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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- TV Demo - Basic Auditing - Lecture and Demo (SHSBC-358) - L631204 | Сравнить



A lecture and demonstration, given on 4 December 1963

How are you today? Thank you. Now this is the 4th of December, isn't it? Fourth of December 1963, Saint Hill Special Briefing Course. What you're going to see here today, and what you're going to hear is an extremely novel demonstration. And we're going to combine a lecture with a demonstration.

I'm going to try to give you some idea of the presence of auditing – the use in handling of basic auditing. Now recently, recently, you had something called itsa. And itsa has always been present and actually there's no difference between auditing in 1952 and auditing today. Really there's no difference. I'd say probably 1954 was more like it or 1955. There's no real difference. And everybody seems to have interpreted itsa as some new strange commodity that doesn't have anything to do with what we were doing. Well, I have more or less always handled itsa, and I found out that auditors weren't handling it, and, that they needed a different viewpoint and a different perspective from which to view an auditing session, so as to make their auditing better.

Now, all this is very interesting. But auditors in actual fact – and this goes for, I'm sure, Central Organizations, field auditors and so forth, as well as this course – have all of a sudden dropped into some kind of a category of itsa that nobody ever heard of and that was never intended. And this is pretty awful bad. I couldn't say how much. I mean I – this tape's going out in public so I can't swear, don't you see? But it's pretty grim.

Do you – do you know that auditors are permitting their pcs to draw pictures? Not to illustrate anything, just sit there and draw pictures and pc is humming and the auditor marks down the TA action while the pc is humming and ... What is this? I mean, what on earth's going on here? This is madness! Auditor sitting back giving the pc nothing to do, not handling any control of session, not doing anything in the session. Of course, your TA is going to pieces. Well, now look, the place to get your basic auditing together is at Class II and Class III. The – your basic auditing ought to be very nearly perfect at these levels. Because you're never going to be able to do an OT process unless your basic auditing is nearly perfect. There frankly is no difference between Class II auditing and Class VI auditing. No difference, really, as far as basic auditing is concerned. Now, the basic auditing is that fundamental which handles the pc, handles the session, handles the auditing comm cycle and handles the meter. Regardless of what else is occurring.

Now, the situation that you face here is that there is a thing called perfect basic auditing. There is a thing called perfect basic auditing. And at Class III it – now as we know it, it now handles the meter. It adds that into it. But at Class II all basic auditing is doing is simply handling the pc, the session and keeping the auditing comm cycle going and intact.

Now, there is room for improvement in this. Nearly everybody's auditing had room for improvement. Frankly the demand of an OT process on basic auditing is so great that you cannot have frail basic auditing and run anything, really, at Class V or Class VI and expect any result to occur. But for an auditor to be sitting there, letting the pc doodle, for an auditor to be sitting there, with the pc humming, with an auditor to be sitting there silent while the pc had nothing to say; these things are fantastic violations of basic auditing.

Your basic auditing has got to be good. Now, I'm laying it on the line to you here, and it may be very cheeky of me perhaps to play one of my own sessions on this sort of thing. But for the last three months I knew that auditing could be improved. I knew my own auditing could be improved. How about yours? So I've been working for about three months to get my own auditing improved as far as I could improve it. And I've been very careful of various things. And I've been grooving myself in along this particular line.

The trick is to do all these things and keep the session rolling. Now of course, at Class VI you're right on top of the session, you're kicking it all the way along the line, you're speeding it up, you're rolling it very quickly and so forth. But frankly it's no different that it should be at Class II or Class III. All of these auditing lessons, then, apply to all classes above 1. Basic auditing is something that should be very smoothly done indeed.

Now, what I have been able to improve in my own auditing are these particular points: handling the pc's itsa, receiving it, knowing when the pc has spoken, acknowledging what the pc has said and not cutting off the pc's itsa. Now of course, one of the ways to (quote) "play this safe," is just not to say anything to the pc at all, and then of course you never cut his itsa. Well, how about cleaning cleans? The pc will just go on a self-audit if you sit there silently. So this is a beautifully balanced situation. You've got to be able to answer the pc without cutting the pc's itsa, and without putting in a big silence there which will also really not handle his itsa. So it's a case of knowing when – for the auditor, when to talk, the auditor should know when to talk and when not to talk. And it's a quick proposition. It is not slow.

Now, there's a lot of ways by which auditors comm lag. And I've noticed auditors comm lag down through the years. But the pc said – you're asking the question, "Do fish swim?" And the pc says, "Yes, they do."

Auditor: [big comm lag, blank] “Oh! Oh, yeah! Okay." And the auditor says, "Do fish swim?" "No."

And the Auditor: "Hm. Oh, very good. Yeah, ver – yeah, all right, excellent. Excellent. Yes-hm-hm, yes, jush-jush. Mm-hm, well of course. Yes. Thank you. Thank you very much for…"

What the hell is that but auditor comm lag, see? The comm lag of silence, the comm lag of stringing out a whole bunch of acknowledgments so-hoping that something will happen. These two things are auditor comm lag, nothing else. What's the auditor doing comm lagging.? Well, maybe he's comm lagging because he doesn't know the technique. Well, all right, he can learn the technique. But if he is comm lagging his basic auditing just doesn't happen to be good. It happens to be bad. His basic auditing is very, very, very poor.

Now most everybody in auditing believes that if they just knew the technique they would be all set. Well now, auditing is now divided into basic auditing, technique and case analysis. Three sections. The truth of the matter is that basic auditing is basic auditing, and it doesn't matter what technique you are running. Your basic auditing must be adequate.

Now, do you know that it doesn't even change from technique to technique? It's just basic auditing. It's the pc says something, you answer it. Pc isn't saying anything, you get the pc to say something, you know? Pc hasn't got anything to think about or say, give him something to think about or say.

You keep this thing rolling. You keep it going. You keep your action up in the session. You're right on top of the session. That's what gives you tone arm action. Tone arm action totally stems from keeping the session rolling. There's all kinds of ways of mishandling pc’s itsa. But the secret of good handling the pc's itsa, when the pc has answered it or said what he's going to say, the auditor then and there at that moment knows the pc is finished talking and answers it. Once in a while he makes a mistake. The pc had something else to say. Fine, let the pc say the something else, and acknowledge it again.

When the pc has got nothing to say, give the pc something to say. Give him something to think about. Give him something to work on. In other words, it's the auditor who injects the busyness into the session. Now, I've given you itsa, and the response to itsa is to fall away and do nothing. The auditor does nothing now in the session except record and hope the pc by self-audit will get somewhere. Well, believe me, that is not auditing and it never will be auditing, below – above rather – it won't be auditing above Level I.

