yourself up as enjoying being grateful to god.

Now mock yourself up as dead because of the process. Several times. Now mock yourself up as a thetan with the light gone out, just because of the process. Several dead candles or something of the sort. OK.

Now find a couple of objects and hold onto them and don't think. OK. Let go. Find some places where you're not. Find some places where you're not being grateful. Find some places where you're not. Find the floor beneath your feet.

End of session.