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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Experience on Routine 6 (S6) - B640000 | Сравнить

Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
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After and auditor has been auditing Routine 6 for a few sessions, he or she may have observed occasionally the following:

After and auditor has been auditing Routine 6 for a few sessions, he or she may have observed occasionally the following:

  1. A meter shutting off its reads.
  1. A meter shutting off its reads.
  • Items failing to blow down properly.
  • Items failing to blow down properly.
  • Placement steps not reading.
  • Placement steps not reading.
  • Pc tending to take over session control.
  • Pc tending to take over session control.
  • Heat shutting off.
  • Heat shutting off.
  • A Meter reading poorly.
  • A Meter reading poorly.
  • Steps not going in with good reads.
  • Steps not going in with good reads.
  • These phenomena are gazed upon with dismay by the auditor. And various wild cat actions may be taken to counter them. These may include the following very high crimes:

    These phenomena are gazed upon with dismay by the auditor. And various wild cat actions may be taken to counter them. These may include the following very high crimes:

    1. Just ignoring reads and plunging on without getting items to read.
    1. Just ignoring reads and plunging on without getting items to read.
  • Actually lying about reads.
  • Actually lying about reads.
  • ARC breaking the pc by overwhelm.
  • ARC breaking the pc by overwhelm.
  • Worrying and harassing the pc about the meter.
  • Worrying and harassing the pc about the meter.
  • Knocking off running GPMs and getting in endless session considerations and BMSs.
  • Knocking off running GPMs and getting in endless session considerations and BMSs.
  • Downgrading the pc’s auditing level and starting in on problems and lower level processes.
  • Downgrading the pc’s auditing level and starting in on problems and lower level processes.
  • Deciding that he or she has been taught wrongly and trying to develop some new way.
  • Deciding that he or she has been taught wrongly and trying to develop some new way.
  • Listing for other types of goals.
  • Listing for other types of goals.
  • Just giving up.
  • Just giving up.
  • Now this picture I’m painting here is not the rule but the exception. It doesn’t happen to everybody but when it does, the above may be the response.

    Now this picture I’m painting here is not the rule but the exception. It doesn’t happen to everybody but when it does, the above may be the response.

    There are two types of pcs. Pc Type A can run through anything and get reads, heat and TA. Pc Type B will shut off when he or she hits a misplaced comma. These two types are not different people. They are different conditions of physical bone. They have nothing to do with body age. They may have alot to do with tiredness. The pc who works hard all day will not read well on arrival in the auditing session. After about two hours alotof pcs just have their meter pack up. If you were to audit a Type A for 8 hours, say until 2am, you would suddenly have a Type B pc.

    There are two types of pcs. Pc Type A can run through anything and get reads, heat and TA. Pc Type B will shut off when he or she hits a misplaced comma. These two types are not different people. They are different conditions of physical bone. They have nothing to do with body age. They may have alot to do with tiredness. The pc who works hard all day will not read well on arrival in the auditing session. After about two hours alotof pcs just have their meter pack up. If you were to audit a Type A for 8 hours, say until 2am, you would suddenly have a Type B pc.

    Therefore the pc who doesn’t get enough food or sleep or is just exhausted in life is a Type B pc. For this is chronic with this pc, being built into his or her living habits. A Type B pc made to go early to bed and get 8 or 9 hours sleep, made to eat breakfast and lunch and supper may become in a few days a Type B pc.

    Therefore the pc who doesn’t get enough food or sleep or is just exhausted in life is a Type B pc. For this is chronic with this pc, being built into his or her living habits. A Type B pc made to go early to bed and get 8 or 9 hours sleep, made to eat breakfast and lunch and supper may become in a few days a Type B pc.

    But as we can’t always guarantee this rest and food regimen, and because general physical tone in life may require several months, to remedy by improving livingness alone, we are left with a Type B pc. One can and should, as and auditor, try to make this Type B pc into a Type A by livingness discipline. But one always count on doing so.

    But as we can’t always guarantee this rest and food regimen, and because general physical tone in life may require several months, to remedy by improving livingness alone, we are left with a Type B pc. One can and should, as and auditor, try to make this Type B pc into a Type A by livingness discipline. But one always count on doing so.

