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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- TV Demo - Sec Chec - with Comments by LRH (SHSBC-281) - L630327 | Сравнить



An auditing demonstration given on 27 March 1963

Well, how are you today? How are you today?

We've got a demonstration today. We're going to be see checking somebody, showing how you dig something up. Your attention is recommended to the fact that the auditor is not there to miss withholds on the pc. This is not a definition of an auditor.

What's the date, by the way? Twenty ...

Female voice: Twenty - seventh.

Twenty - seventh of March 1963.

And the art of See Checking is very, very well established. It's one of the finest arts that we have. But it is to a large degree an art. It is restimulating the material to be picked up. And then picking it up.

I think somebody here recently went through a - in one week of four hours of auditing - I think that was right, wasn't it - one week of four hours of auditing, went through the last two pages of the Joburg, a Form 6A and what else?

Female voice: And a student Prepcheck.

And a student Prepcheck. Oh, boy! That's really remarkable. I don't know how he did that. In the first place, it isn't that we want to audit slowly, we want to audit thoroughly. And thorough audit is very much the point.

Now, one of the things which you will find, one of the things which you will find consistent and so forth is that a good auditor gets something done. He audits the pc in front of him. He gets something done. And it's not getting through the Prepcheck; it's getting through to the pc.

Withholds restimulate. They are actually not there. They have to be keyed - in. And I think you will see some of that happening now.

Now, let me see if we're ready downstairs here. Yes, we're all ready downstairs, and we're about to see some See Checking. Okay? There we are.

Auditor: Hmm? Is that right?

PC: Nearly. This will do.

Auditor: Okay, Leslie. Well, what we're going to do in this session is that I've got here the uh - Joburg, the last two pages of the Joburg ...

PC: Hm.

Auditor: . . . which I understand has been flattened on you over the - in the pavilion.

PC: Well, we got something alive on it.

Auditor: You still got something alive.

PC: Something alive.

Auditor: All right. So what I'm going to do, I'm going to check down this list, to see what's reading or not, and then if we get through that, then I've got some more questions I'm going to put to you, to clean those up as well.

PC: Yeah.

Auditor: All right?

PC: Yes.

Auditor: Okay. If I can get some of these questions alive, that's good for both of us, all right?

PC: All right.

Auditor: Good. All right, now, that's fine, thank you. Just give the cans a squeeze. Thank you. Let them go. All right. Just once more and let them go - right. Thank you. All right now, I'm not going to put in Model Session here, if we do need it however, I will, but I'm not going to put Model Session in. Is that all right with you?

PC: Yes, it's all right.

Auditor: Okay. Now, is there anything you want to tell before we start, at all?

PC: No, except that we were having trouble cleaning up something this morning and I felt a bit sort of shaken since. I was quite sure this morning I didn't have a missed withhold that they think I had.

Auditor: Okay. All right. Now, anything else?

PC: No.

Auditor: Good. All right, now how about this room? Is it all right to audit in this room?

PC: Yes, it's all right.

Auditor: All right. Very good. Now, is it all right with you if I begin this session now?

PC: Yes.

Auditor: Okay. Start of session! Session started for you?

PC: Yes.

Auditor: Very good. What goals would you like to set for this session?

PC: To clean up anything that's been missed.

Auditor: Good. All right, any other goals for this session?

PC: Just to do my best.

Auditor: Good. All right, is there anything else?

PC: I think that'll - that'll be all right.

Auditor: That'll be all right, very good. All right. Good. All right, now we're going into - straight into the questions here, and the first question I'm going to ask you is: Do you know any communists personally? All right. That's the question I'm going to ask you. Now, tell me what does this question mean?

PC: Well, it means, do I know anybody who I know is a communist.

Auditor: Hm - hmm.

PC: And I think it means in this life.

Auditor: All right, thank you. All right, well now, here's the question. Do you know any communist personally?

PC: No.

Auditor: All right. Did - a good look at that?

PC: Well, if I - if I do, I don't know that they are.

Auditor: Hm - hm.

PC: I mean, I might know somebody who is a communist unknown to me, but not known to me.

Auditor: All right, thank you. Has anybody told you - think who might be a communist or anything, do you know?

PC: Well, I just thought of one preclear who gave us a bit of trouble about a year ago, but I don't think he was a communist.

Auditor: All right.

PC: I just thought of him then.

Auditor: Okay. Is there anybody else?

PC: No.

Auditor: All right. I'll check this question on the meter now.

PC: Hmm.

Auditor: Do you know any communist personally? All right. You possibly have an answer there, do you?

PC: No, no - I just felt nervous and wondering if it would read or not.

Auditor: Hm - hmm. All right. Okay, I'm going to check that question.

PC: Yeah.

Auditor: We had an equivocal read there.

PC: Yeah.

Auditor: Do you know any communist personally? There is a read here.

PC: The only thing I get there is something which has come up in processing before.

