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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Parked Personality - Exteriorization, Stuck Flows (3ACC-48) - L540129 | Сравнить
- Simple Basis of Evaluating Cases (3ACC-49) - L540129 | Сравнить

(C/S Booklet)


Lecture 48 - D I S C 52
A Lecture Given on 29 January 1954
60 Minutes

The problem, this morning, is an extension of what we’ve been talking about with regard to courage and its specific applications, specific things you can do with this process.

Now, let’s take this scale from Know all the way on down through to Sex. And we find ail individual who’s hitting along the sex band is below the individual who is hitting along the eatingness band, but that individual is below the individual who is hitting along the symbol band. But that individual is below the individual who’s hitting along the computing band or thinkingness band and that individual is below the effort band.

Now, look how many rungs of that ladder we go up to get to Effort, huh? Now, you start raising one of these cases up the line and, all of a sudden, he’ll start to develop terrific effort. How does he do it? You tell him to put some effort in the walls and it blows all the walls down-you know, I mean, it’s according to his perception. It goes out in terrific whams. It’s sort of all mixed up with anger. In other words, it is the lower harmonic of anger.

And we get this condition at some little distance into a case. You face somebody after you’ve been running him on “courage about thinking,” why, “courage about other people’s thinking” and so forth and you think, boy, now we’re all set here and the next thing we know, why, we start putting up this effort and here we go. Wham! It looks like the walls are falling down and every time he puts up some of this stuff, boy, it’s going to take the whole town out and so on. It scares a preclear. Well, it simply should be run as an automaticity, which is what it is.

But that is a manifestation in the effort band. And you’re going to take a lot of preclears an awful long way north from an awful long way south before you hit this in some cases. But it’ll be there. But remember, don’t get too happy about this case or too despairing about this case until you get the case up there.

Now, one of the ways you do this is you ask the individual to pick up an ashtray or the edge of the table or something of that order and then you say to him immediately after this, you say, "All right. Now in your imagination, let’s pick it up again and feel the weight of it.”

He does, he feels the weight of it, he does it with accuracy and adequacy, he is above the effort band. If he cannot do this and feel the weight of it, immediately, clearly, he is below the effort band. And if he is below the effort band, then this manifestation will turn up as you progress the case north. So don’t run the case up toward thinkingness and then tell somebody you’ve got him at Tone 40. You haven’t. You’ve got him on the Tone Scale. You’ve just barely shoved him over the edge. He’s just past Death. [laughter] He’s a little bit warmed over by now. Okay.

Now, if you’ll just keep that little datum parked there, going to save you a lot of time and a lot of puzzlement about some preclear. There are other characteristics in this case: he can’t get emotion freely. A person who is below the effort band is, of course, below the emotion band and he just can’t get emotion freely, that’s all. He doesn’t dare get angry, he doesn’t dare get sad, he wouldn’t cry if he had to. He’s having a rough time emotionally.

Well, when you start to get this person into the emotion band, if you told him to “Well, all right. Now shed some tears,” it would be just about as sensible for you to have him standing on the street and tell him to climb in the forty-first story of the Empire State Building. He’ll say, “ Wait a minute, I’m not level with the forty-first story there, it’s way up there.” And you’d say, “No, no, that’s very easy, climb in the forty-first story there.” In other words, shed some tears, see?

This fellow is way down there on street level and you want him to start emoting. Well now, it’s a funny thing, but there’s an artificial method of skipping a lot of that Know down to Sex band. There’s a lot of methods of skipping around on it, but the manifestations of the lower band quite uniformly show up. All right.

One of the methods of skipping and a very, very good method of skipping you have already had, which is you put emotion in the walls. Now, let’s take somebody who is exteriorized. This character is having an awful hard time with his basic personality, because he has assigned the emotional values to the body, as long as he himself is on the minus Tone Scale. Therefore, the body can emote, the body can have sensation, but he can’t.

In other words, he’s exteriorized and he considers himself, you know, sort of lifeless and powerless and so forth. But the body, that can emote, communicate and it can do all these other things. Well, his main worry is that the body can emote, but he can’t. He has been exteriorized without his personality.

Now mark this down because if you don’t remedy this in a preclear, you just might as well skip clearing him, because he’ll go right back in. Got to, you see-body has got his personality.

