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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Academy Schedule, Clarification of - B610607 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 610607 - HCO Bulletin - Academy Schedule, Clarification Of [B001-053]
- 610607 - HCO Bulletin - Academy Schedule, Clarification Of [B037-039]
- 610607 - HCO Bulletin - Academy Schedule, Clarification Of [B154-013]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Central OrgsCentral Orgs



There is apparently a considerable confusion going on as to what should be taught in an Academy. Some schedules and advices from various people have been handed about that didn't really duplicate the intention well, and I have not before clarified since the issue of the Pre Hav.

There is apparently a considerable confusion going on as to what should be taught in an Academy. Some schedules and advices from various people have been handed about that didn't really duplicate the intention well, and I have not before clarified since the issue of the Pre Hav.

A review of Academies and auditors and their skills at the time of examination, and in application for and early service in HGCs, shows that Academies have for some time been in violation of one of the stable data about new auditors. A new auditor should be trained up to a point where he or she can be employed at once as a staff auditor and put on a pc without the D of P giving them endless hours of additional training.

A review of Academies and auditors and their skills at the time of examination, and in application for and early service in HGCs, shows that Academies have for some time been in violation of one of the stable data about new auditors. A new auditor should be trained up to a point where he or she can be employed at once as a staff auditor and put on a pc without the D of P giving them endless hours of additional training.

This does not mean that all auditors graduating should be employed by the HGC. It means all graduating should be capable of being employed. Why? Well, these auditors are going out to audit and haven't got a D of P to further train them, so they are being handed a career failure if they cannot audit people without further training.

This does not mean that all auditors graduating should be employed by the HGC. It means all graduating should be capable of being employed. Why? Well, these auditors are going out to audit and haven't got a D of P to further train them, so they are being handed a career failure if they cannot audit people without further training.

The attention of all Assn Secs and Ds of T is vigorously called to the technical calibre desired from an academy student and the necessary training reality.

The attention of all Assn Secs and Ds of T is vigorously called to the technical calibre desired from an academy student and the necessary training reality.

You are not training auditors if when they graduate they cannot audit. Now whatever schedules, classes and other fancy ways of dodging the necessity to confront students have been employed, just tear them all up. They are not a good substitute for training. Because we have all been trained in the educational system circa mid twentieth century we are liable to think that forming people up into classes and getting them to jump over books on schedule will educate them. Well it won't. We are here to train auditors not to educate them. So just train them.

You are not training auditors if when they graduate they cannot audit. Now whatever schedules, classes and other fancy ways of dodging the necessity to confront students have been employed, just tear them all up. They are not a good substitute for training. Because we have all been trained in the educational system circa mid twentieth century we are liable to think that forming people up into classes and getting them to jump over books on schedule will educate them. Well it won't. We are here to train auditors not to educate them. So just train them.



Well you do it by check sheet. You make up a check sheet of all the items this person must actually know in order to practise auditing effectively. Then each time the person passes a level he is examined and checked off on the check sheet, and goes on.

Well you do it by check sheet. You make up a check sheet of all the items this person must actually know in order to practise auditing effectively. Then each time the person passes a level he is examined and checked off on the check sheet, and goes on.

Here is the leader in all this data: You can dawdle around with theory outside an Academy, read books and so on. But in an Academy only can you LEARN certain things and not all the books in the world will teach them.

Here is the leader in all this data: You can dawdle around with theory outside an Academy, read books and so on. But in an Academy only can you LEARN certain things and not all the books in the world will teach them.

These things are as follows: the TRs 0 to 9, the Model Session while obeying the TRs, the E-Meter, the CCHs, the Pre Hav Scale and its use in assessment. The running of general Pre Hav levels, how to do a Security Check.

These things are as follows: the TRs 0 to 9, the Model Session while obeying the TRs, the E-Meter, the CCHs, the Pre Hav Scale and its use in assessment. The running of general Pre Hav levels, how to do a Security Check.

Those are the things they can't learn anywhere else. Therefore all training should not be of a class, for this terminal called a class will never audit anybody. All training should be of student individuals who will audit people, for only an individual student, not a class, will do any auditing.

Those are the things they can't learn anywhere else. Therefore all training should not be of a class, for this terminal called a class will never audit anybody. All training should be of student individuals who will audit people, for only an individual student, not a class, will do any auditing.

Now you will also find that if the student doesn't listen to at least fifty taped lectures of mine he won't know the mood or flavor of all this, and so will develop rather weird ideas of what we're all about and charge around making nothing out of people, so a daily hour of tape is quite important for the whole eight weeks the student is there.

Now you will also find that if the student doesn't listen to at least fifty taped lectures of mine he won't know the mood or flavor of all this, and so will develop rather weird ideas of what we're all about and charge around making nothing out of people, so a daily hour of tape is quite important for the whole eight weeks the student is there.

All right, he also has to know the Auditor's Code. And he should know the Code of a Scientologist. And he should know his axioms.

All right, he also has to know the Auditor's Code. And he should know the Code of a Scientologist. And he should know his axioms.

