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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Actual Goals (S4) - B630928 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 630928 - HCO Bulletin - Scientology Four - Important - Actual Goals [B153-052]
CONTENTS ACTUAL GOALS PROGRAMING R4M2 Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
(Amplifies HCO Bulletin of 8 May 1963)
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
(Amplifies HCO Bulletin of 8 May 1963)
All Saint Hill GraduatesAll Saint Hill Graduates
Scientology Four
Scientology Four



--(This HCO Bulletin should be of great interest to older Saint Hill Graduates)The actual goals and items of the preclear are several thousand times more aberrative than implant GPMs.--(This HCO Bulletin should be of great interest to older Saint Hill Graduates)The actual goals and items of the preclear are several thousand times more aberrative than implant GPMs.

I have covered the entire scope of implanted goals and implants in general and we are fortunate to have all this material. An auditor must know it to cope with Class IV auditing as these implant GPMs become confused with actual Goals Problem Masses on a meter. Further, the implanted GPM gives the student auditor a marvelous training ground for running actual GPMs, and it is recommended that the implant GPM be studied and some of them run before the auditor tries to handle actual GPMs. Furthermore, it was wise to know all the tricks “out there” before we went. So I had to collect them for you.

I have covered the entire scope of implanted goals and implants in general and we are fortunate to have all this material. An auditor must know it to cope with Class IV auditing as these implant GPMs become confused with actual Goals Problem Masses on a meter. Further, the implanted GPM gives the student auditor a marvelous training ground for running actual GPMs, and it is recommended that the implant GPM be studied and some of them run before the auditor tries to handle actual GPMs. Furthermore, it was wise to know all the tricks “out there” before we went. So I had to collect them for you.

Confusion between implant and actual GPMs occurs because the implanters used types of goals and patterns found in actual GPMs. Implanters obviously had a knowledge, from historical record or even research, of what a thetan’s own goals look like but obviously they never developed the data to a workable therapy or they probably would not have continued to be driven to such costly expedients as continuous implanting, between lives installations, etc.

Confusion between implant and actual GPMs occurs because the implanters used types of goals and patterns found in actual GPMs. Implanters obviously had a knowledge, from historical record or even research, of what a thetan’s own goals look like but obviously they never developed the data to a workable therapy or they probably would not have continued to be driven to such costly expedients as continuous implanting, between lives installations, etc.

The highest level of treatment technology known to exist in the universe before Scientology was Pictureology wherein, at a signal from the therapist, the thetan crunched up the engram. This is currently in use (and has been for many trillions of years) in the Galactic Confederation. There are few further complications to it except putting the thetan under control with sleep lights. Pictureology is very close to implanting. The practitioner gets a picture of the scene of the accident, holds it before the thetan and snaps a pair of bars, not unlike cine clap sticks, before the thetan. The thetan eventually gets the idea and angrily or otherwise duplicates the action of the stick by crunching his own engram.

The highest level of treatment technology known to exist in the universe before Scientology was Pictureology wherein, at a signal from the therapist, the thetan crunched up the engram. This is currently in use (and has been for many trillions of years) in the Galactic Confederation. There are few further complications to it except putting the thetan under control with sleep lights. Pictureology is very close to implanting. The practitioner gets a picture of the scene of the accident, holds it before the thetan and snaps a pair of bars, not unlike cine clap sticks, before the thetan. The thetan eventually gets the idea and angrily or otherwise duplicates the action of the stick by crunching his own engram.

There are numerous kinds of traps and ways of catching and freezing a thetan. These are categorized as Projectile which shoot a thetan, usually with beams or lights; Luring which cause a thetan to inspect; Pole which trap a thetan with his own energy; Prison which imprison the thetan; and Maze which confuse a thetan. Temperature and perhaps chemicals are used to paralyze a thetan once caught.

There are numerous kinds of traps and ways of catching and freezing a thetan. These are categorized as Projectile which shoot a thetan, usually with beams or lights; Luring which cause a thetan to inspect; Pole which trap a thetan with his own energy; Prison which imprison the thetan; and Maze which confuse a thetan. Temperature and perhaps chemicals are used to paralyze a thetan once caught.