Auditor: Hm - hmm.

PC: It's some - came up on this question, some past lives stuff, that's very confused and I'm not sure about it. But that's all I get.

Auditor: All right.

PC: Hmm.

Auditor: What actually do you get here?

PC: I usually think of Lenin and. . .

Auditor: Hm - hmm. PC: ...sometimes Karl Marx

Auditor: Yeah.

PC: ... and I used to get the idea that I had had something to do with starting communism.

Auditor: Hm - hmm.

PC: And it gave me a horrible scare ...

Auditor: All right.

PC: ... and I backed off that one.

Auditor: Okay. Now, I'll ask you the question, do you know any communist personally?

PC: No.

Auditor: All right. I'll check it on the meter. Do you know any communist personally? All right, do you agree that's clean?

PC: Hmm.

Auditor: Okay, thank you. All right, now, the next question Fin going to ask you is: Have you ever injured Dianetics or Scientology? That's the question I'm going to ask you. Now, tell me, what does that mean to you?

PC: Um, have I ever damaged it or hurt it in any way, or

Auditor: Yes...

PC: Um - injured - it could mean have I prevented it from advancing, like I really feel it shouldn't advance, by ...

Auditor: Hm - hmm.

PC: ... by not doing things, too.

Auditor: All right. Okay. And on the question "On Dianetics," what's this mean to you?

PC: Well, I haven't had very much to do with Dianetics except for. . .

Auditor: Hmm.

PC: ... trying to sell the book to a few people.

Auditor: Right.

PC: Hmm.

Auditor: And Scientology?

PC: That means just the general science all over the world?

Auditor: All right, okay. Now, how long have you been in Dianetics or - and/or Scientology?

PC: '59.

Auditor: Since 1959?

PC: Hm.

Auditor: All right. Okay, well, have you been working in an organization or something?

PC: No, with Eddie, in the franchise center.

Auditor: Hm - mm.

PC: Uh - I did - did a little bit of auditing in Melbourne.

Auditor: All right. Okay, well now, I'm going to give you this question. All right. Have you ever injured Dianetics or Scientology?

PC: Well, the thing I thought of there, straight away, was uh - the preclear I had in Melbourne ...

Auditor: Hm - hmm.

PC: ... auditing her.

Auditor: Yes.

PC: I was - I had to leave Melbourne and go back to New Zealand and I hadn't completed her intensive. She still had missed withholds at that time.

Auditor: All right.

PC: It wasn't a break of agreement there, but the fact was that I felt that I could have done a better job auditing her than I did do.

Auditor: All right. What did you actually do there?

PC: Well, I left Melbourne while she still had missed withhold.

Auditor: All right. Okay. Any other doingness there?

PC: I didn't use my own judgment ...

Auditor: All right.

PC: ... in the sessions.

Auditor: Very good. Anything else there?

PC: No, I don't think so. I think that's all.

Auditor: All right, okay. I'll give you the question again. Have you ever injured Dianetics or Scientology?

PC: Yes, by being slow with dissemination.

Auditor: All right. Now, when was that?

PC: Thing I thought of there was once - uh - we were going to put an advertisement in the paper for a course in something and I slowed Eddie down in doing it in some

LRH: You notice that rock slam - that rock slam there that she's turning on over this question. You notice that it's early and late. That is quite common. PC: ...very banky sort of way, and

Auditor: Hm - hmm.

PC: ... oh, no, we won't do it just yet, you know, sort of - I said something like that, and we actually put it off.

Auditor: Yes, all right. Okay. Now, I didn't quite hear what Ron said then and I wondered if he could repeat it.

PC: Yeah.

Auditor: All right.

LRH: I said it was just early and late, that rock slam, and that she does have a rock slam there on this subject - but it doesn't get instant when they do that on a Sec Check. You can expect it to turn up and turn off, and she's really shadow boxing with something. That's all I said.

Auditor: Thank you.

LRH: You bet!

Auditor: All right, now. I'm sorry, I didn't get - quite get the last of your communication there.

PC: I've forgotten what I ...

Auditor: All right, okay. I'll tell you what I'll do, I'm going to give you this question again. Have you ever injured Dianetics or Scientology?

PC: I didn't get any definite answer there, nothing that

Auditor: Hm - hmm.

PC: ... I've definitely done.

Auditor: All right. Um - what - were you looking at there?

PC: Well, what I was looking at before was uh - slowing Eddie down in getting an advertisement put in the paper advertising testing, that might have been.

Auditor: Hm - hmm.

PC: Sort of a back - off of confronting new people.

Auditor: All right. Okay.

PC: And I - and I was successful in doing it. I realized it was an overt.

Auditor: Hm - hmm. All right. Anything else you did around that time?

PC: No, I didn't get anything there at that time.

Auditor: All right. Well, let's have another look. All right. Have you ever injured Dianetics or Scientology?

PC: I feel as if I have, but I don't get anything there.

