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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Auditor Failure to Understand (BAS-06) - B621017-B710523-6 | Сравнить
- Comm Cycle Additives (BAS-09) - B710523-10 | Сравнить
- Communication Cycle in Auditing (BAS-05R) - B710523-5R74 | Сравнить
- Communication Cycles Within the Auditing Cycle (BAS-04R) - B710523-4R74 | Сравнить
- Magic of the Communication Cycle (BAS-01R) - B710523-1R74 | Сравнить
- Metering (BAS-11) - B710523-9 | Сравнить
- Premature Acknowledgements (BAS-07) - B710523-7 | Сравнить
- Recognition of the Rigthness of the Being (BAS-10R) - B710523-8R74 | Сравнить
- Three Important Communication Lines (BAS-03) - B710523-3 | Сравнить
- Two Parts of Auditing (BAS-02R) - B710523-2R74 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Волшебство Цикла Общения (ОО-1R) (2) - Б710523-1R74 | Сравнить
- Волшебство Цикла Общения (ОО-1R) - Б710523-1R74 | Сравнить
- Две Составные Части Одитинга (ОО-2R) - Б710523-2R74 | Сравнить
- Две Части Одитинга (ОО-2R) - Б710523-2R74 | Сравнить
- Добавки к Циклу Общения (ОО-9) - Б710523X | Сравнить
- Коммуникационный Цикл в Одитинге (ОО-5R) - Б710523-5R87 | Сравнить
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- Признать Правоту Человеческого Существа (ОО-10R) - Б710523-8R74 | Сравнить
- Работа с Е-метром (ОО-11) - Б710523-9 | Сравнить
- Три Важных Линии Общения (ОО-3) - Б710523-3v74 | Сравнить
- Цикл Общения в Одитинге (ОО-5R) - Б710523-5R74 | Сравнить
- Циклы Общения Внутри Цикла Общения (ОО-4R) - Б710523-4R74 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 710523 Issue 01 - HCO Bulletin - Magic of the Communication Cycle, The [B011-056]
- 710523 Issue 01 - HCO Bulletin - Magic of the Communication Cycle, The [B044-057]
- 710523 Issue 01R - HCO Bulletin - Magic of the Communication Cycle, The [B052-071]
- 710523 Issue 01R - HCO Bulletin - Magic of the Communication Cycle, The [B130-014]
- 710523 Issue 02 - HCO Bulletin - Two Parts of Auditing, The [B011-057]
- 710523 Issue 02 - HCO Bulletin - Two Parts of Auditing, The [B044-058]
- 710523 Issue 02R - HCO Bulletin - Two Parts of Auditing, The [B052-074]
- 710523 Issue 03 - HCO Bulletin - Three Important Communication Lines, The [B011-058]
- 710523 Issue 03 - HCO Bulletin - Three Important Communication Lines, The [B044-059]
- 710523 Issue 03 - HCO Bulletin - Three Important Communication Lines, The [B052-070]
- 710523 Issue 04 - HCO Bulletin - Communication Cycles within the Auditing Cycle [B011-059]
- 710523 Issue 04 - HCO Bulletin - Communication Cycles within the Auditing Cycle [B044-060]
- 710523 Issue 04R - HCO Bulletin - Communication Cycles within the Auditing Cycle [B052-072]
- 710523 Issue 05 - HCO Bulletin - Communication Cycle in Auditing, The [B011-060]
- 710523 Issue 05 - HCO Bulletin - Communication Cycle in Auditing, The [B044-061]
- 710523 Issue 05R - HCO Bulletin - Communication Cycle in Auditing, The [B052-066]
- 710523 Issue 05R - HCO Bulletin - Communication Cycle in Auditing, The [B130-015]
- 710523 Issue 06 - HCO Bulletin - Auditor Failure to Understand [B011-061]
- 710523 Issue 06 - HCO Bulletin - Auditor Failure to Understand [B044-062]
- 710523 Issue 07 - HCO Bulletin - Premature Acknowledgements [B011-062]
- 710523 Issue 07 - HCO Bulletin - Premature Acknowledgements [B044-063]
- 710523 Issue 08 - HCO Bulletin - Recognition of Rightness of the Being [B011-063]
- 710523 Issue 08 - HCO Bulletin - Recognition of Rightness of the Being [B044-065]
- 710523 Issue 08R - HCO Bulletin - Recognition of Rightness of the Being [B052-073]
- 710523 Issue 09 - HCO Bulletin - Metering [B011-064]
- 710523 Issue 09 - HCO Bulletin - Metering [B044-066]
- 710523 Issue 09 - HCO Bulletin - Metering [B142-035]
- 710523 Issue 10 - HCO Bulletin - Comm Cycle Additives [B011-065]
- 710523 Issue 10 - HCO Bulletin - Comm Cycle Additives [B044-067]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue VIII
Revised 4 December 1974
Усадьба Сент-Хилл, Ист-Гринстед, Сассекс
Выпуск Х
Tech & QualСтудентам
Basic Auditing Series 10RТех и Квал


