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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Routine 3M, Rundown by Steps (GPM) - B630222 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 630222 - HCO Bulletin - Routine 3M - Rundown by Steps [B063-005]
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Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex



(HCO Secs Check out more thoroughly than any you’ve ever checked before on all staff auditors and staff clearing people.
SHSBC Lecture of 26 Feb. 1963 also covers this HCOB.)
(HCO Secs Check out more thoroughly than any you’ve ever checked before on all staff auditors and staff clearing people.
SHSBC Lecture of 26 Feb. 1963 also covers this HCOB.)

The steps of Routine 3M are as follows:

The steps of Routine 3M are as follows:



1. Get the goal prepchecked so that some rocket reads are seen. Get it checked out. It may only have been seen to rocket read sometime in the past and will not now rocket read; prepcheck it until it RRs at least once. If so, go to Step 2. (3M can be started without having the goal if you have an RR RI from 2-12, if so start 3M with Step 8 and find goal as in Step 15.)

1. Get the goal prepchecked so that some rocket reads are seen. Get it checked out. It may only have been seen to rocket read sometime in the past and will not now rocket read; prepcheck it until it RRs at least once. If so, go to Step 2. (3M can be started without having the goal if you have an RR RI from 2-12, if so start 3M with Step 8 and find goal as in Step 15.)



2. Determine, by meter and by what the pc can answer, the wording for the goal oppose line:

2. Determine, by meter and by what the pc can answer, the wording for the goal oppose line:

“Who or what would the goal_________oppose?”

“Who or what would the goal_________oppose?”

“Who or what would_________oppose?”

“Who or what would_________oppose?”

“Who or what would somebody or something with the goal_________oppose? “

“Who or what would somebody or something with the goal_________oppose? “

“Who or what would (ing version of the goal) oppose?”

“Who or what would (ing version of the goal) oppose?”

Use only one of the above and use no other wording for the question.

Use only one of the above and use no other wording for the question.



3. List a list in the usual way on a meter, watching carefully for rocket reads or rock slams as the pc gives items. Note these accurately on the list. If no R/Ses or RRs appear on this list assume that the goal was wrong or that the pc has been suppressed by other listing below RR or R/S. Do not proceed if no RRs or R/Ses were seen while listing; relegate the case to 2-12 repair (see below) or other goal finding. If R/Ses or RRs are seen on listing, proceed to next step.

3. List a list in the usual way on a meter, watching carefully for rocket reads or rock slams as the pc gives items. Note these accurately on the list. If no R/Ses or RRs appear on this list assume that the goal was wrong or that the pc has been suppressed by other listing below RR or R/S. Do not proceed if no RRs or R/Ses were seen while listing; relegate the case to 2-12 repair (see below) or other goal finding. If R/Ses or RRs are seen on listing, proceed to next step.



4. List the list no less than 50 items (by actual count) beyond the last R/S or RR (whichever was last). In actual fact all TA action should be off the list by this time but auditors have trouble in some instances in interpreting what is TA action on the list. Keep going if you know what “no TA action” is but don’t use “.005 divisions TA change” as an excuse to list pc black in the face.

4. List the list no less than 50 items (by actual count) beyond the last R/S or RR (whichever was last). In actual fact all TA action should be off the list by this time but auditors have trouble in some instances in interpreting what is TA action on the list. Keep going if you know what “no TA action” is but don’t use “.005 divisions TA change” as an excuse to list pc black in the face.



5. Test list by reading two R/Ses or RRs back to pc. If only one R/S or RR is reading on the list, it is complete. If two are reading continue the list until you have new R/Ses or RRs and 50 beyond the last one again. Then retest. Be sure list is complete, by which is meant “it has an R/Sing or RRing item reading on it but not two, and an RI is on the list.”

5. Test list by reading two R/Ses or RRs back to pc. If only one R/S or RR is reading on the list, it is complete. If two are reading continue the list until you have new R/Ses or RRs and 50 beyond the last one again. Then retest. Be sure list is complete, by which is meant “it has an R/Sing or RRing item reading on it but not two, and an RI is on the list.”



