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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- TV Demo - Tiger Drill (SHSBC-211) - L620919 | Сравнить

CONTENTS TV DEMO: TIGER DRILL Cохранить документ себе Скачать


An auditing demonstration given on 19 September 1962

LRH: Okay. Is it all right with you if we start this thing in motion?

PC: All right.

LRH: All right? You comfortable?

PC: Yes. Thank you.

LRH: Not too close?

PC: 'Tis a bit, yes.

LRH: All right. Pull you back.

PC: Thank you.

LRH: All right. Pick up the cans. Okay. Squeeze the cans. All right. That's fine. Okay. Give them another squeeze. Thank you. That's fine. All right. Now, I'll tell you what we're going to do here, is I've got a few goals to tiger drill, and that's all I'm going to do.

PC: Right.

LRH: And I'm just going to go on down the list of existing goals with some that you have added on here, and do all this in Model Session. Okay?

PC: That's fine.

LRH: Very good. I hope you won't mind that the room is still. All right. Is it all right with you if I start this session now?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Here it is. Start of session. All right. Has the session started for you?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Very good. What goals would you like to set for this session?

PC: Well, to find the goal.

LRH: Good.

PC: To work well. To work well.

LRH: Good, got it. Good.

PC: And to feel even better at the end of it.

LRH: All right.

PC: That's the lot.

LRH: Okay. Are there any goals you'd like to set for life or livingness?

PC: Oh, to be Clear.

LRH: Good.

PC: And um - goal for life or livingness - and as part - Id like to get part in this session, that is to get my eyesight back to as it used to be.

LRH: Eyesight better than it used to be?

PC: I'm sorry. As - as better - as it used to be in other words. To get - get my eyesight better, as it - as it used to be.

LRH: I got it. As it used to be.

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Very good. You'd like to also set that as a session goal?

PC: Well, part of it, you see. I don't uh ...

LRH: All right. Very good. Any other goal you'd like set for life and livingness?

PC: No. That'll do.

LRH: That'll do.

PC: Well, there's the rest I've always given still stand.

LRH: The usual.

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Well, your tone arm is sitting here at oh, about 2.9, something like that.

PC: Uh-huh.

LRH: Very nearly 3.

PC: Your work wasn't in vain on board.

LRH: Hmm?

PC: Your work wasn't in vain on board.

LRH: All right. Okay. Good enough. Now, are you willing to talk to me about your difficulties?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Very good. I'll check that on the meter. Are you willing to talk to me about your difficulties? All right. There's a tick. What's that?

PC: Um. Well, that's the difficulty of giving up withholds on TV.

LRH: Oh, yes, I can understand that. All right. Very good. Now, listen to the question very carefully.

PC: Uh-huh. Yes.

LRH: Are you willing to talk to me about your difficulties?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Very good. I'll check that on the meter. Are you willing to talk to me about your difficulties?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. You might have something more to say about that. What was that right there?

PC: Well ' that was that I'm quite willing to talk to you about my difficulties, and just after the - after the previous thing and even despite the fact that we're on TV.

LRH: All right. Very good. Are you willing to talk to me about your difficulties?

PC: Surely.

LRH: Very good. Check that on the meter. Are you willing to talk to me about your difficulties?

PC: Yes.

LRH: I've got a fall here I'll have to clear up.

PC: Um - well, this is um - nervous feeling I've got is in the stomach, and it's obviously something to do with the fact that uh - that we're in this room now. I shouldn't be nervous. I don't know why, but that's the difficulty I have right now, but I'm quite willing to talk to you about it.

LRH: All right. Very good. Are you willing to talk to me about your difficulties?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. I'll check that on the meter. Are you willing to talk to me about your difficulties?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Now, what difficulty aren't you willing to talk to me about? There it is.

PC: Oh, well, that's the - yes. That's the difficulty of um - of - I did mention it to you briefly before we started the session, of getting the TV sets into the um - chapel because um - now that they're auditing there all day, it's rather difficult for - or almost impossible to get them in, do you see?

LRH: Mm.

PC: So I'm quite willing to talk to you about it but there ha - has been a reluctance really to worry you with it ...

LRH: All right.

PC: ... and to get it down somehow or other. And so there we are.

LRH: Okay. Very good. Are you willing to talk to me about your difficulties?

PC: Well, on the same thing, now, the other difficulty in the same connection is getting the sound so that it suits you, which means that we got - we really need you down there to - whilst we're testing it to check it, but I'm willing to talk to you about that.

LRH: Very good.

PC: That's the only other thing I can think of.

LRH: All right. Very good. I'll check that out on the meter. Are you willing to talk to me about your difficulties? All right. There is a small reaction here.

PC: Well, it's the difficulty of getting through this particular rudiment. I am sure I have no other difficulty that I'm not prepared to talk to you about.

LRH: All right. Very good. Check it on the meter. Are you willing to talk to me about your difficulties? There's no reaction there.

PC: Thank you.

LRH: Thank you very much. Okay. Now you can sigh with relief All right. When was the last time I audited you?

PC: On Monday night.

LRH: Very good. Now since the last time I audited you, have you done anything you are withholding.?

PC: Well, I'd been away for a long while. I hadn't seen Jenny for a long while, so the inevitable happened last night.

LRH: Very good.

PC: As this always comes up in talking to you - it always seems to happen just before a session for some reason, even though I don't know it, that when I go to the toilet, I have a mishap somehow, do you see. And this happened again last night. Now that's something I was withholding from you and the public.

LRH: All right. Okay.

PC: And I think that's the lot.

LRH: All right. Very good. I'll check that on the meter. All right. Since the last time I audited you, have you done anything you are withholding.? All right. I have a reaction here. What have you done? There.

PC: Well, um

LRH: That's it.

PC: I made a phone call tonight - um - that I think you know about now anyway, but I went to some trouble and a lot of dashing around in the general office to find the right telephone number. I-see, to get onto this - this telephone number, I had to go ring up somebody to find somebody else's number who knew this number, but I never call him there. That's the only thing I thought of then.

LRH: All right. Thank you. Since the last time I audited you have you done anything you are withholding?

PC: No.

LRH: All right. I'll check that on the meter. Since the last time I audited you, have you done anything you are withholding? All right. I have a reaction here. What have you done? There it is.

PC: Well, I've got the area. Well, I suppose I am withholding it. I spoke to a student today about the - his future, and then I said, "Well, I'll pass this on to Ron, but you can write direct if you like," and he chose that way, so therefore I've withheld the information - not this big, I mean nothing serious in this - withheld it because he's going to do it direct.

LRH: Hmm. All right. Thank you. Okay. Since the last time I audited you, have you done anything you are withholding?.

PC: Well, I can't think of anything else.

LRH: Very good. I'll check that on the meter. Since the last time I audited you, have you done anything you are withholding.? I have a reaction here. Another one. What have you done? There it is.

PC: Well, this is at ...

LRH: There it is.

PC: ... this is on the quay side on Tuesday.

LRH: There it is. There. There.

PC: Loading up - loading up the car.

LRH: There.

PC: I just remember we were getting your car out. UM ...

LRH: What was that? There it is. There.

PC: Loaded the car up.

LRH: There. There. There.

PC: Oh, I lent somebody some money.

LRH: Oh, I see. All right. Very good. Thank you. Since the last time I audited you, have you done anything you are withholding?

PC: No.

