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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Case Actions Off Line (CSS-029) - B710308 | Сравнить
- Precision Dianetics the Commands of R3R - B710308 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Работа с Кейсом, Вне Линий (КС-29) (2) - Б710308 | Сравнить
- Работа с Кейсом, Вне Линий (КС-29) - Б710308 | Сравнить
- Точная Дианетика - Команды R3R (ДИА) - Б710308-2 | Сравнить
- Форма Экзаменатора (АО-11) - Б710308-1 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 710308 - HCO Bulletin - Case Actions, Off-Line [B011-022]
- 710308 - HCO Bulletin - Case Actions, Off-Line [B044-023]
- 710308 - HCO Bulletin - Case Actions, Off-Line [B078-028]
- 710308 - HCO Bulletin - Case Actions, Off-Line [B142-016]
- 710308 - HCO Bulletin - Examiners Form [B012-178]
- 710308 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Precision Dianetics - The Commands of R3R [B011-023]
- 710308 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Precision Dianetics - The Commands of R3R [B044-024]
- 710308 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Precision Dianetics - The Commands of R3R [B077-003]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue II
(Adds to HCOB 6 May 69
"Routine 3-R Revised Engram Running by Chains."
Cancels HCOB 26 Jan 70 "Re R3R."
This HCOB takes precedence over any earlier Commands for running R3R.)
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Dianetic ChecksheetsRemimeo
Ext Int ChecksheetCS Series 29
HGC Auditors



A C/S can be plagued by off line case actions of which he is not informed.

Dianetics is precision run.

The existence of these can wreck his carefully laid out programs and make a case appear incomprehensible.

Altering commands, skipping commands, stumbling over commands, re-arranging the sequence of commands drives a preclear out of session and often throws him into different chains, leaving un-erased masses in restimulation and causes unhappy sick pcs.

Thus it is up to a C/S to suspect and find these where a case isn’t responding normally in auditing.

Altering, skipping, stumbling re-arranging sequence of commands has the additional consequence of adversely training the preclear to be wary of auditor control and seek to control his own session. This has a deadly result for a pc as it makes him massy, sick and difficult to control in subsequent sessions.

1. Life knocking ruds out faster than they can be audited in.

It also causes the pc to lose confidence in auditors and auditing.

Schedule sessions closer together and give very long sessions so life hasn’t a chance to interfere. Can go as far as requiring person via the D of P to stay in a hotel away from the area of enturbulation or not associate until case is audited up high enough.

A "fast" pc is never too fast for a precision auditor. There is a difference between a fast pc and a pc whom the auditor is not controlling.

Shows up most drastically in Interiorization Intensives where no ruds can be run unless the RD is complete. Thus Int has to be done in one session, with the 2 wc Int-Ext the next day.

There is no such thing as a "slow," "bad" or "rough" pc. It is the auditor who "educates" the pc into being difficult to control.

2. Pc physically ill before next session and auditing of a major action being done on a sick pc who should have another C/S entirely.

An auditor who permits a pc to skip commands and jump steps not running R3R but is permitting the pc to run some poor form of Recall on himself. Such an auditor could ruin that pc's chances for gains in future auditing as he has "educated" the pc to be "difficult. "

Happens when delayed or late new Exam reports don’t get into folder before C/Sing it. Ginger up Exam routing.

Since most pc's start their auditing with Dianetics, it therefore is very important to do precision: R3R, have flawless TRs and metering and session control so that the preclear is handled and controlled correctly from the start. It is the auditor who controls the pc's time track and the session and educates the pc for good or for worse.

Happens when auditors are not alert to the pc’s illness and audit anyway. Make auditors not audit and report at once sick pcs.

It is the auditor's full responsibility to audit the pc flawlessly. Thus the myth of "rough PCs," "slow" and "bad PCs" will disappear and all PCs will audit like a dream.

Pcs hiding general illness may show up as no case gain. Answer is to get a full medical exam.


3. Self-Auditing.

Establish the type of chain the pc is to run by assessment. This is done usually by using the Health Form.

Detected by no lasting gain. Hi-Lo TA Assessment will show it up.

The item that reads best and has the pc's interest is the one you will run. The same item is run on all four flows. There is one chain to each flow. Each chain is run to F/N, Cog, VGIs – Erasure.

Two way Comm on when they began to self audit (usually auditor scarcity or some introverting shock).


