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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Modernized Training Drills Using Permissive Coaching (Canceled) - B630429 | Сравнить
- Routine 3, Directive Listing, Listing Liabilities (GPM) - B630429 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 630429 - HCO Bulletin - Modernized Training Drills Using Permissive Coaching [B003-019]
- 630429 - HCO Bulletin - Routine 3 - Directive Listing - Listing Liabilities [B063-019]
- 630429 - HCO Bulletin - Routine 3 - Directive Listing - Listing Liabilities [B153-013]
CONTENTS MODERNIZED TRAINING DRILLS USING PERMISSIVE COACHING NUMBER: TR 0. Revised 1961 and 1963. TR 0 (A) TR 0 (B) TR 0 (C) TR 0 (D) NUMBER: TR 1. Revised 1961 and 1963. NUMBER: TR 2. Revised 1961 and 1963. NUMBER: TR 3. Revised 1961 and 1963. NUMBER: TR 4. Revised 1961 and 1963. Coaches’ Drill Training Note Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Central OrgsCentral Orgs



Much of the difficulty experienced in teaching the TRs and getting students proficient in the TRs is due to bad coaching. This bulletin is issued to overcome this difficulty. It is in fact an amendment of HCO Bulletin of April 17, 1961, which as itself remains valid.

Much of the difficulty experienced in teaching the TRs and getting students proficient in the TRs is due to bad coaching. This bulletin is issued to overcome this difficulty. It is in fact an amendment of HCO Bulletin of April 17, 1961, which as itself remains valid.

The essence of this bulletin is that the drills do not permit the coach to “flunk” a student, instead an exact patter is laid down for the coach and instructors should ensure that the coach keeps to the patter.

The essence of this bulletin is that the drills do not permit the coach to “flunk” a student, instead an exact patter is laid down for the coach and instructors should ensure that the coach keeps to the patter.

TR 0 has been subdivided into 4 parts.

TR 0 has been subdivided into 4 parts.

One new drill is introduced — ”The Coaches’ Drill”. The TRs are important because:

One new drill is introduced — ”The Coaches’ Drill”. The TRs are important because:

  1. The auditing skill of any student remains only as good as he can do his TRs.
  1. The auditing skill of any student remains only as good as he can do his TRs.
  • Flubs in TRs are the basis of all confusion in subsequent efforts to audit.
  • Flubs in TRs are the basis of all confusion in subsequent efforts to audit.
  • Almost all confusions on Meter, Model Sessions and SOP Goals stem directly from inability to do the TRs.
  • Almost all confusions on Meter, Model Sessions and SOP Goals stem directly from inability to do the TRs.
  • A student who has not mastered his TRs will not master anything further.
  • A student who has not mastered his TRs will not master anything further.
  • SOP Goals will not function in the presence of bad TRs. The preclear is already being overwhelmed by process velocity and cannot bear up to TR flubs without ARC breaks.
  • SOP Goals will not function in the presence of bad TRs. The preclear is already being overwhelmed by process velocity and cannot bear up to TR flubs without ARC breaks.
  • Academies were tough on TRs up to 1958 and have since tended to soften. Comm Courses are not a tea party.

    Academies were tough on TRs up to 1958 and have since tended to soften. Comm Courses are not a tea party.

    These TRs given here should be put in use at once in all auditor training, in Academy and HGC and in the future should never be relaxed. Seven weeks on a Comm Course until he does the TRs perfectly lets the student receive at least one week’s training in the eight. A poor Comm Course in one week can wipe out the whole eight weeks.

    These TRs given here should be put in use at once in all auditor training, in Academy and HGC and in the future should never be relaxed. Seven weeks on a Comm Course until he does the TRs perfectly lets the student receive at least one week’s training in the eight. A poor Comm Course in one week can wipe out the whole eight weeks.

    NUMBER: TR 0. Revised 1961 and 1963.

    NUMBER: TR 0. Revised 1961 and 1963.

    NAME: Confronting Preclear.

    NAME: Confronting Preclear.

    COMMANDS: None.

    COMMANDS: None.

    POSITION: Student and coach sit facing each other a comfortable distance apart — about three feet. Student has an E-Meter.

    POSITION: Student and coach sit facing each other a comfortable distance apart — about three feet. Student has an E-Meter.

