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CONTENTS Spacation: Locating, Space, Time Cохранить документ себе Скачать

Spacation: Locating, Space, Time

A Lecture given by L. Ron Hubbard on the 4 December 1952

Let’s go on now as to how you use these… these points on some of these… some of this material. This is the second hour of December 4th. Now let’s go on to how we use some of these materials in auditing and why it is an apparent uh… upset to a preclear to be disoriented.

We’re operating, of course, from Q-1 and that says creation of uh… space, time, energy, matter, location in this. You see, if a man can’t locate himself in space and time, why, he can’t locate himself – well, he just can’t locate himself. And therefore it says he’s not theta. He’s MEST because MEST is what can’t locate itself.

Somebody always has to locate MEST. That’s why you have surveyors. MEST never has been known… a roadside rock has never been known to get up and say to you, „Hello, what’s your name? Uh… where are you going?“ Nope, never been known to. Sometimes a roadside rock says „Milestone 26,“ but somebody put that on that.

So the difference between being MEST and being theta is location in space. That’s the difference between the two things. MEST has… now when I say MEST is, I’m using our old word as to mean object, a solid object, and the space and energy and so forth which comprise such solid objects, the energy flows itself, and the space therein; I’m using just that term physical universe MEST.

All right, uh… when a person goes down the tone scale, that is going down from a concept of being able to locate or originate in space, originate space, down to being a chunk of something that’s been located. Now, in other words, it goes from theta, tone scale goes from theta to MEST. And, of course, MEST has always got theta in it but that… that’s beside the point.

It has gone to the point where it doesn’t do the locating but somebody locates it. And even though a piece of MEST is used for propulsion or for shoveling or for pushing or for pulling or anything like that, there’s theta directing it.

So an individual conceives himself to be as free, as knowing, as much cause as he can locate himself in space or create space. He’s so… as long as he can do that.

Now you get somebody out in the country and he gets lost, well, he’s not terribly lost, he can look at the vegetation and he can look at the road and he can look at things and he said, „Look, somebody with three-dimensional space on the brain built all this, I’m still here, uh… somewhere. As I just have lost the difference between my immediate new anchor points and the anchor points to which I’m accustomed and I do not know the dimension from here to the point of origin from which I normally operate. I don’t know that distance.“ And so he says he’s lost, but actually just to that degree produces the most fantastic results on an individual.

You take a… a… fellow out here in the woods and there’s nothing but trees, trees, trees and all the trees look like more trees. And everything is unfamiliar, anchor points gone, and, believe me, it’s a very solid guy who doesn’t lose his head. I have seen fellows just go so pale green with… with a fear – they go right on down the tone scale. They don’t know what they’re afraid of. They haven’t any idea what they’re doing or what’s happening. And they will run aimlessly. They’ll do the strangest things: They will be very hungry and throw their pack away. They will desperately need their rifle and cartridges and throw them in the nearest creek. They will walk in circles, oddly enough. They… they seem possessed with an inability to take straight lines.

You meet up with one of these fellows, quite ordinarily he’s in a panic. It takes a long time; a woodsman has learned to be calm in the presence of all anchor points looking like all anchor points and no dimension known to the anchor point he wants, because he knows by experience that he can still find a dimension.

What the other fellow doesn’t know is he can’t find a dimension. He doesn’t know he can find a dimension anymore. And that unability to find a dimension upsets him terribly. And is that fear of not being able to find a dimension which keeps your preclear from changing anything. He is sure that if he loses his dimensions, he’s gone. He’s just sure of that. If he loses anchor points and dimensions he’s a gone fellow.

That’s why young fellows go down tone scale so badly on this thing that’s laughingly called universal military training. Somebody grabs him by the nape of the neck, throws him into a brand-new set of anchor points and says, „These are your anchor points, Bud. Your MEST.“ Now this fellow’s idea of this – new spaces he will occupy and so forth – has a terrible abyss lying between his teens and his ability to occupy any space in the society and have anchor points in the society. And that abyss is somebody standing there saying, „Now, you’re going to have anchor points according to our direction, you’re going to be transported, transshipped, removed and uh… no anchor point with which you’ve been accustomed, and for a couple of years you can count, as far as you’re concerned, on being MEST and being utterly lost.“

And they go just boom. You can watch them, they go down tone scale. Their plans for the future and all that sort of thing have a tendency to go by the boards. This is the lousiest trick that could ever be pulled on a country. Instead of paying a little bit more for soldiers and making a little bit of their life a little bit more interesting than kicking up a few wars to keep the troops happy – something like that – they make it a compulsory supercontrol operation.