    A Type A pc will also pack up a meter, some sooner than others. If you were doing night auditing you would find that a Type A pc, wonderful easy meter responses would be subject to a pack up at some small hour of the morning. Some would suddenly go dead on the meter at 2am, some at 3 am, some at 6 am. This if observed over a time would demonstrate similar hours for the pack up.

    A Type A pc will also pack up a meter, some sooner than others. If you were doing night auditing you would find that a Type A pc, wonderful easy meter responses would be subject to a pack up at some small hour of the morning. Some would suddenly go dead on the meter at 2am, some at 3 am, some at 6 am. This if observed over a time would demonstrate similar hours for the pack up.

    The Type A pc, who could be shoved through almost anything, would standardly become a Type B at a certain hour of the night.

    The Type A pc, who could be shoved through almost anything, would standardly become a Type B at a certain hour of the night.

    The Type B pc has packed up already. Lack of sleep, lack of food, nervous strain, general physical weariness have caught up with Type B so that its always “2am” the moment of “life’s lowest ebb”, even at 12 noon.

    The Type B pc has packed up already. Lack of sleep, lack of food, nervous strain, general physical weariness have caught up with Type B so that its always “2am” the moment of “life’s lowest ebb”, even at 12 noon.

    Age, even illness, are actually outside this weariness factor.

    Age, even illness, are actually outside this weariness factor.

    Now, if you will go back and read your Auditors Code - any Auditors Code back to 1951, I think, you will find this covered.

    Now, if you will go back and read your Auditors Code - any Auditors Code back to 1951, I think, you will find this covered.

    At Level Six the matter becomes staggeringly important. You could go on auditing at Level VI or below for years without having the roof fall in. You would just say it was just the pc or process used and that some pc didn’t get TA and some did and try to argue it away. But when you get to Level VI you are looking the tiger straight in the eye. The Moment of Truth arrives. Items don’t read, TA doesn’t blow down. And items are obviously right there to do so. So what’s wrong? If an auditor doesn’t know, snap, what’s wrong he or she may follow the “remedies” I’ve listed above as High Crimes.

    At Level Six the matter becomes staggeringly important. You could go on auditing at Level VI or below for years without having the roof fall in. You would just say it was just the pc or process used and that some pc didn’t get TA and some did and try to argue it away. But when you get to Level VI you are looking the tiger straight in the eye. The Moment of Truth arrives. Items don’t read, TA doesn’t blow down. And items are obviously right there to do so. So what’s wrong? If an auditor doesn’t know, snap, what’s wrong he or she may follow the “remedies” I’ve listed above as High Crimes.

    A Type B pc is already so exhausted that no by passed charge of any kind can be tolerated. So to audit without reads, without heat, without blowdowns is far more serious than it would be on a Type A pc (on whom it would also be a High Crime).

    A Type B pc is already so exhausted that no by passed charge of any kind can be tolerated. So to audit without reads, without heat, without blowdowns is far more serious than it would be on a Type A pc (on whom it would also be a High Crime).

    So you see, first things first, you’re right back to the Auditor’s Code (of all things!) but now its a “run or won;t run” Code. Follow it and the pc runs, break it and you’ve had it. Total Yes or Total No.

    So you see, first things first, you’re right back to the Auditor’s Code (of all things!) but now its a “run or won;t run” Code. Follow it and the pc runs, break it and you’ve had it. Total Yes or Total No.



    Now aside from the Type of pc, you should learn by experience that this is the rule that applies.

    Now aside from the Type of pc, you should learn by experience that this is the rule that applies.



    Conversely: When Items won’t read you have a charged area behind you.

    Conversely: When Items won’t read you have a charged area behind you.

    Honest it’s just that simple. Items are reading well, heat on. Good, no charged area behind you. Items chugging, small, reading badly or not at all, charge exists closer to the top of the bank than where you are.

    Honest it’s just that simple. Items are reading well, heat on. Good, no charged area behind you. Items chugging, small, reading badly or not at all, charge exists closer to the top of the bank than where you are.