Well, anybody who’s below the effort band and you still exteriorize him-you can do that-certainly emerges without his personality. And anybody in or just above the effort band emerges without his personality. And to some degree, any thetan you exteriorize, whatever his position on the Tone Scale, is exteriorized back of his head without his personality.

Now, let’s just assign this as “parked personality.” And this is a manifestation which you will have to remedy in the preclear. And this is about as important to you as actually exteriorizing him, because if you don’t do it, he won’t stay exteriorized.

So let me put this to you real strong. This is a process. It is a simple process. It »m/be done. If it is omitted, you are going to suffer the consequences thereof, in having your preclear pop back in. So let’s be very, very sure that we do this. And this is actually part of Theta Clearing. But if you start to take off with some case who is very certain and stable outside and start to go into Operating Thetan without crossing this bridge, well, you’re jumping off from the wrong jump-off spot. You haven’t got a Theta Clear yet. Person wasn’t ready to go into SOP 8-0.

So SOP 8-0 has a preparatory step. And the preparatory step consists of the restoration of the personality to the thetan. And that could also be said, “the transfer of the personality from the body to the thetan.” It’s his personality. He’s just used to experiencing it in the body.

Well, to give you some kind of a silly idea about how much of the preclear is a thetan, there’s a famous case around here who keeps coughing. (None of those present.) Well, when this person is exteriorized and he gets way back of his head and you tell him to start coughing and he’ll keep coughing with an automaticity-as a thetan. He doesn’t make the body cough and even he noticed this finally.

He was back of his head and I’d say, “All right, now cough.” Body wasn’t coughing, you see, but he was. Way back of his head, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, see?

What he was using it for was a communication breaker. A mechanism of communication break. A covert introduction of a sudden explosive sound. People are afraid of coughs because they are mimics of explosions. And this individual used a cough for a communication breaker.

Now, not everybody is doing that. Cough just cuts in as an automaticity. But in this particular case, that manifestation was very strong. And he would stop coughing as a thetan and then go on coughing for another three, four seconds. In other words, his automatic machinery was operating on him as a thetan, making him cough.

Well, you say, “This is a very peculiar thing. Yes sir, very, very peculiar.” Only, if we consider the eccentricities of the personality as a personality-you know, Dickensonian type of characterization. The way Dickens characterizes everybody is to pick up an eccentricity and exaggerate it and then that’s a characterization.

Anyway, in such a way, even a cough gets transferred back to the thetan, because it’s his cough, it isn’t the body’s cough. There can be things wrong with the body, sure. But damned if they don’t have to practically be wrong with the thetan first, so we start transferring the fellow’s personality back to him.

Well, I don’t care whether you transfer it back in terms of sex or coughs or thinkingness or anything. A guy is a thousand miles back of his head and you say, “Now think of something.” You know, he’s apt to have an awful time. He’s tried to get some conduit circuits so the brain will think of it. He’s the only one that’s thinking. He’s the only one in connection with his own circuits. And so, we have such things in SOP 8-C which remedy this thinkingness.

Now, when 8-C is run on an exteriorized person, from beginning to end at least through once, it restores a tremendous amount of the thetan’s personality to him. He finally finds out he’s doing it. And that’s about the biggest lesson he can learn.

Now, how did he get into the idea that he wasn’t doing something? How did he get into the idea that he was doing everything? How did he get all messed up on his responsibility? Well, he got messed up on that responsibility in this wise: somebody shot him and then he got the communication line switched, because it was better to be in a winning valence. It was better to be in the valence of the shooter than the shootee. So he got a communication line switched to go into the winning valence. Now, how do you get this winning valence switch?

Safe falls on a fellow’s head: it’s C and he’s E, but it won. In order to be at C he had better be a safe and so he goes into the valence of the safe merely to get on the cause end of the communication line. See how elementary that is?

You can take somebody and have him mock-up something like a piece of string in front of him and switch ends. You know, put one end next to him and the other end away from him and then turn it and switch it so that it reverses ends. It’s not a technique because it’s too violent.