As a matter of fact, a… a few boys from Batten, Barton, Durstine and Osburn got together and figured out how do we make military life interesting so as to get lots of recruits? Why, uh… they put their heads together; they’d say, „Well now, let’s see, let’s have canteen – no, let’s have company hostesses. Aha ha-ha, yeah, that’s good. Company hostesses – no, squad hostesses. Terrific overproduction of women in this country; there’s 15 million of them are going to be unmarried to the end of their days. Let’s see, we’ll take the statistics so we can prove it to the government.“ „Therefore company, no, squad. No, I think there oughta be a senior and a junior hostess to every squad. And, uh… let’s see, there should be uh… should be, uh… let’s pep these uniforms up a little bit – these boys walking around in olive drab, we’ve chosen in the past, the ugliest, messiest uniform we could possibly imagine. Well, let’s get somebody down in the Arts Department to draw one up.“

„Okay, now, let’s fix it over on the citizen front there so that people who neglect to service this uniform properly, and so forth, they get their taxes increased. Yeah, that’s a good idea. That makes the boys happy. Naw, that wouldn’t work because that’s too compulsory.“

„Let’s see, I know, we’ll… we’ll just get the democratic administration or the republican administration or somebody to write some more figures on a book up in Wall Street that somebody keeps up there so they can write some more books on the figures down in the Treasury Department down here and what we laughingly call money will be then issued in superfluity to these troops and we will have troop money which buys twice as much as any other kind of money. Yeah, that’s very interesting.“

„Now, let’s… let’s stop all this walking. That… that walking is bad, the boys don’t like to walk, and let’s get each one of them a, well, I don’t know, a motorcycle, how about a hotrod? They are cheap to produce. And we’ll have squads of hotrods and senior and junior… Let’s put another hostess in that squad. And uh… let’s… let’s have three times a week – see, they haven’t looked at the ages that they’re getting into the army – three times a week, at least, we will have all the malted milks and hamburgers you can uh… possibly eat for suppers. Yeah, that’s a pretty good idea. And we’ll have an issue of chewing gum, good, solid issue of chewing gum, so on. Good.“

And what do you know, they wouldn’t have to have universal military service, but universal militaries have to work for that so nobody’d bother on this other line. Being a little bit snide on that, but uh… it’s a good thing.

Now, of course because every time… every time you get a control army, then you have to have somebody to hate. That makes it necessary to go on having the army and it gets very complex after a while.

Now, uh… I think – uh… what is it? One hundred and eighteen percent of the national budget goes for the maintenance of our military defenses. Well, you might as well take over three or four states and turn them over to the teenagers and uh… and… and just have a good time for a couple of years. I mean if somebody solved war you could do that. Now, let’s get off of that subject for a minute.

The reason why those guys get lost is anchor points and then nobody lets them put in items. They got to have the uniform that’s issued. Ta-ta-ta- ta-ta-ta-ta-ta. Just exactly what it says, and you got to do this with this equipment. And we give you this but you don’t own it.

Now we give you this rifle, but you don’t own that. Now we give you this uniform, but you don’t own that. Now, we’ll come around and see if you’re keeping this rifle right, and this tank right and this uniform right, and everything is right and you don’t own that but it’s yours. And you’re going to get practically machine-gunned if you don’t keep this equipment good, you understand? But you don’t own it and we’ll make sure you don’t own it, and so forth; now you control it but don’t own it. Now you locate it in space, exactly where we tell you to locate it, and you only put it in space where we tell you to locate it or else. Isn’t that great? I mean you couldn’t figure out a lower tone scale operation than this whole thing.

What’s the… what’s the answer then on the whole track? The MEST universe is doing this to the preclear. Now I’ve been talking about the army, but the actual fact of the matter is I’ve been talking about inhabitants of the MEST universe.

In they come, MEST universe says, „Now look, there’s a bunch of natural laws and bunch of agreements. And these are the anchor points and these are the only anchor points you can have and you locate yourself in the middle of these anchor points. And uh… you do just exactly with what… what… what with this planetary arrangement and these photons and so forth as we tell you, because this place is rigged to enforce itself upon you. And uh… you can’t have any of your own particles. And if you start using any, you’re going to get in trouble.“

And you get the same kind of a state of mind that you’d get as a teenager in the army on the part of MEST people. No responsibility, there’s nobody taking responsibility for this universe at all. It’s just sort of floating around like a Russian army.

Okay, here we have… here we have, then, the most fundamental process that you could run on a preclear, which is orientation in space, the most fundamental thing you can do. And that would consist of a very strange thing for one lifetime, the location of 0-1. What’s 0-1 for this preclear? What is the origin point he’s been using all of his life? He’s using one origin point or another all the way along the line, from his earliest childhood. What’s his origin point?

Student: himself.