    You might as well learn this. It isn’t going to change. It will save you from committing the High Crimes above and failing utterly with your pc.

    You might as well learn this. It isn’t going to change. It will save you from committing the High Crimes above and failing utterly with your pc.



    Where the pc doesn’t read at all chronically, just never reads, Type B extreme, the charge is Life. Exhaustion, O/Ws, no sleep keys in too much bank. Sleep, rest, O/Ws, Level IV and below auditing will set this right. But your pc (who has already arrived at Level VI) should have has enough lower level auditing. If however the pc’s lower level auditing was never effective then you have quite a problem. The answer is not to go off R6 but to make this pc rest and eat. If R6 still won’t run, go into defining O/Ws and why auditing won’t work. O/Ws will loosen up a bank. It’s superior processing. But if your pc got to Level 6 without effective earlier auditing, rest and food and keeping on trying to get the beginning few items discharged are your best answers and until that’s given a very fine try one shouldn’t revert to lower level auditing.

    Where the pc doesn’t read at all chronically, just never reads, Type B extreme, the charge is Life. Exhaustion, O/Ws, no sleep keys in too much bank. Sleep, rest, O/Ws, Level IV and below auditing will set this right. But your pc (who has already arrived at Level VI) should have has enough lower level auditing. If however the pc’s lower level auditing was never effective then you have quite a problem. The answer is not to go off R6 but to make this pc rest and eat. If R6 still won’t run, go into defining O/Ws and why auditing won’t work. O/Ws will loosen up a bank. It’s superior processing. But if your pc got to Level 6 without effective earlier auditing, rest and food and keeping on trying to get the beginning few items discharged are your best answers and until that’s given a very fine try one shouldn’t revert to lower level auditing.

    TYPE B PCs

    TYPE B PCs

    Now then, how about the pc who ran two GPMs and the meter packed up. That may be rest and food in combination with the following but otherwise it is only the following:

    Now then, how about the pc who ran two GPMs and the meter packed up. That may be rest and food in combination with the following but otherwise it is only the following:

    Charge has been missed. That’s all. That’s the only reason (weariness and hunger excepted) you suddenly fail to get reads, TA blowdowns and heat.

    Charge has been missed. That’s all. That’s the only reason (weariness and hunger excepted) you suddenly fail to get reads, TA blowdowns and heat.

    Yesteryear it could have been an improperly worded GPM or a lot of things. But you don’t have wrongly worded GPMs now unless you really goof in copying or go crazy enough to try to run one you or the pc found.

    Yesteryear it could have been an improperly worded GPM or a lot of things. But you don’t have wrongly worded GPMs now unless you really goof in copying or go crazy enough to try to run one you or the pc found.

    What could the charge be, then? A GPM out of sequence, a missed GPM (or more), a GPM in an incorrect series.

    What could the charge be, then? A GPM out of sequence, a missed GPM (or more), a GPM in an incorrect series.

    How could you have such? Well, easy. Life scrambles the bank for one thing, so the perfect series is pretty hard to plot. Earlier Co-audit experience dealt with a lot of sequence errors.

    How could you have such? Well, easy. Life scrambles the bank for one thing, so the perfect series is pretty hard to plot. Earlier Co-audit experience dealt with a lot of sequence errors.

    You might lose your place on the plot. The pc comes into session and starts a whole GPM (or 2 items) lower than you left off and you don;t notice it until there you are - looking at a packed up meter. It ceases to work. To go on is criminal. Why? Because that’s the only way you can damage anything.

    You might lose your place on the plot. The pc comes into session and starts a whole GPM (or 2 items) lower than you left off and you don;t notice it until there you are - looking at a packed up meter. It ceases to work. To go on is criminal. Why? Because that’s the only way you can damage anything.

    Running a GPM out of sequence isn’t serious so long as it’s in the same series. It’s just unfortunate and takes a bit more time through corrections and patching. It mainly slows down the rate of running by consuming just that much auditing time.

    Running a GPM out of sequence isn’t serious so long as it’s in the same series. It’s just unfortunate and takes a bit more time through corrections and patching. It mainly slows down the rate of running by consuming just that much auditing time.

