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АНГЛИЙСКИЕ ДОКИ ЗА ЭТУ ДАТУ- Auditing the PC on Clear Procedure - B580408 | Сравнить
- Pair of Processes - B580408-2 | Сравнить

РУССКИЕ ДОКИ ЗА ЭТУ ДАТУ- Пара Процессов - Б580408-2 | Сравнить

СКАНЫ ЗА ЭТУ ДАТУ- 580408 - HCO Bulletin - Auditing the PC on Clear Procedure [B022-035]
- 580408 - HCO Bulletin - Auditing the PC on Clear Procedure [B034-029 ]
- 580408 - HCO Bulletin - Auditing the PC on Clear Procedure [B084-029]
- 580408 - HCO Bulletin - Auditing the PC on Clear Procedure [B084-030]
- 580408 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Pair of Processes, A [B022-036]
- 580408 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Pair of Processes, A [B034-030]
- 580408 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Pair of Processes, A [B084-027]
- 580408 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Pair of Processes, A [B084-028]
- 580408 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Pair of Processes, A [B128-001]
- 580408 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Pair of Processes, A [B128-002]
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Выпуск II



We must not lose sight of the fact that only TWO processes clear a pc. All others only support these TWO and make it possible to run these two.

То и дело я выуживаю какой-нибудь старинный процесс и смотрю, нельзя ли его заставит работать.

These processes are:

От Про пу Вос и Забывание — вот парочка, которая недавно проявила возможную конкретную ценность — т.е. способность создавать конкретное воздействие на конкретную трудность.

1. Help, CCH Ob

Очевидно, Восхищение и Критика — это пара противоположностей. Максин Козак предполагает, что Воспроизведение — это Восхищение. С этой точки зрения я посмотрел на графики Оксфордских тестов и подумал, что на низкое положение позиции “критика” можно повлиять с помощью От Про пу Вос. Здесь следует провести тест. Действие другого процесса менее оторвано от реальности. Конкретный инструмент для плохой памяти — это Забывание в Вилках. Обычно при задавании “Вспомните то, что другие люди могли бы забыть без возражений с вашей стороны” вы обнаружите некую автоматичность. Это и есть “плохая память”. Для хорошей памяти требуется просто-напросто чистая совесть.

2. Step 6, Mock-ups. Keep it from going away, Hold it still, Make it more solid.

Команды Забывания будут представлять собой шестистороннюю вилку.

First in auditing we have to get pc to sit there and be willing to be audited. We have for this many processes. Best is TR 5 ”You make that body sit in that chair” ”Thank you”.

Вспомни то (или подумай о том), что ты не возражал бы

Next we are continually confronted with keeping pc in session. This is done with good ARC. No process can supplant good auditor ARC. Pc must know auditor is interested in him. This does not mean auditor does not control pc or let him gabble but it does mean that pc and auditor have ARC.

  • 1. Забыть сам.

The next condition which must be met is the eradication of present time problems.

  • 2. Чтобы другой человек забыл.
  • This is done by ”What part of that problem could you be responsible for?”

  • 3. Забыть о другом.
  • Psychosomatics may come under head of a p.t. Problem. One runs hellos and okays on the terminal to improve reality on it. ”Say hello to that (body part) – have it say okay to you. Have it say hello to you. You say okay to it.” One can also run”What part of that (body part) can you be responsible for?” One can also have pc mock up”unknown (body part)”. One can also clear help on that body part. As a psychosomatic is a concentration of attention it fulfills the condition of a p. t. Problem which is ”any worry that keeps a pc out of session, which worry must exist in present time in the real universe”. One can run all of these on a resistant psychosomatic.

  • 4. Чтобы другой забыл о тебе.
  • One should clear help on objects and terminals connected with the pc’s job.

  • 5. Чтобы другие люди забыли.
  • One should clear help on the terminals of the various dynamics.

  • 6. Чтобы другой человек забыл о другом человеке.
  • With an E-Meter needle nul and free on help, one can go to Step 6. This doesn’t mean that one should not later return to help. It may be Step 6 must be approached with S-C-S and Connectedness. The needle will tell. A heavily stuck needle is worse than a wildly surging one. Connectedness clears stuck needles.

    Каждая команда проясняется. Команды подаются не повторно, а друг за другом. Это процесс низкого уровня. Идет ниже, чем “Не-Знание”, но достигает и этого.

    Step 6 can be run just as in the book ”Clear Procedure.” [See page 172.] If it is too tough for pc, run help and responsibility on pictures.

    Это основной процесс по неизвестностям и полям любого рода.

    Then complete Step 6 with great thoroughness.


    Rising Scale Processing Modern Version is very good. However, even though it works low scale, it is in reality an OT process, not a clear process. Rising Scale can be run on any consideration. The basic is”Get the idea it is impossible to reach anything”.”Now Postulate that you can reach everything.” There is no fancier version. There are other buttons besides reach. The basic command is get the idea negative. Postulate the positive.

    [БПО 143, "Пара процессов", 1 сент 1958, составлен на основе этого БОХС и БОХС 22 марта 1958, "Реальность Клирования".]

    This is clearing. It works as well as one directly approaches the task of clearing with the above.

    But clearing cannot happen in the presence of

    1. A present time problem not flat.

    2. Poor auditor-pc ARC.

    3. Putting the pc at the effect end of life in or out of session during an intensive.

    4. Detouring into contributory processes in the belief they will clear rather than set up a case. And

    5. Leaving untouched zones of irresponsibility and zones of refused help.

    I wish you good luck in clearing.


    [PAB 142, Auditing the Pc on Clear Procedure, 15 August 1958, is taken from this HCO B.]