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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Not-Is Straight Wire - B590122 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Прямой Провод Не-Есть - Б590122 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 590122 - HCO Bulletin - Not-Is Straightwire [B023-025]
- 590122 - HCO Bulletin - Not-Is Straightwire [B035-010]
- 590122 - HCO Bulletin - Not-Is Straightwire [B133-004]
- 590122 - HCO Bulletin - Not-Is Straightwire [B144-004]
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Those persons on whom a process works once and those who have either dub-in or occlusion, process easily, if dramatically, on Not-Is Straight Wire. (See Axioms 11D, 18 and 22.)

Those persons on whom a process works once and those who have either dub-in or occlusion, process easily, if dramatically, on Not-Is Straight Wire. (See Axioms 11D, 18 and 22.)

Pcs divide into three general classes:

Pcs divide into three general classes:

1. Those who have 3D pictures and good time sense.

1. Those who have 3D pictures and good time sense.

2. Those who are occluded with black, colored or invisible fields and poor time sense.

2. Those who are occluded with black, colored or invisible fields and poor time sense.

3. Those who dub-in and have no time sense.

3. Those who dub-in and have no time sense.

The scale of deterioration of a case is as above. First there are 3D copies of the real universe, then there is the action of not-ising these pictures (while they’re still there) and finally, while not-ising, substituting false pictures.

The scale of deterioration of a case is as above. First there are 3D copies of the real universe, then there is the action of not-ising these pictures (while they’re still there) and finally, while not-ising, substituting false pictures.

This process is aimed at case types 2 and 3 above. (ARC Break Straight Wire also handles type 2 but not so well as type 3.)

This process is aimed at case types 2 and 3 above. (ARC Break Straight Wire also handles type 2 but not so well as type 3.)

Types 2 and 3 press into invisibility pictures by making them "unimportant". This is the clue word to unreality, stupidity, occlusion and dub-in. (See the Logics.)

Types 2 and 3 press into invisibility pictures by making them "unimportant". This is the clue word to unreality, stupidity, occlusion and dub-in. (See the Logics.)

The cycle which occurs is that the person gets overwhelmed with other people’s declared importance. They counter by not-ising the importance of others. The reverse cycle of others reducing the pc’s own importances is not run in Not-Is Straight Wire as it reduces havingness.

The cycle which occurs is that the person gets overwhelmed with other people’s declared importance. They counter by not-ising the importance of others. The reverse cycle of others reducing the pc’s own importances is not run in Not-Is Straight Wire as it reduces havingness.

The commands of Not-Is Straight Wire are only these and no other:

The commands of Not-Is Straight Wire are only these and no other:

"Recall a time you implied something was unimportant. " Pc does. "When?" Pc says or auditor assists him by pegging it on an E-Meter.

"Recall a time you implied something was unimportant. " Pc does. "When?" Pc says or auditor assists him by pegging it on an E-Meter.

This is run for about an hour. Then a second command only is run.

This is run for about an hour. Then a second command only is run.

"Recall a time when somebody else thought something was important’ Pc does. "When?" Pc says or auditor assists him by locating on E-Meter.

"Recall a time when somebody else thought something was important’ Pc does. "When?" Pc says or auditor assists him by locating on E-Meter.

Acknowledgement is used. TR 4 is reduced to a nod.

Acknowledgement is used. TR 4 is reduced to a nod.

An hour of one is followed by an hour of the other.

An hour of one is followed by an hour of the other.

There’s dynamite in this process. It is good, clean and unlimited. But don’t chicken on it and pull out and don’t quit because the pc gets uncomfortable.

There’s dynamite in this process. It is good, clean and unlimited. But don’t chicken on it and pull out and don’t quit because the pc gets uncomfortable.

Here may be the QED for all occlusion and dub-in cases.

Here may be the QED for all occlusion and dub-in cases.