Auditor: All right. Well, what are you looking at there? Something there.

PC: Just - just a feeling of grief.

Auditor: Hm - hmm. All right.

PC: The - the thing is that I feel that I've done wrong, and - and - to do with Scientology and Dianetics, is in - in not making myself get a bit of necessity level on it and start things.

Auditor: All right.

PC: That's the thing I feel.

Auditor: Okay, when didn't you - when didn't you do this thing?

PC: Oh, I haven't done that all the time. Ever since I came into Scientology, all the time, it's been constant really. I - I do a little bit, now and then.

Auditor: Ye s.

PC: And when I do, I usually do - well, a good enough job to know that I ought to do a bit more, you see?

Auditor: All right. Give me an example here. What's that?

PC: Well, that was 1960, before we started practicing Scientology.

Auditor: Hm - hmm. Yes?

PC: And feeling we ought to start. I think it was 1960, I'm not quite sure of my dates.

Auditor: Yes. All right.

PC: But at that particular time we were having a bit of confusion, Ed and I, and Ed was a bit down, and I had the feeling that I ought to do something.

Auditor: Hm - hmm.

PC: Sort of get cracking, you know, quite strong, and I just didn't do it. But I - I knew I should have done it a certain time, and then I sort of forget about it.

Auditor: Yes, well what was it you didn't do here, at that time?

PC: I'm getting a bit mixed up.

Auditor: Yes, well ...

PC: I - I didn't run a PE Course.

Auditor: All right, okay.

LRH: That's a pumping needle, by the way, you see there, class, that's a pumping needle.

Auditor: All right. Now. What was at - at that time, what was it you actually did?

LRH: It can also be caused by somebody having their cans against their clothing while breathing.

Auditor: There.

PC: It would be - the thing I did would be, say, just go out to the pictures or something like that and do a

Auditor: Hmm.

PC: just do lazy sort of things instead of doing something worthwhile.

Auditor: Yes, very good. Very good. Can you give us a specific time when you did this. An incident?

PC: Gee, I've got this shut off.

Auditor: All right. Okay. Some time when you went to the pictures.

PC: I just get the idea of - of going in the truck, you know, just being - having my body in the truck, moving toward the picture theater some time, but I couldn't tell you exactly when it was, it must

Auditor: Yeah.

PC: ... have happened dozens of times.

Auditor: All right, now you're telling me that you got this feeling you - what was it you were doing? What was this general thing you were telling me here?

PC: Doing things like being irresponsible, going to the pictures, instead of getting here.

Auditor: All right, have you got one time when you went to the pictures?

PC: Well, the - the time I've got when I - I had this urge to do something was ...

Auditor: Yes.

PC: ... coming home from the pictures. I've got that time.

Auditor: All right, what happened there? What was it you did?

PC: Oh, I think I'm starting to see a bit of daylight.

Auditor: All right, very good.

PC: There's more to this, this - this - I was processing Eddie at the time ...

Auditor: Right.

PC: ... and he was getting upset as a - as a preclear.

Auditor: Yes.

PC: I think that was what it was.

Auditor: Hmm.

PC: And - um - this is before missed withholds, you know.

LRH: See that needle go clean?

PC: ... and uh - the cause would be in giving - giving bad auditing and no results, because he was confused and didn't want to - didn't want to start until he was sort of more sure.

Auditor: Yes.

PC: And I had this urge to do something, real strong this time, and I probably made him feel guilty about it, but the fact was I had done an overt before that.

Auditor: Yes.

PC: Because if I had done good auditing he would have felt all right.

Auditor: All right. So what - where was this overt to here then?

PC: I don't know which overt you want.

Auditor: The actual overt you got in mind when you said you'd done some bad auditing on him.

LRH: See, this is . . .

PC: I don't have it there, except that I - just a general idea of - of a bit of confusion near his processing.

LRH: See that needle dirty up again the moment that she started talking about this bad auditing.

PC: And. . .

LRH: Moving on down toward what she really did.

PC: Once I blew of from him in the session.

Auditor: I beg your pardon?

PC: Once I blew from him in the session ...

Auditor: I see, yes.

PC: ... probably around about that time.

Auditor: Hm - hmm. You - what actual - how did you blow the session? What actually did happen? Tell me about it.

PC: Uh...

Auditor: Hm - hmm.

PC: The - the one - I've got one there now.

Auditor: Good.

PC: I've done it after this, too. I - I did this a - a few times.

Auditor: All right.

PC: Uh - first one would be - uh - I was trying to get his case going and Id be running a process - "What part of that scene you are looking at can you be responsible for?" or something like that

Auditor: Yes. PC: ...and he got upset in the session, you see, and I'm trying to get this process going and I got angry because he was angry and I blamed him, you see?

Auditor: Right.

PC: It just went - and I think I said, "You can go to hell," and I just left. And I realized when I got to the door - I was in a real rage ...