    But running a GPM without needle action on Items or TA is criminal. It means one hasn’t learned that this indicates only one thing, charge left behind.

    But running a GPM without needle action on Items or TA is criminal. It means one hasn’t learned that this indicates only one thing, charge left behind.

    You can run a GPM out of sequence unless it stops reading. When it quits reading, quit. Don’t go one item further.

    You can run a GPM out of sequence unless it stops reading. When it quits reading, quit. Don’t go one item further.

    To remedy this, find what’s out of sequence, find what has been missed, find where the charge got left. Correct that and then run the bank correctly.

    To remedy this, find what’s out of sequence, find what has been missed, find where the charge got left. Correct that and then run the bank correctly.

    If the meter behaved well on GPM 4 and on “5” packed up, there’s charge between where it ran well and where it packed up. Find it, correct it and go on with the correct progression.

    If the meter behaved well on GPM 4 and on “5” packed up, there’s charge between where it ran well and where it packed up. Find it, correct it and go on with the correct progression.

    You know, it’s even sort of silly having to stress all this so hard. If you were out driving and were able to do 60 on a road and then couldn’t do but 5 mph, you’d certainly realize that something was wrong with the road.

    You know, it’s even sort of silly having to stress all this so hard. If you were out driving and were able to do 60 on a road and then couldn’t do but 5 mph, you’d certainly realize that something was wrong with the road.

    Well, in view of the fact that you can always go 60 on the GPM sequences providing you don’t leave the road or miss a section, it would seem pretty obvious that were you not doing 60 you’ve left the road or aren’t going.

    Well, in view of the fact that you can always go 60 on the GPM sequences providing you don’t leave the road or miss a section, it would seem pretty obvious that were you not doing 60 you’ve left the road or aren’t going.

    All the road, like any good road can be traveled easily, as long as you are on it.

    All the road, like any good road can be traveled easily, as long as you are on it.

    Of course you may think this GPM road is full of holes or is peculiar or erratic or isn’t built right. That’s an amateur blunder. It’s awfully like those near perfect Roman straight-as-a-die roads. Only the way you travel over it or the errors in traveling it (like thinking you’re in Lewes fording the river which you’ve not left Newhaven) or just not traveling it because you cease to travel it.

    Of course you may think this GPM road is full of holes or is peculiar or erratic or isn’t built right. That’s an amateur blunder. It’s awfully like those near perfect Roman straight-as-a-die roads. Only the way you travel over it or the errors in traveling it (like thinking you’re in Lewes fording the river which you’ve not left Newhaven) or just not traveling it because you cease to travel it.

    When your meter packs up you’re not traveling the section you think you are. You’re still in Lewes fording the river which you didn’t ford. You’re not ten miles further on even though you’re busy reading Items that are ten miles further on.

    When your meter packs up you’re not traveling the section you think you are. You’re still in Lewes fording the river which you didn’t ford. You’re not ten miles further on even though you’re busy reading Items that are ten miles further on.

    Because you say “we’re ten miles from Lewes” doesn’t guarantee you are if your meter hasn’t read well or at all since Lewes. You’ll wake up finally to the fact you never crossed the river at Lewes and haven’t any road under you. So the meter won’t read.

    Because you say “we’re ten miles from Lewes” doesn’t guarantee you are if your meter hasn’t read well or at all since Lewes. You’ll wake up finally to the fact you never crossed the river at Lewes and haven’t any road under you. So the meter won’t read.

    TYPE A PCs

    TYPE A PCs

    Type A pcs are not necessarily easier to audit. Errors are harder to detect. But also errors do less damage. But they still make upsets.

    Type A pcs are not necessarily easier to audit. Errors are harder to detect. But also errors do less damage. But they still make upsets.

    A Type A pc stuck somewhat in the ford at Lewes will read somewhat and with heat on being ten miles from Lewes and will even make good case gains.

    A Type A pc stuck somewhat in the ford at Lewes will read somewhat and with heat on being ten miles from Lewes and will even make good case gains.