    PURPOSE: To train student to confront a preclear with auditing only or with nothing. The whole idea is to get the student able to hold a position three feet in front of a preclear, to BE there and not do anything else but BE there. TRAINING STRESS: Have student and coach sit facing each other, neither making any conversation or effort to be interesting. Have them sit and look at each other and say and do nothing for some hours. Student must not speak, fidget, giggle or be embarrassed or anaten. It will be found the student tends to confront WITH a body part, rather than just confront, or to use a system of confronting rather than just BE there. The drill is misnamed if Confront means to DO something to the pc. The whole action is to accustom an auditor to BEING THERE three feet in front of a preclear without apologizing or moving or being startled or embarrassed or defending self. After a student has become able to just sit there for two hours “bull baiting” can begin. Anything added to being there is queried by the coach with a “What happened?” Twitches, blinks, sighs, fidgets, anything except just being there is promptly queried with the reason why, if necessary. TR 0 has been divided into four parts. Each part is drilled for about 15 minutes in turn and then begun over again and again.

    PURPOSE: To train student to confront a preclear with auditing only or with nothing. The whole idea is to get the student able to hold a position three feet in front of a preclear, to BE there and not do anything else but BE there. TRAINING STRESS: Have student and coach sit facing each other, neither making any conversation or effort to be interesting. Have them sit and look at each other and say and do nothing for some hours. Student must not speak, fidget, giggle or be embarrassed or anaten. It will be found the student tends to confront WITH a body part, rather than just confront, or to use a system of confronting rather than just BE there. The drill is misnamed if Confront means to DO something to the pc. The whole action is to accustom an auditor to BEING THERE three feet in front of a preclear without apologizing or moving or being startled or embarrassed or defending self. After a student has become able to just sit there for two hours “bull baiting” can begin. Anything added to being there is queried by the coach with a “What happened?” Twitches, blinks, sighs, fidgets, anything except just being there is promptly queried with the reason why, if necessary. TR 0 has been divided into four parts. Each part is drilled for about 15 minutes in turn and then begun over again and again.

    TR 0 (A)
    TR 0 (A)

    This is exactly as given above except that “bull baiting” is omitted. Whenever student speaks, fidgets, giggles, is embarrassed or goes anaten coach says, “That’s it, what happened?” Coach listens carefully to what student has to say, acknowledges and says, “Start.” In fact, coach will do the foregoing whenever he sees any physical action or change, however small, manifested by the student. It is also desirable from time to time that the coach says, “That’s it, how are you doing?”, listens carefully to what student says, acknowledges and then says start.

    This is exactly as given above except that “bull baiting” is omitted. Whenever student speaks, fidgets, giggles, is embarrassed or goes anaten coach says, “That’s it, what happened?” Coach listens carefully to what student has to say, acknowledges and says, “Start.” In fact, coach will do the foregoing whenever he sees any physical action or change, however small, manifested by the student. It is also desirable from time to time that the coach says, “That’s it, how are you doing?”, listens carefully to what student says, acknowledges and then says start.

    No flunks, no invalidation or validation other than giving a win from time to time as merited.

    No flunks, no invalidation or validation other than giving a win from time to time as merited.

    TR 0 (B)
    TR 0 (B)

    Exactly as TR 0 (A) with the addition that student is required by coach to answer the following questions which are given alternately:

    Exactly as TR 0 (A) with the addition that student is required by coach to answer the following questions which are given alternately:

    “What can you see about me that you like?” “What can you see about me that you don’t like?”

    “What can you see about me that you like?” “What can you see about me that you don’t like?”

    Coach acknowledges each answer without invalidation, validation or evaluation. Coach asks “What happened?” whenever there is any physical manifestation on the part of the student or whenever there is an overlong comm lag. Coach also asks from time to time “How are you doing?”

    Coach acknowledges each answer without invalidation, validation or evaluation. Coach asks “What happened?” whenever there is any physical manifestation on the part of the student or whenever there is an overlong comm lag. Coach also asks from time to time “How are you doing?”

    TR 0 (C)
    TR 0 (C)

    In this part bull baiting is introduced, otherwise it is exactly as TR 0 (A). Patter as a confronted subject: The coach may say anything or do anything except leave the chair. The students’ “buttons” can be found and tromped on hard. Any words not coaching words may receive no response from the student. If the student responds, the coach is instantly a coach (see patter above).

    In this part bull baiting is introduced, otherwise it is exactly as TR 0 (A). Patter as a confronted subject: The coach may say anything or do anything except leave the chair. The students’ “buttons” can be found and tromped on hard. Any words not coaching words may receive no response from the student. If the student responds, the coach is instantly a coach (see patter above).