But by golly, just switching that piece of string in front of his face produces some of the weirdest phenomena. Why? Because a communication line is actually a line and, by switching this around, you’re switching him from the C to E positions. And rather than just a graph, what do you know? We can mock-up the graph and have the preclear twist it from C to E. You know, just mock-up a piece of string. We don’t tell the preclear anything about communication and all these darn fool manifestations whereby he’s going into the winning valences of a safe and going into the winning valences of this and into that, begin to show up. And he begins to feel like a dog and a cat and a safe and a horse and an automobile and so forth. What are we doing? We’re just having him mock-up a piece of string, which we didn’t tell him anything about, and we’re swapping its ends in front of his face. You know, he’s got one end next to him and the other end away from him and then we make him interchange those ends so they go the other way around. C toE.CtoE.

So your individual gets this swap of the line-like bronco busting, swapping ends-and he gets this manifestation in order to stay at C. See, he tries to stay at C and there’s his favorite position, so anything that is at C, he goes into its switch. And that is duplication In communication and so forth. If you do that, if you understand that, you’ve got a good understanding of what people are doing.

More important than that, more important, his position on the C to E becomes very confused. Somebody shoots him, so he swaps the ends of this line. He becomes the shooter. In other words, he just takes the valence of the shooter. Takes the valence of the person who shot him. So who shot him? He did. See? Fellow thinks he shot himself now. Life to life. And he’s now a murderer. What did he murder? Him. Guy gets all confused about this.

By the way, you’ll occasionally find this manifestation back on the track when thetans were thetans and they hadn’t gone down so far in this spiral, you’ll occasionally find in a duel, a person-body killed-and the person attacking the killer, as a thetan. Just a forward exteriorization and bat the hell out of the guy. Makes people superstitious about ghosts. Anyway...

You’ll find this, by the way, you can find this in incidents. You know* Joe stabs Bill, kills Bill. Before even Bill has a chance to drop to the ground, why, Bill as a thetan, he says, “ Well, body is dead. To hell with this guy Joe.” Claw. And he’ll go right down that sword, see, and right around the guy’s throat.

Female voice: Yeah. These things happen regularly in countries that aren educated the way we are.

Mm-hm. Yeah. That’s not an uncommon barbaric manifestation. Well, any way ... Some very interesting twists on this sort of thing in the Philippines: The total significance of headhunting is to-you cut off enough heads and then you take the heads up and hang them up in the field to fertilize the crops. You know, the ghosts in the heads and so forth will look over the crops and so for th-it’s weird business; Anyway .... They don’t think the crops will go unless they get a crop of heads first.

Well, this manifestation of C to E gets a fellow pretty confused.

All right. Now let’s look at it positionally where he didn’t swap, he didn’t go from C to E. You know, he didn’t swap the communication line, he didn’t twist it around.

A fellow walks up alongside and hits him over the head with a blackjack. You know, thug hits Bill over the head with a blackjack. Bill falls down. Now, what does he do? What’s this C to E manifestation? Time, he considers, is in the future, to the right. You see, he won’t be the thug, he will merely disdain the thug, so time is over there, to the right. Thug hit him from the right. Cause is to the right, you see, and cause is future. A person knows that instinctively. So that the points which have injured him are themselves future.

You get a fellow who has had a tooth pulled with the dentist standing over to the right, you will get the manifestation on the operation, afterwards, that the future is kind of over to the right. See, cause is over to the right. Future-the communication line has a lag in it. And he’s the effect, so therefore, that must be the past.

The more a person is an effect, the more he is the past—till you get a wall. That’s total effect, total past, but it’s present time.

All right. Where do we enter this on transfer of personality then? We find this thetan, quite ordinarily-his body has, by the way, the dunce cap effect: that’s about a twenty-five foot or more cone which stands up above the person’s head and slightly back. He’s directed the body from there, so this is a pretty solid communication line, this is a terrific communication line. See, it’s just terrific, it’s real solid. He’s been C way back there. And the body has been E. But the thetan kept sliding down the line, operating the body closer and closer till, finally, he’s operating the body from within it.

That would be a gradient scale of going into a body. Usually it doesn’t happen quite that smoothly, not according to the graph and, nevertheless, this manifestation is the patterned manifestation.

Well, all right He gets the idea, then, that all flow is to the body, so therefore all traits and all skill belong to the body and all emotions and all sensations belong to the body and everything he’s doing belongs to the body. See? Everything is sliding down that line.

Now you’ve suddenly put him back at C. Well, he knows where C is: C is the one point that has deprived him of bodies and deprived him of skills and deprived him of this and deprived him of that and he’s back there and he can’t be at C, so as-he’s more or less at E. And the environment is at C, so he’s getting a bombardment.