All other mental activities are done by implanting. Screen implants cause the thetan to put his pictures up on a screen where they are misdated and scrambled. Picture implants simply show the thetan pictures which he recoils from or takes to be his own. Picture implants are also occasionally filled with false dates. They give the thetan false pasts and futures. They often repeat the actual beginning and ending of the incident in picture form, making it hard to get before or after the implant as one sees pictures of his arrival and departure and so thinks he is not into the implant or out of it. Goal implantsare the third and most serious type of implant. They take a goal and patternof items with left and right firing poles or jets and implant terminals and opposition terminals. The pattern is a too regular GPM not unlike a thetan’s own GPMs. This confuses the thetan as to his own goals and seeks to scramble his own goals and items. The implanted GPM gets confused into the thetan’s own GPMs and often in running a thetan’s own goals and items one gets into implant goals or items and vice versa. One only needs to straighten it out by carefully asking on the meter if this is an installed goal or items or an actual one.

All other mental activities are done by implanting. Screen implants cause the thetan to put his pictures up on a screen where they are misdated and scrambled. Picture implants simply show the thetan pictures which he recoils from or takes to be his own. Picture implants are also occasionally filled with false dates. They give the thetan false pasts and futures. They often repeat the actual beginning and ending of the incident in picture form, making it hard to get before or after the implant as one sees pictures of his arrival and departure and so thinks he is not into the implant or out of it. Goal implantsare the third and most serious type of implant. They take a goal and patternof items with left and right firing poles or jets and implant terminals and opposition terminals. The pattern is a too regular GPM not unlike a thetan’s own GPMs. This confuses the thetan as to his own goals and seeks to scramble his own goals and items. The implanted GPM gets confused into the thetan’s own GPMs and often in running a thetan’s own goals and items one gets into implant goals or items and vice versa. One only needs to straighten it out by carefully asking on the meter if this is an installed goal or items or an actual one.

The things one runs for gain today on the pc are:

The things one runs for gain today on the pc are:

  1. R1C (Itsa Line) .
  1. R1C (Itsa Line) .
  • R2T (dating somatics).
  • R2T (dating somatics).
  • R2H (ARC breaks).
  • R2H (ARC breaks).
  • R3SC (Service Facsimile Clearing).
  • R3SC (Service Facsimile Clearing).
  • R4M2 (formerly R3M2).
  • R4M2 (formerly R3M2).
  • Finding goals is done via R3SC.

    Finding goals is done via R3SC.

    R4M2 listing takes the first RR on the item list. The auditor stops the pc and reads the item and says “Is this your item” and concludes then the usual R3M2 steps.

    R4M2 listing takes the first RR on the item list. The auditor stops the pc and reads the item and says “Is this your item” and concludes then the usual R3M2 steps.

    The change of designation from R3 to R4 is to agree with the new levels of Scientology. All Routine 3 materials are now called Routine 4 because it belongs in Level 4 (OT). Engram Running by Chains remains R3 and is used for this lifetime.

    The change of designation from R3 to R4 is to agree with the new levels of Scientology. All Routine 3 materials are now called Routine 4 because it belongs in Level 4 (OT). Engram Running by Chains remains R3 and is used for this lifetime.

    R3N (Running Implant Goals) is now R4N and is otherwise unchanged.

    R3N (Running Implant Goals) is now R4N and is otherwise unchanged.

    R4M2 is unchanged except for letting the pc itsa whether or not the RRing item is his or her item. One doesn’t let the pc have an item that doesn’t rocket read on being called.

    R4M2 is unchanged except for letting the pc itsa whether or not the RRing item is his or her item. One doesn’t let the pc have an item that doesn’t rocket read on being called.

    It is almost amusing to note how hard implanters work and what overts they must feel they run up, and to note as well that if it were not for a thetan’s own Goals Problem Masses they could effect nothing harmful. How hard they work. And all for nothing. They are not the source of aberration. They merely make the universe seem more unpleasant. As for creating aberration, they could not. Sleep lights, screens, false-picture projectors, goal implants alike are wholly innocuous compared to the thetan’s own Goals Problem Masses. One aberrates himself. And if he did not, nobody else could.

    It is almost amusing to note how hard implanters work and what overts they must feel they run up, and to note as well that if it were not for a thetan’s own Goals Problem Masses they could effect nothing harmful. How hard they work. And all for nothing. They are not the source of aberration. They merely make the universe seem more unpleasant. As for creating aberration, they could not. Sleep lights, screens, false-picture projectors, goal implants alike are wholly innocuous compared to the thetan’s own Goals Problem Masses. One aberrates himself. And if he did not, nobody else could.

    The service facsimile is in actual fact the two top reliable items of the last (present time) pc’s actual Goals Problem Mass. This does not prevent one from using R3SC. On the contrary this makes R3SC work.