Auditor: Hm - hmm.

PC: ... what I'd done, and I came back.

Auditor: Yes.

PC: I don't even remember if I ended that session or not. But I did 90 back.

Auditor: All right. Okay. Now, is there anything else you did to that - in that session?

PC: Oh. Break the Auditor's Code.

Auditor: All right. Anything else? Anything else there ?

PC: I - I didn't get anything. There must be, but I sort of ran up against a blank wall.

Auditor: All right. Well now tell me, when was the first time you blew sessions on this preclear? That's it.

PC: There was twice, very close together and I don't know whether the one I'm telling you about is the first one. I think it is the first one.

Auditor: Well, what was the other one here, then?

PC: The other one was - uh - one - early one morning.

Auditor: All right.

PC: Quite close to that time, probably within two months.

Auditor: All right. Now, what happened on that occasion? Hm - hmm? You have got something there.

PC: Not - not anything yet.

Auditor: And what happened in that session? The other session where you blew? It's there. It's there.

PC: Oh, yes.

Auditor: Hm - hmm.

PC: Uh - he - he got upset about my auditing.

Auditor: All right. Okay.

PC: And I just - I just didn't confront that.

Auditor: Hm - hmm.

PC: So I blew.

Auditor: All right, and what had you done then in here?

LRH: Notice the auditor properly called that a motivator, see? "He got upset and I blew," so now we got to get the overt, see?

Auditor: There it is.

PC: I didn't want to audit him.

Auditor: All right. Now, the - when - when was that? That.

PC: I - this was all the same time. It was the - the one - it directed me to another one, there were two close together

Auditor: All right.

PC: ... and this is the one morning before I went off to - to school.

Auditor: Right, fair enough. Now, what had you done in this session? There. There. There you are.

PC: I get the feeling I haven't got it yet.

Auditor: Okay, just have a look there, something you did. There you are. There.

PC: Oh, I thought I started the session late.

Auditor: All right, okay. Well, is that what you did?

PC: I'm not sure, but that's what I've got, that's what came up ...

Auditor: All right.

PC: ... just then, when you said "that."

Auditor: All right. Okay. Now, is there anything else in that session that you did? Something there.

PC: Well, I would've Qed and - Qed and A - Q - and - Aed before I got angry. I - I would have said something back.

Auditor: Oh, all right.

PC: I don't remember what.

Auditor: Okay. Let's have a look at this. What - what was said in this session that led to this? Something there.

PC: Uh - all I got there was the idea of Ed saying to me I wasn't doing something right, and I can't even remember what I was doing or what it was I wasn't doing right.

Auditor: All right. Okay. Now, what was before that, was it, that you weren't - that you'd done in this session? Before he said that to you? You've got something here.

PC: Not seeing anything yet.

Auditor: Hm - hmm. Let's have a look. Was it an auditing flub?

PC: Well, it would be an auditing flub.

Auditor: Hm - hmm. All right.

PC: Would be an auditing flub.

Auditor: Well, what was the auditing flub?

PC: Not understanding the preclear.

Auditor: All right. Okay. What didn't you understand there?

PC: I'm getting a bit of - bit of it back.

Auditor: Hm - hmm, good.

PC: Um - I didn't listen fully and - and acknowledge his difficulty.

Auditor: All right.

PC: There was some difficulty with processing ...

Auditor: Yes.

PC: .. - in Scientology, and his case. At that time he felt that he could help other people with Scientology but nobody had helped him, you see?

Auditor: Right.

PC: And - uh - it used to come up a lot in sessions.

Auditor: Yes.

PC: And now I think it's - feel that that would be what it was.

Auditor: What would it be, actually, then?

PC: Well, I must have done something that he - made him feel awful, the preclear was feeling lousy anyway, that's for sure.

Auditor: I didn't quite hear that.

PC: I must have done something to make him feel bad, because the preclear would have been feeling really bad in the session.

Auditor: Oh, all right. Okay.

PC: And - and got a failure ...

Auditor: Hm - hmm.

PC: ... somehow or other, about auditing.

Auditor: Yes. Now, was there something on this you didn't understand or something that you did in the session?

PC: Oh, I didn't understand it.

Auditor: Oh. All right. Now, where - um - well, tell me this, which house was this a - did this session take place in?

PC: Oh, this was in - uh - uh - River Road, 574 River Road.

Auditor: All right. Is it a big building? Small building?

PC: No, a medium - sized house.

Auditor: All right. How many rooms in it?

PC: Oh, I don't know how many rooms - one, two, three, four, five.

Auditor: All right.

PC: Five major rooms.

Auditor: All right, now which room were you auditing in?

PC: We were in the front - the front lounge.

Auditor: All right. Tell me, how - how's that room furnished in?

PC: Oh, I get that view all right!

Auditor: All right.

PC: A carpeted floor and a settee and the sofas.

Auditor: Hmm, yes. Very good. All right, have you got the picture of that, when you - when you had this session with him?