What else? Not another blistering cotton picking thing, that's what. NOTHING

What else? Not another blistering cotton picking thing, that's what. NOTHING

else. If you try to teach anything else you've had it.

else. If you try to teach anything else you've had it.

So your check list should be composed of the various parts of just those things. Now all this frantic motion of getting the student into classes and regimented doesn't fit in with what we're doing. So it is pure silliness to say, “How can we enter a student in a Comm Course when we only run one every few weeks and er what gee can't well er can't dogs alter-is let's see....” Actually the first and last part of the sentence make the same sense. NEITHER make any sense of course.

So your check list should be composed of the various parts of just those things. Now all this frantic motion of getting the student into classes and regimented doesn't fit in with what we're doing. So it is pure silliness to say, “How can we enter a student in a Comm Course when we only run one every few weeks and er what gee can't well er can't dogs alter-is let's see....” Actually the first and last part of the sentence make the same sense. NEITHER make any sense of course.

So you have two UNITS. These two units are called unit one and unit two. They are not so called because of weeks present or cats on the belfry or diabums on the scollery. They are called units one and two because the students in unit one are studying techniques and the students in unit two are studying processes or applications. So you have two UNITS. These two units are called unit one and unit two. They are not so called because of weeks present or cats on the belfry or diabums on the scollery. They are called units one and two because the students in unit one are studying techniques and the students in unit two are studying processes or applications.

Thus we know a unit one student not by the colour of his glasses or his voucher of payment. We know him because he has a check sheet in his paw which says unit one on the top of it and which has under it Code of an Auditor, the listed TRs, the Model Session, the E-Meter and the CCHs. Then we have a unit two student and he is obvious not because he has a time clock in his hand but because we can clearly see that he has in his paw a sheet which has on it Code of a Scientologist, the Pre Hav Scale, Assessments how to do, commands how to make up, Security Checking, and character of auditing review and the axioms, and then follows a list of fifty or sixty tapes.

Thus we know a unit one student not by the colour of his glasses or his voucher of payment. We know him because he has a check sheet in his paw which says unit one on the top of it and which has under it Code of an Auditor, the listed TRs, the Model Session, the E-Meter and the CCHs. Then we have a unit two student and he is obvious not because he has a time clock in his hand but because we can clearly see that he has in his paw a sheet which has on it Code of a Scientologist, the Pre Hav Scale, Assessments how to do, commands how to make up, Security Checking, and character of auditing review and the axioms, and then follows a list of fifty or sixty tapes.

All these items have little tails after them four times so he can be examined four times by instructors and flunked the first three.

All these items have little tails after them four times so he can be examined four times by instructors and flunked the first three.

Now when he gets out he can take an Extension Course and complete his theory, but he can also do a creditable job of Routine One and Routine Two as covered in HCO Bulletin of June 5, 1961.

Now when he gets out he can take an Extension Course and complete his theory, but he can also do a creditable job of Routine One and Routine Two as covered in HCO Bulletin of June 5, 1961.

No classes. He reports. He works with other students. He sweats it out. He gets no auditing, but may be security checked and security check other students. He may assess people, but as long as he is in unit one he only concentrates on mechanics, and can't go on to unit two before he is perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect in unit one. He can only leave unit two when he is safe safe safe safe safe safe to employ at once in the HGC. A student may not be examined by HCO until those check sheets are all initialled as perfect by instructors.

No classes. He reports. He works with other students. He sweats it out. He gets no auditing, but may be security checked and security check other students. He may assess people, but as long as he is in unit one he only concentrates on mechanics, and can't go on to unit two before he is perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect in unit one. He can only leave unit two when he is safe safe safe safe safe safe to employ at once in the HGC. A student may not be examined by HCO until those check sheets are all initialled as perfect by instructors.

What's this do to training? It demands that our instructors are all letter-perfect on the above material and that they impart the personal touch to every student, and not in big masses but with hammers on individual heads.

What's this do to training? It demands that our instructors are all letter-perfect on the above material and that they impart the personal touch to every student, and not in big masses but with hammers on individual heads.

I herewith forbid classes and authorize only one daily seminar. I forbid more than the above to be taught in the Academy. I forbid as well length of time present to operate as any criterion of the skill of an auditor.

I herewith forbid classes and authorize only one daily seminar. I forbid more than the above to be taught in the Academy. I forbid as well length of time present to operate as any criterion of the skill of an auditor.

Now that's an Academy. Write down your questions and mail them to me fast. Then read this again for it's all I will say.

Now that's an Academy. Write down your questions and mail them to me fast. Then read this again for it's all I will say.


[This HCO B has been amended per HCO PL 9 October 1961, HPA/HCA Rundown Change, which said only that the Auditor's Code should be inserted in Unit One and omitted from Unit Two.]

[This HCO B has been amended per HCO PL 9 October 1961, HPA/HCA Rundown Change, which said only that the Auditor's Code should be inserted in Unit One and omitted from Unit Two.]