6. Search out the R/Sing or RRing item by reading each one marked RR on listing back to pc. One should rocket read or rock slam without TD. If none are found that now R/S or RR, read the non-R/S, non-RR items just above and below each marked R/S or RR. (You may have mistaken which item R/Sed or RRed.) Work at it until you’ve found the reliable (reading on the meter when read back to the pc) item. If none R/S or RR use small tiger on those that DR. If still none R/S or RR extend the list until new R/Ses or RRs are seen. If no RI yet, null the whole source list. You only do this with goal-oppose (source) list.

6. Search out the R/Sing or RRing item by reading each one marked RR on listing back to pc. One should rocket read or rock slam without TD. If none are found that now R/S or RR, read the non-R/S, non-RR items just above and below each marked R/S or RR. (You may have mistaken which item R/Sed or RRed.) Work at it until you’ve found the reliable (reading on the meter when read back to the pc) item. If none R/S or RR use small tiger on those that DR. If still none R/S or RR extend the list until new R/Ses or RRs are seen. If no RI yet, null the whole source list. You only do this with goal-oppose (source) list.



7. Get the big mid ruds in on the reliable item found. If it R/Sed it will turn into an RR if big mid ruds are put in on it. But even if it only still R/Sed, proceed to next step. If it vanishes without being listed extend goal-oppose list.

7. Get the big mid ruds in on the reliable item found. If it R/Sed it will turn into an RR if big mid ruds are put in on it. But even if it only still R/Sed, proceed to next step. If it vanishes without being listed extend goal-oppose list.



8. Determine if the RI is a terminal or an oppterm. Just because an oppterm was indicated by the list question is no reason an oppterm will come up. If an exalted- sounding item it is probably an oppterm. If a degraded reversal of the goal it is probably a terminal. As more RIs accumulate on the line plot the less this is true. It finally reverses. Use any tests released. Wrong-way-to gives more mass to pc and reads less on meter.

8. Determine if the RI is a terminal or an oppterm. Just because an oppterm was indicated by the list question is no reason an oppterm will come up. If an exalted- sounding item it is probably an oppterm. If a degraded reversal of the goal it is probably a terminal. As more RIs accumulate on the line plot the less this is true. It finally reverses. Use any tests released. Wrong-way-to gives more mass to pc and reads less on meter.



9. List the RI as a terminal “Who or what would (RI) oppose?” or as an oppterm “ Who or what would oppose (RI)? “If pc’s face darkens or mass pulls in or if he can’t keep the question in mind or can’t think of answers easily or if needle tightens, etc., quickly abandon and start a new list with the reverse question. But be very careful not to keep reversing an R3 list. Don’t test list as in R2. Be right in the first place and unload fast if you’re wrong in the way it’s being opposed. The more you change the way you oppose it the more mass you’ll pull up on the pc. A reverse-way oppose list also has RRs and R/Ses on it.

9. List the RI as a terminal “Who or what would (RI) oppose?” or as an oppterm “ Who or what would oppose (RI)? “If pc’s face darkens or mass pulls in or if he can’t keep the question in mind or can’t think of answers easily or if needle tightens, etc., quickly abandon and start a new list with the reverse question. But be very careful not to keep reversing an R3 list. Don’t test list as in R2. Be right in the first place and unload fast if you’re wrong in the way it’s being opposed. The more you change the way you oppose it the more mass you’ll pull up on the pc. A reverse-way oppose list also has RRs and R/Ses on it.



10. List 25 (not 23 or 20) items beyond the last R/S or RR. If you can read a tone arm, be sure the TA action is out of the list. But don’t use TA action of one/millionth of a division as an excuse to list the pc into the ground with overlisting. The actual rule is “25 items beyond the last TA change and 25 beyond the last RR or R/S.” Never list less than 25 items beyond the last RR or R/S. If a new RR or R/S occurs go 25 beyond it. TA action can be caused by Protest, Decide, ARC break. If the pc ARC breaks after you’ve stopped listing, the list must be extended as the ARC break, no matter what the pc says, comes from the item not being on the list. This step is very easy. Just list and note down the RRs and R/Ses seen on the meter as you list. Write fast. Get the item down correctly. Ask the list question only often enough to keep the pc listing. When he stops you ask the question. Or ask it when he asks for it. Don’t overlist. R3 overlisting is brutally cruel. Don’t underlist. Don’t miss reads. The sensitivity is set at about 3 on a Mark V and 4 on a Mark IV for listing. The eye looks across the dial at the sheet beside the meter. You move the sheet up as you write. Left-hand meters are available at HCO WW for southpaws. Put your TA reads on your listing sheet each time TA changes.