PC: Yeah. Yes.

Auditor: All right.

PC: It's getting better.

Auditor: Good. Anything - um - distinguishing - anything distinguishing about the preclear that day?

PC: Only being upset, I guess.

Auditor: Yes, all right, well, his attire or his clothing?

PC: I seem to think he had on his green jersey, but that's what I think.

Auditor: All right, very good. All right, now have a look at this session, see what it was you did. It's kicking here. All right. How you doing?

PC: Uh - all right.

Auditor: Good.

PC: I'm sort of just looking, trying to find something.

Auditor: Yes, all right. Well what - what process were you running? What sort of auditing were you giving him on this occasion?

PC: It would be what was out at that time, I think.

Auditor: Well, what would be - what was it - what were you running in the session.

PC: Gee, it's hard to recall. Could have been Havingness and Confront.

Auditor: All right.

PC: Or it could have been uh - uh - one of those routines.

Auditor: Well, all right. Was it one of those routines?

PC: There was another one, another - another routine there and I'm trying to pick it up, what it would be.

Auditor: Hm - hmm.

PC: Hmm. I'm not sure.

Auditor: All right, now what - what were you doing at the moment when he - when you started to get - when he started to get ARC broken then?

PC: Running a process, I'd be running a process when it happened.

Auditor: All right. Okay. And what were his words to you?

PC: I'm not sure whether this is right or not, but ...

Auditor: Hmm.

PC: ... I get the idea ...

Auditor: Yes...

PC: ... of him saying, "I don't think this is doing me any good."

Auditor: All right. Okay. Now, what was it - what would it be that wasn't doing him any good then? What process were you running at that time?

PC: Christ! I don't know.

Auditor: All right, how's this doing - going?

PC: It's a bit hard to get - get what it is.

Auditor: All right. Well now, tell me, this wasn't the first time you'd audited this PC?

PC: No.

Auditor: All right. Now, were there some earlier sessions when you'd audited this PC?

PC: Yes.

Auditor: All right, now, in any of those earlier sessions that you got something that you'd done wrong in them?

PC: Plenty of things. I hadn't blown in those earlier sessions, but ...

Auditor: Pardon?

PC: ... I hadn't blown ...

Auditor: No, all right, okay.

PC: ... in those earlier sessions, but plenty of things.

Auditor: All right. Now, was there an earlier session you can recall here, with this PC?

PC: Well, it - it might be the first or second session I gave him.

Auditor: All right, now how's that session seem to you? What did you do in that one?

PC: We were running uh - overts and withholds.

Auditor: Good. All right, yes. Now, what - uh - what did you do in that session?

PC: Well, Id be running "What have you done to me," "What have you withheld from me?" That would be what Td be doing.

Auditor: All right. Now, how did that session go?

PC: First session went all right.

Auditor: Good. Your second session?

PC: Second session ...

Auditor: Yes?

PC: Ah yeah, the second session was when I started getting uh - uh - some trouble with the ARC ...

Auditor: All right.

PC: ... in the session.

Auditor: Very good. Now, what was it you did in that session?

LRH: There's an additive in that first session.

PC: All I can get in the second session was uh

Auditor: Hmm.

PC: In the second session I gave him uh - we were - were at this time, we weren't married ...

Auditor: Hmm.

PC: ... and we were just going together, and I was a bit keener than Eddie was at that particular time.

Auditor: All right.

PC: And in the second session, some of this started coming up as his withhold, you see ...

Auditor: Yes.

PC: ... in that session. But I didn't do anything wrong in that session, I just acknowledged and went on. But

I felt shaken up, but I might have done something before that.

Auditor: All right, very good. Well, what about the first session then, that you ran? Yes? Hm - hmm, yes?

PC: I've looked at this before, and ...

Auditor: All right.

PC: ... the first session I ever gave him, the only overt I could - I can think there, is quite a - quite a good - sized one, really ...

Auditor: Hmm.

PC: ... and it would be - would be teaming up - I sort of suggested that we audit each other ...

Auditor: Hm - hmm.

PC: ... and the - the teaming up there was sort of for Scientology, but the - my main goal uh ...

Auditor: Hm - hmm.

PC: ... was second dynamic goal, I sort of - sort of fell for him, you see. And I was really ...

Auditor: Yes.

PC: ... after him ...

Auditor: All right.

PC: ... in a cunning sort of way. So the auditing would be as a means for that, really, underneath.

Auditor: All right. Now, was there anything in your auditing, along these lines? Second dynamic lines at all?

PC: No, not at that point, I don't think, no.

Auditor: Hm - hmm.

PC: I was only running overt - withhold on me.

Auditor: All right.

PC: Oh, well, I get his overts off on me, and he won't fly!

Auditor: Pardon?

PC: I get his overts off on me and his withholds, and he won't fly.

Auditor: All right. Okay. Is that it?