Yes we expect a Level I person to sit there and let the – let the individual talk. We expect this to happen. That's what we expect to happen. But that's Level I. Well, none of you characters have been in Level I for a long time. You've always been doing formal auditing. Well, who stopped you from doing formal auditing? I didn't. But at Level W I thought you could get some idea of measuring communication. And letting the pc talk and learning to listen to what the pc was saying. And I thought that would be beneficial. But you, you've carried it all the way through, and you are going to audit somebody up along the line clear to VII, I suppose, sitting there, comm lagging, saying nothing, while the pc doodles. That's not auditing! You hear me now. I mean, I'm strenuous on this and I'm being rough on this because I was plainly shocked. I conducted a survey of this and, well, you've just simply misinterpreted what is itsa.

Now, the points I've had to improve in my own auditing were handling the pc's itsa. Be right up on top of it. I found out that it was I who was causing the dirty needle, it was I, in my auditing, handling basic auditing, who occasioned the occasional ARC break the pc had.

Next thing I had to concentrate on was promoting and increasing the pc's itsa. In other words, I never pulled information off of a meter or grabbed information from anyplace unless I couldn't get the pc to give me the information independently. You got it? I didn't ever assess – I stopped assessing, solely and totally by meter. I gave the pc a chance to tell me what it was. The pc couldn't tell me, then I got it by meter. Promoting and increasing the pc's itsa, giving the pc every opportunity to increase his ability to itsa. Because that is the road out. The pc's ability to itsa must be improved or the pc isn't getting any better.

Number three: Not talking while the TA is in fast motion. You've got a TA over here, and it's going – it's going like this. Well, during that period of time you're silent like this, see? Pc says something and you see your TA…[intended comm lag from LRH]

All right, at that moment, you say, "Thank you." You didn't say anything while that TA was in violent motion. But also not waiting to see if the TA was going to move again. I'll give you the idea what this is, see. We get – the pc says "caterwump" was the item. All right, and we see the TA go.

We're silent during that period. Now, if we kept silent here hoping the TA was going to move again, we get this kind of a picture. [intended comm lag from LRH]

That doesn't count.

Now, I'll show you the right way to do this: And you can see this TA moving, and here's a big broad sweep of the TA. Pc says, "Caterwump!" Auditor's silent, you see.

"Thank you." All right. Just as long as that was on a smooth even sweep, why, the auditor was silent. Because he would have upset the pc if he had talked during that period because the pc's very badly introverted.

Now this is wrong: Pc says, "Caterwump!" And we've got this smooth downward sweep of the TA here. Auditor silent. Auditor remains silent.

See, that TA pumping around, working. That's wrong. That's wrong. In other words, that TA is pumping around. Of course, if the pc is itsaing at the same time and talking, well, it would be because the pc was talking that you kept silent. But ordinarily for reason of tone arm alone, you just take those big, broad sweeps and you shut up during those sweeps and then you don't sit there and wait endlessly for the – to see if the meter is going to move again. Because actually that's in violation. The meter has stopped moving, hasn't it? So at that point of stopped motion, why, it's perfectly all right for the auditor to start talking.

See, you can push this so painfully far that a pc never gets an opportunity to actually – well, he's just left without an auditor, that's all.

Now, actually at Level VI you'll get this situation, that after the thing has blown down and come back up, this pumping motion that you now see, here, this little pumping motion of – regardless of what he's saying, and so forth, is in actual fact coming from the next item, not yet found. You've got all of your TA action out of the item you've found, with that long broad sweeps. And now you're just bleeding TA out of the bank someplace.

But that's a particular thing about TR 6. It works with any process, then, that the auditor should not be talking while the TA is in fast motion. But not waiting to see if it moves again. See, once it stopped moving the auditor has no business now sitting and waiting to see if it's going to move again. He just simply now says, "Good!" You got the idea?

It isn't a case, then, of sitting there haunting the meter; it's sitting here at 3.5, and you're haunting the meter, wondering if the meter is going to drop. Well, it drops to 3.25. And then sitting there and waiting to see if the meter's going to move again, and finally after four or five seconds the meter does shift up to 3.3. See, that's wrong, that's wrong. What we're talking about when the meter is not moving, we don't want the auditor talking on these war – large sweeps. That's what we're interested in.

So that's another point involved here, on basic auditing. It's a basic auditing point. No technique point. Now, taking up and handling the pc's problems, either at session start or as they arise or at session end. Now, that's all a part of basic auditing. You can't audit and get auditing gains with a pc with a PTP. The pc says he has a PTP, whether that occurs in setting his goals, he apparently has a PTP, or in mid ruds, he apparently has a PTP, or in – during the running of the thing. As he discusses things he suddenly brings up a present time problem. Or at session end he now has a present time problem. Keep the pc's present time problems handled with regard to the session.

Now, you think of a present time problem as something that happens outside sessions, no, a great many present time problems happen because of auditing. Now we have – for instance I'm – will even go to this point now, is just before I give the end of the body of the session, note that there's a goal up here that the pc has set, and this goal that the pc has set up here is very definitely a – hasn't been touched in the session. See, it's sort of a PTP kind of goal, you see. "To find out if I really am bright." Or "If I find out if I really am stupid." We haven't had any of this in the session at all. And take it up before the end of Model Session.

Now, this goal up here – don't wait for goals and gains, see. You can all take this up right after the session – right after the end of the body of the session – but you notice there's an outstanding problem there. You hoped it might turn up and solve during the session, it didn't. You say, "Well, how do you feel about that? Is that really a problem to you?" The pc says, "Something or other sother sother sother and so-on and so-on," and "What considerations have you had about that?"

"Well, so-and-so and so-and-so."

"How do you feel about that now?"

"Oh, I feel all right."

"Okay, thank you very much. End of the body of the session."

And then just go into his goals and gains as though you hadn't paid any attention to it. You get the idea?

Pc says in a – now here's a middle session thing. Pc suddenly says, "Well, I don't know whether I really answered the question or I didn't answer the question, you know. See, it's very, very difficult to tell whether I answered the ques – ." Know you're looking at a PTP. All right, so you handle it as a PTP. And you say to the pc, "All right, well, what considerations have you had about it?" You're of course going to wear this one out because it appears to be a pat thing. There are a thousand ways to handle this thing.