LRH: Very good. I'll check that on the meter. Since the last time I audited you, have you done anything you are withholding.? All right. I have a reaction here. What have you done? It's another one. There.

PC: Well, that is - well, this is only a thought, but um - the ... We came out of the hotel in - when we - where we stayed for lunch on Tuesday, and I took rather a dim view of the way you came out of there, because there was another car coming up, we came out rather...There was a lorry parked on the right which might have distracted your attention. This car came up from the other side. I think it was a - or a bit earlier. Anyway. And I thought well, you hadn't looked, and it was rather a disparaging - disparaging thought. That's all.

LRH: All right. Very good. All right. Since the last time I audited you, have you done anything you are withholding?

PC: Interesting - but I can't - really can't think - scanning over anything else.

LRH: Very good. I'll check that on the meter. Since the last time I audited you, have you done anything you are withholding? I have a - another reaction here. What have you done?

PC: This is an omission. I noticed somebody was wearing a brooch and I didn't remark on it. I noticed - there's the done, but I didn't remark on it.

LRH: Very good.

PC: That was - that was - now there's the withhold. Yes. That I had noticed that they had - wearing a brooch.

LRH: Very good. All right. Since the last time I audited you, have you done anything you are withholding.?

PC: Well, yes. I wonder if this is what's holding it up. I have taken over the cottage which I'm withholding from a lot of people, not from you, but from a lot of people.

LRH: Hmm.

PC: There's one thing there, yes.

LRH: All right. Very good. How you doing now?

PC: I'm doing all right.

LRH: Oh, all right.

PC: Rather a little um - surprised at all these petty little things that're sort of kicking on the meter. That's all.

LRH: All right. All right. Okay. Since the last time I audited you have you done anything you are withholding.?

PC: Well, I think I withheld from you that I didn't sleep very well on Monday night. In fact, I lay awake quite a long while and so on, and I was - attention was taken sometimes by the tugs coming alongside as they pulled us in. That's what I thought of then. I know it wasn't a read on ... You didn't call a read, but that's what I thought of. Possibly a withhold there.

LRH: All right. Okay. Since the last time I audited you, have you done anything you are withholding?

PC: Well, I really can't think of anything.

LRH: All right. I'll check that on the meter. Since the last time I audited you, have you done anything you are withholding? I have another reaction here. What is it? There it is. There. There. What's that? There.

PC: This is going into The Felbridge last night. Um - don't get anything there at all.

LRH: That's it. You're right on it. There. There.

PC: Hm - well, it sort of drifted on from there to getting the lecture room ready. Oh! I know. I switched off the um - I switched off the sound last night. You gave me a signal that the sound ... Yo u meant, I realized subsequently, you wanted it turned up a bit instead of which I thought that you'd finished with it and wanted it off, do you see. So I switched it off. Then you said to them, "Is it a bit better?" So I assumed you thought Id turned it up, so I hated to have to go down again and switch it on and turn the volume up a bit, on the sound in the chapel last night. And Id withheld that. So I made a mistake and covered it up.

LRH: Okay. All right. Since the last time I audited you, have you done anything you are withholding?

PC: I wish I had. It'd be worthwhile. I mean these damned silly things. Um - I really can't think of anything else. I must be the world's silliest withholder. Well, I-I spoke disparagingly of somebody because they borrowed my car and they didn't fill it up with petrol.

LRH: Oh, all right. Very good. Okay. Since the last time I audited you, have you done anything you are withholding?

PC: Well, I found the missing photographs - the pictures - last night that I was supposed to take to America.

LRH: Oh, I see.

PC: And I withheld that up to now. I mean - they would have been ... Anyway I had withheld it up till now. Nothing else found there. No.

LRH: No? All right. Very good. All right. I'll check that on the meter now. Since the last time I audited you, have you done anything you are withholding? All right. I have a reaction here. What have you done?

PC: Well, uh ...

LRH: There it is.

PC: Well, I - there's two things there. One is that I received today the parcel of - of parcel containing the equipment so that we can synchronize a tape with a film - with a slide show. Um, the other thing is I'm withholding, I think, getting very impatient because this rudiment doesn't clean up.

LRH: All right. Very good. All right. Is that it?

PC: Uh-huh.

LRH: All right. I'll check that on the meter. Since the last time I audited you, have you done anything you are withholding? All right. There is a reaction here.

PC: Uh-huh.

LRH: Now let me see if I can't help you out here a little bit, hm?

PC: Uh-huh.

LRH: All right. Let's just follow this reaction. There. What's that? Right there. There it is. It's been the same reaction straight through. What is it?

PC: Well, there's nothing I'm consciously avoiding.

LRH: There it is right there. There it is. There it is. There it is.

PC: Well, I announced to Jenny on the - over dinner tonight that I was going to be audited and um - told her what I'd have to admit, but uh - that's that.

LRH: Now, what's that? What's that one right there?

PC: Well, it's to do with the TV.

LRH: All right. What's that right there? What do you do when I give you a that?

PC: Well, I-I just see what I'm looking at, or what I - whereabouts I - when you give me - when I start to look, I just try to scan over the period to find something I had done. When you say that, I stop where I am and look around that area to see whether there is - what is there that I'm withholding.

LRH: All right. Very good. Perfectly proper.

PC: Um-hmm.

LRH: All right.

PC: Um.

LRH: There. What's that? What's that right there?

PC: Well, that's ...

LRH: Right there. There. There.

PC: Well, this is the training office. Um ...

LRH: That's it. That's it. That's it.

PC: Oh, this was sending you a note about some of the students who have left and so on. I can't see any withhold there.

LRH: Well, there's a tick-tick here.

PC: Is it pills? I - I - I took those pills up today. Um - withheld that from you, that I didn't think you wanted to be bothered with those things, you know. Those pills you received on board, I took them up to Peter so he could handle that. Um ...

LRH: There. There. There.

PC: I've moved around to ...

LRH: Hmm?

PC: Going to bed last night, but I've told you ...

LRH: Mm-mmm.

PC: Not withholding anything about that.

LRH: All right.

PC: I feel there's something wrong here because I-I'm sure there's nothing I've done that I'm withholding, and um ...

LRH: What are you looking at right there?

PC: Looking at the cottage.

LRH: Mm-mmm.

PC: Hm ...

LRH: There. There.

PC: My coat hanging on the tier, lighter not working. Comb my hair and thought of you telling me it was all stuck up the other day. Um ...

LRH: What are you sitting on right there?

PC: Wish I knew.

LRH: Right there. There.

PC: Car.

LRH: There. There. You're sitting right on it. It keeps going click-click, click-click, click-click. There it is. There it is.

PC: Well,, I'm looking to see whether I've said something out of place about you, but I can't - I don't think I have anyway. Um-talking

LRH: What's that? What's that?

PC: I'm an absolute blank.

LRH: There.

PC: I was conscious of a ...

LRH: There.

PC: . . . nervous tension in my stomach, but ...

LRH: There.

PC: Well, what I keep thinking of is when you said to me tonight - you said, you know, "Do you want a session?" I said, "Yes, that's fine," and then after that I just thought, what have I done since because I'm going through this. And the only things that came to mind are what I've already told you.

LRH: Well, was this a self-audit sort of thing?

PC: Possibly, yes. Well just-I just scanned over when um ...

LRH: Was there any effort here not - to have these things out of the road so they wouldn't register?