    Instructors should have coaches let students have some wins (coach does not mention these) and then, by gradient stress, get the coaches to start in on the student to invite flunks. This is “bull baiting”. The student is queried each time he or she reacts, no matter how minutely, to being baited.

    Instructors should have coaches let students have some wins (coach does not mention these) and then, by gradient stress, get the coaches to start in on the student to invite flunks. This is “bull baiting”. The student is queried each time he or she reacts, no matter how minutely, to being baited.

    TR 0 (D)
    TR 0 (D)

    This drill has been designed to put the finishing touches to a TR 0. It needs to be done very thoroughly and with plenty of interest on the part of the coach. It is run as follows:

    This drill has been designed to put the finishing touches to a TR 0. It needs to be done very thoroughly and with plenty of interest on the part of the coach. It is run as follows:

    1. Coach says to student, “Define a good auditing attitude.” He accepts student’s definition.
    1. Coach says to student, “Define a good auditing attitude.” He accepts student’s definition.
  • Coach says, “Show me a good auditing attitude.”
  • Coach says, “Show me a good auditing attitude.”
  • After a few minutes coach asks the following questions:
  • After a few minutes coach asks the following questions:
    1. “Did you show me a good auditing attitude?”
    1. “Did you show me a good auditing attitude?”
  • “What did you do?”
  • “What did you do?”
  • “What happened?”
  • “What happened?”
  • Actions 2 and 3 are repeated two or three times, then start over again at 1.
  • Actions 2 and 3 are repeated two or three times, then start over again at 1.
  • When the “Good auditing attitude” is being done well substitute “an interested attitude” or “a professional attitude” or “an understanding attitude”. All these “attitudes” should be drilled thoroughly. Further, coach should take any attitude the student presents, e.g. if student uses in his definition the words “It’s being there” coach makes a mental note to use it later. Example: “Define a ‘being there’ attitude.” “Show me a ‘being there’ attitude. “
  • When the “Good auditing attitude” is being done well substitute “an interested attitude” or “a professional attitude” or “an understanding attitude”. All these “attitudes” should be drilled thoroughly. Further, coach should take any attitude the student presents, e.g. if student uses in his definition the words “It’s being there” coach makes a mental note to use it later. Example: “Define a ‘being there’ attitude.” “Show me a ‘being there’ attitude. “
  • The whole of TR 0 should be taught rough-rough-rough and not left until the student can do it. Training is considered satisfactory at this level only if the student can BE three feet in front of a person without flinching, concentrating or confronting with, regardless of what the confronted person says or does.

    The whole of TR 0 should be taught rough-rough-rough and not left until the student can do it. Training is considered satisfactory at this level only if the student can BE three feet in front of a person without flinching, concentrating or confronting with, regardless of what the confronted person says or does.

    HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in Washington in March 1957 to train students to confront preclears in the absence of social tricks or conversation and to overcome obsessive compulsions to be “interesting”. Revised by L. Ron Hubbard April 1961 on finding that SOP Goals required for its success a much higher level of technical skill than earlier processes. Revised 1963 by Reg Sharpe.

    HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in Washington in March 1957 to train students to confront preclears in the absence of social tricks or conversation and to overcome obsessive compulsions to be “interesting”. Revised by L. Ron Hubbard April 1961 on finding that SOP Goals required for its success a much higher level of technical skill than earlier processes. Revised 1963 by Reg Sharpe.

    NUMBER: TR 1. Revised 1961 and 1963.

    NUMBER: TR 1. Revised 1961 and 1963.

    NAME: Dear Alice.

    NAME: Dear Alice.

    PURPOSE: To train the student to deliver a command newly and in a new unit of time to a preclear without flinching or trying to overwhelm or using a via.

    PURPOSE: To train the student to deliver a command newly and in a new unit of time to a preclear without flinching or trying to overwhelm or using a via.

    COMMANDS: A phrase (with the “he saids” omitted) is picked out of the book “Alice in Wonderland” and read to the coach.

    COMMANDS: A phrase (with the “he saids” omitted) is picked out of the book “Alice in Wonderland” and read to the coach.

    POSITION: Student and coach are seated facing each other a comfortable distance apart. Student has an E-Meter.

    POSITION: Student and coach are seated facing each other a comfortable distance apart. Student has an E-Meter.

    TRAINING STRESS: The command goes from the book to the student and, as his own, to the coach. It must not go from book to coach. It must sound natural not artificial. Diction and elocution have no part in it. Loudness may have.