    The service facsimile is in actual fact the two top reliable items of the last (present time) pc’s actual Goals Problem Mass. This does not prevent one from using R3SC. On the contrary this makes R3SC work.

    The pc’s present time (current) goal can be used as a service facsimile if accidentally found providing one uses it in R3SC process with “In this lifetime” appended to every command employed.

    The pc’s present time (current) goal can be used as a service facsimile if accidentally found providing one uses it in R3SC process with “In this lifetime” appended to every command employed.



    In programing R4M2:

    In programing R4M2:

    1. If you find an actual correct goal of the pc, run it only if it is the present time (latest) goal on the track. If not, do goal oppose lists until you do find the present time goal.
    1. If you find an actual correct goal of the pc, run it only if it is the present time (latest) goal on the track. If not, do goal oppose lists until you do find the present time goal.
  • Unless you’ve done a lot of RlC and R3SC on the pc the present time over- restimulation keeps the present time goal (or any actual goal) from being found.
  • Unless you’ve done a lot of RlC and R3SC on the pc the present time over- restimulation keeps the present time goal (or any actual goal) from being found.
  • It is easier to find an implant goal than an actual goal, so carefully ask about it and sort out any goal on the meter.
  • It is easier to find an implant goal than an actual goal, so carefully ask about it and sort out any goal on the meter.
  • Get the pc’s actual present time GPM before you do any R4M2 on it. Don’t go listing items on a backtrack GPM.
  • Get the pc’s actual present time GPM before you do any R4M2 on it. Don’t go listing items on a backtrack GPM.
  • Start a present time actual GPM by listing for the top terminal. It’s easier to find the top terminal, for the PT GPM is usually truncated (incomplete).
  • Start a present time actual GPM by listing for the top terminal. It’s easier to find the top terminal, for the PT GPM is usually truncated (incomplete).
  • Go on down through the GPM to the goal.
  • Go on down through the GPM to the goal.
  • Find the next goal below the present time one. List the present time goal as an RI to find the top oppterm of the next goal. (Note: this step is optional. A bank can be cleaned up without finding the next goal below. NEVER include this step if your pc is getting less than 20 divs of down TA per session, as you won’t find the lower GPM until you have completed the one you’re working. So omit finding next goal on low TA motion pcs and find it ollly when all other steps are taken.)
  • Find the next goal below the present time one. List the present time goal as an RI to find the top oppterm of the next goal. (Note: this step is optional. A bank can be cleaned up without finding the next goal below. NEVER include this step if your pc is getting less than 20 divs of down TA per session, as you won’t find the lower GPM until you have completed the one you’re working. So omit finding next goal on low TA motion pcs and find it ollly when all other steps are taken.)
  • Go back to the present time GPM. Read the items already found on the line plot to the pc. Take the highest one (nearest PT) that ticks. Complete the list from which it came from (not the list that opposes it or it opposes).
  • Go back to the present time GPM. Read the items already found on the line plot to the pc. Take the highest one (nearest PT) that ticks. Complete the list from which it came from (not the list that opposes it or it opposes).
  • Using the new item found continue R4M2 on the current GPM.
  • Using the new item found continue R4M2 on the current GPM.
  • When no more items exist in the top (present time) GPM, prepcheck the goal and all auditing on goals and items.
  • When no more items exist in the top (present time) GPM, prepcheck the goal and all auditing on goals and items.
  • Go to the next GPM for which you already have the top oppterm and continue with R4M2.
  • Go to the next GPM for which you already have the top oppterm and continue with R4M2.
  • Use the same steps used on the present time GPM to run and clean up each GPM in turn.
  • Use the same steps used on the present time GPM to run and clean up each GPM in turn.
  • GPMs are run from the latest (nearest present time) back down the track. Items are found from the latest (top, nearest present time) to earlier always.

    GPMs are run from the latest (nearest present time) back down the track. Items are found from the latest (top, nearest present time) to earlier always.

    The pc’s reality is always greatest at the nearest to PT end of any GPM, no matter how far back they are.

    The pc’s reality is always greatest at the nearest to PT end of any GPM, no matter how far back they are.

    Overlisting lists is all that gets the pc skipping about and into other GPMs. So keep the lists very short, 5-10 items, just until the first RR is seen. List only until the item being listed from does not tick on test.

    Overlisting lists is all that gets the pc skipping about and into other GPMs. So keep the lists very short, 5-10 items, just until the first RR is seen. List only until the item being listed from does not tick on test.

    Keep the pc’s itsa line in. Let the pc say it is or isn’t his. But don’t let the pc have an item that doesn’t RR.