PC: Well, no, not to have them out of the road. Oh, there was some play at this over dinner time, but uh

LRH: Ah - what was that?

PC: Oh, well I said to Jenny - oh, I've told you this anyway - I said to Jenny going on TV tonight. So she - she said something about oh, um - well, if you'd knewn you were going on - if you'd known you were going on TV, you wouldn't, you see. So I - then Philip said, oh, you - he needs a good acknowledgment. So this is sort of the joking was to as-is it all, you see. So I said that won't do it. And so I just resigned myself it would have to come out. That was all.

LRH: Oh, I see.

PC: That's all I've done. I mean ...

LRH: There's a decision there.

PC: A decision? Yes.

LRH: You made a decision. Now what was it?

PC: That Id have to come out with this withhold, give all my sex life away and so on.

LRH: All right. All right. Now, is that something you've done?

PC: Yes. And withheld it up to now. Yes.

LRH: Is that right?

PC: That's right, yes.

LRH: All right. Okay. Now, can I check this out on the meter?

PC: Yes, please.

LRH: All right. Since the last time I audited you, have you done anything you are withholding? And that is as smooth as glass.

PC: Jesus.

LRH: Apparently we've been working away from this one point.

PC: Mmm. Mmm.

LRH: Ok?.

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right.

PC: Fascinating.

LRH: You feel all right about this?

PC: Oh, I feel quite all right about it.

LRH: All right. Any ARC break connected with this?

PC: No.

LRH: All right. Thank you, there is none.

All right. Is it all right if we go on now?

PC: Yes.

LRH: You feel all right about it?

PC: I feel quite happy about it. Cocky, as a matter of fact.

LRH: Okay. Now, do you have a present time problem?

PC: No. Not after that.

LRH: All right. I'll check this on the meter. Do you have a present time problem? I've got a reaction here. What problem do you have? There it is.

PC: Oh, that, yeah. Well, that's the problem on getting this - the problem that I was on the phone about before, which I feel is my problem as well. There's that. There's the problem of getting the TV in over the road and the sound working.

LRH: Um-hmm.

PC: And problem of getting the, not a lot, but my in-basket cleared up since I've been away. There's not much there. I don't think there are any other problems.

LRH: Very good. All right. Do you have a present time problem?

PC: No.

LRH: Very good. I'll check that on the meter. Do you have a present time problem? All right. I have a reaction here. What is your problem?

PC: To get off this rud and to get on with our goals.

LRH: Very good. All right. I'll check that on the meter. Do you have a present time problem? All right. Do you agree that that is clean?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Very good. Thank you. All right. Now, we've . . . There's a blowdown here, came down to about 2.25, under all this hammering. All right. Now, we've been boxing around here with a goal line, haven't we?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Hm?

PC: Yes.

LRH: When I asked you to write a certain number of goals and I actually got a certain number of goals to do, and I haven't had the chance to tiger drill many of these goals, so why don't I just start in here some place or another ...

PC: Mm-mmm.

LRH: . . . and we just see what we can locate here. Okay?

PC: That's fine.

LRH: You just now gave me a new list ...

PC: It's on those short, small pieces of paper.

LRH: Yes. It's charted all by itself It's here in these worksheets. I will find it in here. Many of these goals might be perfectly valid. Hidden under that sheet. All right. Why don't we just dispose of these?

PC: All right.

LRH: Hmm? I asked you to do some goals on "a murderer." Now, we're going to get "a murderer" to fire. Okay?

PC: Right.

LRH: All right. Here we go. Consider committing overts against a murderer. All right, there's a small stop on that and I'm going to settle for that small stop. Okay?

PC: Right.

LRH: And here's our first goal. And what were these? These were goals that uh ...

PC: Condemn. Goals that would really condemn a murderer, I think.

LRH: Really condemn a murderer since it was condemn that we were - hey! that's still reacting. It was "to condemn" that we started out from on this. So here's the first one. Okay? All right with you if I go on with this now?

PC: It's fine, yes, yes.

LRH: Anything you care to say before I do?

PC: No, no.

LRH: Anything you have to say, why, just open up and tell me. Okay?

PC: Mm-mmm.

LRH: All right. Here's the first goal: "to know." On this goal, has anything been invalidated? All right. What is that? What's been invalidated?

PC: Well, I've invalidated "to know" a bit because it comes below not-know on the Tone Scale, and so "to know," it would be a higher goal than that, you see, to not-know.

LRH: Very good. On the goal to know, has anything been invalidated? All right. There's another one, what's that?

PC: Well, I've often been accused of being a know-all, which is "to know," so then - so to that extent it's been invalidated.

LRH: Very good. On the goal to know, has anything been invalidated? All right. There's another one. There it is. There.

PC: Well, it's invalidated as though you must know. I didn't know what it was, do you see, so I was invalidated on the goal to know.

LRH: All right. On the goal to know, has anything been invalidated? Okay. To know. To know. On the goal to know, has anything been suggested? All right. On the goal to know, is there anything you failed to reveal? There it is. What is that?

PC: Well, I've often - I've played this game quite a bit of being um - uh - ignorant. I've found this has often paid in business. You find out a lot that way, so sometimes when I've known quite a bit, I've pretended I didn't in order to draw the other chap out. So I invalidated the goal "to know" to that extent.

LRH: Mm. Very good.

PC: I'm sorry, failed to reveal that.

LRH: Very good. All right. On the goal to know, is there anything that you failed to reveal? All right. Probably okay. To know. On the goal to know, has a mistake been made? All right. What's the mistake? There it is. There.


LRH: There.

PC: Something on the lines of - it's a mistake to know as I was telling you just now. Well, yes. When I wrote it out, I thought it was probably wrong. It's probably "to know something" and "to know" on its own wasn't quite right. Hence, the other goals that follow on that have got "to know," but there's another bit more added onto the goal. So that could've been a mistake.

LRH: Very good. On the goal to know, has a mistake been made? Okay. There's another one. What is that? There. There.

PC: It - it's a mistake to know I have a somatic under my - in my neck. Well, I just - well, going on getting when I wrote them out, I hadn't my glasses on first of all, and I was wondering whether I had written it - couldn't quite see what Id written afterwards. I wasn't sure whether it was right or not. I wondered whether there was a mistake. But there wasn't.

LRH: Mm-mmm. All right. That answer the question?

PC: I think so.

LRH: You satisfied?

PC: Mm-mmm.

LRH: You don't look so.

PC: Yes, I'm satisfied.

LRH: Really?

PC: I was wondering whether you would be satisfied.

LRH: Oh, all right. All right. Good enough. On the goal to know, has a mistake been made? All right. That looks clean for the moment. To know. To know. On the goal to know, has anything been invalidated? Yes. What's that?

PC: Well, I'm invalidating it because I think somebody else has got this goal on the course, and I'm wondering whether I've just put it on because I've heard it from them.

LRH: Very good. On the goal to know, has anything been invalidated? All right. That looks clean. All right. To know. On the goal to know, has anything been suppressed? There it is. What's that? What's the suppression?

PC: Well, I actually, I thought of this goal on Monday night in bed and I suppose suppressed - I suppressed an urge to get up and write it down.

LRH: Oh, all right. Okay?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Anything else?

PC: No. Getting quite some somatics on this one, on the chest.

LRH: What?

PC: Some somatics. Pain across the chest and the neck.

LRH: Well, good.