    On a Type A pc you only accept pure text book and realize you’ve left charged areas when you haven’t got perfect reads, BDs and heat.

    On a Type A pc you only accept pure text book and realize you’ve left charged areas when you haven’t got perfect reads, BDs and heat.

    Learn to ask where the pc is and click it off. You’ll find the pc in the Item the pc is in. Ask for it by numbers. Arc you two GPMs back? Fall. In the first pair from the top, second pair, third pair F. Rerun the 2nd and 3rd pair with full steps.

    Learn to ask where the pc is and click it off. You’ll find the pc in the Item the pc is in. Ask for it by numbers. Arc you two GPMs back? Fall. In the first pair from the top, second pair, third pair F. Rerun the 2nd and 3rd pair with full steps.

    If a pc is still stuck in a GPM you think has been departed from and yet a goal has been skipped, the pc will be found in the bottom oppterm of the last GPM in correct sequence or the second pair from the bottom.

    If a pc is still stuck in a GPM you think has been departed from and yet a goal has been skipped, the pc will be found in the bottom oppterm of the last GPM in correct sequence or the second pair from the bottom.

    Learn to locate your pc by numbers and GPMs. You’d look pretty silly out driving if you left your car stuck in the ford at Lewes and told everyone you were in London miles away. They’d think you were batty. Well it’s just as batty to leave a pc stuck in GPM 4, run out of reads in the next GPM, and try to go on anyway.

    Learn to locate your pc by numbers and GPMs. You’d look pretty silly out driving if you left your car stuck in the ford at Lewes and told everyone you were in London miles away. They’d think you were batty. Well it’s just as batty to leave a pc stuck in GPM 4, run out of reads in the next GPM, and try to go on anyway.

    GPMs are a game of Parcheesi, only easier. It looks pretty amateur to tell the players you’ve gone around the corner when your piece is still sitting squares back of where you claim you are.

    GPMs are a game of Parcheesi, only easier. It looks pretty amateur to tell the players you’ve gone around the corner when your piece is still sitting squares back of where you claim you are.

    That’s all a meter says when it packs up (except for the weariness factor and is says there too) “You ain’t where you think you are brother”.

    That’s all a meter says when it packs up (except for the weariness factor and is says there too) “You ain’t where you think you are brother”.

    What kind of think does it take to thereafter go groping forward! The pc can only be stuck where you have already been.

    What kind of think does it take to thereafter go groping forward! The pc can only be stuck where you have already been.

    Of course none of this will make sense to somebody who hasn’t done well on the Clay Table and doesn’t realize that GPMs are a study in actual travel in distance. The concept of things arranged in space in sequence has to have been grasped before one can grasp going forward or back. One has to realize that GPMs are laid out like a road; one is actually going along a road. This possibly gets qualified by some as “what is meant here is that the symbology is road-like and this is a metaphor.” No. No. No! GPMs are arranged in spatial sequence and you move the pc along this sequence and when you don’t get reads you’ve left the pc back there somewhere stuck. And I do mean back there. No metaphor. The pc isn’t with you. You’re not accompanied. So the needle acts badly, the heat goes off and there’s no gain, ARC breaks and everything goes to bits before your eyes.

    Of course none of this will make sense to somebody who hasn’t done well on the Clay Table and doesn’t realize that GPMs are a study in actual travel in distance. The concept of things arranged in space in sequence has to have been grasped before one can grasp going forward or back. One has to realize that GPMs are laid out like a road; one is actually going along a road. This possibly gets qualified by some as “what is meant here is that the symbology is road-like and this is a metaphor.” No. No. No! GPMs are arranged in spatial sequence and you move the pc along this sequence and when you don’t get reads you’ve left the pc back there somewhere stuck. And I do mean back there. No metaphor. The pc isn’t with you. You’re not accompanied. So the needle acts badly, the heat goes off and there’s no gain, ARC breaks and everything goes to bits before your eyes.

    It’s no crime to have things go to bits. It’s only a crime not to know they have and act accordingly, find the pc, find the road and walk it correctly.

    It’s no crime to have things go to bits. It’s only a crime not to know they have and act accordingly, find the pc, find the road and walk it correctly.