But you're going at it on this basis: PTP.

"Well, I don't know I…"

"Well, what was the answer to it?"

"Well, it was so-and-so and so-and-so. Well, I don't really know. I didn't really know at the time."

"Well all right. Well good. Well, what was the question that was asked at that particular time?"

"Oh, so-and-so. Oh, oh, yes! So-and-so! Oh, well, yes! The answer was so-and-so."

"Oh, all right!" And I come right off of it. Because we handled the PTP. Get the idea? Don't let the pc pack up a bunch of PTPs in the session.

Now I'll give you these four points again. Handling the pc's itsa. That's number one. That's not talking and cutting off his itsa, and not being silent and giving him nothing to itsa. That has two sides.

Two, promoting and increasing the pc's itsa. In other words, you give possible opportunity. So that you don't tell him or the process doesn't let him find it out or a meter rather, the – he does – you don't going to find it on the meter, when the pc can tell you. In other words, get pc first on this sort of thing. Get him to itsa. Get him to look at it. Get him to find the answer himself. Do all you can to get the pc to find out the answer himself without barging him down, and making him feel like he's getting no help. You can also do this to a point where he feels he's getting no help at all.

Number three, not talking while the TA's in fast motion, but not waiting to see if it moves again. That's all part of it.

Number four, taking up and handling the pc's problems, either at session start or as they arise or at session end. Don't let a pc have PTPs.

Now, there's basic auditing. Basic auditing is something that an auditor is. This is something he does. And when I get the idea that all the auditors in Scientology are going to sit around and handle a session this way: "Well, what consideration have you had about problems?" For the next hour pc saying nothing, doing nothing, the auditor sits there and looks at the pc.

Look. If all auditing, if all auditing I thought was going to degenerate into that, if it was going to degenerate into that, I'd go on a vacation and I wouldn't come back. Now, you just – mind you now, I've given you the threat. Here's your – here is something interesting here, from a standpoint of Model Session. Now, you're going to hear on this tape – I'm going to play you little bits of this, you're not going to hear a complete session, you're going to hear little bits of this. And I'm going to give you this tape in chunks. And although this tape is very valuable, this happens to be a present time truncated GPM found on a pc, the goal found and the – all sixteen items in that GPM run in three hours, with a total TA division of one hundred and seventy-five. That's in three hours. And this is very valuable because it's probably the only tape that gives us the full complete rundown on finding items or anything else. Completely aside from the fact that it is a tape on technology and gives technique and its patter, it is a study in basic auditing.

Now let's see if you're good enough to hear the basic auditing that is going on in this particular tape.

LRH: This is what, 3 December?

PC: Yes.

LRH: The tone arm's rather high here.

PC: Is it really? Where?

LRH: 4.75

PC: Oh.

LRH: All right. Cans in your lap, squeeze your cans. All right, that's fine. Your havingness is in good shape. We're going to continue with actual goal processes, okay?

PC: All right.

LRH: And I think I'll start out this PT situation.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: And if not we'll go on with what we were doing, okay?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right, is it all right with you if I begin this session now?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Start of session. Has the session started for you?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Anything worrying you?

PC: No.

LRH: All right, very good. What goals would you like to set for this session?

PC: If we work on it, find the ninth – ninth GPM.

LRH: Hm?

PC: If we work on it, find the ninth GPM.

LRH: All right.

PC: Clear up any doubts about the present time GPM. That's it.

LRH: All right. Very good. Now we'll get our since mid ruds in here.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right, since the last time I audited you, when was that?

PC: Last night.

LRH: Very good. Since the last time I audited you has anything been suppressed?

PC: I suppressed um – myself to go to sleep last night, so I would go to sleep.

LRH: Oh, yeah?

PC: Yeah! Because I’d been staying up late and. ..

LRH: All right.

PC: Um – I suppressed annoyance today at not being able to locate the um – your old passport. I suppressed annoyance at Arthur because he wouldn't let me read – didn't want me to read Christmas – the way Christmas is celebrated in different countries. He figured that was too grown-up for him. That's all.

LRH: All right, I'll check that on the meter. Since the last time I audited you, has anything been suppressed? Well, that tends to rough it up just a little bit.

PC: I suppressed concern about getting this affidavit out and done. I suppressed concern, well, what if we don't find your passport, you see. I suppose your police book would do. Um – also, you know, had the American Embassy call again and found out that we didn't have to go down there, do you see what I mean? Always – you know, like can we have it notarized here and then send it there, and then they handle it, you see. Of course, you see, yes!So um – you see, but Mary called up and she asked about it, "Well, they'd have to come down here to the American Embassy and bring their passports and…" You see what I mean? So it's all right now, and we have a notary coming down, to notarize it here, and we don't have to go to the Embassy in London. Well – well, I suppressed um –I suppressed that um – as usual, with governmental type things I found out that uh – my passport has been out of date since, you know, February 63. And um – I thought, well, that's to be – that's certainly true. Anytime I come into contact with governments I suppress – I don't want to have to do it, see. And uh – so I suppress – I suppress doing all their little actions that one's supposed to do. And forget all about 'em. That's all.

LRH: All right, very good. Check that on the meter again. Since the last time I audited you, has anything been suppressed? That a protest?

PC: I'm protesting the question, yeah.

LRH: I didn't leave anything ...

PC: Oh, I suppressed my legs are tired tonight. Standing out there on the cement, cold cement, and watching students, you see, audit. Well, it's like um – like jumping up and down on a steel deck, you know?

LRH: Hm!

PC: Cold floor, hard cement.

LRH: All right.

PC: That's all.

LRH: All right. Since the last time I audited you, has anything been suppressed? Well, that didn't read.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right, since the last time I audited you, is there anything you've been careful of?

PC: Oh, to write up this affidavit with Plenty of "therefores," and "thereofs," and "Wherebys," and "Whereofs," and “witness all ye men," and, you know, legal jargon. And um – I was careful to make a complete search for your passport. I've looked all around. That's all.

LRH: All right. Sin – I'll check that on the meter. Since the last time I audited you, is there anything you've been careful of? All right, that apparently didn't read. Since the last time I audited you, is there anything you failed to reveal?All right, now you've – you've seen this going on to this degree. I'm sorry for the slow start there. Actually the machine had to be considerably adjusted there at the beginning. Now, you heard a blank. You heard a blank. Right after she did the last Careful of, you heard a blank. That was a tone arm blowdown. And as an auditor I just simply made notes on what she was doing, and watched the tone arm blow down and when it hit bottom and so forth, was in there and acknowledged it. Now, do you get that? That isn't just a blank hoping something will happen, it is in actual fact this.

