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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- PT Problem and Goals - B610223 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 610223 - HCO Bulletin - PT Problem and Goals [B001-014]
- 610223 - HCO Bulletin - PT Problem and Goals [B028-011]
- 610223 - HCO Bulletin - PT Problem and Goals [B037-014]
CONTENTS PT PROBLEM AND GOALS Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex



It will be found that PT Problems are often disclosed by the goals announced by the pc.

It will be found that PT Problems are often disclosed by the goals announced by the pc.

A PT Problem can wholly stall a case. Only withholds, PT Problems, and ARC Breaks (gross auditing errors) can stop a case now.

A PT Problem can wholly stall a case. Only withholds, PT Problems, and ARC Breaks (gross auditing errors) can stop a case now.

Definitions: A problem is an intention counter intention that worries the preclear. A Present Time Problem is a problem that exists now in the physical universe. The pc often announces a PT Problem when asked for his goals.

Definitions: A problem is an intention counter intention that worries the preclear. A Present Time Problem is a problem that exists now in the physical universe. The pc often announces a PT Problem when asked for his goals.

Example: Asked for goals, pc says he wants to improve his memory. Memory is a PT Problem to him. Until something is done about this, the case stalls. Auditor runs “Something you wouldn’t mind forgetting,” so long as pc is happy with it and unhappy with memory. This may be 25 hours or more.

Example: Asked for goals, pc says he wants to improve his memory. Memory is a PT Problem to him. Until something is done about this, the case stalls. Auditor runs “Something you wouldn’t mind forgetting,” so long as pc is happy with it and unhappy with memory. This may be 25 hours or more.

Example: Pc says his goal is to get rid of paralysis in his leg. This is his PT Problem. Auditor runs “Tell me something worse than a leg” until it is no longer a problem to the pc.

Example: Pc says his goal is to get rid of paralysis in his leg. This is his PT Problem. Auditor runs “Tell me something worse than a leg” until it is no longer a problem to the pc.

The Dianetic Assist is Presession 38. Finding an engram or secondary and running it, but only to resolve pc’s PT Problem and only as a prelude to formulas, takes care of the goal-PT Problem situation in most cases. In any event you have 11 years of technology to handle these PTPs that exist as goals.

The Dianetic Assist is Presession 38. Finding an engram or secondary and running it, but only to resolve pc’s PT Problem and only as a prelude to formulas, takes care of the goal-PT Problem situation in most cases. In any event you have 11 years of technology to handle these PTPs that exist as goals.

I’m happy to have found this data and to have found new ways of handling engrams. But it does not supplant Formulas and Regimens as announced.

I’m happy to have found this data and to have found new ways of handling engrams. But it does not supplant Formulas and Regimens as announced.

Most of this modern rundown will be found on the 22nd American ACC tapes, January 1961, 10 hours, now being used to train Central Org Personnel.

Most of this modern rundown will be found on the 22nd American ACC tapes, January 1961, 10 hours, now being used to train Central Org Personnel.

Research wise, I am trying to find a way to resolve the goal-PT Problem situation with new ways of handling failed help on the basis that whatever the pc thinks is wrong he has failed to help.

Research wise, I am trying to find a way to resolve the goal-PT Problem situation with new ways of handling failed help on the basis that whatever the pc thinks is wrong he has failed to help.
