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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Fighting Process - B540900 | Сравнить

CONTENTS FIGHTING PROCESS Techniques, Dianetics. Cохранить документ себе Скачать
[ca. September 1954]
[ca. September 1954]





All HASI instructors: Horner and Richards, London; Al Kozak, Camden; L. Ron Hubbard, Jr. , Phoenix; and all Doctors of Scientology, and no others.

All HASI instructors: Horner and Richards, London; Al Kozak, Camden; L. Ron Hubbard, Jr. , Phoenix; and all Doctors of Scientology, and no others.



Techniques, Dianetics.

Techniques, Dianetics.

No doubt you have all heard of the sudden change by reason of the reacquisition of the Hubbard Dianetic Foundation, or have read of it in Issue 36-G.

No doubt you have all heard of the sudden change by reason of the reacquisition of the Hubbard Dianetic Foundation, or have read of it in Issue 36-G.

We will continue the campaign and program of Dianetics as originally designed, and will continue as designed all the programs of Scientology.

We will continue the campaign and program of Dianetics as originally designed, and will continue as designed all the programs of Scientology.

The solution to Dianetics as a Science is contained in the following, which has been withheld pending the disposition and contest of the subject itself:

The solution to Dianetics as a Science is contained in the following, which has been withheld pending the disposition and contest of the subject itself:

Waste Fighting, in brackets, until communication lag is gone. Inhibit Fighting, in brackets, until communication lag is gone. Enforce Fighting, in brackets, until communication lag is gone. Desire Fighting, in brackets, until communication lag is gone. What would it be safe to fight?

Waste Fighting, in brackets, until communication lag is gone. Inhibit Fighting, in brackets, until communication lag is gone. Enforce Fighting, in brackets, until communication lag is gone. Desire Fighting, in brackets, until communication lag is gone. What would it be safe to fight?

What would others find it safe to fight?

What would others find it safe to fight?

What thoughts, emotions, efforts, would it be safe to fight? (Until communication lag is gone.)

What thoughts, emotions, efforts, would it be safe to fight? (Until communication lag is gone.)

Indicate some things (in the environment) which are fighting themselves.

Indicate some things (in the environment) which are fighting themselves.

Indicate some things which are fighting. (Until all communication lag has gone. but a minimum of one hour.)

Indicate some things which are fighting. (Until all communication lag has gone. but a minimum of one hour.)

Spot all the spots where you had to stop fighting them. Spot all the spots where you won.

Spot all the spots where you had to stop fighting them. Spot all the spots where you won.