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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Discussion of TV Demo Session (SHSBC-266) - L630213 | Сравнить
- TV Demo - Ruds and Havingness (SHSBC-265) - L630213 | Сравнить

CONTENTS TV DEMO: RUDS AND HAVINGNESS Cохранить документ себе Скачать


An auditing demonstration given on 13 February 1963

Auditor: Okay. George, what I'm going to do here is run a rudiments and havingness session. Okay? All right.

PC: I don't see any cans.

Auditor: Don't see any cans. Here are some over here.

PC: Mm-mm.

Auditor: Now you take the cans. All right. Please squeeze the cans. Good.

LRH: All right. This is just a rudiments and havingness activity. And we're just going to have a rudiments and havingness demonstration here and see what's being done in the rudiments and havingness section. All right, go ahead, auditor, start your session.

Auditor: Okay. Is it all right if I start this session now?

PC: Mm-hm.

Auditor: Good. Start of session. Has this session started for you?

LRH: Eleanor, move a little bit over to the right. You're obscuring the TV set with your shoulder. Thatagirl.

Auditor: Okay. What goals would you like to set for this session?

PC: Oh, Id like to find my havingness command. And uh, or how good I can feel on it.

Auditor: I didn't hear the last of what you said.

PC: How good I can feel doing it.

Auditor: Good. Mm-hm.

Okay. Are there any goals you would like to set for life or livingness?

PC: To go home.

Auditor: Good. Any other?

PC: Well - to get my case in shape.

Auditor: Thank you.

All right. What I'm going to do now is to put in the mid ruds.

PC: Mm-hm.

Auditor: I'll be doing it "since the last time you were audited," and when was that?

PC: Well, it was this morning at 12:25.

Auditor: Okay. Just put a note down here. All right.

Since the last time you were audited, has anything been suppressed?

PC: Well, you might say, my spirits. When I thought I was going to uh - go ahead and find some more item, as a pc, I thought, I was transferred here so that kind of dashed my hopes on finding my item.

Auditor: Thank you. Since the last time you were audited, has anything been suppressed?

PC: Mm, no, not that I'm aware of.

Auditor: Okay. I'll check that on the meter. Since the last time you were audited, has anything been suppressed? That reads. What was it?

PC: Ummm. Gee, I don't have the faintest clue.

Auditor: Okay. That. There. There.

PC: Oh, the only thing I was thinking of there was - I guess I suppressed thinking about him so I could just go ahead and study a bulletin.

Auditor: I didn't quite get that.

PC: I said I suppressed thinking about him so I could go study a bulletin.

Auditor: Uh-huh. Okay. Since the last time you were audited, has an thing been y suppressed?

PC: Not that Fin aware of.

Auditor: Thank you. I'LL check that on the meter. Since the last time you were audited, has anything been suppressed? Do you agree that that's clean?

PC: Uh-huh.

Auditor: Good. Now, I'm going to fast-check the rest of these.

PC: Okay.

Auditor: Since the last time you were audited, has anything been invalidated? That reads. What was that? There. There. That. PC: Well, I-I don't quite know I didn't quite sort it out, really.

Something about, uh - my auditing

wasn't invalidated.

Auditor: Mm-hm. What was it?

PC: Well, it had something to do with uh - switching pcs and auditors around in the morning.

Auditor: Mm.

PC: I haven't quite pinned it down exactly. Something was invalidated. It wasn't my auditing because I don't know how good or bad it is.

Auditor: Mm-hm. Well, what was invalidated?

PC: Well, I was somehow. I don't see how that could be ...

Auditor: Mm-hm.

PC: ... I just thought I was invalidated.

Auditor: Okay. Are you satisfied that answers the question?

PC: Uh-huh.

Auditor: Good. I'll check that on the meter. Since the last time you were audited, has anything been invalidated? That reads. What is that? There. There.

PC: Oh, studying that damn little stinky bulletin tonight. You know, one of them little CCH ones.

Auditor: Uh-huh.

PC: And it was one of the hardest ones I've ever run into. I couldn't seem to nail it down for some reason. And uh - I thought I'd be getting me one of those little ones, and get it after a reasonable length of time, but I sure couldn't get that one.

Auditor: Yeah, well what was ...

PC: Well, I felt invalidated. It's sort of a - it was such a little dinky one at that. Couldn't get that. And it was a sort of, you might say, self invalidation.

Auditor: Uh - what I don't understand is just what that was ...

PC: Well, my ability even to do a little thing like that.

Auditor: Mm-hm. Okay. Thank you. I'll check the question on the meter. Since the last time you were audited, has anything been invalidated? That reads. What is that? There. Right there. That. What's that?

PC: I don't know. I get - get kind of - kind of a question mark on my mind. I don't know what it is.

Auditor: Okay. That.

PC: Well, the same thing. It's kind of a, well, what - what could it be? But this happens in auditing all the time.

Auditor: Mm-hm. Right there. What's that? That.

PC: Well, the same thing. A kind of a - a question again, well, you know, what could it be, what could I have invalidated?

Auditor: Uh-huh. Right there. What's that?

PC: It's the same darn thing. Every time I kind of pose it as a question ...

Auditor: Uh-huh.

PC: ... you know, what could it be?

Auditor: Mm-hm.

PC: I - I have the same trouble with auditing when I get run on rudiments. Uh - either the abruptness, or it pulls a question, you know, just an idea of what could it be.

Auditor: Mm-hm.

PC: But we're arguing with the darn meter. I get so disgusted with the meter.

Auditor: All right. Uh - thank you for answering that. I'm going to check it on the meter and we'll see if that is - is your answer on it. Okay. Since the last time you were audited, has anything been invalidated? There is another read on that. What is that? Right there. That. That. What is that?

LRH: Eleanor, you are cleaning a clean.

PC: . . . let's see, familiarize myself with it, trying to figure it out completely. I found several things that might help me.

Auditor: Yes.

PC: But I didn't think - I didn't think I found them - not as well as I should have.

Auditor: Uh-huh. Okay.

PC: Sort of a self - invalidation again.

Auditor: Okay. Thank you, George. All right. Now, uh - I made an error on that. That was a clean that I was cleaning.

PC: Hm!

Auditor: Okay? Do you agree that that question is clean?

PC: Oh, probably is.

Auditor: Okay. Now I'm going to check the next one.

PC: Mm-hm.

Auditor: Okay?

PC: Uh-huh.

Auditor: Since the last time you were audited, has anything been suggested? Do you agree that that's clean?

PC: Uh-huh.

Auditor: Good. Since the last time you were audited, is there anything you have failed to reveal? There's a read on that. What is that?

LRH: That was a clean, Eleanor.