    TRAINING STRESS: The command goes from the book to the student and, as his own, to the coach. It must not go from book to coach. It must sound natural not artificial. Diction and elocution have no part in it. Loudness may have.

    (A) When student has delivered a phrase coach asks student the following:

    (A) When student has delivered a phrase coach asks student the following:

    1. “Did you own the phrase?”
    1. “Did you own the phrase?”
  • “Did you deliver it in a new unit of time?”
  • “Did you deliver it in a new unit of time?”
  • “Where did the communication start from?”
  • “Where did the communication start from?”
  • “Where did the communication land?”
  • “Where did the communication land?”
  • If student is in difficulty or confused by the drill, coach reads the purpose of the drill and the training stress and has student clear the purpose and the training stress.

    If student is in difficulty or confused by the drill, coach reads the purpose of the drill and the training stress and has student clear the purpose and the training stress.

    (B) After a short while the following is introduced.

    (B) After a short while the following is introduced.

    Coach tells student, “Create the space of the coaching session by locating 4 points in front of you and four points behind you.” This is done on a gradient scale until student is doing the drill comfortably. Coach just asks, “Did you do that?”

    Coach tells student, “Create the space of the coaching session by locating 4 points in front of you and four points behind you.” This is done on a gradient scale until student is doing the drill comfortably. Coach just asks, “Did you do that?”

    Then “A” above is reintroduced and the coach asking from time to time, “Did you create the space?” If student has difficulty coach goes back to getting student to locate the four points in front and the four points behind.

    Then “A” above is reintroduced and the coach asking from time to time, “Did you create the space?” If student has difficulty coach goes back to getting student to locate the four points in front and the four points behind.

    This drill is passed only when the student can put across a command naturally, without strain or artificiality or elocutionary bobs and gestures, and when the student can do it easily and relaxedly.

    This drill is passed only when the student can put across a command naturally, without strain or artificiality or elocutionary bobs and gestures, and when the student can do it easily and relaxedly.

    HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in London, April 1956, to teach the communication formula to new students. Revised by L. Ron Hubbard 1961 to increase auditing ability. Revised 1963 by Reg Sharpe with the advices of L. Ron Hubbard.

    HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in London, April 1956, to teach the communication formula to new students. Revised by L. Ron Hubbard 1961 to increase auditing ability. Revised 1963 by Reg Sharpe with the advices of L. Ron Hubbard.

    NUMBER: TR 2. Revised 1961 and 1963.

    NUMBER: TR 2. Revised 1961 and 1963.

    NAME: Acknowledgments.

    NAME: Acknowledgments.

    PURPOSE: To teach student that an acknowledgment is a method of controlling preclear communication and that an acknowledgment is a full stop. Also that an acknowledgment lets a pc know that he has answered an auditing command.

    PURPOSE: To teach student that an acknowledgment is a method of controlling preclear communication and that an acknowledgment is a full stop. Also that an acknowledgment lets a pc know that he has answered an auditing command.

    COMMANDS: The coach reads lines from “Alice in Wonderland” omitting “He saids” and the student thoroughly acknowledges them.

    COMMANDS: The coach reads lines from “Alice in Wonderland” omitting “He saids” and the student thoroughly acknowledges them.

    POSITION: Student and coach are seated facing each other at a comfortable distance apart. Student with an E-Meter.

    POSITION: Student and coach are seated facing each other at a comfortable distance apart. Student with an E-Meter.

    TRAINING STRESS: To teach student to acknowledge exactly what was said so preclear knows it was heard. To ask student from time to time what was said. To curb over and under acknowledgment. To teach him that an acknowledgment is a stop, not beginning of a new cycle of communication or an encouragement to the preclear to go on.

    TRAINING STRESS: To teach student to acknowledge exactly what was said so preclear knows it was heard. To ask student from time to time what was said. To curb over and under acknowledgment. To teach him that an acknowledgment is a stop, not beginning of a new cycle of communication or an encouragement to the preclear to go on.

    To teach further that one can fail to get an acknowledgment across or can fail to stop a pc with an acknowledgment or can take a pc’s head off with an acknowledgment. Patter: The coach says, “Start,” reads a line and says after student has acknowledged:

    To teach further that one can fail to get an acknowledgment across or can fail to stop a pc with an acknowledgment or can take a pc’s head off with an acknowledgment. Patter: The coach says, “Start,” reads a line and says after student has acknowledged:

    1. “What did I say?”
    1. “What did I say?”
  • “Did you understand it?”
  • “Did you understand it?”
  • “Did your acknowledgment let me know I had originated something?”
  • “Did your acknowledgment let me know I had originated something?”
  • “Did it end cycle?”
  • “Did it end cycle?”
  • “Where did the acknowledgment start from?”
  • “Where did the acknowledgment start from?”
  • “Where did the acknowledgment land?”
  • “Where did the acknowledgment land?”
  • “Did you own the space?”
  • “Did you own the space?”
  • In questions 5 and 6 student must indicate as in TR 1. Ask “What happened?” as required in previous TRs. Coach checks carefully, “Are you really satisfied that you are giving good acknowledgments?” He reads the purpose of the TR and the Training Stress for the student to check over.

