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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Group Processing Series C - Putting Things (Cont) (4ACC-34) - L540305 | Сравнить
- Group Processing Series C - Putting Things (Cont) (4ACC-35) - L540305 | Сравнить



#0988 5403C05 4ACC-35

We have here the front wall, the back wall, the right wall, the left wall, the floor and the ceiling. Consecutive, one after another, we're going to put certain concepts, which are actually energies or lack of them, as part of the exercise, gradient scale, toward the granting of beingness. Alright.

I want you to put no motion into the front wall. And insistence on the part of the front wall, of no motion. Now get the back wall insisting there, real good, on no motion. The right wall. The left wall. The floor. The ceiling. Let's get those real insistent, now. Now the front wall again, and so on. Around again, no motion. Some more times. No motion. Now get a downright frantic insistence on motionlessness. Around some more. Front wall, back wall, right wall, left wall, floor and ceiling. Insistence upon no motion. Get the wall insisting, not you insisting. Around again. Utter motionlessness. OK.

Now let's take a wider view of it and get the north horizon, the south horizon, west and east, ground and sky, each one utter motionlessness. Stop. Around again. Everything on the northern horizon, everything on the southern horizon, and so forth, utter motionlessness. Around some more. Motionlessness. OK. Now pick six spaces near to hand, and put the feeling of motionlessness in each one of these spaces. Freeze them. Space after space. OK. Now let's take the north horizon, the south horizon, the west, east, and all the ground and the sky, one after the other, now, utter motionlessness. Create motionlessness, and this time let's get it to a point where you know that if you threw motionlessness at something, it would stop. Get this real good. OK. Let's do it some more. OK.

Now let's find those six spaces which are close to hand, and have each one of those insist on motionlessness toward you.

Alright. Find a couple of objects and hold on and don't think. OK. Let go and find some places where you are not at this moment moving. OK.

Now let's take the six walls of the room, and have each wall insists, front wall, back wall, right, left, floor, ceiling, insist on there being no distance. Let's insist on there being an insistence, no distance. OK. Now alter that to "got to be close." Each one of them insisting on that they have to be close. Now change that, that they have to have things close. Be sure you can get it in each one. OK.

Now let's take the front wall, back wall, right wall, left wall, ceiling and floor, and have each one insist that there's no remedy. For those who've been in Scientology, vary it to no processing. No remedy. Now have each one of these walls insist on "don't treat me. ' No treatment, no processing, don't treat me. Don't alter me, don't change me, don't treat me. Around again. Alright. Now let's pick up six spaces close to hand and have each one of these spaces insist on no change, alteration or treatment. That general idea. Pick six spaces now, no treatment. Now alter that in these spaces to "no remedy." Impossibility to treat, no remedy, no change. Alright. Now on these spaces, let's have you insist that there's no remedy for them. Now have the walls to the room, one after the other, no possible remedy. No remedy at all. No change. OK.

Find a couple of objects and hold on now, and don't think. OK. Let go. And find some places where you are not. OK.

Let's take the front wall of the room, grant it beingness, then grant it no beingness. And then beingness and then no beingness, alternately, many times. Many more times. Beingness, then no beingness, and beingness, then no beingness. OK. Now let's take the floor and grant it beingness, and then no beingness, and beingness and no beingness. Alright. Let's not verbalize that.

Now let's get livingness into the floor, and then out of it. And then into it and out of it. The feeling of being alive. OK. Now let's take the back wall and let's grant it beingness and then no beingness. Non-verbally now, but make it feel alive and then not feel alive. Feel alive, feel dead, feel alive, feel dead. OK.

Now front wall, back wall, right, left wall, floor, ceiling, sleepiness. OK. You can make that wall real sleepy. And the next one. OK. Now wall after wall, make each wall feel like it's boiling off, getting very sleepy, drugged out, unaware, unconscious, but get the feeling in there, not the words. Now let's see if we can't get one whole wall entirely, pick out one now, now get it entirely, from corner to corner, top to bottom, feeling all the way through it, completely sleepy. The whole thing.

Now let's take another wall and let's see if we can't get that bright awake, from corner to corner and all over it. Very alert, aware feeling. Make it sustain that feeling. Alright. Now let's make this bright, awake, aware feeling occur in the front wall, the back wall, right, left, floor, ceiling. OK.

Now let's pick out six spaces near to hand and make each one of those appear slightly aware. Not merely with words, but get the actual beingness of the liveness, alertness. Just go around and do that some more. OK.

Find a couple of objects and hold on and don't think. OK. Let go.

Now find something that you could hit with actual energy. And by energy, I mean something electrical that you yourself would create. Find something that you would dare touch with this actual energy. Actual, created energy. Something you would dare actually contact and touch. And then some more things. Actually put energy into it. In the flesh, not into a facsimile of it, but actually into it. Find some more things. OK.

Now let's find something you'd be willing to hurt. Something on which you would actually hurt. On which you would inflict pain. Alright. Now let's see if you could touch a little beam of energy to this thing and inflict that pain. Alright.

Now let's find something that you might bring life to, actually touch with energy and bring some life to. Some more things you might bring some life to. Some more things. Now, let's get some things now, that you'd like to bring some death to. OK.

Now this is a good long one. Let's find a couple of anchor points, corners somewhere. Hold onto the two of them and just sit there and not think at all. Going to be a good long one now, so just, just sit there and not think at all. Just get interested in holding onto those things. OK. Let go. And find some places where you are not. OK.

Now find a nothingness in front of you. A nothingness. And then get the idea of your body intervening. And then a nothingness that you might have made, and your body intervening. And a nothingness, and a body intervening. And a nothingness, and any body intervening. Intention to make a nothingness, the nothingness there, and then the body intervening. Time after time after time, let's do that. Do it some more. A nothingness, and then the body intervenes and puts a somethingness in the road. You're all set to making a nothingness, and everything's going along fine, then the body gets in the road. Something interferes. Do that some more. Alright. Throw all those away, whatever you've got there.

And now get the idea of having a nice conversation with another thetan, a nothingness, and have two bodies get in the road on the communication line. Set that aside. And you're having a nice conversation with another thetan, nothing to nothing, very nicely, and then two bodies get in the road. Set that aside. And do it again and again and again. Throw those all away. And do it some more. Nice conversation. But now get the being both coming to you from the other thetan, and going to you from the; to the other thetan. Both ways. Then the two bodies get in the road. Alright. Throw all that away.

Now get the most detested person you have, person you like the least. And get you successfully making a nothing out of something. You're successfully creating a nothingness, and they jump in the road. Do that again over and over and over. OK.

Find some places you are not. Put Earth a hundred thousand miles below you. Be where you please. Find some places where you're not. Find some more places where you're not. Take hold of something you could really feel, and know it's there. Find the floor beneath your feet.

End of session.