ИП ОХС от 1 Июля 1965 Выпуск II, переиздано дословно как
Taken from the LRH Tape “Good Indicators”, 7 January 1964Серия Основы одитинга, 9

An auditor’s tendency is to look for wrongnesses. He is always trying to find something wrong with the pc. That’s the nature of Scientology; we assume that there is something wrong with somebody otherwise he wouldn’t be here and be dead in his head, and he would be capable of doing a great deal more than he is doing at the particular moment.


An individual is basically and routinely good, capable of many actions and considerable power.

Не позволяется делать никаких добавок к циклу общения в одитинге.

In the state of a Free Thetan or Native State he is a far more powerful individual than when he’s been complicated up.

Пример: Принуждать преклира сформулировать проблему после того, как он сказал, в чем она состоит.

It’s the idea of the additive data to the Thetan. Try to give somebody something he doesn’t want and you are going to overthrow his power of choice. His power of choice is the only thing that he had to begin with, which gave him power, capability and anything else and that power of choice has been consistently and continuously overthrown by giving him things he didn’t want and taking away from him things he didn’t want to get rid of back and forth. You get the individual pretty overwhelmed and he goes down in power.

Пример: Спрашивать преклира, было ли это ответом или нет.

What happened to him actually is he solved something that didn’t need solving. There was something he couldn’t confront so he solved it and he fixed the solution.

Пример: Сообщить преклиру о том, что это “не вызвало реакции на Э-метре”.

Anytime you fix these solutions, for ever and ever you put the individual down grade. An individual becomes aberrated by additives. His experiences in this universe are usually calculated to degrade and depower him. Now all you have to do is pick up all of these criss-crosses and you return him to power.

Пример: Уточнение ответа.

Man is an added-to being and everything that has been added to him has decreased his ability to cope. When you add something to the Being he gets worse.

Это самая ХУДШАЯ разновидность одитинга.

We are in the business of deleting wrongnesses from the individual.

Процессы лучше всего проводятся В НАМОРДНИКЕ. Под словами “в наморднике” подразумевается использование ТОЛЬКО ТУ 0, 1, 2, 3 и 4 в соответствии с учебником.

Even the Freudian Analyst realized that some additive had been added that should be de­leted. So the idea of deleting something to bring about a recovery is not new with us.

Результаты преклира полетят К ЧЕРТЯМ на добавочном цикле общения.

Because we are in the business of deleting wrongnesses from the individual we seldom look at rightnesses and that’s what’s wrong with most auditors. They are so anxious to find the wrongness – and quite properly – and they never really look at the rightness. If they don’t look at the rightnesses that are present, then they aren’t appreciating the degrees of truth that are present that can be promoted into more truth.

Есть сотни тысяч трюков, которые можно добавить к циклу общения одитинга.

In other words they are starting at a level of no truth present all the time so of course they never make any forward progress.


You must realize that there must be truth present and that this truth must be recognized and that this is hand-in-glove a part of auditing – the recognition of the fact that truth is present.

ЕДИНСТВЕННЫЙ СЛУЧАЙ, когда вы просите преклира повторить – это когда вы не смогли услышать, что он сказал.

If you only look for wrongnesses and only recognize wrongnesses then you will never be able to pull anything up a gradient because you won’t think you have any rightnesses to work with. It just all looks wrong to you.