Auditor: All right. I'm not going to leave you hunting for that. That was also a clean. I was - I was in error on that. Now, uh - do you agree that that question is clean?

PC: Okay.

Auditor: Very good. Thank you. Here's the next. Since the last time you were audited, is there anything you have been careful of? That reads. What is that? There.

PC: Uh - that was uh - now what came up there on this - um - not to show disappointment over things.

Auditor: Mm.

PC: Um, several things have come up that I've been disappointed about. There - there's no use uh - complaining about it or particularly showing it.

Auditor: Oh, I don't understand what you've been careful of in that.

PC: I - I said I've been kind of - kind of a bit careful not to show my disappointment.

Auditor: Ah!

PC: Okay?

Auditor: Thank you.

PC: Mm-hm.

Auditor: I'll check the question on the meter. Since the last time you were audited, is there anything you have been careful of? That reads. What is that. There.

PC: Just in general careful of people. I was thinking then on - slippery out on the steps sometimes and kind of careful

Auditor: Uh-huh.

PC: ... not to go barging out around the corner and smash into somebody or ...

Auditor: Yeah.

PC: . . . something. I'm a pound or two bigger than some of the people here.

Auditor: Mm. Okay. Thank you. I'll check that on the meter. Since the last time you were audited, is there anything you have been careful of? That reads. What is that?

PC: Can't find it.

Auditor: There. That. Right there.

PC: Well, you know, s - I don't know what to figure, in it ...

Auditor: That.

PC: I've become aware of a little bit of a headache and I kind of looked at it and said, "That."

Auditor: Uh-huh.

PC: I don't know that I've been careful of about my headache.

Auditor: Uh-huh. That's - that's your read. What is that? That. Right there.

PC: Min.

Auditor: There. There.

PC: Golly, I don't know what that would be. It could - it had something to do with uh - processing I got this morning. Some mass on something moved into the head and

Auditor: Uh-huh.

PC: ...made me real dopey. And just –it has - might have something to do with the headache now. I don't know what the connection is. But the "careful of"-I don't know why.

Auditor: Mm-mm. Thank you. I'll check that on the meter. Since the last time you were audited, is there anything you have been careful of? That reads. What is that? There.

PC: Well, I'm still thinking about that again, kind of puzzled by it.

Auditor: Mm-mm.

PC: I-I don't know all the reasons.

Auditor: And what have you been "careful of" about it?

PC: Hm?

Auditor: What have you been "careful of" about it? There. That.

PC: Oh, I guess - I guess I've been careful not to become too overwhelmed by it. I guess I've been careful not to uh - become too affected by uh - no results from processing.

Auditor: Mm.

PC: If I did, I would have gone a long time ago.

Auditor: Uh-huh.

PC: But, I guess a guy just keeps hoping.

Auditor: Okay. Does - does that satisfy you've answered the question?

PC: Yes. Mm-mm.

Auditor: Good. I'll check it on the meter. Since the last time you were audited, is there anything you have been careful of? Do you agree that that's clean?

PC: Yeah.

Auditor: Good. Since the last time you were audited, has any mistake been made? I'm - that is equivocal. I'm going to check it again.

PC: Mm-hm.

Auditor: Since the last time you were audited, has any mistake been made? There's a read there. What is that? That.

PC: Well. . .

Auditor: Right there.

PC: I don't know whether I made a mistake or not. I - I know I - I didn't make a mistake, I'm pretty sure, in picking the uh - universe for the pc to run on. I think I got the right universe. And if there was any mistake, the wording wasn't quite right.

Auditor: Mm-hm-

PC: That's what I was thinking of.

Auditor: Okay. That answer - that satisfy you you answered ...

PC: Yes.

Auditor: Good. I'll check that on the meter. Since the last time you were audited, has any mistake been made? That reads. What is that? There. There. That. That.

PC: Hm! Just when I'm puzzled about things.

Auditor: Uh-huh. Okay George. What I want to do is - is check that question again.

PC: All right.

Auditor: Since the last time you were audited, has any mistake been made? Do you agree that that's clean?

PC: Yeah, it probably is. I couldn't find anything there.

Auditor: Very good. Thank you.

PC: Just rolling now.

Auditor: All right.

PC: I can see this can be a real auditing session because I'm surprised here.

Auditor: How are you doing here.?

PC: Yeah, I-I looked at a couple of things I-I had never thought of before. The way - the way I - uh - am quite bitterly disappointed that I'm not making more result from my processing.

Auditor: Mm-hm.

PC: And uh - I've got a lot of other things to do so I kind of shove it off to one side and don't look at it.

Auditor: Yeah. Okay. Well, how are you doing in this session here?

PC: Real good.

Auditor: Real good. Thank you.

PC: I've kind of forgot about that silly TV camera.

Auditor: Okay. All right. Here's the next rudiment question.

PC: All right.

Auditor: Since the last time you were audited, has anything been nearly found out? That reads. What is that? There. That. Right there. What was that? There.

PC: Uh - rocket reading item - items on my pc. And I would have liked to see that goal checked out to see if it was one.

Auditor: Uh-huh.

PC: It looked awful good.

Auditor: Okay. When was that nearly found out? That.

PC: Well, I was asked a time or two by different people about it.

Auditor: Mm-hm.

PC: And, some others around didn't say anything but uh - I - I -- I don't know who it was, I don't.

Auditor: Uh-huh.

PC: You know, and it doesn't make any difference.

Auditor: Yes. Well when was it that you wondered if somebody had found out about that disappointment?

PC: I was going to say, oh ...

Auditor: You've got it, right here. There.

PC: Yeah. I think that would be about the time. Yeah, I think this afternoon.

Auditor: All right. When this afternoon?

PC: I was sitting at the table, I-I guess I was talking to Jim, I'm not sure.

Auditor: Uh-huh. Who nearly found that out?

PC: I don't even recall, really. There was a lot of people in there. And uh - well, I talked to Jim some about it.

Auditor: Uh-huh.

PC: Someone did turn around and looked at me. I - I don't know - possibly is. Something like that.

Auditor: Okay. Now, who was it that you wondered whether they found it out?

PC: Well, I didn't even bother to see who it was. It was just some people around there.

Auditor: Mm-hm. Uh ...

PC: I mean, I - I didn't look at them. I just was aware there were people there.

Auditor: All right. Uh - what did they do that made you wonder whether they found it out?

PC: Aw, they just turned around and looked at me talking to Jim.

Auditor: Okay. Now is there something ...

PC: I was just aware that they did turn around.

Auditor: Yeah. Okay. Now, was there somebody there that uh - you really wondered whether they found out about your disappointment or not? What's that right there?

PC: Well, hm, let's see, who the devil was that?

Auditor: Right there.

PC: Pc was sitting in the back and she looked at me and smiled.