Now, do you see any difference so far, in what you are doing with Model Session and what you are hearing on this record? I'm going to play you the rest of these mid ruds and let you listen to that.PC: The passports. I kept thinking there was something. I didn't – I never found it.

LRH: All right. Okay. Since the last time I audited you, is there anything you failed to reveal?

PC: No.

LRH: All right. I'll check that on the meter. Since the last time I audited you, is there anything you – failed to reveal? Is there anything you failed to reveal? Well, that didn't read. Do you agree that's it?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. Since the last time I audited you, has anything been invalidated? The last time I audited you, has anything been suggested? There's some read on Suggest.

PC: No, I don't think so.

LRH: You don't think so?

PC: No.

LRH: All right. Since the last time I audited you, has a mistake been made? Yes?

PC: No. Haven't done any mistake. I don't know of any mistake.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: Oh, just – just students, making mistakes in their auditing.

LRH: All right, very good. Since the last time I audited you, has a mistake been made? Yes? Another one?Now, I want to call to your attention the fact that the pc is actually given time to answer the auditing question. The auditor doesn't go on talking, you see, because the pc is taking time answering the auditing question. Those are the pc's comm lags. The pc's blanks. They are not the auditor's blanks. The question is asked or implied to the pc, and the pc is then given time to answer the question. So there is your – those silences that you hear there is the auditor giving the pc a chance to answer the auditing question. And the pc is floundering around trying to find if there is any answer to it.PC: I can't think of any mistake.

LRH: A protest? Seems to be a latent protest. I'll check the question again. Since the last time I audited you, has a mistake been made?

PC: Well, I don't know what mistake has been made!

LRH: All right. Was there a mistake about case analysis? That read. What mistake in case analysis?

PC: Well, that was just one of the students not getting the charge off before doing a – a case analysis.

LRH: All right. Does that answer it?

PC: Yeah! Well, I covered that on the – on student auditing mistakes.

LRH: All right, very good. Since the last time I audited you, has a mistake been made? All right, that seemed clean. Since the last time I audited you, has anything been protested? Since the last time I audited you, has anything – is there anything you've been anxious about? Last time I audited you, has anything been decided? Yes, what's been decided?

PC: I've decided to get these uh – get these uh – wigs, and – and uh – false noses and – and makeup grease paint and false beards and so forth, for Diana, and make her up a disguise kit, you see.

LRH: Oh, all right.

PC: These noses, these false noses or rubber noses, you see, and you can put them on and then n – makeup putty, you see. You can put the putty around and then cover the putty up with grease paint, and so on. And they also have a little book about how to make up, you know, how to make yourself look old, and how to make yourself look this or that, or sad or, you know. So um – should be interesting.

LRH: All right.

PC: I also got her some beard, some crepe hair to make uh – make beards or mustaches or sideburns or what have you. Two um – two womens' or ladies' wigs and one wig of a man. That's all.

LRH: All right. Since the last time I audited you, has anything been decided? All right, that seemed clean. All right. And one more checkout here, missed withhold. Have I missed a withhold on you? Yes ma'am?

PC: Well, I still haven't thought of what to get you for Christmas.

LRH: Oh, this is ...

PC: Missed withhold from me, too!

LRH: Comes Christmas time.

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Have I missed a withhold on you? I'm afraid there is one there, Suzie.

PC: Yeah?

LRH: There.

PC: Well, that was um – Mary Long, won't be here tomorrow. She has to go up to uh – Guys hospital. Uh – they want to have another look again at her thyroid. And she's going to refuse. She's been refusing an operation on it. But uh – she's going up tom – tomorrow to see how it's going to run. And uh – she showed me one of the tests, you see, and – that they would conduct on her, and it seemed like it was pretty good. Uh – she was able to – you know, you're supposed to hold your arms out and stretch them out and something or another. If your fingers shake or something, well, then this indicates parathyroid trouble and uh – her fingers were pretty steady. So, it looks improved to me.

LRH: All right. Have I missed a withhold on you? There's one.

PC: Mm. Student not being facile in questioning on case analysis, you know. Ask a question, and – and they don't know how to ask another question in order to verify what they've gotten, do you see what I mean? You know. Also, this one student, everyth – everything the pc said, he checked something different, you know. So I thought, dear! Sort of refusing the itsa of the pc. By at least not being courteous enough to check it, you know? Even though it is wrong. You can at least be courteous enough to check it. Well, that's all.

LRH: All right, very good. Very good. I will check that one more time. Have I missed a withhold on you? All right. That – do you agree that's all clean?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right, very good. Thank you very much. Take a momentary break, would you?

PC: Mm-hm.All right. Now there you've just heard the routine actions that you're supposed to take in starting a session. And the silences you heard were not the auditor's silences. That may come as a horrible shock to some auditors. They were all the pc's silences. The auditor's right up on top but except one instance when the TA was moving like it was taking off from a launching pad. All those silences were the pc's. And the auditor was riding right up straight on top of it, bang! In other words, the pc finished off finally, bang! The auditor was in there again. Bang! He's in there again. Bang! You got the idea?

This is – this is not worked the reverse way. That the auditor sits silent while the pc has nothing to do and so forth. There you see, of course, the fast check on the last five buttons, and a permissive check on the first three. In other words, the first three of Suppress, Careful of and Fail to reveal, of course are permissively checked. They are not checked on the meter until the pc says, "That's it" – said, "That's all." And then they're checked on the meter. And the rest of them are just rapidly checked on through.

This is standard, and you even saw an instance of steering. And that instance of steering was on the last button there, of the mid ruds, I think it was. And it was just a matter of pc couldn't think of anything there. Couldn't think of it. Well, having given the pc all possible scope to promote and increase her itsa, naturally we had one – we'd gone to a point where the pc couldn't think of anything in particular – I think that was on a missed withhold – pc couldn't think of anything in particular and the auditor then watched the meter and when it ticked the auditor said "there" to attract the pc's attention to what the meter was saying.

But you see that was only carried out when the pc was just floundering, was unable to see what was making the meter read. Now there – there is just standard, terribly, terribly standard hard, fast model sessioning. The number of TA divisions' which were gotten in that little short space of time were fourteen. That was not twenty minutes. Much less than that. I don't know, it's on the report here someplace. But there's fourteen TA divisions in that short space of time.