    In questions 5 and 6 student must indicate as in TR 1. Ask “What happened?” as required in previous TRs. Coach checks carefully, “Are you really satisfied that you are giving good acknowledgments?” He reads the purpose of the TR and the Training Stress for the student to check over.

    HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in London in April 1956 to teach new students that an acknowledgment ends a communication cycle and a period of time, that a new command begins a new period of time. Revised 1961 by L. Ron Hubbard. Revised 1963 by Reg Sharpe with the advices of L. Ron Hubbard.

    HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in London in April 1956 to teach new students that an acknowledgment ends a communication cycle and a period of time, that a new command begins a new period of time. Revised 1961 by L. Ron Hubbard. Revised 1963 by Reg Sharpe with the advices of L. Ron Hubbard.

    NUMBER: TR 3. Revised 1961 and 1963.

    NUMBER: TR 3. Revised 1961 and 1963.

    NAME: Duplicative Question.

    NAME: Duplicative Question.

    PURPOSE: To teach a student to duplicate without variation an auditing question, each time newly, in its own unit of time, not as a blur with other questions, and to acknowledge it. To teach that one never asks a second question until he has received an answer to the one asked.

    PURPOSE: To teach a student to duplicate without variation an auditing question, each time newly, in its own unit of time, not as a blur with other questions, and to acknowledge it. To teach that one never asks a second question until he has received an answer to the one asked.

    COMMANDS: “Do fish swim?” or “Do birds fly?”

    COMMANDS: “Do fish swim?” or “Do birds fly?”

    POSITION: Student and coach seated a comfortable distance apart. Student has an E- Meter.

    POSITION: Student and coach seated a comfortable distance apart. Student has an E- Meter.

    TRAINING STRESS: One question and student acknowledgment of its answer in one unit of time which is then finished. To keep student from straying into variations of command. Even though the same question is asked, it is asked as though it had never occurred to anyone before.

    TRAINING STRESS: One question and student acknowledgment of its answer in one unit of time which is then finished. To keep student from straying into variations of command. Even though the same question is asked, it is asked as though it had never occurred to anyone before.

    The student must learn to give and receive an answer and to acknowledge it in one unit of time.

    The student must learn to give and receive an answer and to acknowledge it in one unit of time.

    The student should not fail to get an answer to the question asked, or fail to repeat the exact question.

    The student should not fail to get an answer to the question asked, or fail to repeat the exact question.

    Coach instructs student to run the command “Do birds fly?” or “Do fish swim?” etc. Student is required to acknowledge in such a way that the coach knows he has answered the command and if he doesn’t answer the command to repeat the command, letting the coach know it is a repeat. Coach just answers the command to start. Patter is as follows:

    Coach instructs student to run the command “Do birds fly?” or “Do fish swim?” etc. Student is required to acknowledge in such a way that the coach knows he has answered the command and if he doesn’t answer the command to repeat the command, letting the coach know it is a repeat. Coach just answers the command to start. Patter is as follows:

    • S. “Do birds fly?”
    • S. “Do birds fly?”
  • C. “Yes.”
  • C. “Yes.”
  • S. “Good.”
  • S. “Good.”
  • C. “Did I answer the command?”
  • C. “Did I answer the command?”
  • S. “Yes.”
  • S. “Yes.”
  • C. “Did you feel that you had let me know that I had answered the command?”
  • C. “Did you feel that you had let me know that I had answered the command?”
  • S. “No” or “Yes.”
  • S. “No” or “Yes.”
  • C. “OK, start again.”
  • C. “OK, start again.”
  • This patter is repeated over and over until student has a certainty that he is doing the drill.

    This patter is repeated over and over until student has a certainty that he is doing the drill.

    Then coach starts giving commands which are not answers. These communicationsmust all be directed at the student, i.e. , something to do with the pc’s attitude, appearance, private life (real or imaginary).