LRH: No, it’s not. He has to have an anchor point. His origin point has been dependent upon, probably A, A-l, A-2. You see, he hasn’t got any location himself by agreement in this universe unless he has some anchor points that have to do with the MEST universe. He’s already given up the right to be his own anchor point and to choose for himself anchor points.

So he’s using an anchor point from somewhere in this lifetime somewhere on his track. What is it? You find out – what are those anchor points? This is surprising, but you will find out it’s such a thing as the fireplug which stood outside his house when he was a little boy. That is one of his anchor points. The other anchor point may be a small hill which was about eight miles south of his home where he used to… he used to be able to look out the window and see this hill. Those were the anchor points of the world. And as a little child, if you would have gone up to him as a little child and you could say, „How big is this world?,“ he would say, „Well it… it goes, well, it’s… it’s uh… way over from that fireplug there and it’s way over from that hill and it goes down… well, I know a canyon down the line, it’s pretty deep, it’s a hundred feet deep, and it goes down there, and every once in a while the stars come out and they’re over a mile high. And there they are, and that’s… that’s… that’s the universe and that’s it.“

And you would have said, „How about the Germans? How about the Japanese? How about the uh… Russians? How about uh… uh… the Kentuckians? Uh… anything.“

And he would have said, „Well, obviously they must be just beyond there. I’ll have to ask somebody. I’ll… I’ll… I’ll get… get somebody to pack me a lunch and I’ll walk over and see them.“

He just hasn’t any concept of any dimension between himself and Russia, no concept. If… if he were told that a raging war were going on as the children were in World War II – he knew a raging war was going on and uh… he… he just… he… he knew where it was going on. It was quite real to him. That war was real close to home; it was just on the other side of that hill. And he would take it pretty seriously. It was right close to home. And other people would have been up and looked around and so forth. They, people who lived in that neighborhood and been out driving and so forth, they knew it wasn’t there at all. They knew there was no dimension between them and that war, except maybe Johnny and Johnny was in that war, and he used to write letters and it took the letters four days to get home. So there was a four-day dimension between themselves and the war and that was pretty close.

And there were other fellows who didn’t get any letters from Johnny so they didn’t have any dimension to the war at all. So they just sat around and figured out how much they could make.

You ask your preclear on an E-Meter what his… what his anchor points are and this was his gyration. And, what do you know, he’ll have visios on them. They’ll be static, cherished visios, and he’s… he… he’ll turn these visios around once in a while and throw them behind him. And he’ll look at them and you get them on the track; it’ll be some fixed position.

It might be… one of them might be a fireplace, maybe not in his own home at all, but in a neighbor’s house. That was a piece of space he could own. It was perfectly all right with this neighbor if he owned that fireplace. They was always nice to him, gave him cookies, place calm, peaceful – own home might not have been.

So he had an origin point and uh… it was… it was one of his anchor points. And the other one – he had a teacher who was nice to him, and this teacher had a house on the other side of town. So between the fireplace and the house on the other side of town he could shift around, himself, and to really have a good set he’d have to have a third, so maybe it was Bill’s house.

And he’d have these three anchor points, and so his origin point is only apparently here in 1952, 53. Only apparently, and it’s not here at all, and the guy’s been lost for years and years and years, and he doesn’t even know it, because he has no line of dimension between where he finds himself at this moment and – he just never thought about this – and the A-l, A-2, A-3.

He is operating now from A-10,065, N-10,066, and A-10,067. And these are his three anchor points. But he is still at 0-1.

So we get 0-1 prime and A-10,066, A-10,067, and A-10,068. And, what do you know, his level of reality is practically zero.

Oh boy, is he not here! He just is not present, that’s all. Why? There’s no relationship between these things and A-l, A-2, and 3. There’s no dimension; the fellow’s lost. And he’ll give that lost appearance. You take one of these persons; you try to spring him out of his head and he says, „No… no, I’m not moving out of my head.“

Now you can say it’s ridges, it’s smidges, uh… it’s anything you want, but he isn’t in his head. He’s standing back at the corner of 16th and Van Buren in the year 1928. There he is. He knows better than to get any further than 16th and Van Buren, because that’s in rollerskating distance to A-1, A-2 and A-3.

You will find the most… you will find grief charges – grief charges – on the first time a kid had to abandon his anchor points. He’s gotten accustomed to them, and the first time he had to abandon them… and you get him returning to his home town and if somebody’s moved one of his anchor points he’s just shot. He’s just in a mess; and so he’ll hold on to the facsimile of the anchor point and take his whole track and jam it from that anchor point on up to now, because he knows that there’s distances involved and being distances involved he’s got to jam his track down to match his original anchor points so that he’s still there, so he’s not lost.

And then you come along and ask this fellow to get rid of his facsimiles – oh no you won’t! And you say, „All right fellow, now let’s get rid of these anchor points, and really get lost.“ Uh-uh. He isn’t even vaguely going to do it.