Why? Well, the auditor was working. The auditor was being a pro. The auditor wasn't there for the ride. Anybody who doesn't audit that way handling those things is going to get minimal TA action. Now, I don't say I'm the world's most perfect auditor, but I'm doing better than you are right now. So let's take a look at that.

Now, let's get into something complicated. Let's not – we'll just pass over finding this next goal. I was able to find that rather easily but did it in a rather unorthodox fashion, since it was right there ready to be grabbed. I was able to list up from the top oppterm of the previous bank because the pc had already had a great many found. Let's just cut into this at random here and see what we find.LRH: This list complete? Ticks. You have any heat on this list?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: You have?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Well, we may have something on it. Okay? We listing closer to present time? Or are we listing earlier? Neither one of them read.

Let me null this list, and see what you get here.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: To be wild. To be wild. To be impetuous. To be impulsive. To be dashing. To do whatever I want. To do whatever I want. To have a gay time. To throw caution to the winds. To be incautious. To be uninhibited. To dare. To be daring. To proceed courageously. To proceed courageously. You thought of another one or something?

PC: To do as I please, I thought. Is that – is that the same wording as the ones there?

LRH: I don't think so. Okay.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: How's that?

PC: Hm!

LRH: All right. To act with courage. To be carefree. You thought of another one?

PC: No, just that "to do as I please." That seems to have heat on it.

LRH: Is that so?

PC: Yeah! Only I never do as I please. So it might – if there – if that is a goal it's failing already.

LRH: To do as I please. To do as I please. On this item has anything been suppressed?

PC: Well, I always want to do as I please. But I never do as I please. You see?

LRH: Hm!

PC: Oh, I know a good one for that! To be irresponsible.

LRH: Okay. All right if I continue with the list?

PC: Mm-hm!

LRH: All right. To be carefree. To be carefree. To be careless. To not care. To not care. To care about nothing. To care about nothing. To follow any whim. To follow any whim. To go off half-cocked. To be a daredevil. To do as I please. To do as I please. To be irresponsible. To be irresponsible.

PC: Isn't there to be daring on there somewhere? You've already read it?

LRH: Yes, there is a "to be daring." Check it again for you. To be daring. To be daring. To be daring.

PC: And then I thought of another one. "To dare."

LRH: All right. To dare. To dare. To – to dare. To dare. To dare. That's still in. Heat on it?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right, I've got one over here that tried to go. To act with courage. To act with courage. To act with courage.

PC: Oh, that just went because it was amusing. You know, I just – that just read because it was amusing. It was one of those – you know (laughs)

LRH: All right.

PC: "To live with honor." Die for – die for goals!

LRH: All right. Read some more of these. I'll check this one now. To be daring. All right. And this one was trying to read. To dare. To dare. To dare. It is not now reading. And to do as I please. To do as I please. And to be irresponsible. To be irresponsible. To be irresponsible. Well, I'm sorry, I haven't got anything reading there.

PC: Mm-hm. Are we listing for nothing?

LRH: Are we listing into nowhere? Are we listing for nothing? Are we listing into nowhere? I don't get a read. Is there an item where we're listing for? Is there a GPM here? Well, that tends to slow. Is there a GPM here? All right, did you get more heat on this list when I nulled it?

PC: As you were nulling, yes. Hm.

LRH: What had the most heat on it?

PC: Um, to do as I please, and uh – to dare, and uh – to be daring.

LRH: All right. To do as I please. To do as I please. That's now reading. To do as I please. To ... That's reading.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Now, is that the PT GPM? Is that an actual GPM? What do you think?

PC: I don't really know, is that an actual GPM, do you think?

LRH: Is that an actual GPM? It ticks. I'll check the rest of it. Is it an implant GPM? Is it only a goal? Is it only a goal? Is it an actual RI? Is it only a – is it a lock on an RI? I get a tick here, and when you said so it rocket read that it's an actual GPM.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: What do you think about this?

PC: Well, I think that's very interesting. If that's the case, it's uh – pretty high, it's got quite a few items in it. Because, uh – I uh – never do as I please.

LRH: All right. This an actual GPM? Well, that reads. All right, is this the GPM that's closer to PT than "To proceed with caution?" Is this GPM closer to PT than "To proceed with caution?" Or is this GPM earlier on the track?

PC: It's earlier on the track. Is it? Does it read?

LRH: I got a tick. Is this GPM earlier on the track? Is this closer to PT than "To proceed with caution?" What did you think of?

PC: I'm just getting so much heat off I can't – uh – you know, I can't tell which way uh – it goes.

LRH: Or is this earlier on the track? Earlier on the track? Or is this closer to PT? It's closer to PT? Earlier on the track? Neither one of those are reading. Now, I had a tick there, that it was earlier on the track, but that just might have been your startlement.

PC: Hm.

LRH: Hm?

PC: Well, check it again. Is this closer to present time than "To proceed with caution?" Or is this um – further from present time than "To proceed with caution?"

LRH: When you say it, my dear, it falls very heavily on closer to PT than "To proceed with caution."

PC: Oh. Was that on assert? No.

LRH: Hm?

PC: Was that on assert? No. I haven't asserted it.

LRH: Well, asserts don't ordinarily read a full dial.

PC: No. Caught. Yes.

LRH: Now, is that the GPM that is the PT GPM? Rocket read.

PC: Rocket read.

LRH: PT GPM? That's number one GPM? "To proceed with caution" then is number two GPM. Is "To proceed with caution" number two? Is it number three? Number four? Number two. "To proceed with caution" is number two GPM.

PC: Hm.

LRH: And "To do as I please" is the PT GPM. Number one. Is that correct?

PC: Number one, yeah. Yes.

LRH: That is the PT GPM?

PC: Yes.

LRH: The one that comes into PT?

PC: Hm.

LRH: Is that, "to do as I please?" All right. Would "to do as I please" – would the goal "to do as I please" oppose "to proceed with caution?"

PC: Yes. Because it doesn't matter. Caution doesn't enter into the thing. It's merely just to do what I please. Whether it's incautious or – or safe or sane or – or responsible or anything.

LRH: Hm. It would oppose it then?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Mm-hm. That rocket reads. All right, very good. And let's check how many RIs in this GPM if we can. All right, have you got any estimate?

PC: I thought fifteen.

LRH: All right. Fifteen RIs in this GPM? More than fifteen? Less than fifteen? Fifteen? I get a trip of the needle on fifteen. That too many? Too few? I notice it's an odd number.

PC: Hm.