Auditor: Mm-hm. Okay. Did she wonder if you'd found out about it?

PC: I don't know whether she did or not. I kind of wondered if she did.

Auditor: Yeah. Did you wonder if she had? Okay. All right. What did she do that made you wonder whether she had found out about the - that disappointment?

PC: Well, I don't know. I don't know that she did an thing. She just looked at y me and smiled. I - it was just at that moment that I kind of wondered if she knew how disappointed I was. Uh, it's probably - probably all right, I was just disappointed, that was all.

Auditor: Okay. Good. Uh - is there anybody else that you wondered whether they found out about that disappointment? Okay That's ...

PC: I don't think so, really. There might have been some of the guys right around. I don't think so. This is all kind of a vague incident.

Auditor: Mm-hm. All right. Uh - I'm going to check this missed withhold question to ...

PC: Uh-huh.

Auditor: ... see if we got it. Since the last time you were audited, has anything been nearly found out? Okay. Do you agree that that's clean?

PC: Mm-hm.

Auditor: Good. All right. Since the last time you were audited, is there anything you have been anxious about? There's a read. What is that?

PC: Well, sure. Getting the goddamned items so I can get moving.

Auditor: Thank you. I'll check the question on the meter. Since the last time you were audited, is there anything you have been anxious about? I missed that read. I'll ask it again.

PC: Okay.

Auditor: Since the last time you were audited, is there anything you have been anxious about? There is another read on that. What is that?

PC: Well, I've been anxious about to try to nail down knowing more about 2-12 and 3 for that matter, too. To really know it. I - I don't think I know it well enough. Too many things I don't know.

Auditor: Yes. Thank you.

PC: I'm kind of anxious about that. I - I - I can't seem to get it down where I want it, either.

Auditor: Uh-huh. I got that. Now, do you feel you answered that question?

PC: Mm-hm.

Auditor: Good. I'll check it on the meter. Since the last time you were audited, is there anything you have been anxious about? There's another read on that. What is that?

PC: Oh, not being able to remember the damn bulletin.

Auditor: Mm-hm.

PC: They want, they want you to get it down to the fine print anyhow. You've got to know the whole thing. It's - it's right at this moment a kind of an obstacle to me.

Auditor: Uh-huh. Thank you. I'll check it on the meter. Since the last time you were audited, is there anything you have been anxious about? I'm not certain of that read. I'm going to check it again.

PC: Mm-hm.

Auditor: Since the last time you were audited, is there anything you have been anxious about? There is a read on that. What is that?

PC: Oh ...

Auditor: There. That.

PC: I have a heck of a time on practical. I - I don't like to be examined.

Auditor: Uh-huh.

PC: Because um - I don't know why, I just don't like to be examined at all, period. But sometime I have a lot more trouble on practical. I'm kind of anxious about it.

Auditor: Oh, I don't quite understand what you're anxious about.

PC: Anxious about not getting into anything practical because I don't like to be examined.

Auditor: Mm-hm.

PC: I don't feel like I know it.

Auditor: Okay.

PC: I know, I suppose they all have that trouble but - anyhow, it's a problem for me.

Auditor: Thank you. I'll check that on the meter. Since the last time you were audited, is there anything you have been anxious about? There's another read on that. What is that?

PC: Well, that ...

LRH: No, no, that's a protested read.

PC: Well, I'm a little anxious about the Practical Supervisor. I doubt I can pass anything on it.

Auditor: Uh-huh.

PC: I'm kind of anxious about that.

Auditor: Thank you. All right. I'm going to check that question now. Since the last time you were audited, is there anything you have been anxious about? Okay. Before I just finish checking this off, I want to check another button here.

PC: All right.

Auditor: Since the last time you were audited, is there anything you have protested? That reads. What is that? There. That.

PC: Last time I was audited?

Auditor: Uh-huh. That. Right there.

PC: Oh, sure. I-I protested to my-when they changed the auditing schedule around.

Auditor: Mm-hm.

PC: Of course, it didn't do any good. You can protest all you want to the Instructor and nothing happens.

Auditor: Uh-huh.

PC: And, uh - that's all I can think of now.

Auditor: Thank you.

PC: That's all that comes to my mind.

Auditor: Thank you very much. I'll check that on the meter. Since the last time you were audited, is there anything you have protested? There's another read on that. What is that? There. There. That.

PC: Oh, I guess I just kind of thought to myself, protesting like, about uh - we were cleaning up old lists and nulling them out and prepchecking on their old goal.

Auditor: Uh-huh.

PC: Odds and ends here and there. I just go from one thing to the other. I guess I kind of mentally protested that.

Auditor: Okay. Thank you very much. I'll check it on the meter. Since the last time you were audited, is there anything you have protested? Do you agree that that's clean?

PC: Mm-hm.

Auditor: Very good. Now, I left one rudiment question that I wasn't sure I had a clean read on and I'm going to check it again.

PC: Okay.

Auditor: Okay? Since the last time you were audited, is there anything you have been anxious about? There is a read on that. What is that? There.

PC: Oh, that!

Auditor: Mm-hm.

PC: Well, I'm moving from where I'm staying over to another place.

Auditor: Mm-hm.

PC: And I'm kind of anxious that I can get off and move Saturday, you know, clicked off.

Auditor: Uh-huh. Very good.

PC: Everything like it should be. I finally found where I can, uh - especially gain some time. I spend the whole weekend taking care of myself and leaves no time, reasonable, for study so I got to have more time for it.

Auditor: Good. I'll check it on the meter. Since the last time you were audited, is there anything you have been anxious about? There is another read on that. What is that?

PC: Well, since I was audited I've been into theory, and I thought maybe I could get that sticky bulletin out of the road.

Auditor: Mm-hm.

PC: And I studied on it for about - well, over an hour. I gained a little bit, but it wouldn't seem to stick.

Auditor: Yeah.

PC: And I was anxious about it then; I thought to get that out of the road and start another one, but it didn't work.

Auditor: Thank you. Got that. Since the last time you were audited, is there anything you have been anxious about? Do you agree that that's clean?

PC: Mm-hm.

Auditor: Good. Since the last time you were audited, has anything been decided? That was equivocal. I'm not sure of it. I'll check it again.

PC: How can anybody decide anything around here!

Auditor: Okay. I'm going to check that question now. Since the last time you were audited, has anything been decided? There is a read on that. What is that? There.

PC: Oh, I - I decided I had to restudy the uh - latest 2-12

Auditor: Uh-huh.

PC: ... bulletin to see if I could get a little sharper on learning what the heck to do.

Auditor: Thank you. I'll check the question. Since the last time you were audited, has anything been decided? Do you agree that that's clean?

PC: Uh-huh.