PC: Just developed. Thank you.

LRH: All right. Thank you. All right. On the goal to know, has anything been suggested? On the goal to know, has anything been suppressed? On the goal to know, has there been anything you've been careful of? All right. On the goal to know, has anything been invalidated? All right. Just another invalidation. What's that? There it is.

PC: Well, I'm invalidating it. I just can't ... Seemed quite real when I wrote it down. It doesn't seem so real now. Doesn't seem as if it was my goal. And yet - so I'm invalidating it to that extent.

LRH: All right. On the goal to know, has anything been invalidated? Yes, what's that? There it is.

PC: Well, I've invalidated the goal a lot because I wont know detail. I invalidate the necessity to know detail. That's the answer.

LRH: All right. Thank you. On the goal to know, has anything been invalidated? Okay. On the goal to know, has anything been suggested? All right. Did you think of a suggest?

PC: Well, the only fear - the only suggest could have been somebody else having it on course.

LRH: All right. Thank you. On the goal to know, has anything been suggested? There is another one. What's that?

PC: It's been suggested that these go - this goal is probably too - one, you know, that is getting a bit too basic for - too basic, almost fundamentals of-fundamentals of Scientology and so on that probably - it's been suggested that, and therefore suggested it wouldn't be my goal.

LRH: Very good. On the goal to know, has anything been suggested? Yes, there's another one. What is it? There.

PC: Well, I'm getting quite a lot of discomfort and - and pain as you're doing this one. And I'm trying to ... There's a peculiar thing going on here because I'm suggesting it's nothing to do with it and it's accidental - the somatics that turned on with this.

LRH: All right. Okay. On the goal to know, has anything been suggested? All right. On the goal to know, has a mistake been made? There's a mistake. What is it?

PC: Well, when I first thought of this goal, I was really - really hit me, you know. I thought oh, this is it. This is it. This is what we've been looking for. This adds everything up. But now I feel there's a mistake been made that it wasn't so - you know, it wasn't so much my - I'm sorry uh ...

LRH: What's the matter?

PC: Oh, I lost myself. I don't know what I was saying even.

LRH: All right. Mistake. Has a mistake been made?

PC: When I first thought of this girl - goal, girl! I was really sure it was mine.

LRH: Uh-huh.

PC: And then I - I don't know. I feel so uncomfortable right now. Me arms are tightening - tightening into the side and I feel I'm try - I feel almost that I'm trying to sell it to you and it shouldn't be, and if it does check out, it will be a mistake. So that's a mistake ...

LRH: All right.

PC: ... this attitude.

LRH: All right. On the goal to know, has a mistake been made? Equivocal. On the goal to know, has a mistake been made? All right. To know. All right. To know. To know. All right. On the goal to know, has anything been suppressed? On the goal to know, is there anything you've been careful of? On the goal to know, has anything been invalidated? Has anything been suggested? What's the suggestion?

PC: Your sitting - your pausing on the read of this and the method of Tiger Drill suggests whether it's in or not.

LRH: All right. Very good. It's still clicking.

PC: Mm-mmm.

LRH: I'm just trying to get it to click more. Hence even when it clicks, I sometimes use a Suppress button.

PC: Um-hmm.

LRH: Okay?

PC: Yes. Thank you.

LRH: All right. On the goal - on the goal to know, has anything been invalidated? Has anything been suggested? Is there anything you failed to reveal? Equivocal. On the goal to know, is there anything you failed to reveal? Yes. What's that? Failed to reveal. There it is.

PC: Well, this - this is not something I just thought of. I'm afraid I've - this sort of kicking a bit and so on. And I - then I sat here and I thought, "Oh, it'd be terrific if this checks out," and then I thought, "and the blighters down there think we found this goal first and you're going through the motions."

LRH: Uh-huh. Oh, all right.

PC: And well, there's a "failed to reveal."

LRH: All right. Very good. On the goal to know, is there anything you failed to reveal? All right. To know. To know. To know. I got three agitations - two ticks and a long drop. Okay?

PC: Um-hmm, um-hmm.

LRH: All right. On the goal to know, has anything been invalidated? Equivocal. On the goal to know, has anything been invalidated? All right. Has anything been suggested? Okay. Any suggestion there?

PC: Yes. When I was looking this over the other night when it was so real to me, I was looking over and thinking how often I say I don't know.

LRH: Mmmm.

PC: And it - it's a pet phrase of mine. I don't know. I don't know. And this seems to me to tie up possibly to somebody who had the goal to know - he obviously wouldn't know. And, this has once or twice has been pointed out to me that I go around saying, "Well, I don't know," and so on. So there we are.

LRH: All right. Very good. On the goal to know, has anything been suggested? There's another one. What is that?

PC: Oh, now I'm going right back to when I was having the assembly and there was little Bert there and somehow or other then I came out with this phrase "I don't know," and he suggested that that was quite - "I don't know" was quite a wise thing to do, you know.

LRH: Um-humm.

PC: That's it.

LRH: All right. On the goal to know, has anything been suggested? Okay. There's another one. What is that?

PC: Well, that's again - you suggested it might be the goal by telling me the reads.

LRH: Okay. Very good. On the goal to know, has anything been suggested? Another one. What's that?

PC: Well, I've suggested it's too highfalutin a goal to have.

LRH: All right. On the goal to know, has anything been suggested? All right. Probably there's another one there. Just a guess that there may be one. If you don't think of one, that's all right.

PC: I haven't got one readily available . . .

LRH: Very good.

PC: ... not the way the others go.

LRH: All right. To know. To know. To know. On the goal to know, is there anything you failed to reveal? Yes. What's that?

PC: Well, I failed to reveal that I got quite a somatic in my chest ' and it seems to be crushing my shoulders down and that I seem to - my hands seem to have frozen - not frozen - I mean motionwise. They're not cold. They're rather hot. You know, frozen into position. Sorry to have mixed metaphors there.

LRH: Mm-mmm.

PC: Well, that's what I failed to reveal to you.

LRH: All right. Okay. By the way, are these somatics getting less or more?

PC: Well, they seem to be getting worse.

LRH: Oh, all right. On the goal to know, is there anything you failed to reveal? All right. On the - have any more answers there?

PC: No. I was just aware my legs are hurting now.

LRH: All right. On the goal to know, has a mistake been made? Equivocal. On the goal to know, has a mistake been made? Yes. There's a read. What is the mistake?

PC: It was a mistake not to have put it on the list before.

LRH: Okay. On the goal to know, has a mistake been made? All right. On the goal to know, has anything been suppressed? Yeah. What's that? There it is.

PC: Well, I often - when I know things - I often suppress them. God, yes, so as not to hurt somebody else. This has been very good, but uh ... This reflects on me so that I won't be thought bad of, but sometimes I know something and I will let people talk and go on and pretend I don't know.

LRH: All right.

PC: Suppress it then.

LRH: All right. On the goal to know, has anything been suppressed? There's another one. What's that?

PC: My life's been suppressed from many quarters from knowing. Um ...

LRH: Your life?

PC: Mmm.

LRH: All right.

PC: In uh - Christ, this pain is something terrible. It's an exaggeration, really.

LRH: All right.

PC: Don't know why I said that, but it's not - it's not pleasant.

LRH: Okay.

PC: But in my life I've - I've wanted to go out and know things or find out things and people have been too flippant about things, you see, so to that degree they've suppressed what I'm doing.