    Then coach starts giving commands which are not answers. These communicationsmust all be directed at the student, i.e. , something to do with the pc’s attitude, appearance, private life (real or imaginary).

    Example of patter:

    Example of patter:

    • S. “Do birds fly?”
    • S. “Do birds fly?”
  • C. “Your breath stinks.”
  • C. “Your breath stinks.”
  • S. “I’ll repeat the question. Do birds fly?”
  • S. “I’ll repeat the question. Do birds fly?”
  • C. “That’s it. Did I answer the question?”
  • C. “That’s it. Did I answer the question?”
  • S. “No.”
  • S. “No.”
  • C. “Did you let me know I hadn’t?”
  • C. “Did you let me know I hadn’t?”
  • S. “By not acknowledging, repeating the command.”
  • S. “By not acknowledging, repeating the command.”
  • C. “OK, start.” And so on.
  • C. “OK, start.” And so on.
  • Coach continues until student is easily doing the drill and with great certainty. Coach can use such originations always directly concerned with the student personally and if he finds a button he continues until the student is tolerating it quite happily. If student breaks up or becomes misemotional coach merely asks “What happened?”

    Coach continues until student is easily doing the drill and with great certainty. Coach can use such originations always directly concerned with the student personally and if he finds a button he continues until the student is tolerating it quite happily. If student breaks up or becomes misemotional coach merely asks “What happened?”

    No flunks. No evaluation, invalidation or validation.

    No flunks. No evaluation, invalidation or validation.

    Ask “What happened?” as required. When the question is not answered, the student must say gently, “I’ll repeat the auditing question,” and do so until he gets an answer. Anything except commands, acknowledgment and, as needed, the repeat statement is queried. Unnecessary use of the repeat statement is queried. A poor command is queried. A poor acknowledgment is queried. Student misemotion or confusion is queried. Student failure to utter the next command without a long comm lag is queried. A choppy or premature acknowledgment is queried. Lack of an acknowledgment (or with a distinct comm lag) is queried.

    Ask “What happened?” as required. When the question is not answered, the student must say gently, “I’ll repeat the auditing question,” and do so until he gets an answer. Anything except commands, acknowledgment and, as needed, the repeat statement is queried. Unnecessary use of the repeat statement is queried. A poor command is queried. A poor acknowledgment is queried. Student misemotion or confusion is queried. Student failure to utter the next command without a long comm lag is queried. A choppy or premature acknowledgment is queried. Lack of an acknowledgment (or with a distinct comm lag) is queried.

    “Start”, “Flunk”, “Good” and “That’s it” may not be used to fluster or trap the student. Any other statement under the sun may be. The coach may try to leave his chair in this TR. If he succeeds it is queried. The coach should not use introverted statements such as “I just had a cognition.” “Coach divertive” statements should all concern the student, and should be designed to throw the student off and cause the student to lose session control or track of what the student is doing.

    “Start”, “Flunk”, “Good” and “That’s it” may not be used to fluster or trap the student. Any other statement under the sun may be. The coach may try to leave his chair in this TR. If he succeeds it is queried. The coach should not use introverted statements such as “I just had a cognition.” “Coach divertive” statements should all concern the student, and should be designed to throw the student off and cause the student to lose session control or track of what the student is doing.

    The student’s job is to keep a session going in spite of anything, using only command, the repeat statement or the acknowledgment.

    The student’s job is to keep a session going in spite of anything, using only command, the repeat statement or the acknowledgment.

    The student may use his or her hands to prevent a “blow” (leaving) of the coach.

    The student may use his or her hands to prevent a “blow” (leaving) of the coach.

    If the student does anything else than the above, it is queried. By queried is meant coach asks student “What happened?”

    If the student does anything else than the above, it is queried. By queried is meant coach asks student “What happened?”

    HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in London in April 1956 to overcome variations and sudden changes in sessions. Revised 1961 and 1963 by L. Ron Hubbard. The old TR had a comm bridge as part of its training but this is now part of and is taught in Model Session and is no longer needed at this level. Auditors have been frail in getting their questions answered. This TR was redesigned to improve that frailty.

    HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in London in April 1956 to overcome variations and sudden changes in sessions. Revised 1961 and 1963 by L. Ron Hubbard. The old TR had a comm bridge as part of its training but this is now part of and is taught in Model Session and is no longer needed at this level. Auditors have been frail in getting their questions answered. This TR was redesigned to improve that frailty.

    NUMBER: TR 4. Revised 1961 and 1963.

    NUMBER: TR 4. Revised 1961 and 1963.