10. List 25 (not 23 or 20) items beyond the last R/S or RR. If you can read a tone arm, be sure the TA action is out of the list. But don’t use TA action of one/millionth of a division as an excuse to list the pc into the ground with overlisting. The actual rule is “25 items beyond the last TA change and 25 beyond the last RR or R/S.” Never list less than 25 items beyond the last RR or R/S. If a new RR or R/S occurs go 25 beyond it. TA action can be caused by Protest, Decide, ARC break. If the pc ARC breaks after you’ve stopped listing, the list must be extended as the ARC break, no matter what the pc says, comes from the item not being on the list. This step is very easy. Just list and note down the RRs and R/Ses seen on the meter as you list. Write fast. Get the item down correctly. Ask the list question only often enough to keep the pc listing. When he stops you ask the question. Or ask it when he asks for it. Don’t overlist. R3 overlisting is brutally cruel. Don’t underlist. Don’t miss reads. The sensitivity is set at about 3 on a Mark V and 4 on a Mark IV for listing. The eye looks across the dial at the sheet beside the meter. You move the sheet up as you write. Left-hand meters are available at HCO WW for southpaws. Put your TA reads on your listing sheet each time TA changes.



11. Check the item you are listingfrom. If it ticks or fires, don’t do anything with the list you’ve just done. Continue it to a new RR or R/S and do 25 beyond it. The item can read because the pc is protesting or invalidating but usually it’s just list more. If item being listed from doesn’t read, proceed to 12.

11. Check the item you are listingfrom. If it ticks or fires, don’t do anything with the list you’ve just done. Continue it to a new RR or R/S and do 25 beyond it. The item can read because the pc is protesting or invalidating but usually it’s just list more. If item being listed from doesn’t read, proceed to 12.



12. Say to the pc, “I will now read the last rock slamming item on the list.” (Omit saying the above if the last item was an RR.) “That didn’t read.” (If it did, and an RR is above it your list is incomplete so do Step 11 again.) If it didn’t read (which it shouldn’t) say “I will now read the next-to-last rocket reading item on the list.” Do so. If it RRs or R/Ses do Step 11 again. If it doesn’t (which it shouldn’t) say “That doesn’t read.” Now say, “I will now read the last rocket reading item on the list.” Do so. If it reads (R/S or RR) say “That rocket reads.” or “That rock slams.” This is the one that must read. If it RRed when being written down but R/Sed when read back to pc, the only action necessary is to put in the big mid ruds on it and it will RR. If the last RR noted on list doesn’t read, then say, “I will now read the item above it.” (Read the one above, the one below, the one 2 above, the one 2 below.) As soon as you have one that fires, say, “That reads.” Now don’t do anything else when you have the item. Look silently at the pc. You will see him get lighter colored in the face, the tone arm will blow down, the meter will fire rocket reads as the pc cognites. If pc is in doubt say “That’s your item.”

12. Say to the pc, “I will now read the last rock slamming item on the list.” (Omit saying the above if the last item was an RR.) “That didn’t read.” (If it did, and an RR is above it your list is incomplete so do Step 11 again.) If it didn’t read (which it shouldn’t) say “I will now read the next-to-last rocket reading item on the list.” Do so. If it RRs or R/Ses do Step 11 again. If it doesn’t (which it shouldn’t) say “That doesn’t read.” Now say, “I will now read the last rocket reading item on the list.” Do so. If it reads (R/S or RR) say “That rocket reads.” or “That rock slams.” This is the one that must read. If it RRed when being written down but R/Sed when read back to pc, the only action necessary is to put in the big mid ruds on it and it will RR. If the last RR noted on list doesn’t read, then say, “I will now read the item above it.” (Read the one above, the one below, the one 2 above, the one 2 below.) As soon as you have one that fires, say, “That reads.” Now don’t do anything else when you have the item. Look silently at the pc. You will see him get lighter colored in the face, the tone arm will blow down, the meter will fire rocket reads as the pc cognites. If pc is in doubt say “That’s your item.”