LRH: Mm-mmm.

PC: That's all I see on this.

LRH: All right. Very good. On the goal to know, has anything been suppressed? Okay. There's another one. What's that?

PC: Now I'm getting sen because of - my hands feel like a - ooh, this is so heavy that they're really pressing - they see to be pressing right through my thighs where the are on my ... Seems solid Y down there.

LRH: Mm-hmm. All right.

PC: Um.

LRH: What's been suppressed?

PC: Um.

LRH: There it is. There. There.

PC: Well, sex has been suppressed. This may amuse - amaze - not so - but - in that connection I got - suddenly got the Biblical phrase "She knew him," which I believe means she had sex with him or something.

LRH: Oh, yes. All right.

PC: Sorry for that, I don't know where that came from, but ...

LRH: Okay. On the goal to know, has anything been suppressed? Yes. What's that? That's it.

PC: Efforts to know ...

LRH: All right.

PC: ... have been suppressed.

LRH: On the goal to know, has anything been suppressed? Equivocal. On the goal to know, has anything been suppressed? There is another one. What's that? There it is. Yep. Walking into a slam here. What's that suppression?

PC: Well, I've suppressed people knowing about me. I've kept my life very often very much to myself so I've suppressed their knowing what I'm doing.

LRH: All right. On the goal to know, has anything been suppressed? All right. Do you have another answer there?

PC: No.

LRH: All right. There probably is one. See if you can look around and find it. There it is.

PC: I'm suppressing at this moment any attempt to do anything until you direct me.

LRH: All right. Very good. On the goal to know, has anything been sup - has anything been suppressed? There's another one. What's that?

PC: I suppressed your hesitation.

LRH: Very good. On the goal to know, has anything been suppressed? All right. Equivocal. On the goal to know, has anything been suppressed? All right. It's clean for the moment. On the goal to know, is there anything you've been careful of? Can you think of an answer there? There. There.

PC: I'm careful to find out things and to know.

LRH: Mm-mmm.

PC: Oh ...

LRH: All right. On the goal to know, is there anything you've been careful of? Think of another answer?

PC: Careful to just sit here.

LRH: Okay. On the goal to know, is there anything you've been careful of? There's another one, probably.

PC: Well, tha - that's a maybe, is the best I can do for you. It's maybe I've been careful of knowing ...

LRH: Mm-mmm.

PC: ...on the goal to know, because it's sometimes dangerous to know. Yes, that's better. It's um - you don't want bad news so you don't know. You don't go make any effort to know, so you're careful not to find out and know.

LRH: All right. On the goal to know, is there anything you've been careful of? All right. Maybe another one. There, what's that?

PC: So is it careful?

LRH: Yes.

PC: Umm.

LRH: What have you been careful of? There. What's that?

PC: Well, I'm sorry. Just - I was aware of your pencil that you dropped just now ...

LRH: Right.

PC: ... because I got aware of it.

LRH: Okay.

PC: Careful not to try - careful not to take any notice of what you - that you had dropped.

LRH: All right. Good enough. On the goal to know, is there anything you've been careful of? All right. There's one. What's that?

PC: I've been careful to listen to all your lectures. Gone to great care to do that, which is on the way to knowing.

LRH: Very good.

All right. On the goal to know, is there anything you've been careful of? All right. Looks clean for the moment.

On the goal to know, has anything been suppressed? All right. Don't find much on that. Have you got any answer? All right. To know. To know. To know. Firing a bit latent, but that's all right. Differently. On the goal to know, has anything been invalidated? Yes? What's that?

PC: Well, I was invalidating your read then because I noticed that I was breathing, and not deliberately, but seemed to come - my breath seemed to come as you said. I think Td invalidate almost anything with that.

LRH: All right. Very good. On the goal to know, has anything been invalidated? Yes. What's that?

PC: Oh, that was - I suppose I did a bit of invalidation as well, but I had a letter from some strange guy today who - oh, I don't know what he was, but he'd written about my book and I think he finished up by being a bit sarcastic and

saying he admired my courage. He was trying to prove some point about energy and mass. He was saying there was no - to take - not mass, solids - to take a solid thing as a stable datum was wrong or something, so there was his invalidation of my knowledge, my "to know," my method of knowing. So I promptly slapped him one back and suggested to him that he hadn't understood my book right and perhaps he'd better read it again.

LRH: All right. Okay.

PC: There's a postscript to that and I must tell you this, otherwise it'll be a withhold. Um - to better still, that you read the works of L. Ron Hubbard.

LRH: Okay. On the goal to know, has anything been invalidated? All right. There's probably one. Find that there?

PC: Min.

LRH: What's that?

PC: Mmm.

LRH: I'll repeat the question. On the goal to know, has anything been invalidated? Yes. There is one there.

PC: Yeah. Well, I suppose I've invalidated some of the students sometimes when I've flunked them or told them they weren't right and so on.

LRH: Okay. On the goal to know, has anything been invalidated? All right. Has anything been suggested? All right. On the goal to know, is there anything you failed to reveal? All right. On the goal to know, has a mistake been made? All right. There may be a revealed here. On the goal to know, is there anything you failed to reveal? Yes, definitely. What's the failed to reveal?

PC: Well, I fail to reveal very often that I haven't understood things. In other words, known what was going on, and um - there's a sort of a - uh, yes, a pretended knowingness sometimes.

LRH: Um-hmm.

PC: But what is perhaps worse here is that I'll get a - you - you will say something either in a lecture or to me or to a group, that is - I can wholeheartedly understand and agree with, and then it goes, afterwards, you know. I-seems almost as if I just duplicate the data so completely that it's no longer with me.

LRH: Umm.

PC: Um - so there's a failed to reveal, do you see? There's some - there's something I failed to reveal on a - on a goal "to know" that this happens to me. It - it's not quite true because then I find that - provided I'm not asked what did you say on such and such a date, if somebody will come up and ask - ask me a question on that, I can very often just come out with the answer. I know I did it today to somebody, came to ask me a question. I didn't have to think at all. I just gave him the answer.

LRH: All right. Thank you. How are these somatics?

PC: Well, they're easing off a bit, but I've still got this one right across the chest, and I've gone a bit throaty, and the heavy - my hands still feel heavy, but that terrific pressure that was nearly breaking my - was sort of pressing down my arms - that's gone.

LRH: All right.

PC: I still seem to be gripping hold of these cans fairly tightly.

LRH: All right. Very good. On the goal to know, has anything been suppressed? All right. On the goal to know, is there anything you failed to reveal? All right. On the goal to know, is there anything you've been careful of? All right. On the goal to know, has anything been suggested? All right. What was that?

PC: Well, I just suggested that - how this tied up with the other goals you been checking out. And there was this one about truth - not being truthful or honest and so on, do you see?

LRH: Mmm.

PC: They all - the all tie up somehow or Y other.

LRH: Hmm.

PC: And I was also suggesting to meself that this one's dying hard.

LRH: All right. On the goal to know, has anything been suggested? All right. There's probably another one here. Suggest. Suggest.

PC: Well, I'm sorry, but I just suggested to meself it's rather a surprising goal for me to have or something or - it's a goal you might be proud of.

LRH: All right. Oh, I see. I see. Okay. On the goal - on the goal to know, has anything been suggested? All right. On the goal to know, has anything been suppressed? Yeah, there's probably suppression there.