С 1950 года я знал, что все одиторы слишком много говорят в сессии. Максимальный объем речи – это стандартная модельная сессия и ТУ от 0 до 4 Цикла общения одитинга, И ТОЛЬКО.

You have to be able to look at the wrongnesses in order to right them but we also have to be able to look at the rightnesses in order to increase them.

Заставлять преклира “прояснять свой ответ” – это серьезное дело. Фактически, это вопрос Этики, и при постоянном повторении это является Подавляющим действием, потому что оно уничтожит все достижения.

We are only trying to find wrongnesses in order to increase rightnesses, and that’s very important. If you have no rightnesses present in a session you will never be able to make any progress of any kind. Progress is built on a gradient scale of rightnesses by which you delete wrongnesses and they drop and fall away.

Существуют также манерные добавки.

Therefore, Processing is an action by which wrongnesses can be deleted from the case to the degree that rightnesses are present in the session. You cannot take a case that doesn’t have any rightness present and delete a wrongness. So you have to realize that there are right­nesses present and then you increase those rightnesses That makes it possible for you to pick up the wrongnesses and that’s what auditing consists of.

Пример: Ожидание, пока преклир не посмотрит на вас, перед тем как подать следующую команду. (У преклиров, которые на вас не смотрят, есть разрыв АРО. И вы тогда не переворачиваете это с ног на голову, интерпретируя это так, что пк должен посмотреть на вас, прежде, чем вы подадите следующую команду.)

Auditing is a contest of maintaining rightnesses so that we can delete wrongnesses. If you keep on deleting wrongnesses, all the while maintaining and increasing the rightnesses you even­tually wind up with a very right being. You are trying to get a right being, therefore if you don’t continually encourage right beingness you never wind up with a right being.

Пример: Приподнятая бровь как реакция на ответ.

You must learn to observe an auditing session. You want your pc to wind up in a right state – in a more native, more capable, less overwhelmed, higher power of choice sort of state. You want him to wind up with more rightnesses.

Пример: Вопросительный тип подтверждения.

Therefore, if you audit so that you do not encourage and increase rightnesses then you won’t wind up with a right pc.

Вся суть послания в следующем:

The degree of rightness you have present must exceed the wrongness you are going to pick up. It’s a proportional action. If you’ve got as much wrongness in a session as you’ve got right­ness you’re not riding on any cushion. It makes a very difficult job of auditing. If you want to pick up this little wrongness, you have to have rightnesses present which are big enough to engulf it. That makes easy auditing.


If the rightnesses in the session are very minor and the problem is a tiny one, there isn’t enough rightness in the session to handle the problem and the pc cannot erase it.


The pc’s ability to as-is or erase in a session is directly propor­tional to the number of good indicators present in the session.

Это Крупные Ошибки Одитинга. И их следует рассматривать как таковые.

And his inability to cope in a session rises proportionally to the number of bad indicators present in a session.

Одиторы, которые делают добавки к Циклу общения одитинга, никогда не создают Релизов.

Any process has its own series of bad indicators. And the bad indicator moves in when the good indicator moves out So you have to have a primary knowledge of good indicators.

Так что, это - Подавление.

Don’t look for bad indicators on and on and on; you’ll drive the pc around the bend and suppress the good indicators What you want to do is know your good indicators for the level you are running so well that when one of them disappears out of the session, your ears go up and you instantly look for the bad indicator. Don’t look for the bad indicator until you see the vanishment of the good indicator. Otherwise you’re continually prowling around looking for wrongnesses in a session and you keep a pc very upset and you get no auditing done of any kind whatsoever.

Не делайте этого!

Remember this next time you see a pc start to bog and drag and flounder one way or the other. You’ve got to get the pc’s good indicators back in before you can get the pc to handle what you want him to handle.


What influences the attitude of the pc is an ARC Break (that of course is influenced earlier by the auditor’s behavior), or the pc has an overt on the auditor or the pc has a missed withhold.


An auditor who never gets in and finds out what is wrong in the session – the reasonable auditor – messes up pcs like mad.

If all the good indicators are present the auditor knows he is doing a good job of auditing.