Auditor: Very good. Okay. Now, I'm just going to make a notation here.

PC: I think it's been a long time since I've had my rudiments cleaned up.

Auditor: Well, good.

PC: We don't do it in the V Unit.

Auditor: Uh-huh. Now, what is the Havingness Process you usually are run on?

PC: Hm, I think they're running "Feel."

Auditor: Okay.

PC: Oh, I can run "Feel" or "Touch" or "Look around here and find something you could have."

Auditor: Okay. Now we're going to - I'll - I'll check this very soon, soon after I start, we'll - we'll run - we'll run, "Feel that object." I'll indicate the object.

PC: Uh-huh.

Auditor: Okay? Squeeze the cans. Very good. Put the cans down, please. All right. Feel that table top.Thank you. Feel the sleeve of your sweater.Good. Feel the floor.Very good. Feel that board behind you.Thank you. Feel the table top.Good. Feel that can.Very good. Now, pick up the cans. Okay. Please squeeze the cans. That's working fine. Okay ? I'm going to run y a little bit more on that. Put the cans down now. Okay.

Feel the floor.

Thank you. Feel the back of your chair.

Very good. Feel the end of the table.

Thank you. Feel your knee.

PC: Pardon?

Auditor: Feel your knee.

PC: Mm-hm.

Auditor: Very good. Feel that sweater.Feel my sweater.Very good. All right. Feel the back of your chair.Good. Feel the floor.Thank you. Feel that board behind you.Very good. Okay. Pick up the cans. All right. Please squeeze the cans.Good. That worked fine. All right. That was the last command.

PC: Mm-hm.

Auditor: Is there anything you'd care to ask or say before I end that process?

PC: Oh, yeah, I - I learned a few little things here. I kind of want to do it, but I sometimes I really want to do it, uh - something I don't particularly want to get my confront up all the time, I kind of shove off behind me and sort of not-is it.

Auditor: Mm.

PC: And I picked up a few little things. I do that.

Auditor: Okay. End of process. All right.

Have you made any part of your goals for this session?

PC: Let's see, what were they?

Auditor: I'll read it to you.

PC: No, I got it.

Auditor: Did you get that?

PC: Sure.

Auditor: Okay. Very good. Have you made any other gains in this session that you would care to mention?

PC: I feel a little brighter.

Auditor: Good.

PC: I feel a little better. Sometimes I think what I need is a great big slug of Havingness run.

Auditor: Uh-huh.

PC: It always makes me feel better whenever I do any of it at all.

Auditor: Good. Is there anything you would care to ask or say before I end this session?

PC: Mm.

Auditor: Good. Is it all right with you if I end this session now?

PC: Uh-huh.

Auditor: Okay. Here it is: End of session. Has this session ended for you?

PC: Uh-huh.

Auditor: Good. Tell me I'm no longer auditing you.

PC: You are no longer auditing me.

Auditor: Very good. All right. Now you can go back - you can go right back over there, George.

PC: Okay. Fine. Thank you, Eleanor.

LRH: All right. There we had our rudiments and havingness session. Basic errors is asking the pc if he's answered the question - something we never do. That-that's a very bum show to ask the pc if you've answered the question. That's the auditor-the auditor's TR 2 tells the pc that.

Then the meter reading there was not too good. And when I asked the protest button to be cleaned up, the way you do that is, you simply say, "Has this question been protested?" and the read will come off of it at once if the question is reading merely because it's protested. Protest is a random rudiment on all of the mid ruds.

Other than that, that was pretty good and the pc felt a bit better and his havingness came up. So it was a successful session. So thank you very much.

Next team will be on in just a moment.

PC: Ron is talking?

Auditor: Huh?

PC: Ron is talking?

Auditor: Yes. He's waiting for us - waiting for us to ...

LRH: Put your earphones on. Got'em there?

Auditor: Yes.

LRH: All right. Here we go. Just do a rudiments and havingness session the way you ordinarily would in the unit.

Auditor: Okay. All right. Okay. Just take the cans, Mario.

PC: Sure.

Auditor: All right. Give them a squeeze. Thank you. Now, what we're going to do in this session, we're going to do mid ruds and then we're going to do a havingness session. Okay?

PC: Yep.

Auditor: I'm going to put in a reality factor here: I'm absolutely petrified, but I'm still going to give you a good session. Okay?

PC: Yep. Ya h.

Auditor: All right. Is it all right with you if I begin this session now?

PC: Yeah.

Auditor: Good. Start of session. Has this session started for you?

PC: Yes.

Auditor: Okay. What goals would you like to set for this session?

PC: To feel better at the end.

Auditor: Very good. Any other goals for this session?

PC: No.

Auditor: Okay. Are there any goals you'd like to set for life or livingness?

PC: Uh - yes. To go through - to go through this course and uh - and - uh end it up uh - nicely.

Auditor: Very good.

PC: To go through ...

Auditor: Mm-hm.

PC: . . . this course and end it up nicely.

Auditor: Okay. Any other goals for life and livingness?

PC: Well, to get out of here Clear and Class IV.

Auditor: Very good. Okay. Any others?

PC: Uh - to start things newly would be nice.

Auditor: Okay. Any others?

PC: No.

Auditor: That's fine. Now, what I'm going to do, I'm going to do Suppress repetitively, and I'm going to check the others straight on the meter. Okay? All right. Now, I'm going to use "Since the last time you were audited." When was that, Mario?

PC: This morning.

Auditor: Okay. Got that session in mind?

PC: Yeah.

Auditor: All right. Since the last time you were audited, has anything been suppressed?

PC: Oh, I think I suppressed anger this morning after my session.

Auditor: Okay. Since the last time you were audited, has anything been suppressed?

PC: I suppressed communicating this evening.

Auditor: Okay. Since the last time you were audited, has anything been suppressed?

PC: I don't see anything.

Auditor: Okay. I'll check it on the meter. All right. Since the last time you were audited, has anything been suppressed? That reads. What was it? There it is. There.

PC: Yes, I suppressed - I suppressed saying the goal - a goal for this session. I suppressed saying: To keep my auditor in-session.

Auditor: Very good. All right. Well, do you want it to go down on there?

PC: Well, no, I don't think so.

Auditor: Okay. Good. All right. Since the last time you were audited, has anything been suppressed?

PC: I think I suppressed - however, this is not since the last time, this is - this was before or during my session

Auditor: Okay. Would you like to tell me about it? Just ...

PC: Well, yes, I suppressed asking that the goal that I think I have found in the item be checked. Or maybe wanting to know or making tantrums in order to make it be checked.

Auditor: Okay. All right. I'll check again, "Since the last time you were audited." Okay? Since the last time you were audited, has anything been suppressed?