PC: Well, that's - was a - a desire just to wipe my nose. It's not necessary, but just a sort of desire then.

LRH: Very good. On the goal to know, has anything been suppressed? All right. This seems clean. To know. To know. To know. All right. How is this - how is this somatic and so forth?

PC: Well, it's still across the chest. It's easing off a bit, and I've still got it across the chest.

LRH: Now, do you mind if we leave that goal partially checked out and check the next goal?

PC: Mm-hmm.

LRH: All right. Just-just for fun.

PC: That's all right. Enjoy yourself.

LRH: It's almost the same goal and I'm trying to explain the latent read here.

PC: All right.

LRH: All right. Because the goal is still hidden.

PC: Okay.

LRH: To know all. To know all. Okay. To know all. On that goal has anything been suppressed? Yes. What's that?

PC: Well, that it-I've just suppressed it because it sounded to me like an impossible goal.

LRH: All right. On that goal has anything been suppressed? All right. Another one. What's that?

PC: I'm - uh - I like the other goal best, and I'm trying to suppress this one.

LRH: All right. Very good. On the goal to know all, has anything been suppressed? Okay. To know all. Very good. That is no longer amongst us. I'm going to get the next two in a hurry here ...

PC: All right.

LRH: . . . because they're both the same type of goal.

PC: Mmm.

LRH: All right. To know about people. On this goal, has anything been suppressed? All right. That's probably out. All right. To know all about people. All right. On that goal, has anything been invalidated? All right. Has anything been suppressed? All right. We're not going to pay any more attention to that. Now let's go back and look at this goal some more, huh?

PC: Mm-hmm.

LRH: Good. Sometimes you can loosen them up by knocking the others like them.

PC: Can I just wipe my nose? It's just taking my attention a bit.

LRH: You surely wipe your nose. Go ahead and wipe your nose.

PC: Thank you.

LRH: All right. Now, we're going to get in the middle rudiments here for the session, very rapidly by fast check. Okay?

PC: Okay.

LRH: All right. In this session, is there anything you have suppressed? Invalidated? What's that? In this session what have you invalidated? That.

PC: Well, I invalidated some of those goals just then.

LRH: Yeah. All right. Okay. In this session, is there anything you have invalidated? There's another one. What's that?

PC: Mm.

LRH: There. What's that?

PC: You um - somehow. Oh, I think I was - uh - what was I doing? I was invalidating you a bit in the rudiments by thinking you were cleaning cleans.

LRH: Oh, all right. Thank you. In this session, is there anything you have invalidated? Equivocal. In this session, is there anything you have invalidated? All right. In this session, is there anything you failed to reveal? All right. In this session, has anything been suggested? Yes. What? What's been suggested?

PC: Well, I just suggested - and was horrified afterward when I heard what I'd said - that you were cleaning cleans and I thought well, that leaves that one down.

LRH: All right. Very good. Very good.

PC: Oh, there is an addition to that because then there was a silence after it and I thought you were suggesting by your silence I was in for a dig.

LRH: No, I think I was trying to keep from laughing. I wouldn't have a withhold from you. Needle falling off the pin the whole way. And I said to myself, "Well, I've got witnesses."

PC: Okay.

LRH: All right. In this session, is there anything you have suggested? All right. That appears okay. In this session, is there anything you failed to reveal? All right. You think of anything? There? What's that?

PC: Well, I failed to reveal - but I did.

LRH: Hm? You failed what?

PC: I failed to reveal the withhold for a long while in the rudiments.

LRH: Hmm.

PC: I did eventually. But there was a fail for a while there.

LRH: All right. Very good. In this session, is there anything you failed to reveal? Equivocal. In this session, is there anything you failed to reveal? I don't find a failed to reveal, but the word "session" is banging here. I won't bother to investigate it. But in this session, is there anything you failed to reveal? Well, there possibly would be another one if you could dream one up. If you can't, it's all right with me.

PC: Oh ...

LRH: What's that? What's that?

PC: I - it - it was a failed to reveal and another failed to reveal that I had a little while ago. I gave you one, and I thought there's another one, and then - then you had an equivocal read, and I was going to mention it then ...

LRH: Mm-mmm.

PC: ... and then when you gave it to me, I was going - Id forgotten it and it's gone now, I'm afraid, but anyway I failed to reveal that.

LRH: All right. Very good. Excellent. All right. In this session, is there anything you failed to reveal? All right. There is one. You could accuse me almost of cleaning cleans here.

PC: Min. Mm.

LRH: There, what's that?

PC: Mmm.

LRH: What's that? What's that?

PC: That's the beginning of the session, just before the session started. Ah! I failed to reveal to you the exact trouble they were having with the TV set downstairs. I know you looked a bit mystified and I

was and - I was chasing around a bit getting all this. I was late back from dinner, do you see, and they kept ringing up saying this wasn't right. Well, there's nothing I could do from it up here. They'd just have to put it right downstairs. But I failed to reveal this to you. I left you in a bit of a mystery.

LRH: All right. Very good. In this session, is there anything you failed to reveal? All right. We're going to call that clean. In this session, is there anything you've been careful of ? All right. I don't get anything on that unless you want to give me an answer.

PC: No.

LRH: All right. In this session, has anything been suppressed? There's what-there's one. What's that?

PC: Well, it was details of what happened last night. The details.

LRH: Very good. All right. Very good. In this session-in this session, has anything been suppressed? All right. There's another one.

PC: Well, that was the comment - last night's your own these days, is it?

LRH: All right. In this session, is there anything you have suppressed? All right. There's another one. Thought of something there?

PC: I-I've suppressed too much hope that this goal will check out.

LRH: Very good. In this session, is there anything you have suppressed? All right. Another one. What's that?

PC: That's the thought that this is the sort of goal where you could get your teeth around.

LRH: I beg your pardon?

PC: It's the sort of goal you get your teeth around when you come to list it.

LRH: All right. Very good. In this session, is there anything you have suppressed? All right. Looks clean to me. Got any more answers on it?

PC: No.

LRH: Very good. All right. Seem to you middle rudiments are in?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Now, let's go back to this goal to know. Okay?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Sorry to distract you from that. Did that bother you any?

PC: No.

LRH: All right. To know. Slowed. To know. No reaction. To know. A sort of a trip. To know. A stop. All right. On this goal, has anything been suggested? Yes. What's that?

PC: Well ' I just suggested it would be a nice goal to list.

LRH: Very good. On this goal, has anything been suggested? All right. Probably some more.

PC: Well., this - this - this pain across my chest suggests it might be bloody near it if it isn't it.

LRH: All right. Very good. On the goal to know, has anything been suggested? All right. Seems clean at the moment. On the goal to know, is there anything you failed to reveal? All right. What might that be? There. There.

PC: When I was looking this over I um - had a cognition about it. Because when I first thought that this would fit into on this particular question, and this was on Monday night on the ship in brin - in bed.

LRH: Um-hmm.

PC: That's - you could - basic - uh - wearing your hat - somebody saying that this goal was pretty high on the Know to Mystery Scale, and I've lost the full cognition now, but it was something on those lines that it was - you could probably - that's right - you could probably get the classification of where a guy's goal came by this scale, you see

LRH: Mm-hmm.

PC: ... and classify goals in that, yes.

LRH: Mm.

PC: That's it.

LRH: All right. Thank you. All right. Let's see what this goal does now. To know. Reacted. To know. No reaction. To know. No reaction.