He’s going to find more excuses; he’ll jump up off the couch and smoke cigarettes, and he’ll claim that it’s his… it’s how mean people were to him and how this wasn’t none of his behavior and it was action, it was ideas and it was this and that and the other thing, and you’ll look down at his anchor points. Because we’re going on all out here on theta clearing, we want to get to collect the fellow to a point.

We’ve got to collect the fellow to a point. And what is the point? He’s got to have a viewpoint from which he could postulate other points – and if he doesn’t have a point, from which to do this, why, he’s in terrible shape; and we look down the track and we find our preclears who are very hard to move out of their heads and be certain where they are, are people who have been scattered all over hell’s creation and have, in one lifetime year after year after year – were moved about, moved about, pushed about, pushed about, their possessions taken away from them, their possessions lost, their possessions broken up and particularly their anchor points.

You’ll find that after a while every time they have been driven off from a space – in any way – they’ve gone in near hysterics. Or any time anybody’s tried to pin them down into a space. For instance, somebody who comes by and arrests them, something, and puts them in jail. They just go into… all to pieces. Because that’s really getting lost, that’s too much stress of imposition of anchor point. And they can’t stand it. They just go to pieces on it.

Now, anchor point is necessary to have motion, so what do you find quite in addition to this? You’ll find that this preclear who has lost his anchor points and lost his anchor points, has lost his motion and lost his motion…

For a while his motion was dispersing – oh, badly dispersing – and uh… he was trying frantically to keep it up and pretend all was well. And he knew where he was, he knew where he was, yes sir – but did he?

There’d be a little voice behind him, „You don’t know where you are, do you?“ And uh… pretty soon, why, somebody comes along and tells him he’s mean and he’s ornery, and he’s no good, and he got no force, and he mustn’t use force, and he becomes convinced that force is no good, too.

Well, of course, he can’t produce force if he’s lost his anchor points. That’s the essence of production of force is to have terminals. Now, we’re really sneaking up on electricity. You understand we’re not talking here about electricity.

We don’t want in any way to influence the field of engineering. They’ve got some agreements pinned down and they’re stuck with them. And uh… they… we don’t want to interfere with that. So don’t apply any of this material to mathematics or engineering. We don’t want… this stuff wouldn’t change it anyway, I mean.

Uh… so let’s look, then – the first thing on orientation – let’s look for his original anchor points and see if we can find them. And, of course, his first anchor points in what you call home universe are lost to him. They’re gone. Home universe… boy, you can always get a grief charge on it. So, the home of his very early childhood is usually lost to him as well. So, he’s… on the whole track; he’s been lost and lost and lost and lost and lost. He keeps getting… you want to know long a spiral is? A spiral is as long as one can keep himself convinced he isn’t lost utterly.

Now long is a lifetime? A lifetime is as long as one can keep himself convinced he isn’t lost utterly.

Why do people out in the corn belt sometimes live to the age of 8,000 or whatever some of them claim? Why… why is that? They’ve never gotten lost. And, by the way, some of those uh… octogenarians and so forth quite commonly make a practice of propelling themself not by any other conveyance than shank’s mares, walking the distances they want to go. It’s with perfect confidence one of those old fellows would suddenly say, „Well, I’m going down to see Sister Bess now.“

And somebody would look at him aghast and say, „But that’s over a hundred and eighty miles.“

And he’d say, „Well, sure, it’s going to take me a couple, three, four days to make it.“ He had measured every inch of the way and observed every inch of the way.

Now if he went down there at 80 miles an hour, it is sort of swoosh, and by the time he gets there it’s been a blur and he’s not well connected with it. You would have to get somebody well speeded up to remove him in distance that much.

Out in space people are really speeded up. They think very hectically and so forth. Brrrr. All of that space, but, gee, you can see anchor points a long distance. You can see ‘em many light years, and so you can move around to that degree.

Who is this fellow? Well, this fellow is the fellow who used to have as anchor points Star X, Star Y and Star Z. He didn’t even live on a planet. You know that he would consider himself… that would be as big as his anchor points were.

It’s a very good thing to take out a little kid when he’s very, very young and show him some stars and say, „That is Betelgeuse. That is only – – light years away; it’s a long way away. Now that’s Betelgeuse. Now we’ll take that and we’ll look at it in a telescope and examine that thoroughly and it’s in relation to star so-and-so. And this is Mizar and that’s Marcab, and that’s the North Pole, and that’s some other star. Now you see those stars? Now, they don’t exactly look different, I mean they… they look a little different when you look at them from another point, they… they get closer together when you look at them from another point, because they’re distances apart. But you can look right here now and you can see these stars and you can locate them and you’ll always know they’re there. Take a look.“

I ran into a fellow whose father was an astronomer. He was one of the most unlost fellows you ever saw until we got into the Southern Hemisphere. This boy was a navigator, and he was an aerial navigator. Aerial navigators are very smart boys. They… they’re very sharp, they know what they’re doing and so forth. And the grim joke is they think a surface navigator, a marine navigator is something on a stick. They… they… they… they’re very… they’re very fascinated with surface navigation because they think that’s a sharp business.