PC: Um - I suppressed being disappointed at not having received mail. For some reason I'm expecting a letter, and when I went back home there was no letter and I was a bit disappointed not having received the - this letter.

Auditor: I don't quite understand what was suppressed about it.

PC: Well, I suppressed, how shall I say - I suppressed - I did something else. I went - I came out of this disappointment. I suppressed being - staying in disappointment.

Auditor: Okay. Thank you. Since the last time you were audited, has an thing been y suppressed?

PC: I don't see anything.

Auditor: Okay. I'll check it on the meter. Since the last time - since the last time you were audited, has anything been suppressed? Do you agree that's clean?

PC: Yeah.

Auditor: Good. Next one we're doing straight on the meter, Mario. Okay?

PC: Yeah. Yeah.

Auditor: All right. Since the last time you were audited, has anything been invalidated? That reads. What was it? There it is. There again. There it is.

PC: Uh - I don't know exactly what it is. But it has to deal, probably - it has to deal probably with uh - my auditing this afternoon. The auditing I gave this afternoon. I think this was the first time in which I really had pleasure in auditing, this afternoon. And - uh - this is the first time I had the - the feeling that I was doing something and not being told to do something. And even if I made a mistake . . . And the uh - somehow this evening I didn't feel ... This afternoon I decided myself to do something in auditing-the auditing of Ken.

Auditor: Yes.

PC: And uh - I was very sure that things were going to be very good. I mean, an item had been grabbed off an incomplete list and you - I went back and looked at the list and the list still ... I tried again the list and the list was still getting tone arm action. So I decided that this item had been grabbed from in the middle of the list.

Auditor: Yes.

PC: So I decided that we should go on listing. And the needle smoothed out very beautifully. And uh - my pc seemed to be bright and cheerful and uh - and tonight uh - somehow I had a kind of a critical subject.

Auditor: Yes. Yes, I understand this.

PC: And I invalidated myself for having done that, for ... I'm not wrong, but this is the invalidation.

Auditor: Okay. Thank you, Mario. I got that.

PC: Okay.

Auditor: All right. Just check it on the meter. Since the last time you were audited, has anything been invalidated? Do you agree that's clean?

PC: Yeah.

Auditor: Good. Since the last time you were audited, has anything been suggested? Do you agree that's clean? Good. Did you have an afterthought there? I had a latent read.

PC: Yes. I thought - uh - it's still on account of this auditing - a comment - was thinking that we should go on opposing this item that had gone - that had been taken off this - in the middle of this list. And I said, no, I think that we should actually do that - actually, I think that if I must make mistake - if I must make a mistake, it's better for me to make it myself rather than have it uh -. I would have more reality on what - the mistake if I made myself than just being told, "Do that," and then it turns out mmmmm - that it's not the right thing to do.

Auditor: Okay.

PC: Actually, I got uh - quite desperate, because this was my trouble with - when I was auditing Dick. That I was being told, "No, do that, do that, do that. " And I got uh - quite miserable. I was given Dick - Dick to audit and I was told, "Do this and do that" and uh - well, things couldn't - I don't know, so - things went sour - I could not audit. And I suggested, I think, to myself this afternoon that Id rather be mistaken myself than being right when told to be right.

Auditor: I understand.

PC: Okay.

Auditor: Good. All right. Since the last time you were audited, is there anything you have failed to reveal? I'll just check that again, Mario. I wasn't quite sure of the read. Since the last time you were audited, is there anything you have failed to reveal? Do you agree that's clean?

PC: Yeah.

Auditor: Good. Since the - all right - since the last time you were audited, is there anything you've been careful of? That reads. What was it? There.

PC: Well, I suppose I've been careful of this session here. Uh - it's not real to me that people can see, I see the business there and the microphone here - and it's not real to me that people can listen, what I'm saying at this moment.

Auditor: That's very good.

PC: And I'm actually looking at things that concern myself and uh ... Yes, it's uh ... And somehow I still I have - at the back of my mind – I have the feeling that somebody is listening. And it kind of-gives a kind of mysterious hidden inference in this room.

Auditor: Okay. I don't quite understand that. I didn't quite get the careful of there, Mario.

PC: I think I have been careful before coming here. Yes, a very strange thing: I have been careful of not protecting you as an auditor here. I decided that if I have anything to say, I would say it. And that this would help you more than if I tried to - tried to be - careful as a pc.

Auditor: Thank you. All right. Just check it on the meter. Since the last time you were audited, is there anything you've been careful of ? Do you agree that's clean?

PC: Yeah.

Auditor: All right. Now what we're going to do - have you got a Havingness Process?

PC: I don't know. I think it's "Point out."

Auditor: Well, what we're going to do, I'm going to check it. Okay?

PC: Okay.

Auditor: All right. Just give the cans a squeeze. All right. Just put them on the table. Right. Now, what we're going to do is point out something. Okay?

PC: Uh-huh.

Auditor: Here's the first command. Point out something.

PC: This camera.

Auditor: Thank you. Point out something.

PC: This microphone. This one.

Auditor: Thank you. Point out something.

PC: This chair.

Auditor: Thank you. Point out something.

PC: This business.

Auditor: Thank you. Point out something.

PC: This.

Auditor: Thank you. Point out something.

PC: This earphones you have there.

Auditor: Thank you. Just pick up the cans and let's just check.

PC: Thank you.

Auditor: Okay. Now, give them a squeeze. Good. All right. Okay, give them another one please, Mario. Good. All right. Just going to continue this process. You can put them down.

Auditor: Thank you. Here's the next command. Point out something.

PC: This television camera - uh - set.

Auditor: Thank you. Point out something.

PC: The light.

Auditor: Thank you. Point out something.

PC: The column.

Auditor: Thank you. Point out something.

PC: Your brooch.

Auditor: Thank you. Point out something.

PC: This table.

Auditor: Thank you. Point out something.

PC: The door.

Auditor: Thank you. Point out something.

PC: This chair.

Auditor: Thank you. Point out something.

PC: The floor.

Auditor: Thank you. Point out something.

PC: The ceiling.

Auditor: Thank you. Point out something.

PC: This wall.

Auditor: Thank you. Point out something.

PC: This wall.

Auditor: Thank you. Point out something.

PC: These racks.

Auditor: Thank you. Point out something.

PC: This camera.

Auditor: Thank you. How are you doing, Mario?

PC: Okay.

Auditor: All right. Just pick up the cans, please. All right. Give the cans a squeeze. Fine. All right. Just put them down. We'll just do a few more commands.Thank you. Anything you wanted to say?

PC: No. Fin all right.

Auditor: Okay. That's fine. Here's the next command. Point out something.

PC: These wires.

Auditor: Thank you. Point out something.

PC: This chair.