And if he can’t be C, he can’t have a personality. Well, a good way to make him be C is just transfer his personality back to him. And this is not a complicated process. You maybe pick up some of the goofy traits the body has-you know, coughing, a peculiar smile, a method of looking with the eyes-these mannerisms, visual mannerisms. And you get him as a thetan to go through these visual mannerisms.

And you’ll catch him, even though he’s a bit south of the effort band. See that? Visual mannerisms.

You just look over your preclear and you decide what mannerisms he’s got as a body and-not derogatorily-and you just have him go through these mannerisms and we get quite a recovery of personality, just like we make him cough back of his head. It’s his cough, he suddenly recognizes his cough. He suddenly recognizes his own smile. He starts feeling a lot better.

You’ve given him something that is more dear to him than mass, which is to say, his characteristics. Well now, he built these characteristics into the body. If you go around and find a fifteen-year-old girl, boy, something like that, he’s generally standing in front of a mirror trying to make his face do this or do that. And when he walks down the street, he’s trying to make his body walk in a peculiar fashion, the hand motions and all that sort of thing. And he put them into the body and they’re his, they’re his favorite mannerisms.

And some people’s favorite mannerisms, by the way, is walking with a crutch and so on. Aw, it doesn’t matter what a thetan is doing-it’s mock-up anyhow. So, you just transfer his walking with a crutch back to him. By doing what? You say, “All right, now be a hundred feet back of your head there and now go down the street and get yourself a crutch and walk down the street with a crutch.”

And he’s liable to protest about this because he’s sold you the bill of goods that he doesn’t like to walk with a crutch and that’s why he wants to be exteriorized. But he’ll cheer up, right away. He can walk with a crutch or not walk with a crutch.

Well, that’s just one part of the personality and the crudest part-physical mannerisms. Now, let’s ask him what his pattern methods of thinking are and then let’s have him think that way. And then let’s find out something about emotion by doing this.

Now, so far you haven’t been therapeutic, you’ve merely been transferring a person’s ability. Let’s go into it from therapy and let’s hold an emotion upon the body, while he himself experiences several emotions.

The way you get him to do that is just have him experience several emotions himself and then have him hold an emotion on the body, which he is sure he can hold on the body easily, while he himself experiences several emotions.

Let’s find out the body, more or less, feels bored to him. You say, “Well, hold the emotion of boredom on the body and you be happy, you be sad, you be enthusiastic, you be conservative” and so on. We just go up and down the emotional band while holding one emotion upon the body. Then we hold another emotion upon the body and have the thetan go up and down the emotional band. See? And we’ve freed his emotions up. And his emotions will free up in an awful hurry this way.

Now, you can do this while a fellow is in the body, with a remarkable recovery of ability. While he’s still in a body, you would take a pillow and you could say, “Make the pillow feel happy, sad” and this way and that way and you’ll-can experience a considerable freeing up of emotional ability.

What most people complain about, about life, is that they no longer have free emotions. Now, a horrible part of it is, free emotions be damned. You get somebody down below the effort band and he has an awful hard time trying to get into the emotional band.

So, is there a remedy for this? Yep. But first, let’s dispose of this matter of the transfer of the personality. You’d better, sure as the devil, get that thetan to be able to do and feel and be alive, as himself, exteriorized. It doesn’t depend on an energy mass for him to do that. But you better, sure as the devil, get him to do and feel the various emotions and mannerisms, thinkingnesses and so forth.

Now, his appetites in the body are one thing, as far as eating is concerned, and quite another thing as a thetan. As a thetan, he would love to eat certain kinds of energy. So even there, you cover the eatingness band.

Now, in the matter of a transferred personality, you are adding to the person’s certainty, consistently, and you’re also showing him that he can be himself, exteriorized. And you’d better demonstrate this to him and that’s the opening gun on 8-0. You make him into himself so he could be himself before you start tailor-making some new self. Otherwise, it’s all kind of useless and unreal to him. He doesn’t want much to do with it.

So you better make him himself. And himself smiles, looks, acts, walks, gestures, communicates with a certain mode, spirit, motion and feeling. So you get him to do these things and all of a sudden, he says, “What the devil, this is I out here.” And that’s that.

Now, most of the people you’re exteriorizing without certainty are simply-can’t stand that much drop of havingness. You remedy their havingness and they exteriorize.