Sure enough, it is, uh… in standpoint of error, but the surface navigator isn’t going 350 miles an hour. These boys know their navigation inside-out and they’ve always approached a surface navigator with reverence for some reason or other. Maybe that’s because a surface navigator demands it.

We got down in the… down in the Southern Hemisphere, and this kid started looking at the Southern Cross. And he became… first he became very excited and then he got sadder and sadder and sadder, and I’ve never known to this day exactly what it was until the other day I was figuring out what this was, and the fellow had lost his points of origin.

He was gone, he was obviously in another world somewhere. That Southern Cross in the southern sky is very spectacular and uh… you get far enough south down around New Zealand, if you’ve customarily lived in Canada, where he did, you get an almost completely different sky. Very interesting.

All right, and uh… we’ve got uh… we’ve got then your question of this. In this life, a fellow cannot change his physical identity. If he could change his physical identity, his beingness and so forth to match his new anchor points, he would be all right, but he isn’t permitted to do that.

He has a connecting link, he has the same name, with A-l, A-2, A-3, with A,1066, A,1067 and A,1068. He has the same name, he has the same body, he knows, he has the same relatives, and he’s got a lot of other things, and every time these pop up, they keep reminding him that he is not on his anchor points and he doesn’t quite know where those anchor points are. And as a net result he’s quite confused.

Now, this has a great deal to do with the production of force. If it didn’t have anything to do with the production of force, it would not lead us through this maze, uh… because the production of force itself, and tolerance of force, is in itself affinity, reality, communication in this universe and the road out is the road through.

So every time we have a preclear who is sort of scattered and dispersed and he doesn’t quite know where he is, and he’s not oriented and so forth, let’s go through a little bit on space and find his origin points for him. Let’s relocate him and reorient him in space. That would be an awfully good idea, wouldn’t it? So here he is with space that he can’t control. And, sure enough, he’s worried about space being too crowded. He’s worried about space crowding in on him, claustrophobia. He’s worried about moving things around in space and keeping space neat. Or he is so careless that he doesn’t care WHAT space keeps neat. He’ll just throw things around in any space because that space isn’t his space anyhow.

And he has a lot of points like this and he is just scattered. So you ask him to move out and be in a new space, why, shucks, his body isn’t in any space, much less the thetan. He isn’t in any space that he can recognize, as a body, and he’s just abandoned the whole thing anyhow… So, we have the three conditions here which will be general categories and you could call these cases then, case one, as an origin, case two, still as an origin, case three as an origin with dispersal, some dispersal, your case four as an origin, considerable dispersal, case five is uncollected, with sole point of origin as the body itself.

Now let’s just run a gradient scale between those two things. Case five is uncollected with a sole point of origin as the body itself and you can’t ask him to remove from the body because he knows nothing exists as anchor points outside of the body. He knows this.

Now we’re using here… this is the scale of… this is your… your case numbers on SOP Issue Three, your case numbers. Now what’s six? Six is not sure-body and seven is no body.

I’m drawing it over here. Just above that we have this condition: uh… the person is well oriented at X. That would be uh… figure four here. That would be a one, he’s… he’s… he’s well collected at that point. And here we’ve gotten a sort of a general sight on things, not too good; we’re getting down there. And he’s somewhere in here, and we get down from that into this kind of a thing. Now that’s all very well; he’s somewhere in here.

But these points aren’t in sight. He’s occluded. He guesses there’s some points over there someplace. He just assumes it.

Now if you want this in terms of attention units we’ll put bursts of attention units up here along the one, three, six, we’ll put… he looks like that here, around one.

Here we have… he would be uh… slightly like that, about three, and he would be collected in sight with everything smashing in at him about six. And then here he’d be leaving. You get the idea? The guy’s dispersing around in space, that’s all I’m trying to show you. And you’ve got to get this fellow collected from six up to one.

It isn’t… it isn’t a matter of running flows or dichotomies. You can get him out on responsibility any time you want to. Joy of responsibility, beautiful sadness of responsibility, joy of irresponsibility and that sort of thing. On brackets you can get him out any tune you want to if you want to work that long enough. He’ll eventually get there working with flows and… or mock-ups or anything you want to work with, you eventually get there with a case. You know what responsibility is.