The needle may go free only for a space of 5 seconds if you go on into the next GPM. The residual mass of the goal you’ve just blown is held in more by the next GPM than by odd bits. So getting the next GPM is the most constructive and time- saving action.

The needle may go free only for a space of 5 seconds if you go on into the next GPM. The residual mass of the goal you’ve just blown is held in more by the next GPM than by odd bits. So getting the next GPM is the most constructive and time- saving action.




You mustn’t let the pc represent RRing or R/Sing item as he lists. If he knows something R/Sed or RRed he may repeat variations of it. However, interfere as little as possible with the listing by the pc. Don’t force listing or prevent it.

You mustn’t let the pc represent RRing or R/Sing item as he lists. If he knows something R/Sed or RRed he may repeat variations of it. However, interfere as little as possible with the listing by the pc. Don’t force listing or prevent it.

Mask your paper from the pc.

Mask your paper from the pc.

The frequency of the bank can get thrown awry by listing both ways or by doing a list wrong-way-to and getting a reverse item. But the upset is limited to the 25-item rule. On any one GPM where goofs have occurred, you may have to extend lists due to finding a tick (Step 11). All rules and steps still apply. You just have to extend a list (as in Step 11) more often. The item doesn’t start appearing earlier on the list and the rule of the last RR is never violated. It’s just that the “25 items after the last R/S or RR rule” becomes unworkable and you keep finding that the item you are listing from still ticks so you have to extend. Step 12 remains true.

The frequency of the bank can get thrown awry by listing both ways or by doing a list wrong-way-to and getting a reverse item. But the upset is limited to the 25-item rule. On any one GPM where goofs have occurred, you may have to extend lists due to finding a tick (Step 11). All rules and steps still apply. You just have to extend a list (as in Step 11) more often. The item doesn’t start appearing earlier on the list and the rule of the last RR is never violated. It’s just that the “25 items after the last R/S or RR rule” becomes unworkable and you keep finding that the item you are listing from still ticks so you have to extend. Step 12 remains true.

R3M is a purely mechanical activity.

R3M is a purely mechanical activity.

The better you know it, the more exactly you follow it, the more RR RIs you get, the less you figure-figure on it, the more Clears you’ll make.

The better you know it, the more exactly you follow it, the more RR RIs you get, the less you figure-figure on it, the more Clears you’ll make.

3M works because of 3M, not because of auditing frills.

3M works because of 3M, not because of auditing frills.

The only thing missing from these steps is the test battery to find if an RI is a terminal or oppterm. That is given on tapes and will be the subject of a whole HCO Bulletin. When an RI that is a terminal is used as an oppterm (wrong-wayoppose) more mass turns on. And vice versa. Wrongly call an RI and it’s more mass, a darkening pc, discomfort, etc. Any RI that gives the pc unmistakable pain when said to the pc is a terminal always. The SEN is not as good to determine with as many terms also turn on SEN and no pain. Don’t test list every RI both ways. In 3M that half kills the pc. Do it only in R2. Be right before you list. Look the pc over after you’ve listed 10 items to see if the face has darkened or discolored, watch out for a tightening needle. And list right-wayto only.

The only thing missing from these steps is the test battery to find if an RI is a terminal or oppterm. That is given on tapes and will be the subject of a whole HCO Bulletin. When an RI that is a terminal is used as an oppterm (wrong-wayoppose) more mass turns on. And vice versa. Wrongly call an RI and it’s more mass, a darkening pc, discomfort, etc. Any RI that gives the pc unmistakable pain when said to the pc is a terminal always. The SEN is not as good to determine with as many terms also turn on SEN and no pain. Don’t test list every RI both ways. In 3M that half kills the pc. Do it only in R2. Be right before you list. Look the pc over after you’ve listed 10 items to see if the face has darkened or discolored, watch out for a tightening needle. And list right-wayto only.

