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SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 621029 - HCO Policy Letter - Religion [PL005-112]
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Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Urgent to D.C., N.Y., & L.A. Information CenOCon


(Furnish a copy of this to all attorneys dealing with our interests for us.)

It is of interest to all organizations that all Scientology incorporations are religious in nature.

Not only the Founding Church of Scientology or the Churches of Scientology in the United States, but also all HASI Inc. offices (which includes all British and Commonwealth offices as HASI Ltd. is not fully in force anywhere except New Zealand) are religious corporations.

In the HASI Inc. incorporation papers the corporation is clearly designated as a „religious fellowship“.

The use of the E-Meter in Scientology, but not Dianetics, is describable as follows:

„All religions seek truth.” Freedom of the spirit is only to be found on the road to Truth.

„Sin is composed, according to Scientology, of Lies and hidden actions and is therefore Untruth.

„The Electrometer is used to disclose truth to the individual who is being processed and thus free him spiritually.

„Only in this way can Man's spiritual self be regained.

„A religious confessional fails only when not guided by a modern instrument such as the Electrometer.

„Religions in the 1960's use modern aids. The Electrometer is a valid religious instrument, used in Confessionals, and is in no way diagnostic and does not treat.

„Regardless of any earlier uses of psychogalvanometers in Dianetics or psychology or in early Scientology publications when research was in progress, the Electrometer in Scientology today has no other use than as directed above.“

In view of the „interest“ the Food and Drug Administration has in the E-Meter, the above data is vital and must be impressed upon investigating agents as it is only the truth of the matter. They thought that outside the U.S. Scientology was not religious, which is false. The impression must be strongly corrected in the FDA at once.

Dianetics used an older instrument to detect engrams. The book Electro-psychometric Auditing is entirely a Dianetic manual.

For information of the London and Commonwealth offices, they will soon be transferred to Church status when the Founding Church of Washington DC is given full tax exemption, and HASI Ltd. and HCO Ltd. shares will be converted to equally valuable Church certificates.

Scientology 1970 is being planned on a religious organization basis throughout the world.

This will not upset in any way the usual activities of any organization. It is entirely a matter for accountants and solicitors.

I have evidently failed in designating HASI Ltd. as a non-profit organization and cannot transfer HASI Inc. assets to any but a non-profit corporation. Therefore other arrangements must be made, but these in no way shatter any organization or change its personnel or actions in the slightest.