Well, there’s another method of freeing up this problem so that it can be done easily and that is you run “courage about” by “wasting courage” on the subject of courage about sex, courage about eating, about symbols, about thinking, about effort, about all the various emotions on the emotional band, including owning, protecting, hiding. And you’ll go on up into all the perceptions-courage about all these perceptions and waste them. And then you move on up into courage about being and then courage about knowing.

And when you’ve wasted and accepted these on these bands, more stuff turns up than you’ve ever seen turn up on a case before. And that’s the way to run a scale with courage. It can be done in many ways. The poorest way is to do it by concept. That’s the poorest way. But even that’s better than nothing.

About the best way to do it is just to run a full bracket on wasting, saving, accepting, desiring and being curious about courage. You’ll show up every aberrated character in his life and you’ll show up every aberrative computation in his life.

Now, in the matter of transferring a personality, you transfer it to the thetan who is exteriorized. Somebody just came up and asked me, “Do you do this to somebody who is exteriorized?”

Well, all right, you’ll do this to somebody exteriorized: you want him to have his own personality while exteriorized, otherwise he doesn’t feel stable or adequate or complete while exteriorized and he feels part of him is missing. Of course, he feels part of him is missing because part of him is missing. He thinks that some of his things belong to the body. So we have a question of ownership. And there’s one of the first things we settle with this case with ownership. He owns his own mannerisms. He’ll even remember when he dreamed them up. He tailor-made them.

One little guy that was blind, partially, in one eye, when exteriorized, suddenly remembered-without any prompting at all, just shoving the mannerism of being blind in his eye over to him-suddenly remembered desperately sympathizing with a blind little boy and thinking that i£ he went blind while he was a little boy, that the blind little boy wouldn’t be blind anymore. It didn’t help the blind little boy any, but it sure knocked the sight out of his eye. But as a thetan, he was holding on to this as just a cute mannerism. It’s quite important and serious to a body, but it’s not important to a thetan. He can survive.

So we get the importance of this transfer of personality. As long as this fellow has got a lot of things laying all over the universe which he thinks belong to somebody else, which are really his, he’s going to have difficulty.

Well, now we further expand this, as we go into 8-0, with lots of Change of Space Auditing according to that list which you have of various parts of the MEST universe.

Now, what could you do to make something develop energy? Well, you could put it into two positions, one after the other, as though it were approximating a current flow. Change of Space Auditing is based upon the motor, you know? You’re in terminal place A and then terminal place B. Arid being in two different places, why, actually energy is developed. Enough energy is developed usually to blow the automatic machinery which is hanging around. And that’s the explosive stuff that you see when you do Change of Space on somebody. It actually develops energy.

You don’t tell a thetan to put out the energy, you just simply run him in Change of Space. And the other manifestation, because his energy is built on that law, blows. What blows is some of the law blows.

All right. Now, let’s take a problem in a thetan who exteriorizes all right, but it’s all black-you know, he goes out blinder than a bat. Well, of course, he’s flinching with no place to flinch to.

The way you can exteriorize him in that condition: We might do something about “wasting courage” on the subject of looking, while he’s exteriorized, in brackets. We might

"waste machines that make blackness,” in brackets, while he’s exteriorized. We might get him to do this: Get the idea that there’s a dinosaur in front of him and have him flinch. Get the idea there’s a dark night in front of him and have him flinch. Have him go through the actual mechanisms of flinch.

We also might do this: We might have him take the blackness and switch it between two places in space, because the ambition of the individual to close distance collapses the bank and robs him of space. The barrier of distance is attacked by making something move, in this universe. You make something move from one point to another point. And that is an effort to collapse distance. And this effort to collapse distance results in collapsed space.

Now, here’s a problem of arrivals and departures, you see? His blackness is a problem of inability to depart, plus an ambition to collapse space. You ever see somebody who was on a train and the train is going from one point to another point and "If I could just go to sleep and just forget about all this.” And “If I could just sit there” and, you know, he doesn’t like that distance. He’s bored. There’s not enough motion for him, because he’s sitting still and moving at the same time, which is quite confusing to him.

Well now, if he would just move his blackness from A to B and back and forth again and just shove it around for a while, the ambition and desire to collapse space will to some degree or another, deteriorate. You know, we’re trying to give him some space. His blackness is collapsed space.