Do 3M carelessly or wrong and you’ll wrap the pc around a telephone pole. Crash.

Do 3M carelessly or wrong and you’ll wrap the pc around a telephone pole. Crash.

Be honest. Never fake a read. Never falsify a report. Somebody’s future 200 trillion depends on that honesty. If it reads, say so. If it doesn’t read, say so. Don’t try to look good at the expense of a pc’s future life.

Be honest. Never fake a read. Never falsify a report. Somebody’s future 200 trillion depends on that honesty. If it reads, say so. If it doesn’t read, say so. Don’t try to look good at the expense of a pc’s future life.

Repair 3M by TDing every RI on the line plot for reads. If none are reading at all, examine the lists for completeness. If these are short or goofed, complete them for an RI as per the rules.

Repair 3M by TDing every RI on the line plot for reads. If none are reading at all, examine the lists for completeness. If these are short or goofed, complete them for an RI as per the rules.

If all else fails, prepcheck the pc on auditing, listing and do a goal-oppose list. If that doesn’t RR while being listed, examine the repair steps above in that order. This pc either had a wrong goal and the auditor didn’t know a rocket read or the RR is hung up somewhere in the incomplete lists.

If all else fails, prepcheck the pc on auditing, listing and do a goal-oppose list. If that doesn’t RR while being listed, examine the repair steps above in that order. This pc either had a wrong goal and the auditor didn’t know a rocket read or the RR is hung up somewhere in the incomplete lists.

The point is, don’t goof. You can clear a whole goal GPM while trying to repair some nutty departure from 3M.

The point is, don’t goof. You can clear a whole goal GPM while trying to repair some nutty departure from 3M.

You’ve got one clearing technique. Protect it.

You’ve got one clearing technique. Protect it.




Remember, there are two types of lists in R3M:

Remember, there are two types of lists in R3M:

l. The goal-oppose as covered in Steps 1-7. This is called a “Source List.”

l. The goal-oppose as covered in Steps 1-7. This is called a “Source List.”

2. The RI oppose (either way) as covered in Steps 8-13. This is called an “RI List.” These follow different rules. The item can be any RR or R/S seen on a goaloppose list.

2. The RI oppose (either way) as covered in Steps 8-13. This is called an “RI List.” These follow different rules. The item can be any RR or R/S seen on a goaloppose list.

The item is always the last RR on the RI oppose list. Realize that all goal-oppose lists follow the rules of Steps 1-7 and all RI oppose lists follow the rules of Steps 8-13.

The item is always the last RR on the RI oppose list. Realize that all goal-oppose lists follow the rules of Steps 1-7 and all RI oppose lists follow the rules of Steps 8-13.

There are no exceptions. If the list you’ve done as a goal-oppose source list deviates from the phenomena found in Steps l-7, you’ve goofed, not 3M. If the RI oppose list you’ve done doesn’t contain the phenomena in Steps 8-13, you’ve goofed, not 3M.

There are no exceptions. If the list you’ve done as a goal-oppose source list deviates from the phenomena found in Steps l-7, you’ve goofed, not 3M. If the RI oppose list you’ve done doesn’t contain the phenomena in Steps 8-13, you’ve goofed, not 3M.

Example: Auditor finds on an RI oppose list that the “RI” was the third RR from the bottom. That’s wrong. Complete the list. It’s that exact.

Example: Auditor finds on an RI oppose list that the “RI” was the third RR from the bottom. That’s wrong. Complete the list. It’s that exact.




With the advent of 3M, the question of what to do about old goals or partially run goals or Keyed-Out Clears arises.

With the advent of 3M, the question of what to do about old goals or partially run goals or Keyed-Out Clears arises.




On anybody who has ever had a goal found, whether it was listed partially or fully, run R3M just as though the goal had just been found. If it doesn’t RR now it will still give RRs on the source list from it. It is all right to test list it.

On anybody who has ever had a goal found, whether it was listed partially or fully, run R3M just as though the goal had just been found. If it doesn’t RR now it will still give RRs on the source list from it. It is all right to test list it.

If the goal was wrong it will not give RRs on the source (goal opp) list.

If the goal was wrong it will not give RRs on the source (goal opp) list.