But here we have a case which is a… a big point. He can cover an area. He isn’t just a single point, he can sort of cover and pervade an area. That has contracted down as we go down to the two and has become a negative position by the time we get to three, four and five, and, boy, he… he’s just… he just knows he’s got no point when he’s at five – he just knows. He’ll be chased out of any place he goes into. He has, by the way, this… this funny feeling.

He walks into a strange restaurant or something of the sort; he may be very self-possessed, educated and he… he’s educated himself into that, very self-possessed. He’ll go into the restaurant and uh… so forth, but if the head waiter and so forth looks at him sort of strangely, he just exactly knows what the head waiter’s going to say. The head waiter’s going to turn around to him and say, „Get out.“ He knows that; he knows any time he goes into a strange place he’s going to be kicked out. He has 8 million dollars in cash in his pocket. He has a… a… a local army called the Police Force of Podunk Falls solely in his pay and he goes over into Squeedunk Falls and he knows that when he walks into the main station at Squeedunk Falls that the station master’s going to say to him, „Get out.“ He knows at this moment he will have to flee.

His havingness, his terrific havingness, is a substitute for having any space. Cause havingness is the bottom of the scale and space is the top of the scale, and when a man’s got to have, he’s telling you he has no space. His space is condensing, and condensed space and that sort of thing is objects. He’s got to carry space around in packages on the theory that maybe some day he can uncondense it. So he gets objects, he gets Rolls Royces and blondes.

Or if he isn’t in that category, he keeps things in his desk drawers. Wife goes out every once in a while and cleans out the tool shed. There’s… the newspapers from eight years back are in there and everything is in there and there’s everything in there, and there’s all this… this… there’s this little gimmick that he took off that something or other there that he was making and he knows he’ll have a use for it someday, and that’s in there and it’s got kind of dusty, and then there’s the dead rat that uh… ha was going to frame, and… All this stuff there, he’s just got to have this condensed space around someplace, because someday he’ll uncondense it, he thinks. Gives him points of origin – that’s what he’s looking for. He’s getting… looking for anchor points, somehow or other, he’s got to have some anchor points. And he can… he can uncondense this any time he wants to, as everybody knows.

So, the preclear you will find amongst homo sapiens starts in as being perhaps larger than a point to himself. This isn’t any past body. He’s very relaxed about it. But if you found anybody very much larger than a point, he would not be in Mr. Homo Sapiens. He would be standing around outside leaning up against the lamp post once in a while, saying to homo sapiens that he is allegedly running, „Okay, Joe, why don’t you go over and have a beer?“

„Yeah, that’s right, that’s a good thing to do. Ah, to hell with him.“

He would really be uninterested because he hasn’t gotten too concerned yet. Now by the time he’s collected down to a point he’s getting kind of concerned, and by the time he’s getting down any lower than that, of course, it’s a negative point.

What’s a negative point? It’s a point that a dimension goes through. A point is a dimension going through it. A point should have no space and no dimension. This fellow… this fellow has to drive five miles forward to back up one step. You get the idea. In order to go to plus Y on a three plane dimensional scale uh… in order to go to a plus Y uh… at all, he’s probably got to back up along minus Y for eight yards and then he thinks he’ll get the plus Y.

And, what do you know, that person acts like that in his behavior; he acts like that. He has a split instant where he has the impulse to go the wrong way and then he tells himself to go the right way. When he starts to turn a corner, if you’ll just watch his hands for an instant you’ll find out that his hands are starting to turn the car the other way. And then he’ll turn them back again to make them turn the right way. Yeah, he’ll… he’ll… he’ll do that, it’s flick. Well, that fellow has got to… got to back up a long distance to go forward an inch, and he’s got to… he, see, he collects space, anchor points, uncertainty. What’s reaction time? What’s motion? What are all these things, comes under the heading of space. Origin points in space.

Your process on this is to mock up spaces. And fill them full and empty them. And fill them full and empty them. And then put lots of things in them and then throw things away and then have things coming out of the anchor points and going away. And then reaching through all of this area of space and being in this area of space and coloring this area of space in various ways. And reaching through the area of space. And then mocking up anchor points that he would like to have. How would you like to orient yourself, Bill? What would you like to have out there to get you to really know you were there? Now don’t try to chase this back by symbolism.

I wrote a foul and evil book once upon a time. Was called THE KEY TO THE UNCONSCIOUS. It ties back mock-up processing into reality. It turns out that that’s the meanest thing an auditor can do. You can do a lot of things with this, but if you use it too long it will give the guy the idea that his dreams are all based on reality.