    Honest, I wish I could tell you very plainly so there couldn’t be any misunderstand- ing. IT’S NOT EVEN A PROBLEM.

    Honest, I wish I could tell you very plainly so there couldn’t be any misunderstand- ing. IT’S NOT EVEN A PROBLEM.

    When your meter doesn’t respond you haven’t arrived there, when it responds badly you aren’t completely there, when it doesn’t respond at all there’s nobody there.

    When your meter doesn’t respond you haven’t arrived there, when it responds badly you aren’t completely there, when it doesn’t respond at all there’s nobody there.

    The only place a road simile differs is that a road stays there, when traveled on and

    The only place a road simile differs is that a road stays there, when traveled on and

    is still behind you. The GPMs traveled through properly vanish.

    is still behind you. The GPMs traveled through properly vanish.

    So again if there’s road behind you in running, GPMs you haven’t traveled it . For in traveling through GPMs you shouldn’t have any road left.

    So again if there’s road behind you in running, GPMs you haven’t traveled it . For in traveling through GPMs you shouldn’t have any road left.

    A being isn’t free who has to walk only one road.

    A being isn’t free who has to walk only one road.

    We have learned now to walk this road so that it disappears and ceased to be the same old agonized rut.

    We have learned now to walk this road so that it disappears and ceased to be the same old agonized rut.

    But it is a road and running GPMs presents the same problem as any road. If you haven’t walked down it you aren’t going down it. If you haven’t walked you are at the place where you stopped walking. If the road vanished behind you and you went back to walk it, it wouldn’t be there to walk upon.

    But it is a road and running GPMs presents the same problem as any road. If you haven’t walked down it you aren’t going down it. If you haven’t walked you are at the place where you stopped walking. If the road vanished behind you and you went back to walk it, it wouldn’t be there to walk upon.

    And meter reactions are the sign of walking. Meter reacting - you’re walking. Meter not reacting - you’re not walking. Meter reacting badly - you’re stumbling ahead slowly being pulled on by rubber bands to the point where you got stuck in the mud. Rubber bands stretch only so far. Then you’re not walking at all.

    And meter reactions are the sign of walking. Meter reacting - you’re walking. Meter not reacting - you’re not walking. Meter reacting badly - you’re stumbling ahead slowly being pulled on by rubber bands to the point where you got stuck in the mud. Rubber bands stretch only so far. Then you’re not walking at all.

    Anyone would learn these things fast enough if he were being taught Parcheesi. But then there’s no awe mixed up in Parcheesi because it was so much like Kabala that had Rudderguds all over its Spoofers in Upper Anastabulla. One would simply learn to move the piece on the board, square by square from beginning to end. And I don’t think one would get any weird notions of how the piece was in square 2 when it obviously was sitting in square 1.

    Anyone would learn these things fast enough if he were being taught Parcheesi. But then there’s no awe mixed up in Parcheesi because it was so much like Kabala that had Rudderguds all over its Spoofers in Upper Anastabulla. One would simply learn to move the piece on the board, square by square from beginning to end. And I don’t think one would get any weird notions of how the piece was in square 2 when it obviously was sitting in square 1.

    If you have trouble running R6, don’t send for New METHODS or a Chart to Dumbala to bail you out.

    If you have trouble running R6, don’t send for New METHODS or a Chart to Dumbala to bail you out.

    Just realize that when your meter misbehaves you’ve left road behind you. Don’t go on. Find it, blow it and walk the correct road.

    Just realize that when your meter misbehaves you’ve left road behind you. Don’t go on. Find it, blow it and walk the correct road.

    Even a Type B pc is only a case of too tired to travel.

    Even a Type B pc is only a case of too tired to travel.

    When you lay out those GPMs on the clay table and move the white ball PLEASE realize that’s no metaphor you’re performing. That’s a road and it goes across distance and it begins and ends.

    When you lay out those GPMs on the clay table and move the white ball PLEASE realize that’s no metaphor you’re performing. That’s a road and it goes across distance and it begins and ends.

    And thank the holies we have a way to travel it.

    And thank the holies we have a way to travel it.