4. Coffee Shop Auditing.

STEP ONE: Locate the first incident by the exact command: "Locate an incident that could have caused _________(the exact item worded exactly as assessed from Health Form or list.)"

Meterless fool around, often by students, stirring up cases.

STEP TWO: Date the incident. This is done by asking the exact question: "When was it?"

Forbid it in an area.

Take what the pc gives you. It may be a date – or "years ago. " It may be "a long time ago" or "during the Middle Ages" or "when there were Dinosaurs. " He has told you when it was. Take it.

5. Touch and Contact Assists interrupting a general course of auditing, often to no F/N.

Or the pc may answer "I don't know. " You can place the incident by location, significance or time by asking "Is there any way you can place the incident?" He'll answer "Oh yes, there's a hill with a tree on it" or some such. Take it.

Make all such assists be done on a worksheet and make it mandatory to take the pc to an examiner afterwards.

STEP THREE: "Move to (date pc gave in Step Two.)" If pc didn't give a date in Step Two but said "A long time ago" you'd say "move to a long time ago" or if he said "during the Middle Ages," you'd say "move to during the Middle Ages. " You would never say "move to I don't know" but you'd include the content – i.e. "move to the time there's a hill with a tree on it. "

W/S and Exam Rpt then appear in folder.

STEP FOUR: "What is the duration of the Incident?" Use this exact command to establish duration (length) of incident. An incident may be anything from a split second long to 15 Trillion Trillion years long.

The C/S can then get in the other actions (Ruds, S & D, HCO B 24 July 69) on the injured pc.

STEP FIVE: "Move to the beginning of the incident at _________ (date pc gave in Step Two.)" Wait until meter flicks or pc indicates OK. If date was not given but content was given: "Move to the beginning of the incident at a long time ago" or "Move to the beginning of the incident at the time there's a hill with a tree on it," etc.

6. Study Rundowns.

STEP SIX: (If pc's eyes are open, say softly "Close your eyes. ") Ask the exact question, "What do you see?" Acknowledge whatever the pc says. Do not ask a second question here ever.

An illegal and offbeat line can occur when auditing out misunderstoods in study or “Management Word Rundown” or such occurs in the middle of a general auditing program.

STEP SEVEN: "Move through the incident to a point _________ (duration pc gave in Step Four) later. " Send the pc through the incident with this exact command.

Require that C/S okay is required.

STEP EIGHT: Ask nothing, say nothing, do nothing (except make quiet notes) while pc is going through the incident. If pc says anything at all, let him say it. Do not interrupt him in any way. When the pc has finished saying whatever it was, just gently acknowledge with the exact command "Okay, continue" and let him continue.

Get such done at the START of courses and BEFORE a major auditing cycle is begun. Enforce this hard as the other answer that will be taken will be to do it at the end of the cycle and wreck major auditing program results.

If the pc has obviously finished going through the incident you would not say "Okay, continue" but go on to the next step. Do not coax, distract, prompt or question the pc during this period.

7. Illegal Patch-Ups.

STEP NINE: When the pc reaches the end of the incident (usually pc moves or looks up) say only "What happened?"

Sometimes all through an intensive there is another auditor unknown to the C/S who 2 wcs the pc or audits the pc who is complaining to him or her.

Take whatever pc says, acknowledge only as needful, say nothing else, ask nothing else. When pc has told little or much and has finished talking, give a final acknowledgment.

Shows up in the Hi-Lo TA Assessment.

After 1 to 9 (the first time through,) go through the incident a second time.

Forbid it.

On going through the same incident a second or third or fourth etc. time, one does not ask for the date and duration again or for any description.

8. People talking about their cases.

The exact steps for the second, third, fourth, etc. time through are done exactly as follows:

Past life reality is often badly hurt by people who talk about being Napoleon, Caesar and God. This makes “past lives” an unreal subject by bad comparison.

A. "Move to the beginning of the incident,"

Restimulative material is sometimes used to “push someone’s buttons”.

B. "Tell me when you are there. "

Bullbait that uses actual processes or implants should be stamped out hard.

Steps A and B can be done at one time. They will sound like one sentence, "Move to the beginning of the incident; tell me when you are there. "

9. Advanced Course material insecurity.

C. When the pc has said he is, "Scan through to the end of the incident. "

I have seen several cases wrecked by careless storage of Ad Course materials where lower levels could get at them.

D. When the pc has finished, "Tell me what happened. "

One notable case was a suppressive who got hold of Ad Course materials and chanted them at his wife to drive her insane. She recovered eventually. He didn’t.