And that is the primary sin of psychoanalysis. They say, „You can’t have your universe, you poor fool, we’re just uh… helping you now. Let’s see, now think of something else. Oh, that’s because you drowned your grandmother’s kittens. Yes. Oh, you think that’s yours, eh? Well, that isn’t yours, this happy little dream you’re having about, uh… yeah, that depends upon something in the real universe. You’re really agreeing after all. You thought you were trying to get away and disagree and we look it all over and we find out that you were only agreeing.“

„Now you say that when you go to sleep at night you have a dream. Now you think you’re free when you dream, don’t you? But you’re really agreeing with the physical universe. Yes, now that will be 185 for this week’s work and that will be 8,000 for next month’s work. And a complete psychoanalysis takes about a year to find out if we can do anything for you and it takes another year to do anything for you and then of course we can’t guarantee that anything will be done for you and that will only cost at average rates in the United States for four appointments a week, of one hour each, 9,450. And that is the cost of doing nothing for you but making you into MEST, brother.“

And how is this done? Simply by pointing out to somebody that everything he thinks of has an origin in the MEST universe. He has no independent capacity to dream. And for heaven’s sakes you don’t… you’re using mock-up processing, please learn this as one of the important points: never wonder what caused the fellow to think that up, because at first there’ll be a little impulse for the things he thinks up to be modified by the MEST universe. But, if you don’t challenge him, he’ll go free. Last night we had some demonstrations here. We had a preclear who couldn’t tell me a lie. That was interesting, isn’t it? He couldn’t say there was an airplane just flew in the window. Fascinating. Why? The MEST universe has kept saying to him over and over and over and over, „Look, you’ve got to agree with me.“ And agreement with the MEST universe is the equivalent of, similar to, and is the same as punishment. And there isn’t much difference between the two.

So, unless he agrees, he’ll be punished. Unless he says what the MEST universe tells him to say, he’ll be punished. So any operation in mock-up processing which tries to convince the preclear that what he has just mocked up has symbolical purpose in the MEST universe is an overt act and is black magic, operating to reduce the self-determinism of the preclear.

He keeps mocking up a broom handle. „All right,“ he says, „I’ll take this broom handle and I go this-a-way with it and I… I… I got a broom handle here“ and so on.

And you say, you know, to yourself, you know, „What he’s really mocking up… what he really is mocking up is a… is a pressor beam. And he’s afraid of pressor beams; he’s afraid they’ll collapse, so he’s got something solid like a broom handle that he’s monkeying around with there.“

Well, you know that. But that’s all right, what the heck? Don’t point out to him that he’s mocking up pressor beams. Let him get a bigger and better broom handle. He’ll find out sooner or later that he’s mocking up pressor beams, but let him find that out. Then if he wants to mock up something else he can have zing-zag broom handles or something and get away from it. But the essence of it is to let him know he is doing it and that it is his. Not that it is related to the MEST universe.

He only has one area to get out and that is CERTAINTY and his only real certainty he’s going to be able to get is the certainty that he himself has his own illusions. And he gets that certainty, goes up the line of knowingness; if you keep showing him that THAT certainty really was the MEST universe and was not a certainty at all, you’re going to knock him on down tone scale and out through the bottom.

You’ll make MEST out of him because he’s saying you can’t locate anything in space. Look, it’s still the MEST universe located in space with you, fellow. I’m… I’m sorry to have to digress and give you this… this technical discussion on psychoanalysis.

I have used psychoanalysis, by the way. I have the edge on people in psychoanalysis who have things to say anything about Scientology. I know their subject – they don’t.

Now, we have, then, the whole principle of spacation outlined under the heading of anchor points, and origin points. There’d be the preclear’s origin point. There would be an understood anchor point which he somehow or other somewhere has consented to. That would be anchor point understood but not located, or origin point understood… better change that around, call it origin point unknown, but understood. And then there’d be the origin point which he conceives to be himself. That would be, according to him, a secondary origin point. He thinks of himself as a secondary origin point. He’s an origin point being located by the first unknown origin point. Therein lies his aberration.

Now he is an origin point, then, and as an origin point he can clearly be an origin point as long as he has a good solid assignment to anchor points. Your preclear needs anchor points to find himself oriented.

Now, the only way he could really, really be sure of anchor points is to mock them up. He can’t guarantee that this is the MEST universe, this MEST universe is real, but he could guarantee that he himself had mocked up real anchor points. That would really be real anchor points, but in this universe you will find out that his earliest decided upon anchor points are really postulates. They’re heavy ones. He’s made them day after day after day.

„Well, I’m getting home now. There’s Mrs. uh… Marsha’s house. Oh, here I am at the corner.“ How often you’ve said that; have to say good night now. „I’m at THE corner.“ If he could only know what he really felt down underneath about the corner, and if he were to say to himself or think to himself, „Someday there isn’t going to be any corner anywhere in reach of me at all,“ he’d get the funniest sensation. „Someday I won’t be able to walk to this corner.“ And in that whole subject lies nostalgia.