    NAME: Preclear Originations.

    NAME: Preclear Originations.

    PURPOSE: To teach a student not to be tongue-tied or startled or thrown off session by originations of preclear and to maintain ARC with preclear throughout an origination.

    PURPOSE: To teach a student not to be tongue-tied or startled or thrown off session by originations of preclear and to maintain ARC with preclear throughout an origination.

    COMMANDS: The student runs “Do fish swim?” or “Do birds fly?” on coach. Coach answers but now and then makes startling comments from a prepared list given by Instructor. Student must handle originations to satisfaction of coach.

    COMMANDS: The student runs “Do fish swim?” or “Do birds fly?” on coach. Coach answers but now and then makes startling comments from a prepared list given by Instructor. Student must handle originations to satisfaction of coach.

    POSITION: Student and coach sit facing each other at a comfortable distance apart. TRAINING STRESS: The student is taught to hear originations and do three things:

    POSITION: Student and coach sit facing each other at a comfortable distance apart. TRAINING STRESS: The student is taught to hear originations and do three things:

    (1) Understand it;

    (1) Understand it;

    (2) Acknowledge it; and

    (2) Acknowledge it; and

    (3) Return preclear to session.

    (3) Return preclear to session.

    If the coach feels abruptness or too much time consumed or lack of comprehension, he corrects the coach into better handling.

    If the coach feels abruptness or too much time consumed or lack of comprehension, he corrects the coach into better handling.

    Patter: All originations concern the coach, his ideas, reactions or difficulties, none concern the auditor. Otherwise the patter is the same as in earlier TRs. The student’s patter is governed by:

    Patter: All originations concern the coach, his ideas, reactions or difficulties, none concern the auditor. Otherwise the patter is the same as in earlier TRs. The student’s patter is governed by:

    1. Clarifying and understanding the origin.
    1. Clarifying and understanding the origin.
  • Acknowledging the origin.
  • Acknowledging the origin.
  • Giving the repeat statement “I’ll repeat the auditing command,” and then giving it.
  • Giving the repeat statement “I’ll repeat the auditing command,” and then giving it.
  • Anything else is queried. The auditor must be taught to prevent ARC breaks and differentiate between a vital problem that concerns the pc and a mere effort to blow session. (TR 3 Revised.) If the student does more than (1) Understand, (2) Acknowledge, (3) Return pc to session, he is in error.

    Anything else is queried. The auditor must be taught to prevent ARC breaks and differentiate between a vital problem that concerns the pc and a mere effort to blow session. (TR 3 Revised.) If the student does more than (1) Understand, (2) Acknowledge, (3) Return pc to session, he is in error.

    Coach may throw in remarks personal to student as on TR 3. Student’s failure to differentiate between these (by trying to handle them) and remarks aimed only at the student is queried.

    Coach may throw in remarks personal to student as on TR 3. Student’s failure to differentiate between these (by trying to handle them) and remarks aimed only at the student is queried.

    Student’s failure to persist is always queried in any TR but here more so. Coach should not always read from list to originate, and not always look at student when about to comment.

    Student’s failure to persist is always queried in any TR but here more so. Coach should not always read from list to originate, and not always look at student when about to comment.

    By Originate is meant a statement or remark referring to the state of the coach or fancied case.

    By Originate is meant a statement or remark referring to the state of the coach or fancied case.

    By Comment is meant a statement or remark aimed only at student or room. Originations are handled, Comments are disregarded by the student.

    By Comment is meant a statement or remark aimed only at student or room. Originations are handled, Comments are disregarded by the student.

    TR 4 and anti-Q & A is what bothers auditors the most. Q & Aing is a fault which causes ARC breaks and therefore throws the pc out of session. The reason is that when you Q & A the pc is not permitted to let go of an origination and is therefore left with a Missed Withhold. Q & A = Missed Withholds = ARC Breaks.

    TR 4 and anti-Q & A is what bothers auditors the most. Q & Aing is a fault which causes ARC breaks and therefore throws the pc out of session. The reason is that when you Q & A the pc is not permitted to let go of an origination and is therefore left with a Missed Withhold. Q & A = Missed Withholds = ARC Breaks.

    Coach starts by asking student to define TR 4. If student doesn’t know it then coach gives the definition as follows: TR 4 is to hear an origination, to understand it, to acknowledge it and return pc to session. Similarly coach asks for a definition of Q& A, which is: Double questioning, changing because pc changed, following pc’s instruction.