Auditor: Thank you. Point out something.

PC: This wall.

Auditor: Thank you. Point out something.

PC: This other camera.

Auditor: Thank you. Point out something.

PC: This wooden handle.

Auditor: Thank you. Point out something.

PC: This door.

Auditor: Thank you. Point out something.

PC: These tubes.

Auditor: Thank you. Point out something.

PC: This table.

Auditor: Thank you. Point out something.

PC: This wall.

Auditor: Thank you. Point out something.

PC: This floor.

Auditor: Thank you. Point out something.

PC: This wall.

Auditor: Thank you. Point out something.

PC: This cover.

Auditor: Thank you. Point out something.

PC: Ah! I feel like yawning and not being able to yawn.

Auditor: Okay.

PC: Uh ...

Auditor: Did you want to say something?

PC: Did you give me a command?

Auditor: No, I didn't. I'll give it to you now. Point out something.

PC: This E-Meter.

Auditor: Thank you. Point out something.

PC: Uh - these, uh - I don't know how you call them, these things where - plugs, these electrical plugs.

Auditor: Thank you. Point out something.

PC: This wall.

Auditor: Thank you. Point out something.

PC: This wall.

Auditor: Thank you. Point out something.

PC: The books of Alice in Wonderland behind you.

Auditor: Thank you. Point out something.

PC: This contraption there. I don't know what it is.

Auditor: Which one?

PC: The round one.

Auditor: Oh. Thank you.

PC: Control thing, I suppose.

Auditor: Thank you. Point out something.

PC: This door.

Auditor: Thank you. Now, Mario, will you squeeze the cans and let's see how we're going.Okay. Give the cans a squeeze.Oh, that's fine. All right. Now, put the cans down. I'm going to give you two more commands and then I'm going to end the Havingness. Okay?

PC: Yeah.

Auditor: All right. Point out something.

PC: This collar.

Auditor: Thank you. Point out something.

PC: This wall.

Auditor: Thank you. That was the last command. Is there anything you would care to ask or say before I end this process?

PC: I was able to yawn.

Auditor: That's fine. Good. End of process.

PC: Thank you.

Auditor: Pick up the cans. That's fine. Now, what I'm going to do, I'm going to do a fast check on the ruds for "'In this session." Okay?

PC: Okay.

Auditor: All right. The first one I'm going to give to you and then I'm going to check straight on the meter. All right? All right. In this session, has anything been suppressed?

PC: Yawning.

Auditor: Okay. In this session, has anything been suppressed?

PC: Uh - yes. A certain amount of anxiety. I was a bit uh - I feel freer now than at the beginning of the session.

Auditor: Well, that's fine. Thank you. In this session, has anything been suppressed?

PC: A certain amount of stage fright.

Auditor: Good. In this session, has anything been suppressed?

PC: Telling you that I-I preferred being a pc than an auditor.

Auditor: Fine.

PC: And even though I may have had to reveal my withholds and rather be - tonight, you see, I probably would, if I continue liking auditing as I did this afternoon, I will probably enjoy being an auditor. . .

Auditor: Very good.

PC: . . . more than a Pc.

Auditor: Very good. Did I cut you off there, Mario?

PC: What?

Auditor: Did I cut you off then?

PC: No.

Auditor: Okay. Good. In this session, has anything been suppressed?

PC: I don't see any - any more.

Auditor: Okay. I'll check it on the meter. All right. In this session, has anything been suppressed? Do you agree that's clean?

PC: Yep.

Auditor: Good. In this session, has anything been invalidated? That reads. What was it? There it is. There.

PC: Uh - maybe uh - the beginning of the session I couldn't really - I didn't perhaps feel I was very much in-session as I am more now. Maybe that was the invalidation, that I felt that ... I'm not sure it is that but I'm telling you the first thing that comes to my mind.

Auditor: Okay. All right. I'll check it on the meter.

PC: All right.

Auditor: All right. In this session, has anything been invalidated? Do you agree that's clean?

PC: Yes.

Auditor: Good. In this session, has anything been suggested? That reads. What was it? There.

PC: That I had pleasure in being an auditor on TV. This ...

Auditor: Very good. All right. Okay. Just check it on the meter. In this session, has anything been suggested? Do you agree that's clean?

PC: Yeah.

Auditor: Good. In this session, is there anything you have failed to reveal? Do you agree that's clean?

PC: Yeah.

Auditor: Good. In this session, is there anything you've been careful of? That reads. What was it? There. There. There it is. There it is.

PC: Uh - I may - I may have been careful of what I was saying during this session. But - well, I'm not sure. This is what I feel.

Auditor: Okay, well, I'll check it on the meter and if the read's still here I'll give it to you again. Okay?

PC: Uh-huh.

Auditor: All right. In this session, is there anything you've been careful of ? Do you agree that's clean?

PC: All right, yes.

Auditor: All right. Okay, I didn't get the same read again, Mario.

PC: All right.

Auditor: All right. Now, have you made any part of your goals for this session? "Feel better at the end of the session?"

PC: Oh, yes. Yes. Yes.

Auditor: Very good. "Togo through this..." Oh, that's a life and livingness goal. Okay. That was the only one we had for the session.

PC: All right.

Auditor: All right. Have you made any gains in this session you would care to mention?

PC: Uh - well I don't know if I could say that, but the gain was I was enough of a pc myself to - I suppose this would be protecting your auditor, but uh - I was enough myself a pc and I was willing to be audited and interested in my own case for you to - to be a better auditor at the end of the session and soon after the beginning of the session and really get a gain.

Auditor: Thank you.

PC: And I suppose this is both a gain for you and for me.

Auditor: Thank you, Mario. All right. Now, is there anything you'd care to ask or say before I end the session?

PC: That it is very interesting, to be on this end here.

Auditor: Anything else you want to tell me about that?

PC: I - no' I don't think so. There - there's more of a feeling than - that now I could go on for hours, I suppose.

Auditor: Fine.

PC: But anything else, great.

Auditor: Okay. Anything else you'd care to ask or say before I end the session? All right. Is it all right with You if I end the session now?

PC: Yeah.

Auditor: All right. Here it is: End of session. Has the session ended for you?

PC: Yes.

Auditor: Okay. Put down the cans and tell me I'm no longer auditing you.

PC: You are no longer auditing me.

Auditor: Very good. Thank you.

PC: Thank you.

LRH: Well, that was pretty good meter reading and - not bad. Pretty good auditing. One thing I'd like to call to your attention is the Tone 40 characteristic of "end of session." Tone 40 end of session is very desirable. There's-was no opportunity for the pc to say that the session had ended for him. Well, you give him an "end of session," and then say, "Has the session ended for you?" And I don't know where this has disappeared out of the lineup. These little things get in and get wrong and get fouled up. Well, we're going to have this next one fairly brief. And then we're going to give you a break and I'm going to talk to you for a few minutes concerning these sessions.

