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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Rundown on Routine 3GA - B620627 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 620627 - HCO Bulletin - Rundown on Routine 3GA [B002-038]
- 620627 - HCO Bulletin - Rundown on Routine 3GA [B038-034]
CONTENTS RUNDOWN ON ROUTINE 3GA Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Central OrgsCentral Orgs



3GA has cleared or is clearing everyone on whom it has been run. It’s a clean sweep. These include several famous rough cases so this one is really there.

3GA has cleared or is clearing everyone on whom it has been run. It’s a clean sweep. These include several famous rough cases so this one is really there.

Procedure is to get a goal and then make awful sure it is the goal. A goals list is at least 850 long and shows, if complete, no TA action when nulling (aside from a slight drift of the TA normal in any session). Thirty or forty goals that persisted in and didn’t go out are then separately listed and done at sensitivity 16. You have to catch this point in the session.

Procedure is to get a goal and then make awful sure it is the goal. A goals list is at least 850 long and shows, if complete, no TA action when nulling (aside from a slight drift of the TA normal in any session). Thirty or forty goals that persisted in and didn’t go out are then separately listed and done at sensitivity 16. You have to catch this point in the session.

Then the goal found is checked. This is done by giving the pc a full prepcheck on the Middle Rudiments. Then the Mid Ruds are also done against the goal itself with great care. If the goal remains in solidly ticking every time except when read against a swooping needle, that’s it. It’s best for another auditor to do the checkout.

Then the goal found is checked. This is done by giving the pc a full prepcheck on the Middle Rudiments. Then the Mid Ruds are also done against the goal itself with great care. If the goal remains in solidly ticking every time except when read against a swooping needle, that’s it. It’s best for another auditor to do the checkout.

Then the lines are phrased up as per HCO Information Letter of May 10, 1962. A negative goal can be phrased “Not want the goal quote, etc”, for example, “Who or what would not want the goal quote not to be detected”, “Would oppose the goal quote not to be detected”, etc.

Then the lines are phrased up as per HCO Information Letter of May 10, 1962. A negative goal can be phrased “Not want the goal quote, etc”, for example, “Who or what would not want the goal quote not to be detected”, “Would oppose the goal quote not to be detected”, etc.

Now here’s an important datum. As many as twenty-five hundred items per line, or ten thousand items in all, have been listed before a needle went free on every line. This was Halpern. Others are of similar length. It won’t do any good to stop short and in fact would lose everything; you have to list to free needle on the first goal found.

Now here’s an important datum. As many as twenty-five hundred items per line, or ten thousand items in all, have been listed before a needle went free on every line. This was Halpern. Others are of similar length. It won’t do any good to stop short and in fact would lose everything; you have to list to free needle on the first goal found.

The goal doesn’t vanish utterly during listing. The tick read of it transfers off to one or another of the lines in turn.

The goal doesn’t vanish utterly during listing. The tick read of it transfers off to one or another of the lines in turn.

Ten thousand items means about 200 hours of auditing at the slowpoke rate of 100 items found per two hour session.

Ten thousand items means about 200 hours of auditing at the slowpoke rate of 100 items found per two hour session.

So you see there’s considerable listing to be done, and also it’s fatal to list a bumgoal.

So you see there’s considerable listing to be done, and also it’s fatal to list a bumgoal.

The cure for listing a bum goal is just to find the right goal and list it.

The cure for listing a bum goal is just to find the right goal and list it.

Listing a bum goal results in a pc’s getting sick and dizzy. The bank goes solidafter a dozen hours of listing and the pc has motion sensations or the winds of space.

Listing a bum goal results in a pc’s getting sick and dizzy. The bank goes solidafter a dozen hours of listing and the pc has motion sensations or the winds of space.

So we really got it. What we need is accurate auditing to find the pc’s goal in the first place and accurate checkout to make sure that is the goal, and then you’ve got easier clearing than we have ever had and you’ve got 100 per cent clearing.

So we really got it. What we need is accurate auditing to find the pc’s goal in the first place and accurate checkout to make sure that is the goal, and then you’ve got easier clearing than we have ever had and you’ve got 100 per cent clearing.

More and more pcs are getting into listing here and it’s all going by the book.

More and more pcs are getting into listing here and it’s all going by the book.