LRH: There must be some odd number under sixteen.

PC: It may – it may be sixteen.

LRH: Hm?

PC: It may be sixteen.

LRH: Are sixteen RIs in this GPM? Now that reads nicely. Sixteen RIs in this GPM. So that takes it up to about the – what would normally be the third – the third or fourth pair.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Hm?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: In the GPM. So that would make eight pair, eight pair from the bottom.

PC: Um – yeah. Eight pa – eight pair from the bottom, yes.

LRH: Yes. And it'd be about the f – eight pair from the bottom. That reads nicely.

PC: And about two pairs – maybe about two pairs from the top. If there are twenty items in the GPM.

LRH: Mm. Your guess is as good as anybody else's.

PC: Yes.

LRH: Yours contain variously, twenty, twenty-four, twenty-two, twenty.

PC: Anyway, I know what the top opp – top terminal is.

LRH: Oh, you do?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Give it to me.

PC: Doing as I'm told.

LRH: Top terminal, huh?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Doing as I'm told. Well, that seems to blow down. Is that your item?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Doing as I am told. All right, something suppressing it?

PC: Yes, I thought uh – what the uh – was thinking what the terminal – oppterminal might be in there.

LRH: And what did you get?

PC: And I got uh – people who won't specifically tell me what to do. But emphasis on the "specifically."

LRH: Well, you know, that read and blew down like a shot. Beautiful!

PC: Hm!

LRH: People who won't specifically tell me what to do. All right. Something suppressed on it? It read, but short.

PC: Um – well, just amusement.

LRH: Oh, all right. People who won't specifically tell me what to do. All right.

PC: "Specifically" was really the main thing. People say, well, um – uh – you know maybe my mother would say well, now – um – "Well, go to town and see if you can find me any – any thread" or something like that. Hm! Well, what color? What size spool? What uh – uh – commercial ou – uh – what – what sort of cotton, you know. I mean, you know, let's be specific about all this, you know. What exactly and precisely? You know. Or uh – someone says um – well um – "Write up that bulletin for me, would you?" you know. Well, what I'll do with the bulletin? You know? It's specific. Like, you know, generalities, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

LRH: All right. People who won't specifically tell me what to do. I'm getting a small kick on that. What's up here? You're not paying attention here, to me?

PC: Well ...

LRH: Huh, is that ...

PC: Maybe not.

LRH: No, is that it?

PC: Hm.

LRH: People who won't specifically tell me what to do. People who won't specifically tell me what to do. There it goes. People who won't specifically tell me what to do. What's happening here?

PC: Well, I suppose my ball of charge is blown off of it.

LRH: All right. "People who won't specifically tell me what to do." All right. It reads for me, it reads big strokes when you say it, but it's sort of against a cushion here. Is there any RI above this? Is there any RI below this? All right. Is this the top oppterm of this GPM? All right. Is this the – what'd you think?

PC: Oh well, it could be inspecific people.

LRH: Inspecific people. Inspecific people. And people who won't specifically tell me what to do. I'm not trying to spoil your itsa here in any way.

PC: It's people who won't specifically tell me what to do.

LRH: Well, that reads, every time you say it. People who won't specifically tell me what to do. Ah, now it's reading for me! "People who won't specifically tell me what to do." It gets a choke on it.

PC: Oh!

LRH: No, no, no, I'm not trying to make you nervous here, I'm sorry.

PC: Hm!

LRH: But ...

PC: I get heat on it.

LRH: I know, but it's choking down.

PC: Oh, all right.

LRH: Is there a suppression going there?

PC: No, it's just my item and it read, and it blew down and so on, and I don't know why we're – and it's read for you; you called it and it's read.

LRH: Well actually, it's blown down twice.

PC: Right. Uh – huh, and you called it and it did read on an instant read once.

LRH: All right. Yes, yes, it has read.

PC: Hm.

LRH: This is just auditor nervousness, top opp, bank bad.

PC: Hm. Hm.

LRH: Top opp wrong, bank – blooey.

PC: Hm.

LRH: All right? Respect your itsa. I got to just ... People who won't specifically tell me what to do. All right. It – it – you have a – an allergy to my reading this. All right. Now…Just a technical note here, because you're actually listening to this for itsa. But a technical note is, naturally, the top oppterm of the PT GPM, unlike any other oppterm in the whole bank, all the track, of course should just blow up, and shouldn't keep on reading. See, it should just go. And then that's the end of that, don't you see. And in this particular case it didn't do so, so here's the pc having a hard time.

Now the auditor knows, by this time, that the pc has a wrong item, and is itsaing a wrong item, and is selling it. Now, how can the auditor get out of this trap, because the auditor knows it, this item didn't blow up and cease to read. This item is now continuing to read. Now, that would be the only item in the whole bank that will do this. So this is a very peculiar little piece of technology here. The top oppterm of the PT GPM amongst all other oppterms is the one which blows up and ceases to read, almost at once. Because there's no charge in front of it, of course.

Now, why didn't this do this? That's what the auditor is asking here. What's going on? And here we get into a considerable tremble and scramble. Pc is getting ARC breaky, because the pc has a wrong item. Now, all you'd have to do is miss your itsa once here and you'd have a screaming ARC break. It'd be the session mid rud would key in the bypassed charge of the OT process.LRH: Is this the top oppterm of this GPM? Is this the top oppterm of this GPM? Is this the top oppterm of this GPM? That reads. Is this correctly worded? Is this incorrectly worded? Is this correctly worded? Yes. All right, that reads nicely. Is there any RI above this? Is there any RI – is this RI below the top oppterm? Or is it the top oppterm?

PC: I keep wanting to itsa. There are items below it.

LRH: Well, I'm sorry. Well, I'm sorry, my dear. All right.

PC: Very amusing. I keep thinking of that, and I get – and you say are there any items above this and I don't get anything and I think what he's going to ask, are any items below this and the heat comes pouring off, you know. Are there any items below this.

LRH: All right. People who won't specifically tell me what to do. All right. That's your item.

PC: Hm.

LRH: All right?

PC: Yes.

LRH: And how does this item relate to this GPM?

PC: Oh! Isn't it the um – top oppterminal? Ask me the question, um – would it relate – uh – would sol – solve – would the terminal solve that.

LRH: I'm going backwards. I'm going to take off from here.

PC: All right.

LRH: Now, would the top terminal solve "People who won't specifically tell me what to do"?

PC: Well, I don't know what the top terminal is.

LRH: I don't want to list it.

PC: Oh.