Put on the earphones. All right. I want this session to be fairly brief and I want you to get in just the small mid ruds. You know? Just the four. And bash the thing off in a hurry. Loosen up his needle and change his tone arm position and end it. Okay.

Auditor: All right. Just talking to Ron, here. Okay. Okay. Want to grab the cans? Good. Okay, Stan, I'm going to be - going to be running the small mid ruds and Havingness in the middle. Make this sort of brief, you know. And that'll be about it. Anything you want to say?

PC: No. Fine.

Auditor: Okay. Very good.

PC: Okay.

Auditor: Great. Got any anxieties about being audited in here you want to tell me about or anything like that? You know, anything ...

PC: Just physical reactions, that's all.

Auditor: Okay. Good enough. Okay. All right. Is it all right if I start this session now?

PC: Yeah.

Auditor: All right. Start of session. Has the session started for you?

PC: Fine. Yes.

Auditor: Good. Okay. What goals would you like to set for this session?

PC: Um - well, to feel more relaxed.

Auditor: Mm-hm. Any others?

PC: Um - be more in present time.

Auditor: All right. Okay. Any other goals for this session?

PC: No. That's it for this session.

Auditor: All right. Very good. Okay. Are there any goals you'd like to set for life or livingness?

PC: Hm. To find a reliable item on my preclear tomorrow.

Auditor: All right. Ver good. Any others for y life or livingness?

PC: No.

Auditor: Okay. Fair enough. Okay, got it all here. Okay. Right. I'm just going to check the mid ruds here. Check suppress repetitively and the rest of it straight on the meter. Okay?

PC: Fine.

Auditor: Good. Okay. Now, do you recall the end of your last session?

PC: That was this morning. Yes.

Auditor: Okay. Good. Well, since the last time you were audited, has anything been suppressed?

PC: I thought of writing a note to Ron, expressing my feelings about - keep turning all the responsibility over to the auditors. And that's - it's great.

Auditor: Yeah, I didn't get quite what was suppressed with this.

PC: I suppressed writing the note to Ron.

Auditor: Oh, I see.

PC: That it was okay, you know.

Auditor: Okay. All right. Very good. Since the last time you were audited, has anything been suppressed?

PC: Nothing I can think of right now.

Auditor: All right. Fair enough. I'll check that here. (Clean this thing off, okay.) Now, since the last time you were audited, has anything been suppressed? Do you agree that that is clean?

PC: Yes.

Auditor: Okay. Very good. Since the last time you were audited, has anything been invalidated? Do you agree that that's clean?

PC: Yes.

Auditor: All right. Good. Okay. Since the last time you were audited, has anything been suggested? That reads. What was it? There it is. Something been suggested?

PC: Uh - what I get is that uh - I suggested to myself that it - uh - it would be a good idea to volunteer to get over this TV bug.

Auditor: I didn't quite understand.

PC: The bug about resisting being on TV.

Auditor: Oh, I see.

PC: That's why I raised my hand.

Auditor: Okay, very good. All right. Just check that here. Since the last time you were audited, has anything been suggested? Do you agree that is clean?

PC: Yes.

Auditor: Okay. Very good. Okay Since the last time you were audited, is there anything you have failed to reveal? That reads. What was it? There it is. Something you failed to reveal there?

PC: I-I get that my (quote) "conscience" bothered me about something. But I didn't get what it was.

Auditor: All right. Just take a look there. Look for something you failed to reveal? There it is. Yeah. Yeah, you're onto it. What's that? Yeah, what's that?

PC: Uh - only thing I can think of is uh - my auditor was taken away from me. She was graduated.

Auditor: Hm.

PC: Doing goals now or something. She's been listed for the B Unit.

Auditor: Mm-hm.

PC: And uh - I was glad for her, but sorry to lose her as an auditor.

Auditor: All right.

PC: I guess I failed to reveal that.

Auditor: Okay. Very good. Got that. Okay. Check that here. Now, since the last time you were audited, is there anything you failed to reveal? All right, that reads. Another read here. Something you failed to reveal? - There it is. Yeah. There it is. What's that? Yeah.

PC: Uh - a decision I made this afternoon on uh - some new idea on how - on how to organize the data. I don't know who I failed to reveal it to. Nothing comes in about failing to reveal. Except I failed to reveal it.

Auditor: All right. Okay.

PC: I made a decision. I failed to reveal it.

Auditor: Fair enough. All right. Since the last time you were audited, is there anything you have failed to reveal? That reads. What was it?

PC: I get a feeling I'm uh

Auditor: Yeah, that's it.

PC: ... suppressing something.

Auditor: Yeah. All right. Fair enough. Let's look for something you failed to reveal. There it is.

PC: Only thing I can think of it would be is feelings about being in front of uh - the group.

Auditor: Mm-hm.

PC: The feelings I had.

Auditor: Yeah.

PC: Feelings I had in the pit of my stomach. I guess that helps - by clearing it now.

Auditor: And you failed to reveal that?

PC: Yes, about that.

Auditor: Okay. Very good. All right, how are you doing?

PC: All right.

Auditor: Okay.

PC: That - that blows some of it.

Auditor: Okay. Good. Just check the question here.

PC: All right.

Auditor: All right. Since the last time you were audited, is there anything you have failed to reveal? All right. I'm not sure about that. I'll check it again.

PC: Every time you've asked this question, my left hand has started to shake.

Auditor: All right.

PC: So there must be something there or there's nothing there but a shaking hand.

Auditor: Okay. Now. Okay, now, since the last time you were audited, is there anything you've failed to reveal? Yeah, I get a read there. Something - another read here. Something you failed to reveal? Yeah, that's it. There.

PC: The thought I got is I feel clear, on failed to reveal.

Auditor: All right. Very good. Okay. Now, since the last time you were audited, is there anything you have failed to reveal? All right. Do you agree that that is clean?

PC: Yes.

Auditor: Very good. Okay. All right. Since the last time you were audited ...

PC: Just a moment.

Auditor: Okay, sorry about that.

PC: Okay.

Auditor: Okay. Comfortable now?

PC: Yes. Better.

Auditor: Very good. All right. Since the last time you were audited, is there anything you've been careful of? That reads. What was it? Something you've been careful of?

PC: Well, I've been careful to keep these hands still.

Auditor: All right. Ver good. Since the last time you were audited, is there anything you've been careful of? All right. Not sure about that, if it was body here or what. Check it again. Since the last time you were audited, is there anything you have been careful of? That reads. What have you been careful of?Anything you've been being careful of today?