    Coach starts by asking student to define TR 4. If student doesn’t know it then coach gives the definition as follows: TR 4 is to hear an origination, to understand it, to acknowledge it and return pc to session. Similarly coach asks for a definition of Q& A, which is: Double questioning, changing because pc changed, following pc’s instruction.

    Coach then tells student to run the process “Do birds fly?” or “Do fish swim?” Coach frequently introduces an origination. When student has dealt with origination or has tried to deal with it, coach asks searchingly the following questions:

    Coach then tells student to run the process “Do birds fly?” or “Do fish swim?” Coach frequently introduces an origination. When student has dealt with origination or has tried to deal with it, coach asks searchingly the following questions:

    1. “Were you tongue-tied? startled? thrown off session?”
    1. “Were you tongue-tied? startled? thrown off session?”
  • “Did you hear origination?”
  • “Did you hear origination?”
  • “Did you understand it?”
  • “Did you understand it?”
  • “Did you acknowledge it?”
  • “Did you acknowledge it?”
  • “Did you return me to session?”
  • “Did you return me to session?”
  • “Did you double question me?”
  • “Did you double question me?”
  • “Did you change because I had changed?”
  • “Did you change because I had changed?”
  • “Did you follow my instruction?”
  • “Did you follow my instruction?”
  • “What did you do?”
  • “What did you do?”
  • “What happened?”
  • “What happened?”
  • Question 10 can be asked randomly throughout the drill whenever coach sees or hears something that indicates student is in trouble of any sort.

    Question 10 can be asked randomly throughout the drill whenever coach sees or hears something that indicates student is in trouble of any sort.

    Coach is permitted to “lead student up the garden path” for a little while before asking the above question.

    Coach is permitted to “lead student up the garden path” for a little while before asking the above question.

    This drill needs to be done very thoroughly. If coach notices that student is using a method or pattern, coach can add in the question “Are you using a method or pattern in this drill?”

    This drill needs to be done very thoroughly. If coach notices that student is using a method or pattern, coach can add in the question “Are you using a method or pattern in this drill?”

    The drill is continued over and over until student is doing it comfortably and happily. HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in London in April 1956 to teach auditors to stay in session when preclear dives out. Revised by L. Ron Hubbard in 1961 to teach an auditor more about handling origins and preventing ARC breaks. Revised 1963 by Reg Sharpe with the advices of L. Ron Hubbard.

    The drill is continued over and over until student is doing it comfortably and happily. HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in London in April 1956 to teach auditors to stay in session when preclear dives out. Revised by L. Ron Hubbard in 1961 to teach an auditor more about handling origins and preventing ARC breaks. Revised 1963 by Reg Sharpe with the advices of L. Ron Hubbard.

    Coaches’ Drill

    Coaches’ Drill

    Coach and student (who is in this case the student coach) seated as in the normal TR drills.

    Coach and student (who is in this case the student coach) seated as in the normal TR drills.

    Coach has the copy of the drill in front of him. He tells student to coach a TR. Whenever student departs from the script coach says, “That’s it. The correct question there should be_____.” “The correct action there should be_____. “ This is continued until student coach is thoroughly conversant with the script.

    Coach has the copy of the drill in front of him. He tells student to coach a TR. Whenever student departs from the script coach says, “That’s it. The correct question there should be_____.” “The correct action there should be_____. “ This is continued until student coach is thoroughly conversant with the script.

    Coach keeps student on the drill and at the end of each cycle asks student, “Did you notice any physical changes on my part?” “What were they?” “Did you ask me ‘What happened?’ each time?”

    Coach keeps student on the drill and at the end of each cycle asks student, “Did you notice any physical changes on my part?” “What were they?” “Did you ask me ‘What happened?’ each time?”

    Drill is continued with each TR in turn until student is administering all the TRs efficiently, interestedly and competently.

    Drill is continued with each TR in turn until student is administering all the TRs efficiently, interestedly and competently.

    Ask “What happened?” as required.

    Ask “What happened?” as required.

    HISTORY: Developed by Reg Sharpe with the advices of L. Ron Hubbard in April 1963 at Saint Hill to teach students how to coach the TRs.

    HISTORY: Developed by Reg Sharpe with the advices of L. Ron Hubbard in April 1963 at Saint Hill to teach students how to coach the TRs.

    Training Note

    Training Note

    It is better to go through these TRs several times getting tougher each time than to hang up on one TR forever or to be so tough at start student goes into a decline.

    It is better to go through these TRs several times getting tougher each time than to hang up on one TR forever or to be so tough at start student goes into a decline.