    Keep the pc’s itsa line in. Let the pc say it is or isn’t his. But don’t let the pc have an item that doesn’t RR.

    Don’t worry the pc about tone arm or auditing actions. Let the pc run his bank, you run the session.

    Don’t worry the pc about tone arm or auditing actions. Let the pc run his bank, you run the session.

    Do careffil case analysis (ARC break lists and case analysis lists — to be published) — when the case goes wrong.

    Do careffil case analysis (ARC break lists and case analysis lists — to be published) — when the case goes wrong.

    Find lots of reliable items. If you don’t let the pc have lots, he has nothing to itsa. Therefore you get less tone arm action.

    Find lots of reliable items. If you don’t let the pc have lots, he has nothing to itsa. Therefore you get less tone arm action.

    Actual GPMs give far more TA action than implants on R4N, the implant GPM routine that uses line plots.

    Actual GPMs give far more TA action than implants on R4N, the implant GPM routine that uses line plots.

    The pc’s own line plot is quite individual, like the original line plot for “To Scream” in HCOBs. Implant GPMs are all pattern (same RIs every time).

    The pc’s own line plot is quite individual, like the original line plot for “To Scream” in HCOBs. Implant GPMs are all pattern (same RIs every time).

    It is easy, on overlisting (or listing only by blowdown as has been tried) for the pc to skip RIs or get into wrong GPMs.

    It is easy, on overlisting (or listing only by blowdown as has been tried) for the pc to skip RIs or get into wrong GPMs.

    The auditor must be careful not to run an actual GPM below the goal as an item and into the next GPM. The only thing that will turn off the pc’s rocket read is running items out of a GPM for which one does not have the goal.

    The auditor must be careful not to run an actual GPM below the goal as an item and into the next GPM. The only thing that will turn off the pc’s rocket read is running items out of a GPM for which one does not have the goal.

    Running a backtrack GPM before the present time GPM is run (or skipping a GPM going back) sows the earlier line plot with items from the missed GPM.

    Running a backtrack GPM before the present time GPM is run (or skipping a GPM going back) sows the earlier line plot with items from the missed GPM.

    The pc’s current actions are always explained by the pair of items nearest present time. This is true for all GPMs no matter how far back you’ve run.

    The pc’s current actions are always explained by the pair of items nearest present time. This is true for all GPMs no matter how far back you’ve run.

    The pc has only a small number of actual GPMs, less than 50. Perhaps no more than 20.

    The pc has only a small number of actual GPMs, less than 50. Perhaps no more than 20.

    The length of the time track is infinitely greater than one supposes. Trillions one hundred is not the start of track. That’s trillion written one hundred times.

    The length of the time track is infinitely greater than one supposes. Trillions one hundred is not the start of track. That’s trillion written one hundred times.

    One seldom dates in R4M2 and only then to orient some item worrying the pc that has gotten out of place and only then by order of magnitude of years ago.

    One seldom dates in R4M2 and only then to orient some item worrying the pc that has gotten out of place and only then by order of magnitude of years ago.

    Anything worrying the pc or reducing his capability or life potential is to be found in actual items or goals, not in engrams or implants. These are not primary causes. Only the pc’s own goals and items are capable of basically causing the trouble.

    Anything worrying the pc or reducing his capability or life potential is to be found in actual items or goals, not in engrams or implants. These are not primary causes. Only the pc’s own goals and items are capable of basically causing the trouble.

    The whole explanation of how an RI forms lies in the discussions of the service facsimile and the original explanations of the Goals Problem Mass 1962.

    The whole explanation of how an RI forms lies in the discussions of the service facsimile and the original explanations of the Goals Problem Mass 1962.

    I am sorry to have caused auditors of this period to work so hard on R3N implant goals. But without this data and understanding found between May and September of 1963 actual GPMs are impossible to handle as one gets into implants. A pc’s confront of his own GPMs is increased by running implant GPMs providing TA action occurs in sufficient quantity. After running a few implant GPMs one comes up to contempt for their aberrative value. The pc is lucky who has run a few before tackling his own GPMs.

    I am sorry to have caused auditors of this period to work so hard on R3N implant goals. But without this data and understanding found between May and September of 1963 actual GPMs are impossible to handle as one gets into implants. A pc’s confront of his own GPMs is increased by running implant GPMs providing TA action occurs in sufficient quantity. After running a few implant GPMs one comes up to contempt for their aberrative value. The pc is lucky who has run a few before tackling his own GPMs.