PC: Uh - to do what I consider to be the optimum thing. I mean, nothing specific comes to mind, but from moment to moment that's a decision

Auditor: Uh-huh-

PC: ... of mine.

Auditor: All right. You've been careful to do that, have you?

PC: Yes.

Auditor: Okay. Very good. All right. Since the last time you were audited, is there anything you have been careful of? That reads. Something you been careful of there?

PC: You get a read?

Auditor: Um.

PC: I just thought my hands start moving the minute you start talking.

Auditor: Okay. Well, we're not getting that same read here. I might have - I might have goofed that. Just check that over again. All right. Just keep them as still as you can.

PC: Yeah.

Auditor: All right. Since the last time you were audited, is there anything you have been careful of ? Yeah, got a read there.

PC: Got a read?

Auditor: Yeah. What have you been careful of since the last time you were audited?

PC: Stopping myself.

Auditor: All right. Ver good. Okay. Since the y last time you were audited, is there anythin-a you have been careful of? That reads. What was it?

PC: Avoiding present time.

Auditor: All right. Okay, actually, I didn't quite - I didn't quite - I didn't quite ...

PC: Be careful to avoid ...

Auditor: Yeah.

PC: ... present time.

Auditor: I don't quite understand.

PC: This moment.

Auditor: Oh, you mean right now?

PC: Yes.

Auditor: Yeah, I see.

PC: No, not particularly this particular moment, but just generally being careful. Since the end of the last session, I've been careful to avoid looking, confronting, being in present time.

Auditor: Okay. Thank you. I got that now. Very good. Okay. All right. Now, since the last time you were audited, is there anything you've been careful of? Do you agree that's clean?

PC: Yes.

Auditor: Okay. Very good.

PC: The hands are still going, but the question is clean.

Auditor: Yeah. Fine. It's clean on the meter; that's all we want. Okay. Very good. Now, we're going to run your Havingness Process. You had - what did you say that was? Point out something?

PC: Point out something.

Auditor: Okay. Very good. Well, let's see, you've got the cans okay. Okay. Give me a can squeeze. Okay. That's fine. All right. Once again. Okay. Very good. Okay. Put down the cans. Okay. Here we go. Point out something.

PC: That board back there.

Auditor: Thank you. Point out something.

PC: Some paper over there. That paper over there.

Auditor: Okay, I got it. Very good. Point out something.

PC: The mirror.

Auditor: Thank you. Point out something.

PC: The table.

Auditor: Very good. Point out something.

PC: The wall here.

Auditor: Very good. Okay. Point out something.

PC: The lamp behind your head.

Auditor: Okay. All right. Grab the cans. Good Okay. Okay. All right. Squeeze the cans. Okay. Very good. Once more. All right. Okay, we'll just run a few more commands of this.

PC: All right.

Auditor: Okay. Point out something.

PC: The chair.

Auditor: Okay. Point out something.

PC: Your sweater.

Auditor: Very good. Point out something.

PC: My jacket.

Auditor: All right. Point out something.

PC: These cans.

Auditor: Thank you. Point out something.

PC: Your meter.

Auditor: Good. Okay. Point out something.

PC: Your sweater.

Auditor: All right. Point out something.

PC: That microphone.

Auditor: Okay. Point out something.

PC: Your - your earphones.

Auditor: All right. Good. How are you doing?

PC: Okay.

Auditor: All right. Good. Just want to check on this process. So grab the cans here, I'll make sure we're working on the right track. Okay. Okay, now squeeze the cans. Very good. Okay. How are you holding these cans here? Have you got - are you holding them all right? Are you gripping them or ...

PC: All right, I think.

Auditor: Okay. All right. We don't want to - I don't want you to uh - grip them. I just want you to hold them in a sort of a comfortable position, you know? Okay, that looks fine. All right. Now squeeze the cans. Okay. Very good. All right. That seems to be working fairly well. It's, ah, increasing our drop so we'll continue this for a bit. Okay? All right.

PC: Okay. I'd like to move the chair, just back a wee bit.

Auditor: What seems to be the matter?

PC: It's just my feet are too tight.

Auditor: All right. Just move back a bit. More comfortable there?

PC: Yes.

Auditor: Okay. Good. Point out something.

PC: That microphone.

Auditor: Thank you. Point out something.

PC: Your face.

Auditor: Good. Point out something.

PC: My face.

Auditor: All right. Point out something.

PC: My hands.

Auditor: Okay. Very good. Point out something.

PC: The seat of this chair.

Auditor: Okay. Point out something.

PC: The back of my head. -

Auditor: All right. Point out something.

PC: The wires on the floor.

Auditor: Very good. Point out something.

PC: The lapel to my jacket.

Auditor: Okay. Point out something.

PC: Your shoe.

Auditor: Thank you. Point out something.

PC: That piece of equipment over there.

Auditor: Yeah. Okay. Good. Point out something.

PC: Those books over there.

Auditor: Okay. Point out something.

PC: My back.

Auditor: All right. Point out something.

PC: These two tables.

Auditor: Very good. Okay. Let's just take a look at that can squeeze now. Pick up the cans. Good. Okay. All right.Okay, squeeze the cans. Very good. Okay. Okay, that was the last command in that process.

PC: Okay.

Auditor: Good. Anything you want to say before I end it.

PC: No.

Auditor: Okay. End of process. Very good. How are you doing?

PC: All right.

Auditor: Good. How does the room look to you now?

PC: Better.

Auditor: Good. Okay.

PC: More here.

Auditor: All right. I just want to make a note here. Then we'll be on our way. Let's see. Okay. Very good. All right, we're just going to go straight into the uh - goals for the session. Do you feel you made any part of your goals for the session?

PC: Well, I feel more relaxed.

Auditor: Good.

PC: And let's see, more in present time.

Auditor: All right. Yeah, "to be more in present time."

PC: Yeah, I'm more in present time.

Auditor: Oh, very good. All right. Have you made any other gains in this session you'd care to mention?

PC: No.

Auditor: All right. Okay. Very good. All right. Is it all right with You if I end this session now? Oh, pardon me. I forgot: is there anything you'd care to ask or say before I end the session?

PC: No.

Auditor: Okay. All right. Well, is it all right with you if I end this session now?

PC: Yes.

Auditor: Okay. Here it is: End of session. Has the session ended for you?

PC: Uh-no.

Auditor: All right. End of session. Now has the session ended for you?

PC: Yes.

Auditor: Very good. Tell me I'm no longer auditing you.

PC: You're no longer auditing me.

Auditor: Okay. Thanks very much, Stan.

PC: Thanks, Wally.

LRH: Okay. Take a five minute break and I will - and then get back in your seats and I will talk to YOU. Actually, better be back in your seats in eight minutes.