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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Group Processing Series D - 5th Hour - Something, Nothing (4ACC-54) - L540319 | Сравнить



#1008 5403C19 4ACC-54

I want you to get the idea of a nothingness in front of you insisting on you being a nothingness. Just that. A nothingness in front of you insisting on you being a nothingness. Duplicate that many times. OK. Now get a somethingness in front of you. Anything, a somethingness insisting you be a somethingness. And duplicate that many times. OK.

Now let's get an idea of you as a nothingness, you a nothingness insisting that something in front of you, anything in front of you, a nothingness, somethingness, it doesn't matter, but you as a nothingness insisting that whatever's in front of you be nothing. And duplicate that many times. OK. And get the idea that you, a somethingness insisting whatever's in front of you be something. OK.

Now let's get a nothingness in front of you insisting you be a nothingness, while you, a somethingness, insist that you be a somethingness. It insists you be nothing, a nothing insists you be nothing, you insist you be something. Duplicate that many times. In face of a nothingness, facing a nothingness, you insist that you're something. Do that many times. Many, many more times. Do it some more. You insist it, on the fact you're a somethingness while something in front of you is nothingness. OK.

Now let's get you insisting on the fact that you're a nothingness, while a somethingness in front of you insists that you're something. And get a somethingness in front of you insisting that you're something and you insist you're nothing. OK.

Now let's you insist, as a somethingness, that something in front of you is nothing, and it insists it's something. You're saying, "You're nothing." And it says, "I'm something." OK. Now you insist that something in front of you is something, and it insists it's nothing. OK. You insist whatever's in front of you is nothing and it insists it's nothing. Now you insist something in front of you is something and it insists it's something. OK.

Now, time after time now, nothing in particular but just in any direction, just insist over and over and over, "Make nothing." Many more times. "Make nothing." OK. Now many times over and over and over insist, "Make something." Many more times, "Make something."

Now let's get the idea of something else in your vicinity saying over and over and over, insisting over and over and over, "Make nothing." And let's get something in your immediate vicinity insisting over and over and over, "Make something." And let's get this thing in your vicinity now, many times, saying, "Make something." Get the thought impulse, rather than the words. Many more times, let's get this somethingness in the vicinity saying, "Make something." Now while it's saying that, you say - it says "Make something" over and over, and you say right with it, "Make nothing," over and over. OK.

Now have something saying "Make nothing" over and over and over. Alright. While it's saying that "make nothing," why, you run the counter statement to it, counter impulse, "Make something." It says, "Make nothing," you say, "Make something." Argument. And you're saying, "Make something," and it says, "Make nothing." OK.

Now get the idea of something trying to appear in front of you, and you pulling a black screen over it. And make it into nothing. Do that over and over. Something trying to appear in front of you and you pull a black screen over it. Something trying to appear and you pull a black screen over it. OK. Now get the idea of something out in front of you and you try to appear and it pulls a black screen over you. Over and over. You try to appear and it pulls a black screen over you. Many times. OK.

Now get an idea of your body facing you and you cover the whole front of the body with aberration. Nervousness, neurosis, so forth. Get your body again and do it again. Over and over. It appears, you cover the front of it with neurosis, nervousness, anxiety, worry. Time after time. Have your body appear in front of you and you cover the front of it with neurosis and worry. Do that many times. OK. Throw that aside.

Let's get the idea now of somebody in front of you insisting on nothingness and you insisting on somethingness, simultaneously. Over and over. OK.

Now let's you get an obsessive feeling, an obsessive feeling that you have to make nothing, in front of you. Do that over and over, many times. Get an obsessive feeling you've got to make nothing of what's in front of you. Many more times. An obsessive feeling that you've got to make nothing out of whatever's in front of you. Alright.

Now let's get an apathetic feeling that you can't make nothing out of what's in front of you. Over and over, an apathetic feeling. You can't make nothing out something that's in front of you. More times. Now let's get the idea of something looming up real large in front of you and you have tried to make nothing out of it, and you haven't. OK.

Let's find a couple of objects and hold on and don't think. OK. Let go. Let go and find some places where you're not. Alright.

Now let's get an idea of something in front of you insisting you be alert and aware. And you be unconscious. Time after time. Alert, aware, conscious. And you get a drugged feeling. Unconscious feeling. Time after time. OK. Now let's you insist something be alert and aware, and it goes unconscious. Do that over and over. Many more times. You insisting on alertness and awareness and unconsciousness ensuing. OK.

Get something else insisting on attention. Insisting on having attention, and you don't give it attention. Now get you insisting on attention and something else not giving you attention. And something insisting on attention and you giving it no attention. And you insisting on attention and something giving it no attention. And the surroundings insisting on your being something and you insisting on being nothing. And you insisting on your environment being nothing and it insists on being something. Do that many times. OK.

And you insisting on attention and your environment giving you no attention. And your surroundings insisting on attention and you giving them no attention. And you insisting on the environment be aware and the environment goes unconscious. And the environment insisting on consciousness, alertness, and you going unconscious. OK.

Find a couple of objects, hold on and don't think. OK. Let go. And find some places where you're not.

Now, many times, duplicate unconsciousness in front of you. OK. Now duplicate nothing many times. OK. Put a nothingness out there and then duplicate it yourself. Now put a somethingness out there and then you put a nothingness where you are. Get a somethingness in front of you, then put a nothingness where you are. Many times. OK. Now let's get a nothingness out there and you put a somethingness there, where you are. Get a nothingness out there and put a somethingness where you are. OK.

Now let's put a somethingness where you are, which is there with the intention of the surroundings duplicating it and the surroundings put a nothingness up. You put a somethingness up, the surroundings put a nothingness up. Over and over. More times. Put a somethingness where you are and have the environment put up a nothingness. Now you put up a nothingness where you are, and the environment puts up a somethingness. You put up a nothingness, the environment puts up a somethingness. OK.

Now let's get a nothingness and duplicate it many times. Now let's get a somethingness and duplicate it many times, particularly any somethingness that's been worrying you during this processing. Alright. Let's get any nothingness that might have been worrying you during this processing, any hole or vacuum, and duplicate it many times. Duplicate it some more times. OK. Now let's get a nothingness surrounded by somethingnesses, and duplicate it many times. OK.

Any drowsiness that you may have, find something on the other side of the wall of the front of the room and put some drowsiness there. And the back wall. And the remaining walls. Lay out some more of it, each time through a wall to the other side of the wall. Duplicate it some more, drowsiness. OK.

Find a couple of objects now, hold on, don't think. Let go. Find some places where you're not. OK. Find the floor beneath your feet.

End of session.