PC: Oh, yes, well, that's part of it.

Auditor: All right, now, is there anything else in that session?

PC: No, I don't see anything else there.

Auditor: All right. Well now, how about this pc now? And the subsequent ARC breaks? Still something there.

PC: He didn't really start ARC breaking ...

Auditor: Hmm.

PC: ... him - himself, until that's - probably about three or four sessions, and maybe even a week later.

Auditor: All right.

PC: I think it would be within a week, really.

Auditor: Okay. Now, after the first session, what about the second session? Is there anything you did in that session? Yeah?

PC: I don't get anything I did, I was just looking at the session

Auditor: Hm - hmm.

PC: ... just - just looking at it there.

Auditor: All right. Now, was that - how - what was the purpose of running that session?

PC: The purpose would be to clean up the overts and withholds, get the - get it clean.

Auditor: Yes. Very good. All right, now any other purpose as far as you were concerned?

PC: No, no, the - actually the other one I told you about, I didn't consciously fully realize it about that at the time, but

Auditor: Hm - hm.

PC: ... I could see it afterwards ...

Auditor: All right.

PC: ... that it was there. But it wasn't - uh - I had it nicely suppressed.

LRH: [talking to auditor]

Auditor: Um. Uh - huh. Uh - huh. All right. Okay, well now, why did you come into Scientology then? What was the original idea of coming into Scientology?

PC: Uh - the original idea of coming into Scientology.

Auditor: Hm - hmm.

PC: I had read a little bit about it in a book.

Auditor: Yeah, hm - hmm.

PC: And got a bit interested ...

Auditor: Ye s.

PC: ... and I then heard a bit about it from my father, just a little bit.

Auditor: Right.

PC: And then I saw - I was very bored and dissatisfied with my job ...

Auditor: Right.

PC: ... and so I wrote to the Christchurch Scientology people to find out if they had a course. And that's - that's ...

Auditor: Yes.

PC: ... primarily - I think that was the first reason why I came in.

Auditor: Yes, all right. And you wrote for the course, then what did you do?

PC: Pardon?

Auditor: You wrote for details of the course ...

PC: Yeah.

Auditor: . . . then what did you do?

PC: I went to the PE Course!

Auditor: Right, yes. All right.

PC: And Eddie was running it. That's where I first met him.

Auditor: Oh, I see.

PC: That's where I got my eye on him.

Auditor: Pardon?

PC: I said that's where I got my eye on him.

Auditor: All right.

PC: Sounds awful, doesn't - it?

Auditor: Okay. Thank you. Now, what - uh - then - was there any purpose then of continuing on?

PC: No, no, I don't think I had any strong second dynamic feelings until probably partly through the week, I sort of thought "Oh, he's nice," something like that.

Auditor: Hm - hmm.

PC: And I thought, gee, you know, nice boys like that in Scientology ...

Auditor: Hm - hmm.

PC: ... you see. But first of all I really was sure at that time that Scientology was something.

Auditor: Good, all right.

PC: Yeah.

Auditor: So what was your - what happened after the PE Course, what was the next move?

PC: I - I went on to a co - audit ...

Auditor: All right.

PC: ... in Christchurch. And did the extension course.

Auditor: Okay. Now, why'd you go on that co - audit? Yes?

PC: I went on that co - audit with the - with the reason - I don't want to own up to this one.

Auditor: All right. Yes?

PC: Because I thought he might audit me.

Auditor: All right, okay. All right. Now, any more on that?

PC: No, he didn't.

Auditor: All right. Okay. So that was the original purpose there, was it.

PC: It would be part. .

Auditor: All right.

PC: ... would be partly, not wholly.

Auditor: All right, okay. All right. I'm going to check this original question again now, all right?

PC: Hm - hmm.

Auditor: Have you ever injured Dianetics or Scientology?

PC: I feel a lot better about it, but I don't really see one.

LRH: Yeah, nice and clean, isn't it, huh? Nice and clean.

Auditor: All right. I didn't quite hear what you said here.

PC: I - I feel a lot better about it.

Auditor: Hmm, right.

PC: But I don't know if there's anything there or not.

Auditor: Well, we got a nice clean needle here now, all right?

PC: Yeah.

Auditor: Okay.

PC: Yeah.

Auditor: All right.

LRH: You can close it off.

Auditor: All right, now, uh - it's a nice point to finish up ...

PC: Hm.

Auditor: . . . on the session, so if it's all right with you I'm just going to finish the body of the session now.

PC: Yes, that's all right.

Auditor: All right. Anything you want to say before I do uh - finish the body of the session?

PC: Well, I've had a little look for this before ...

Auditor: Hmm.

PC: ... since missed withholds came out, with Ed, but I haven't had a good a look at the whole sort of picture like this before.

Auditor: All right. Okay.

PC: Yeah.

Auditor: All right. Well then, have you made any part of your goals for this session?

PC: Hmm.