Well, here’s another one: You just have him mock-up courage in the space he’s trying to collapse and he’ll find himself looking out of more automobile windshields and forward from more train windows-he’s trying to collapse space. Well, he’s been putting courage up to collapse the space, but it’s never been echoed.

Now, there’s another thing like that: You can have an individual, who is exteriorized, have all kinds of things identify him. You see, he’s on a stuck flow He’s been identifying everything for Lord knows how long and now an awful lot of things can identify him and you’ll shake the flow loose. You know, have the stove identify him and other things identify him and so forth. He’s on a stuck flow.

Well, he’s on a stuck flow about courage and the collapse of distance. People drive with a certain amount of courage, they fly spaceships with a certain amount of Courage, they run machinery with a certain amount of courage, but the space they see from the spaceship has never exhibited any courage. And the machine which they have tun has never exhibited any courage. Nothing has ever exhibited any courage in terms of the space which they’re collapsing. So you have the space feel courageous, the machine feel courageous and just keep putting it in like that and you’ll find the space itself is unwinding-it uncollapses. It’s a stuck flow of courage with regard to space. This does things to blackness too.

Well, all right. We start chasing him around the universe regardless of what we do to him and we run him up to the first place he made a facsimile and then have him be-oh, by the way, don’t have him keep coming back to the room. That’s dynamite, by the way, because you’re running into a more concentrated charged area. Have him go from the first place he made a facsimile and label that place A, to the top of the Washington Monument or St. Paul’s Cathedral and label that B. And you just run him A, B, A, B, A» B, A, B.

Now, there’s another very curious thing about courage. This fellow had a terrible experience once. He tells you, “I had this awful experience. We went over the bank in this school bus and a hundred and eighty-five children were all killed, including me, and we had this horrible experience and I just can’t seem to get near this,” so forth.

Well, now if you start running courage about that-let’s say this fellow is still interiorized-let’s put it on a Dianetic basis. You could run this in Dianetics. This would be fascinating, by the Way, in Dianetics. He’s interiorized, not exteriorized or anything. And if you started mocking-up courage about the automobile accident or the bus accident, right where he is in his body, you’re validating a collapse of space. It didn’t happen where his body is. So you have him mock-up courage above the spot that it did happen. He’s not exteriorized, see, he’s sitting right in the auditing chair and the bus went over a cliff at Rondonta Westchester or something and you just have him mocking-up courage above that cliff in Rondonta Westchester. He can do it.

The next thing you know, he isn’t even vaguely worried about the bus accident. Because the facsimile is there, not where he’s sitting. And when the facsimiles start landing where the fellow is sitting, he’s already on a problem of collapsed space. So we don’t want the facsimiles run where the preclear is if you can help it.

It’s something like, you want an ice-cream soda, so you ask somebody to bring the drugstore into the front room. That would be the same thing as trying to run things where the preclear is, as a body, see? So you wouldn’t do that around a body if you could help it.

And now we’re talking about minimizing running in the vicinity of the body. The body is an automatic machine. It’ll keep on functioning for quite a while. It’ll do an awful lot of things. It’s a very good machine, but certain particles it can’t tolerate easily and those are high-charged particles of almost any kind. So you minimize the amount of running you do.

Now, a thetan can get outside and run all kinds of admiration-all kinds of courage and everything else. But the second he’s near the body, they become a limited process.

Now, you would, then, tend to run the thetan and run any incident or anything that was happening to the body, at a considerable distance from the body. You’d try to run it a distance from the body, preferably in the place where it happened. But remember, this in itself is agreeing with the MEST universe, so after you’ve run it for a little while where it happened, why, have the fellow change his mind and have it happen at the North Pole or over Greenland or in Switzerland.

“Now be courageous above the scene of your bus accident, only this time let’s have it happen in Switzerland and you be courageous above that point.”

Now, be careful about scrambling somebody’s geography too much, but be careful not to agree with geographical locations in the MEST universe totally. Here’s a point of judgment. Agreement with the MEST universe would be agreement with its locations. You can actually pull somebody out of it by having him go around and label all the points that he knows, all the geographical points he knows and you can have him misplace them. In other words, put the North Pole two miles on the other side of the city limits and to the west and so on, until he can get a higher certainty that it’s over there on the other side of the city limits, than it is at the North Pole.