LRH: I just want to know its relationship to the bank.

PC: Well, I suppose that's top term – top oppterm.

LRH: Well, what's – what's the matter?

PC: Well, I want the question.

LRH: You're going to list it the other way.

PC: All right! Well, we'll list it the other way but I don't know whether – I can't tell you whether we've got the top pair, until I – I've looked at that question.

LRH: All right. I want to list in the other sequence.

PC: All right.

LRH: I'm sorry.

PC: Hm.

LRH: Something wrong here?

PC: N – .

LRH: ARC break?

PC: Well, you never did it that way before.

LRH: Well, that's because I don't want to oppose this twice.

PC: Hm.

LRH: I don't like that system.

PC: Hm.

LRH: You got an ARC break? All right. You okay?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. We made an error here? What's the error?

PC: Oh, that. You didn't tell me what you were going to do. And I naturally supposed that, you know, finding an item, put in the steps on it. I'm sort of on a wait now, waiting for that question to be asked of me.

LRH: All right. Who or what would solve people who won't specifically tell me what to do?

PC: Oh, I have to look at the item, I forget it.

LRH: "Doing as I'm told."

PC: Oh, "doing as I'm told."

LRH: Doing as I'm told. Doing as I'm told. Doing as I'm told. On this item has anything been suppressed?

PC: Well, yeah. We – I – I did it the other way to. Now we're doing it the other way around.

LRH: All right.

PC: I don't know if you're going to get any more reads on it or not.

LRH: All right. "Doing as I'm told." It's a very flat item. It's read [past particle].

PC: Hm.

LRH: And blown down. All right. Would people who won't specifically tell me what to do be solved by doing as I'm told?

PC: No! They oppose, but they don't solve.

LRH: All right, what's correct here? Is the top oppterm correct? Top oppterm incorrect? Top oppterm ticks as correct. "People who won't specifically tell me what to do." Is that correct?

PC: Well, I guess so. I didn't start out on that basis. I started out on the basis of the top terminal being correct, I think.

LRH: Well, which is correct here? The top terminal? Or the top oppterm? This – which is this? Is it people who won't specifically tell me what to do? Is that the top oppterm? Or is that incorrect as the top oppterm? Is that correct as the top oppterm? I don't get a read on either one here, you shut off here, what's the matter?

PC: I don't know. It uh – you see, I suddenly was trying to a – ask myself that question, you see. I felt something was wrong, and I wanted the question asked. And I had to wait to go through all this paraph – this – this, you know, round robin, in order to get the question, you see?

LRH: Yes.

PC: And uh – they don't solve, they oppose.

LRH: All right. Well, which is correct?

PC: The top terminal is correct.

LRH: Is the top terminal correct? Is the top oppterm correct? Top terminal is correct. Is "Doing as I'm told" the top terminal? I'm getting my reads on the fact that it's the top oppterm that's correct.

PC: Could be a protest, couldn't it?

LRH: Is that a protest? In this session has anything been protested? Yes?

PC: Well, doing it – doing it that funny way. We've never done it that way before. It confused me.

LRH: Yes.

PC: That – it upset my certainty.

LRH: All right. Sorry. In this session has anything been protested? Seems clean. In this session has anything been decided?

PC: I decided that the top terminal is "Doing as I'm told."

LRH: All right. This reads now. Doing as I'm told. Doing as I'm told. Doing as I'm told. On this item has anything been suppressed? No. Doing as I'm told. You've gotten off on the wrong foot here, Suzie.

PC: Well, all right.

LRH: Something – something in error, here. I'm not quite ...

PC: Well, let's list for the top terminal then.

LRH: Do you have to do it from the top terminal?

PC: Hm? Well, that's normally the way a top bank is done, isn't it?

LRH: Yes.

PC: Thought so. That's why I said that.

LRH: Because I think I found the top oppterm. Everything reads, that I've found the top oppterm, but not the top terminal.

PC: Oh! all right.

LRH: Unless that's a big suppress.

PC: I don't know.

LRH: All right, have we bypassed some charge here? All right, is one of these items correct? Is neither of these items correct? Is there some other item? Are some other items the top RIs of this GPM? Don't get a read on anything.

PC: Hm. Well, I'm ...

LRH: What's gone wrong here? I upset you with procedure?

PC: We're maybe on a ... Hm!

LRH: Maybe on a what?

PC: I don't know, I thought we're maybe on a cat uh – kitty-corner, but uh – we're not.

LRH: All right. Are we running a correct goal? Yes. All right, let's list here a bit for the top terminal.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: You got "doing as I'm told."

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: That rocket read. But tightly. Doing as I'm told. All right, what might be the top terminal of this GPM?

PC: "Being obedient."All right. Now, cutting into this, of course it turned out that "doing as I'm told" was the top terminal, because when it was all listed, got straightened out, and the top oppterm in this particular case, even though it had been – it had read and everything else, finally the top oppterm turned out to be "being disobedient," which she'd put down on the top terminal list. This all straightened out very nicely, two items were taken from the top terminal, went on down the bank in the remainder of the session and the only thing that happened of any vast significance there was just panning out that area. Now, this of course is a most confusing area and the auditor upset her slightly by shifting the procedure which she didn't expect.

But that was beside the point. There was an ARC break situation, if anything ever happened. I'm just pointing your attention now to the simple basic auditing. This pc was permitted to say what the pc was permitted to say. The pc's itsa was handled, promoting and increasing the pc's itsa was paid attention to, and not talking while the TA was in motion, but not waiting to see if it moved again. Several instances of that showed up along the line. And everything went along swimmingly.

But that was basic auditing. Now, that's a considerable trial for basic auditing. Now, you probably when you went over that were paying attention to technique. Technique seems to fascinate everybody, and basic auditing is the char that keeps the whole place clean and running but nobody ever pays any attention to. But the basic auditing in that area, the pc's itsa was not cut so we didn't have an ARC break. Also, the pc wasn't left with nothing to itsa, so we didn't have an ARC break. All kinds of errors could have been made there in basic auditing. Because if it good heavens, this pc had a wrong top Oppterm, and the pc's right top terminal, "doing as I'm told," had been abandoned!

Now, how complicated could you get? We'd accepted the wrong item and abandoned the right item. Now, that of course is a bypassed charge to end all bypassed charge, and there was no reason under God's green earth for that session to have continued on smoothly. That should have just been a screaming mess from there on. Well, let's just cut into the session at random here, and see what we've got.PC: That's it.