Auditor: Which was to clear up anything that has been missed, and to do your very best.

PC: Hmm.

Auditor: All right.

PC: Yeah.

Auditor: How'd you make out in those?

PC: I feel good about that.

Auditor: All right. And on this one "to do my best"?

PC: Yes.

Auditor: All right. Now, are there any other gains you've made in this session you'd care to mention?

PC: I didn't feel too worried about the audience.

Auditor: All right. Very good. All right, anything else?

PC: Only - only a comment.

Auditor: On goals and gains I was asking you if...

PC: Yeah, yeah.

Auditor: You want to make a comment? Do so.

PC: Oh, just - just a comment that it was so much easier to get - get to it when - when we went earlier.

Auditor: Hm - hmm.

PC: I got - couldn't get that later one at all.

Auditor: All right. Very good.

PC: Yeah.

Auditor: All right. Okay. Now, I'll just check your havingness, all right?

PC: Hmm.

Auditor: Just - uh - good. Now, give the cans a squeeze, would you? Let them go. All right, now, your havingness is down. What is your Havingness Process?

PC: "Touch that or feel that," I think they work.

Auditor: All right, okay. Put the cans down, then, would you? All right, I'm going to run "touch that," okay? Touch that table. Good, all right. Touch that cord. Good. Touch the top button of your jacket. Very good. Touch your right cuff. Good. All right, touch your nose. Fine. Touch your hair. Very good.

Pick u the cans, would you? Good. P Give the cans a squeeze. Well, that's working nicely. Put the cans down, would you please? Thank you. All right, touch this cord. Good. Touch your right elbow. Good. Touch your left elbow. Very good. Touch your right ear. Good. Touch your right knee. Very good. Touch that can. Good. Touch the microphone. Very good. Touch that little bit of dirt there. Very good.

All right, pick up the cans. Okay. All right, now, good. Now, give the cans a squeeze. Okay. Let them go. All right. And once more. All right. Well, we're almost back to where we started there and I'm going to leave it at that. How do you feel about that?

PC: I feel all right.

Auditor: All right, very good. Now, is there anything you care to - uh - end of Havingness Process. All right, is there anything you care to ask or s before I end this session?

PC: No, just thank you.

Auditor: All right. Is it all right with you if end the session now?

PC: Yes.

Auditor: Okay, here it is: End of session! Session ended for you?

PC: Yes.

Auditor: Very good. All right, tell me I'm no longer auditing you.

PC: You're no longer auditing me.

Auditor: Good. All right, thank you.

PC: Okay.Well, there you have an example of Sec Checking, actually, with a first cousin to the withhold system. Pressing it back to the earliest time, picking up the earliest charge and carrying it on forward.

I want to call to your attention, very distinctly and very definitely, that there is a wealth of difference between Sec Checking and getting mid ruds in or some other type of activity.

Now, you get the mid ruds in, something like that, or clean up something, it is simply for the perfunctory, the perfunctory purpose of getting a session going, getting things out of the road, momentarily, so that you can carry on with what you're doing.

In Sec Checking, you are doing auditing with this type of action. You're doing auditing with it. In doing a Prepcheck, such as on purposes, you are doing auditing. That's different, don't you see? You're doing auditing of the pc's case with the process. In other words, with Sec Check questions and with Prepchecking - doesn't include Prepchecking a goal or something like that -- but in Prepchecking - by which I mean you're trying to find times when well, you're trying to find out how certain purposes have been suppressed and that sort of thing - you are actually doing the auditing with the Prepcheck. You understand?

So on, however, goals running or 3M or some other process, you are simply using the mid ruds; you're simply using the mid ruds to brush the pc off of it - so they won't get in your road, do you understand?

Now, you can either audit with these things - as you just saw a demonstration of - you can either audit with these things or you can just set a pc up so they can be audited. Do you see that? In other words, there's two distinctly different uses to such things as a Sec Check question or a Prepcheck question, do you understand? They are two distinctly different uses.

The one use is to get auditing done with it. And of course, that's hammer and tongs. That's get the earliest one on the chain. That's this, that's that, that's the other thing, you see. Steering the pc's attention, finding out if there is anything. Restimulating the pc, if you please, to find out if there's anything that can be picked up and then going ahead and picking it up.

And then on the other side - on the other side - we have their use, very permissive, just lightly brush off, "In this session has anything been suppressed?" "In this session has anything been suppressed?" Pc says no, you say, "All right, I'll check it on the meter: In this session has anything been suppressed? That doesn't read on the meter." And away we go. You understand?

Now, that same question, that same question, used on the subject of purposes might go very well this way: "How has a purpose been suppressed?" The pc says, "Oh, I don't get anything on that." Oh, no! We're doing a Prepcheck, you see, we're using this thing to get auditing done. So we have to say "Well, what do purposes mean to you?" "What are purposes all about?" "What's suppression?" "Did you ever have any purposes, like that? Do you suppose there - any purpose was ever suppressed? Anybody's purpose was ever suppressed?" Anything like that.