And if you did this as a consistent drill, his directional knowingness would come up along the level of pigeons. He’s been dependent upon the MEST universe to tell him where his anchor points are for an awful long time, you see. And now all of a sudden, why, you make him tell the MEST universe where its anchor points are. Same thing. Stuck flow, so let’s reverse it. All right.

You remedy these dependencies of geographical location and you remedy these on an out of time-into present time basis. You want to get him into present time all over the universe and that’s why you’re flipping him in Change of Space Auditing. Don’t audit Change of Space Auditing on a Resistive V. If you’re going to change anything on a Resistive V, you change the scenery around him, if you’re going to change anything, and the best way to do that is to change it a large, long, far distance from him.

“All right. Take your automobile accident and put it on top of the Washington Monument. And now move it over to the Empire State Building. And now to the Washington Monument. And now to the Empire State Building. And now to the Washington Monument” and we’d have Dianetics beat off the boards right with that technique. That’ll blow it. That’ll blow his automobile accident. “And give me some places where you’re not having an accident at the moment,” will also blow it, in brackets.

That is so superior to running an incident and so much more effective, that there’s hardly any comparison. If we wanted to suddenly come forward (and we very well may) into the arena with a psychotherapy, which is the most advanced psychotherapy we have, we would probably just peg it at there. And not talk about exteriorization and teach people to move things, from remote locales to remote locales, that have happened to them.

Now, let’s see, now let’s do this right now.

Be outside of your head-or inside, it doesn’t matter-be outside, preferably, and let’s take your childhood and put your childhood above China.

All right. And now put it above Canada.

Now put it in the area where your childhood occurred.

And now China.

And now Canada.

And the area where it occurred.

And now China.

And now Canada.

Parked Personality: Exteriorization, Stuck Flows

And the area where it occurred.

And move it over to China.

And then move it over to Canada.

And the area where it occurred.

And over to China.

And over to Canada.

Now the hell with where it occurred.

And move it from India to Canada.

And just keep moving back and forth between India and Canada and get more and more specific about the part of India and the part of Canada.

Move it as rapidly as you please, but get Very specific about where in India and where in Canada. And when you’ve gotten specific down to a blade of grass, move it some more.

All right. Now put Canada one mile south of Phoenix. And continue the operation.

Now put India one mile north of Honolulu. And continue the operation.

Now keep India and Canada where you have them and put Honolulu at the North Pole and Phoenix at the.South Pole and continue the operation.

Okay. Let’s throw the scrambles all away.

And find the feet under your floor.

Okay. Get some childhood blowing into view and a few things popping around?

Get some things showing up?

Well, now that’s just a little pattern of what you can do with a single incident or a single lock.

Preclear has had a big quarrel, you can’t quite get him to work. Well, if you’ll just move this quarrel between two places for a while, why, what will happen?

Well, the funny part of it is that Change of Space itself brings about exteriorization. Change of Space itself brings about exteriorization from multitudes of incidents.

You will find the manifestation consistent that an individual, when run in Change of Space, will be in past time when he first gets into these spaces and then will come into present time in these spaces, not because you tell him to, but merely because you’re flipping him from another space to that space. And you’ll flip him back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth and the first thing you know, he’ll flip into present time.

How long do you run Change of Space Processing on these areas such as entrance to the MEST universe, the place where he made his first facsimile and that sort of thing? You run Change of Space Processing until he’s in present time in these places.

Now, a warning on this: 76 trillion years ago was a long time ago, in terms of space particle changes. It’s a long time. So as you start running your preclear, you’ll find out that you’ve got a consistent effort on his part, whenever you run late incidents, to hang up on early incidents.

In other words, we’re going to run a quarrel off that he’s just had with his wife and we’re running it between two places and, boy, it’s just boggy as can be. Whereas you actually could run his-you could say, “Now move your time track from here to the place you entered the MEST universe.”

That would be horrible, I mean, as a process, but it would still be a better process than a process where this is going to hang up. In other words, the later it is on the communication line, the less the line is liable to come to pieces. That’s just Dianetics. Hit for basic-basic.

You could tell somebody to reach and withdraw from basic-basic. “Reach and withdraw for an area” is somewhat like Change of Space, but not quite, since the individual is holding himself stationary. But the individual holding himself stationary and moving a flock of incidents between two places or even moving a bright bit of light between two incidents is still better processing than Dianetics.