PC: Yes. I-I'm sorry.

LRH: Go ahead. What were you going to say?

PC: I seem to - it reacts - you tell me it reacts, and then I think, oh, no, it won't. I'll do this right immediately after you say it.

LRH: Mm-hmm.

PC: This is - this is a too good to be true thing I've got.

LRH: Mm-hmm.

PC: Thought I'd better tell you that.

LRH: All right. Very good. On the goal to know, has anything been - has anything been suppressed? All right. On the goal to know, has there been anything you've been careful of? All right. Got an answer there?

PC: Careful to tell you that thought just then.

LRH: Very good. On the goal to know, has there been anything you've been careful of? Yes. What's that?

PC: I've been careful to know what is necessary and to know ... Oh, yes! Christ! I've never passed an examination or any ... I have no academic qualifications, yet I am fairly successful in my line of business, modestly. Very successful. And it's - but I've always said I know where I can find out rather than have to know the data, do you see, and this has been something I've relied on.

LRH: All right. Okay. On the goal to know, is there anything you've been careful of? All right. There's another one there.

PC: Careful to be modest about knowing, as is just evident.

LRH: All right. On the goal to know, is there anything you've been careful of? All right. There's another one.

PC: Careful not to give the im - not to give the impression that I know more than I do.

LRH: All right. On the goal to know, is there anything you've been careful of? All right. To know. On this goal, has anything been invalidated? Yes. What's that?

PC: I've invalidated myself by suggesting that I know less than I do.

LRH: Very good. On the goal to - know, has anything been invalidated? All right. On the goal to know, has anything been suggested? All right. There's a suggestion. What's that?

PC: Mm.

LRH: Right there.

PC: Well, I'm sorry. I w - I had jumped away from what you were doing then, and I was suggesting to myself how nice it would be if this goal checks out.

LRH: Mmm. All right. I'll repeat the question. On the goal to know, has anything been suggested? All right. Doesn't seem to react. Ah, you got an afterthought. What was that?

PC: I was aware of the pain in my chest.

LRH: Oh, all right.

On the goal to know, is there anything you failed to reveal? Yes. What's that?

PC: Well, I failed to reveal knowledge on many occasion. I mean it's an advantage in many spheres to - not to play all your cards and to keep knowledge one has to oneself.

LRH: All right. Very good. On the goal to know, is there anything you failed to reveal? Yes. Another one. There.

PC: I failed to reveal my whereabouts to MY - MY mother as a child. Now, um - she would want to know where I was and I would keep it quiet.

LRH: All right. On the goal to know, is there anything you failed to reveal? All right. Seems clean. To know. To know. To know. On the goal to know, has anything been invalidated? Yes. Got the invalidation. There it is.

PC: This is people - I seem to get invalidated myself. I very often know the right way to do something and then people will ... No, that's not right. I know how to find something out; how to know, in other words, do you see, and people will follow another - another course. I - this comes up - this is why the teaching goal stayed in for so long, or whatever it was, instructing.

LRH: Oh, yeah.

PC: That was on the list. That I know how to let people know, but then they won't - they won't follow that, so they invalidate it.

LRH: All right. Very good. On the goal to know, has anything been invalidated? Okay. On the goal to know, has anything been suppressed? All right. What's the suppression?

PC: Well just then. Oh, how did it go?

LRH: There it is. There it is. There. There. There.

PC: Suppressed the suppression even. Sorry, I'm absolutely - gone blank on everything.

LRH: All right. We're looking for a suppressed on the goal to know. There it is.

PC: Umm.

LRH: There.

PC: Yes, it's to do with what I was ... Well, it's almost the same answer as I gave before, that it's the suppression of my -a suppression of my - of auditing somehow, not by me. Well, people have suggested and so ... Oh, I suppressed auditing somehow. It made nothing of auditing to me, saying it's not worthwhile, so their goal "to know" is being suppressed as a result.

LRH: I see, all right. On the goal to know, has anything been suppressed? All right. To know. Slow. To know. Ah-reaction. To know, no reaction-a latent reaction. All right. How's these somatics?

PC: Well, they're easier. I've still got it across my chest slightly there. Otherwise they've eased off. Um - slight bit of a headache or a pain behind the eyes. Nothing serious.

LRH: Mmm. All right. You're doing all right in general?

PC: Mm, yes, yes.

LRH: All right. Well, let's bang away at this thing a bit more and see what we can get out of it here.

PC: Mm. That's fine.

LRH: All right. On the goal to know, is there anything you've been careful of? On the goal to know, has anything been suppressed? Yes. What's the suppression?

PC: Well, I was tending to suppress the somatics then, you know, to say, "Oh, they've - they've gone," and so on, and that's to do with the goal. After all, they've come in on this one.

LRH: Mm-mmm.

PC: Mm-mmm.

LRH: All right. On the goal to know, has anything been suppressed? Okay. To know. To know. To know. To know. To know. All right. This thing has got less than an agitation now. On the goal to know, has anything been invalidated? All right, no reaction. On the goal to know, has anything been suggested? Okay. And on the goal to know, is there anything you failed to reveal? All right. On the goal to know, has a mistake been made? All right. On the goal to know, has anything been suppressed? Has anything been suppressed? Yes. What's the suppression?

PC: Well, I didn't hear a lot of those rudiment questions then. Um - and um - oh, God. Well, I suppressed hearing the questions.

LRH: Hmm?

PC: I suppressed hearing the questions just then.

LRH: All right. On the goal to know, has anything been suppressed? On the goal to know, is there anything you've been careful of? All right. Do you think of an answer to that? Okay. On the goal to know, has anything been invalidated? All right. What's the invalidation?

PC: Well, you just saying it is just ticking and it led me to suggest that it was going out.

LRH: Very good. On the goal to know, has anything been invalidated? Another one.

PC: Oh, more or less confirmed on myself then that I suppose it is out, you know.

LRH: Oh, all right. On the goal to know, has anything been invalidated? All right. On the goal to know, has anything been suggested? All right. Maybe there's a suggestion.

PC: Well, there was a slight suggestion to you that it was going out or that I had got from you that it is going out.

LRH: Very good. You might be interested in the last couple of times I used it in a sentence, it's fired both times.

PC: Mm-hmm.

LRH: All right. On - on the goal to know, has anything been suggested? Any answer to that?

PC: Well, I could give you an answer that, by telling me it's firing, then you were suggesting something or other - I wasn't particularly interested what - I just thought I could dig up a suggestion there.

LRH: All right. On the goal to know, is there anything you failed to reveal? Is there anything you failed to reveal? Yes. What's the failure to reveal?

PC: Well, I failed to reveal that I've now got different somatics down the - down the - my arms.

LRH: Hmm. All right. On the goal to know, is there anything you failed to reveal? Yes, what's that?

PC: Well, I failed to reveal I've also got the somatic across my chest.

LRH: All right. On the goal to know, is there anything you failed to reveal? Yes. Another one. There. There. There.

PC: Oh, I failed to re - failed to reveal just then that I heard the lift move or a sound like the lift moving.

LRH: The what?

PC: The lift moved.

LRH: Oh, really?

PC: And I failed to reveal that.

LRH: All right. On the goal to know, is there anything you failed to reveal? All right. It seems clean. On the goal to know, has a mistake been made? Yes. What's the mistake?