LRH: All right. Lot of heat on it?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Being socially acceptable. All right, is that your item?

PC: Yes, that's my item.

LRH: All right, very good. That's your item.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. Is that correct item?

PC: Yeah!

LRH: Correct in this locale? You got a blowdown of about .75 on it. Does that item, by the way, take care of the others on the list?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Hm?

PC: Oh, yes.

LRH: All right. Hm?

PC: All of them.

LRH: All right, very good. Now, would "social confusion" be solved by "being socially acceptable?"

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Would "social confusion" be solved by "being socially acceptable?"

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Yeah, there was a little bang left on it there. All right. All these items correct to date? All right. Read. Now what is the relationship between being socially acceptable in this GPM?

PC: Third terminal.

LRH: All right, very good. All right. We ... Hm?

PC: That's all!

LRH: All right. Are your items all correct to date? All right. Let me see if that item was left on there. There's nothing wrong with this. "Social confusion."

PC: What are we reading?

LRH: I'm just reading the item we're listing from, just making sure.

PC: Oh!

LRH: Social confusion. Social confusion.

PC: It's cruelty doing that, because I'm already thinking about what my next item is, you know.

LRH: Well, is "social confusion" still reading?

PC: No.

LRH: Social confusion. Are you thinking about your next item? What's your next item? Who or what would being socially acceptable solve?

PC: Not being socially acceptable. Social ostracism. Being outlawed by society. Being an outlaw. Being exiled. Being sent to Coventry. That's all.

LRH: All right very good. Do you know which one it is?

PC: No. Ostracism.

LRH: That's an additional item.

PC: Hm. It's ostracism or being ostracized, one or the other.

LRH: What?

PC: It's ostracism or being ostracized. One of the other of those.

LRH: All right. Ostracism, ostracism. Being ostracized. All right. Being ostracized. All right, is that your item?

PC: Yes. Yes. The thing I don't like is being all by myself! I like to do as I please, but I sure as h – as the devil hate to do as I please all by myself! It's no fun!

LRH: All right, that's your item.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: And would being "socially acceptable" solve "being ostracized"?

PC: Hm! Definitely.

LRH: Did you have your mind on what I was saying?

PC: No.

LRH: Hm?

PC: Not definitely.

LRH: All right. Would being "socially acceptable" solve "being ostracized"?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Now what is the relationship between "being ostracized" and this GPM?

PC: It's the um – sixth oppterm.

LRH: Third oppterm?

PC: Fourth!

LRH: Third terminal?

PC: Pardon me, fourth. It's the fourth oppterm.

LRH: Yes, that's correct. Fourth oppterm. All right?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Well, by calculation there's, what, twelve more in the bank?

PC: Well, we found, how many? That's the fourth oppterm so we've found uh – three, six, seven, and we've found seven items. And we have something like sixteen in the bank, so there're nine more to go, aren't there?

LRH: Yeah. Nine more. All right, I'm sorry.

PC: Nine more to go, that means four pairs, huh? Yeah.

LRH: Four pairs and one.

PC: Four pairs and one.

LRH: All right. And here's your question. Who or what would solve being ostracized?Well now, that's the way it went and that was the pacing out along the line, and by the end of the three-hour session the whole bank had been run, hundred and seventy five TA divisions had been racked up, the pc was perfectly happy and cheerful, making all goals and everything was fine and swimming.

But this was actually, although very useful from this line, since this is the only tape extant which gives the exact procedure, and actually hasn't even been written in bulletins for modern OT processes, what I've been calling your attention to is itsa. And itsa, itsa. You notice I wasn't talking when the pc was trying to think up the answer to something. I wasn't talking while the TA was moving.

Those inexplicable blanks that you hear on the tape are actually fast moving TA. And it's just held until the TA ceases to move. Now, that's – that is an auditing session. Regardless of what's going on, there is a high level of discipline in action in this session. It is the auditor who inserts the discipline into the session. This pc was never left with nothing to do, nothing to say, and nothing to think about. It was simply from the auditor's point of view, simply drive, drive, drive, drive. And from the pc's point of view, pc appears very leisurely about all this. But that's just the pc's speed of running. That had nothing to do with what the auditor's speed of running was. You don't Q-and-A with the pc's speed of running.

Here we have, in essence, auditing. Auditing the way she should sound. And if your auditing doesn't sound that brisk and if it's not right up on top of it that way, but there it is. But it doesn't matter whether you're running II, Level II, Level III, Level IV, it doesn't matter what you're running, these problems are problems of basic auditing. And if anybody starts missing problems of basic auditing – I played that rather bad patch of finding the top oppterms. It's awfully hard to do this, particularly in the PT GPM. Got off on the wrong foot. Nevertheless if there had been very many mistakes in handling the pc's itsa, in failing to promote and increase the pc's itsa, the amount of strain which occurred at that point of the bank would have ARC broken this thing across the boards.

Well, I played you a little bit, a piece, a little later in this session, and we found the pc very, very happy and laughing and cheerful and so forth. How? Why? Well, it's simply because in spite of the bypassed charge that might have been generated at any given moment and then was straightened out, the pc was not given an opportunity to ARC break because the basic auditing was held in very solidly and hard.

Now, there in essence are the problems of auditing. And that basic auditing is basic auditing. If your sessions don't sound like that I don't care what process you're running, if your sessions don't sound like that, why, don't call yourselves an auditor. Okay?

That's tough to lay it down like that, but if I hear of anybody doodling and letting the pc doodle and whistle and so forth, I'll have his certificate, man, because it's not auditing, it's fraud. You drive it! Keep that session driven. Keep that TA flying. The auditor takes action, let's have him take action. Take action right now. And keep the session going. Keep the session whirring. And that's auditing.

Now, I was just using my tape there as an example, because I've been studying itsa and the handling of itsa here for some months. If you care to listen to those bits and pieces again, on that piece of tape, which will be available to you for study, you will see that it is the handling of the itsa, the promoting, increasing the pc's itsa, it's not talking while the TA is in fast motion, but not waiting to see if it moves again. And taking up and handling the pc's problems either at session start or at – as they arise or at the session end. These things and the handling – the good handling of the meter, of course, these things are the problem of basic auditing. Now, if you don't get good at that, you're not going to make the way up along the line. You're just going to close yourself right off along the line.

So let's not have any more nonsense about: itsa is sitting in a doughy slump, with the pc trying to make a session out of it. That's the job of the auditor. And you make sure that you do.

Okay? We still all friends?

Thank you very much. Good night.