You’re gonna get… you can actually blow grief on this – nostalgia. Nostalgia goes back anchor points; you can get nostalgia on anchor points one, two and three up to maybe anchor points uh… nineteen, twenty and twenty-one, and after that don’t bother to get any nostalgia, because the guy has given up about that time having any anchor points.

And if he’s gone up to a set of what did we have here, same here as the Battle of Hastings, more or less. Boy, that was a fight. Uh… A-1066, uh… if you get up to a thousand anchor points this guy’s had… he’s now at anchor point 1,000, 1,001, and 1002 or something like that. Oh, no. This is just… his life is just a blur. It’s just a vague blur to him. You can go back and he will locate in terms of objects.

So if you want to put a guy’s time track back together for any reason or other, put it together in terms of objects instead of energies, because he’s low enough on the tone scale so all he can actually locate is objects not motions, ordinarily, if he’s in that shape.

Now things won’t be in motion for this guy, for this preclear; he won’t see things in motion, things won’t be in motion for him, he’ll have a hard time making anything move. That’s merely because he hasn’t any solid anchor points. How can you make anything move if you haven’t got anchor points? It’s impossible, naturally.

What is a terminal? A terminal is an anchor point. What are the terminals of an electric motor? The terminals of an electric motor are the anchor points from which motion can emanate. The principle of the manufacture of electricity has to do with the shift of the point of origin between the anchor points of an electric motor. With this principle, could we work out a new, good and usable electric motor? Yes, we could.

For the first time we could have an electric motor. That’s all due respect to General Electric. That’s a good outfit, General Electric, actually. I never appreciated American electrical equipment till the last few months and uh… two-twenty A.C. is gaps all the time and they have to have the most fantastically wide plug-ins. At a hundred and ten, A.C. is pretty good, that doesn’t close the gap; that doesn’t have to be very heavily insulated on a hundred and ten.

But if you were to put two-twenty on a hundred and ten plugs and fitting and lines and that sort of thing, you’d get quite a fuss, so the British believe that our electrical equipment isn’t any good. And we believe that the British electrical equipment is far too heavy. And we forget that the difference of voltage is so wide.

Well, anyway, actually the British manufacture electricity far cheaper than anybody else. I don’t know whether this is… has something to do with having a higher power to go over the lines or less line loss or something of the sort. But uh… the point is that when you deal with any kind of terminals you can get a nice sparky current, nice juice, good hot juice. If you got a terminal one, the terminal here, whether it’s made by… in Great Britain or in the United States or on the planet Gandalupia…

You got two terminals… and a base to keep them apart or a will to keep them apart, will, postulates, base, no real difference. Uh… you’ve got location, and where you have location you can have motion, and where you can have motion you can have life, life forms. You can have action, you can have objects, you can have all of these things. And they all come out sort of on the course of the horseshoe nail, straight through.

They all come out from that one line, origin point, unknown and understood, origin point, preclear, anchor points. When you’ve got that together you have the complex terminal set-up necessary to produce a high- level energy flows and the phenomena which you see here in the MEST universe and which you call electricity and which on a much higher level, causing the electricity, human thought. This is not a very mechanistic approach, by the way. This is highly esoteric as an approach, because, what do you know, you keep postulating this and you’ve agreed with everybody, you’re trained in viewing anchor points, you’re all set. You’re… you’ve done all this. You’ve gone through all this and you… you’ve… after you got trained to produce anchor points and you produced… you had envisioned good ones.

You could put motion into them and you assisted motion all over the place, and you have produced lots of action for yourself there. And… gee, life was running fast and so forth, and eventually people started to disagree with you and you lost those anchor points and… and other things happened and you weren’t supposed to use force anymore which is to say it isn’t your space, same thing.

Uh… you ever notice dogs when they run into a… a neighbor dog’s yard? They really cool down. It isn’t their space anymore. Well, they can’t go into motion like that, but they go back in their own yards again and some Pekingese goes into his own front yard – there’s nothing more savage than a Pekingese in his own front yard. Mastiff comes in there and he says, „Excuse me,“ and he walks out. That’s own space.

All right, all this subject comes down to – you… you’re actually producing that motion, you’re producing an agreement with an awful lot of people, you go on producing it and what do you know, you reach over all the time and keep planting emotion into things, so that you can perceive emotion.

You not only put the motion there but you put the e… emotion there and perceive the emotion out of it continually. And you want it all to be automatic, and you want sensation like mad, so you just skip that step every time. You skip the step of a postulation of space, and then you skip the step of a postulation of motion, and then you skip the step of postulation of placing energy there to emanate back at you again, all because you want the sensation to effect you.

You want all this to make an effect out of you, because you want sensation from it, so you just skip these steps and you’re all set. Except you wind up aberrated and homo sapiens.

Let’s take another break.