Pc says, "Oh, I see what you mean. Yes, well, I've badly suppressed my father's purposes, and so forth." Well, of course, you realize by the limits of the question you can't just have "What purpose was suppressed?" That's a bad process. You have to say - it's like "Look around here and find something you could go out of ARC with." Spin the pc. So you have to say, "All right. Now, how did you suppress that purpose?" And all of a sudden, why, the pc is giving you answers. You don't have to keep badgering the pc - that isn't the point, you can just keep giving the question, as long as the pc gives you answers.

Your tone arm sitting there, as you've had tone arm motion and so forth, and the pc all of a sudden puts on the brakes and he says, "That's all!" Well, all you've run into is something the pc is unwilling to tell you. So you just have to go ahead and find out if this is the case. It's - pc has something there that he doesn't want to tell you.

There's a difference here, in other words. When you use See Checking and Prepchecking for the purpose of auditing, you are pressing the question home to the pc. You are making sure that the pc understands that question. You're making sure that the pc knows this question applies to his life. And you're trying to pick up the earliest incident that is available and carrying it on forward. You've walked the pc down a chain, and so forth. You get auditing done, in other words, with this question.

But, over here, on the other side, just rudiments and Havingness. All right, well, we just do a light brushoff, with the rudiments, we make sure they don't read on the meter, we run some Havingness on the pc - pc comes up smiling. We don't badger the pc at all. Do you see that is a difference? Two entirely different modes of auditing. The mode of auditing done in W is very different than the mode of auditing done in Z. You have to learn both modes of auditing. You need both of them.

How are you going to pull somebody's missed withholds, to set him up so they aren't going to explode in your face all the time while you're trying to do 3M? Well, you'll have to take up the whole question with him, you have to restimulate these things, in other words. You have to discuss these things with him. See Checks, of course, are very good to do this with.

Now, your concept and understanding of this is invited. You haven't - you actually can't be called an auditor unless you can see check and press it home. You understand? And you actually can't be called an auditor if you don't know this other method of just a light brushoff and dash on. You understand? Because you're trying to get your Routine 2, Routine 3 processes done these days, don't you see? Well, you're not trying to press anything home.

But let's take the borderline process, which is your 2G1. And that pc just goes on answering, answering, answering smoothly. But if the pc isn't answering, you have to know how to press that question home and get it answered. So it's at 2G1 that you have the great divide between these two things. It's a part of each, you understand?

Now, where a pc is having difficulty and a rough needle and a lot of things are very poor about the situation, where all these things are going on - pc is uncomfortable, and so forth, about life - you can straighten them out with a Sec Check. And your procedure would be more or less the way you saw it.

But as I press home to you, it is an art. It is an art. It's not a - it's not a one - two - three - four - shift, one - two - three - four - shift, one - you have to audit the pc in front of you. Pc's saying, "Rah, I don't rah, rah, rah, gahr and I've never done anything to Dianetics and Scientology, except, of course, I'm pretty critical of the way you're auditing me and I'm pretty critical of the organization," and so on. Well, realize that there must be an overt beneath the criticism, that's one of the stable data of Sec Checking. It's up to you to find that chain of overts. And it's up to you to get the bottom chain of overts. It's up to you to release those overts. You notice this girl went down to female Clear read on this. Well, one of the things that happens on Sec Checking is that a high tone arm gets cancelled out. And you get them coming down on it, if you do good Sec Checking.

So it's quite an activity all by itself. And it's a distinctly different activity than that carried on in Routine 3 and finding goals and that sort of thing. Do you see that?

Now, you have to learn both kinds of auditing and learn when to use each. And I hope that you've got some idea of that now.

There's one remark I'd like to make technically, rather than post it on the board, and that is that 2G1 is not run on the needle. Sec Checking is run on the needle. 2G1 is right part of its old ancient grandfather - and I'll give you more talks about it - was Routine 2 Prehav levels. And that is all run on the tone arm. And you run it up to a high tone arm, more or less stuck, and then shift to your next level. And it's all done on the tone arm. It is not done on the needle. No part! Nothing! And no part of the auditing commands are run on the needle in 2G1. Do you understand that? Only the tone arm. And you have to be able to persuade the pc to answer it a few more times. As long as there's tone arm motion going on, you have answers.

Now, there's 2GPH, which is the original Routine 2 Process, which is by Prehav level, applied to purposes. And you will be learning that one, too.

But I'm just calling that to your attention because those early 2Gs are all tone arm. All tone arm. Not needle. Sec Checking, rudiments, Havingness is all needle, not tone arm. You got the idea? They're quite distinctly different. Not only different processes - they use different parts of the E - Meter.

All right. Well, I'm very pleased with that demonstration and I think we ought to give Reg and Leslie a big hand.

Thank you. Thank you very much, and good night.