The second, third, fourth, etc. time through the same incident one uses the same A to D commands as above, exactly.

When a C/S gets a whiff of upper level materials on a lower level pc worksheet he should make an ethics matter of it and get it traced.


10. Illegal drug use.

After the second time through and every time through the same incident thereafter (but not after the first time through) find out if the incident is erasing or going more solid.

A pc who suddenly relapses onto drugs or who has a long drug history can cause a case to look very very odd. The TA flies up. The case, running okay, suddenly ceases to run.

You ask: "Is the incident erasing or going more solid?" If pc says it is erasing, you go through steps A to D again a third etc. time, asking at the end of "D" each time if the incident is erasing or going more solid.

Addicts can come off it if given TRs 0 to 9 and an HAS Course (modern).

But you would ask if the incident were erasing or going more solid only if the Tone Arm were not rising by the end of Step D. (i.e. You ask if it's Solid or Erasing if the Tone Arm has been blowing down.)

Drug chains are rehabbed and run out by Dianetics.

Tone Am blowing down usually means incident is erasing. See HCOB 28 May 69 How Not to Erase.


Occasionally the Tone Arm may be going down but the incident may be fading for the pc or it may appear more solid to him because an earlier incident is coming up and he may say "I don't know. " In any of these instances do not go through A to D again. You must go earlier (see exact commands for going earlier later in this HCOB.)


If the Tone Arm is higher after Step D than it was just previously you would not ask if the incident is erasing or going more solid because tone arm going up = increased mass, increased pressure or intensified somatic.

If the Tone Arm is higher after Step D, you know it is going more solid and do not ask if it is erasing or going more solid. Do not run the incident on Steps A to D again.

You must now find an earlier incident on the same chain .

The idea is, if after a few times through, the incident is not erasing, you'll want to go earlier. If it is erasing, you'll want to continue running the incident.

The Tone Arm indicates if the incident is erasing by blowing down, and it indicates that the incident is not erasing by rising or going high and sticking.


If after Step D the Tone Arm is higher than previously – gone up at all – or if in answer to "erasing or going more solid?" the pc says it's going more solid, or if he doesn't know, you ask for an earlier incident on the same chain with the exact question:

STEP ONE A: "Is there an earlier incident that could have caused _________ (the exact somatic or feeling – the item assessed from the Health Form or list) as was used in Step ONE.

Then you go through Steps One to Nine and A to D in the same way, always going down the chain to an earlier incident whenever the incident you are running is going more solid after the second time through.


Sometimes when you ask for an earlier incident the pc will say there isn't an earlier incident. In this case, the incident you have been running may start earlier.

You would therefore ask, "Does the one we are running start earlier?"

If the pc says "yes," then you give the command, "Move to the new beginning of the incident," Then continue on to B, C, D and continue as usual.

The important thing is to give the pc time to find the earlier incident or the earlier beginning.

If the pc can't find an earlier incident or an earlier beginning, run the incident you were doing on A to D again.



STEP ONE: "Locate an incident that could have caused _________" (the exact somatic or feeling assessed from Health Form.)

STEP ONE A: "Is there an earlier incident that could have caused _________" (the exact somatic or feeling used in STEP ONE.)


STEP ONE: "Locate an incident of your causing another (the exact somatic or feeling used in Flow One.)

STEP ONE A: "Is there an earlier incident of your causing another _________" (the exact somatic or feeling used in Flow One.)"


STEP ONE: "Locate an incident of others causing others (the exact somatic or feeling used in Flow One.)

STEP ONE A: "Is there an earlier incident of others causing others _________" (the exact somatic or feeling used in Flow One.)


STEP ONE: "Locate an incident of your causing yourself _________" (the exact somatic or feeling used in Flow One.)

STEP ONE A: "Is there an earlier incident of your causing yourself _________" (the exact somatic or feeling used in Flow One.)

Each of the Step One and Step One A commands are run on the full verbatim 1 to 9 and A to D steps as given herein, with no omissions or alterations.

Each flow is run to basic on the chain, F/N, cog, VGIs = Erasure.


R3R is run muzzled. Only the commands as given herein are used. The full extent of TR 0 to 4 is used. No step is skipped over. No command is altered ever.

R3R is precise and exact and never varied whether run by a Dianetic Auditor with no other classification or by a Dianetic Auditor who is also a highly classed Scientology Auditor.

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