Now, you can have a Resistive V move a little bright spot of light between two geographical areas or some such thing and his case will blow on up the line. But a very, very senior technique and a very superior one is to have him put courage over these places until they blow.

“Put courage over the entrance to the MEST universe.” “Let’s put some more there.” “Put some more there.” It’s a pretty good process.

Now, I told you, when I first told you about courage and so forth that there were an awful lot of little packages of these particles, which were not too dissimilar from courage. And they have a tendency to blow in and out as you run courage itself. Now what are these little packages?

You know, courage to cowardice, the bridge is pain. Love to hate, the bridge is betrayal. There’s another one: creativeness to non-creativeness which, of course, is the MEST universe cycle itself and its bridge is survival.

But you can run this on this basis: mock-up the particle of imagination. And, of course, that’s a misnomer. There is no particle called imagination, but people have had an awful time with it, mostly because there is none.

They have invested their imagination into the whole track-consistently and continuously invested their imagination into serious effort. And this investment of imagination is what takes place in a child when he’s being educated. First, he’s totally able to imagine in all direction, then he gets thoroughly, thoroughly ground down and educated. All of his imagination is pinned down and secured in these serious data. So that this imagination particle would seem to be a sort of a fundamental particle.

Well, actually, it is all kinds of force and perception particles. It’s all kinds of them. But people, such as professional writers and things like that, think they have to be in a special state of mind to create and imagine something. And you tell them to mock this up, they’ll just mock-up that state of mind. It generally turns out to be a courage particle. But it’s quite similar to a courage particle. Sometimes you have to call a courage particle something a little bit off the line in order to get the individual to recognize it or run it at all.

Have him run the particle of creativeness. Mock it up a lot of times and he’ll get all the times he sat around and thought he had to hold his head at a certain angle in order to dream up a new sequence of something. Interesting. The courage particle is the important one.

Well, we have then, in working our preclear, the goal of trying to get him into a situation or a condition or a state of mind whereby he has enough courage to be himself.

And then you ask immediately, what is himself? He’s himself. He’s nobody else. He is the guy who would do this and do that.

Now, you’re all too prone-people are-to attribute eccentricities to some model that the fellow must have known or some compulsion or he’s trying to hold on to tokens. Tokens are covered in Dianetics: Modern Science of Mental Health. Well, he’s trying to hold on to some tokens and so forth and that’s why he’s dressing and acting the way he does. But you know, he wouldn’t hold on to those tokens unless he had dreamed them up, more or less himself, originally.

The only thing that’s wrong with tokens is now he’s in a state of mind where he thinks somebody else may have thought of them and they aren’t his. The way he smiles, the way he walks, the way he patterns his life, his thinking and so forth is strictly his own.

It has become diluted or adulterated by the fact that somebody else was doing it too. And somebody else was doing this too and he didn’t like the other person because the other person had something to do with hitting him or hurting him in some fashion and so he has gradually lost bits of his own created self. And he’s lost these bits of his own created self and he doesn’t have the courage to front up and own them anymore, because it would be too painful for him to be reminded of all of the bad things that have happened to him.

You will find, oddly enough, the preclear with some surviving remnant of every personality he has created, because basically, all these personalities in a large package, was himself. But you are not accustomed to thinking of a personality as being that complicated. And a personality is terribly complicated. Doesn’t matter that it’s complicated, you can still restore it to the individual.

But you’re not trying to make a limpid, personal-less, model Lord Fauntleroy or Pollyanna. You’re not trying to create an ideal textbook picture, which you can turn to page forty-four and this will be a picture of your preclear. What you will do is get somebody exteriorized and then you can restore to him, by these various methods of auditing, these types of personality, which he’s been using all the way down the line, one way or the other, and he has guts enough again to use them. And so he can be himself.

And you won’t find that he really has any reason to be any of these things beyond the fact that he thinks it’s either graceful or shocking or anything that might be interesting. He’s trying to be interesting. And he had a pattern of being interesting, at one time, and he’s been using it ever since and it’s been in full vogue for about 76 trillion years. But he uses and exaggerates one part or another of it as he goes along.

So you certainly better give your boy back or your girl back the personality. The first move in that direction is to get it out of the body and to the preclear who is exteriorized. You know, you just have him take these things for himself. Because they’re his.

Note: The recording ends abruptly.