PC: Well, I think you made a mistake there. I'm sorry about - to suggest this, but it - you didn't - perhaps didn't quite see how the last answer tied in. It was that I knew the lift had moved and therefore I hadn't revealed it and it was to do with the goal "to know," do you see?

LRH: All right. Very good. Thank you. On the goal to know, has a mistake been made? All right. Any more answers there? The needle's flying very fast. It might be, it might not be. Okay?

PC: Mmm.

LRH: All right. To know. To know. To know. All right. This roughs the needle up, is what you could say about that if you're wondering whether it's in or not. All right. To know. To know. That gives you several fast rises, speeded rises.

PC: Uh-huh.

LRH: To know. To know. To know. This thing is not reacting very satisfactorily.

PC: Mmm.

LRH: You see, it went the reverse way. I thought, well, all right, if it's out I'll clean it up.

PC: Mm.

LRH: If it's in-it went the reverse way.

PC: Min.

LRH: See, it got worse. You got a new set of somatics turned on.

PC: Mm. Yes.

LRH: Huh? You see the position?

PC: Hm. Oh, don't worry. I'm all right.

LRH: Are you all right?

PC: Ye s. Ye s.

LRH: Will you forgive me if I leave you with those somatics?

PC: Uh-huh.

LRH: Not necessarily suggesting they won't go off at once.

PC: I don't mind. They'll be going off.

LRH: All right. Very good. Is it all right with you.? Say so if it isn't.

PC: No. Id say - no, it's quite all right with me.

LRH: Hm?

PC: Quite all right with me. I'm quite happy.

LRH: All right. Then is it all right with you if we conclude the body of session?

PC: Yes.

LRH: A little disagreement here. What might it be?

PC: Um, I wasn't quite sure of the time. That was the only thing.

LRH: Oh, it's twenty minutes of ten.

PC: Okay. That's all I wanted to say - wasn't anything I was careful of.

LRH: All right. Okay. Is it all right with you, then, if I end the body of session?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Okay. Now, I'd better make a notion - note here.

PC: Uh-huh.

LRH: Noting that pc's left with somatics on this goal. All right?

PC: Uh-huh.

LRH: Okay. 2.5, your TA. So here we go with the end rudiments.

PC: All right.

LRH: Here we are. In this session, have you told me any half-truth, untruth, done something only to impress me? And what have you done only to impress me?

PC: Opened me eyes sometimes.

LRH: Hm?

PC: I've opened my eyes sometimes.

LRH: Okay. Very good. In this session, have you done something only to impress me? All right. There's another reaction.

PC: I was leaning forward on the table ...

LRH: Uh-huh.

PC: one stage and then I sat back to impress you that I was all right.

LRH: Oh, all right. Very good. In this session, have you done something only to impress me? All right. I have another reaction here, what is that? There it is. Okay, what's that? What's that?

PC: Umm.

LRH: There it is.

PC: Well, I think I've kept my eye - my hand in my lap once when I had an itch on my forehead. And I thought I'd look bad if I'd put it up and scratched it, you see.

LRH: All right. Very good. In this session, have you done something only to impress me? All right. Do you agree that's clean?

PC: Uh-huh.

LRH: Very good. In this session, have you tried to damage anyone? All right. I have a reaction here. What is that? There it is.

PC: Um, I thought I might be damaging Jenny at one time.

LRH: All right. In this session, have you tried to damage anyone? All right. Do you agree that's clean?

PC: Uh-huh.

LRH: Very good. In this session, have you deliberately tried to influence the E-Meter? All right. Do you agree that's clean?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. In this session, have you failed to answer any question or command I have given you? All right, do you agree that's clean?

PC: Uh-huh.

LRH: Okay. In this session, have you decided anything.? All right. Do you agree that's clean?

PC: Uh-huh.

LRH: All right. In this session, have I failed to find out anything you have thought, said or done? All right. There is a thought there.

PC: Oh I thought that you'd probably find out that I'd noticed you'd altered the rudiment around.

LRH: Very good.

PC: That's funny, I pointed it out once. Yes.

LRH: All right. Very good. In this session, have I failed to find out anything you have thought? Very good. Do you agree that's clean?

PC: Uh-huh.

LRH: In this session, has anything been misunderstood? And what is that?

PC: Well, you misunderstood me when I said it was all right. It was all right and you asked me - kept asking me, as much as to say you didn't understand that it was all right.

LRH: All right. Very good. In this session, was anything misunderstood? All right. I have another reaction there.

PC: It was the thing with the lift. I think you misunderstood at first.

LRH: All right. Very good. In this session, was anything misunderstood? All right. Do you agree that's clean?

PC: Uh-huh.

LRH: Very good. In this session, was the room all right?

PC: Uh-huh.

LRH: All right. Do you agree that that's clean?

PC: Yep.

LRH: All right. Any comments to make on the room?

PC: No.

LRH: Very good. All right. Squeeze the cans. All right. Put the cans down. Okay. We're going to run just a few commands of Havingness.

PC: Uh-huh.

LRH: Okay. Feel that cloth. Thank you.Feel the back of your left hand. Thank you.Feel the back of your right hand. Thank you.Feel your wristwatch. Thank you.Feel the top of that telephone. Thank you.Feel the dial. Thank you.Feel the top of that telephone. Thank you.Feel the clock. Thank you.Feel that lapel of that jacket. Thank you.Feel the inside of that can. Thank you.Feel the outside of that can. Thank you.Pick up the cans. Okay. Oh, that's much better. Squeeze the cans. Fine. Fine. Fine. That's good. All right. It came right back up toward 3.0.

PC: Good.

LRH: Okay. Now, have you made any part of your goals for this session?

PC: Well, I think we've done very well.

LRH: To find the goal is the first one.

PC: Well, we're on it or something. I don't know but we've certainly done a lot of work on something there.

LRH: All right. To work well.

PC: Well, I think I worked very well.

LRH: Uh-huh. All right. To feel even better at the end of it.

PC: Well, I do really. I'm not - the pain's gone in my chest. Hasn't gone completely but it's eased off quite a bit. Me arms are quite okay now since we did the rudiments.

LRH: All right. Very good. What will we say about that, to feel even better?

PC: Well, yes. We're feeling

LRH: All right. Very good. And this was part of it: to get my eyes a bit better.

PC: Well, I can't tell you about those at the moment. They're a bit moist. Uh, yes, I can read that a bit better than I could. Yes, I think there's an improvement there. Because me eyes have been - very conscious of me eyes sometimes in session.

LRH: All right. Very good. Now, are there any other gains you'd care to mention?

PC: Um, yes. I - uh - despite the slow haul getting away in the beginning rudiments - uh - it really got me into session because - uh - it's only about once or twice did I really think of the people downstairs. And I think that's - really getting in-session is quite a gain.

LRH: Mm.

PC: And I had a number of cognitions throughout.

LRH: Okay.

PC: I think that's the lot.

LRH: All right. Very good. Now, is there anything you'd care to ask or say before I end this session?

PC: Well, I want to thank you very much for the session. And, it's a pity we didn't make it on that one. It would have been quite a

LRH: All right.

PC: ... quite something. But there we are.

LRH: Okay. All right. Is it all right with you if I end this session?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Here it is: End of session.

PC: Thank you.

LRH: All right. Tell me I'm no longer auditing you.

PC: You're no longer auditing me.

LRH: All right.

PC: Thank you.