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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Sec Checking - Generalities Wont Do - B611116 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Секчек, Обобщения не Проходят - Б611116 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 611116 - HCO Bulletin - Sec Checking [B001-096]
- 611116 - HCO Bulletin - Sec Checking [B037-071]
- 611116 - HCO Bulletin - Sec Checking [B085-013]
Generalities Won’t Do
The Irresponsible PC
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Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex

Generalities Won’t Do

Generalities Won’t Do

The most efficient way to upset a pc is to leave a Sec Check question unflat. This is remedied by occasionally asking, “Has any Sec Check question been missed on you?” and getting what was missed flattened.

The most efficient way to upset a pc is to leave a Sec Check question unflat. This is remedied by occasionally asking, “Has any Sec Check question been missed on you?” and getting what was missed flattened.

The best way to “miss” a Sec Check question is to let the pc indulge in generalities or “I thought….”

The best way to “miss” a Sec Check question is to let the pc indulge in generalities or “I thought….”

A Sec Check question should be nulled at Sensitivity 16 as a final check.

A Sec Check question should be nulled at Sensitivity 16 as a final check.

A withhold given as “Oh, I got mad at them lots of times” should be pulled down to when and where and the first time “you got mad” and finally, “What did you do to them just before that?” Then you’ll really get a nul.

A withhold given as “Oh, I got mad at them lots of times” should be pulled down to when and where and the first time “you got mad” and finally, “What did you do to them just before that?” Then you’ll really get a nul.

The pc who withholds somebody else’s withholds and gives them as answers is a card. But he isn’t helped when the auditor lets him do it.

The pc who withholds somebody else’s withholds and gives them as answers is a card. But he isn’t helped when the auditor lets him do it.

Situation: You ask the pc for a withhold about Joe. The pc who says, “I heard that Joe…” should be asked right there, “What have you done to Joe? You. Just you.” And it turns out he stole Joe’s last blonde. But if the auditor had let this pc go on and on about how the pc had heard how Joe was this or that, the session would have gone on and on and the Tone Arm up and up.

Situation: You ask the pc for a withhold about Joe. The pc who says, “I heard that Joe…” should be asked right there, “What have you done to Joe? You. Just you.” And it turns out he stole Joe’s last blonde. But if the auditor had let this pc go on and on about how the pc had heard how Joe was this or that, the session would have gone on and on and the Tone Arm up and up.

We have pcs who use “withholds” to spread all manner of lies. We ask this pc, “Have you ever done anything to the Org?” The pc says, “Well, I’m withholding that I heard…” or the pc says, “Well, I thought some bitter thoughts about the Org.” Or the pc says, “I was critical of the Org when…” and we don’t sail in and get what the pc did, we can comfortably stretch a 5 minute item to a session or two.

We have pcs who use “withholds” to spread all manner of lies. We ask this pc, “Have you ever done anything to the Org?” The pc says, “Well, I’m withholding that I heard…” or the pc says, “Well, I thought some bitter thoughts about the Org.” Or the pc says, “I was critical of the Org when…” and we don’t sail in and get what the pc did, we can comfortably stretch a 5 minute item to a session or two.

If the pc “heard” and the pc “thought” and the pc “said” in answer to a Sec Check question, the pc’s reactive bank is really saying, “I’ve got a crashing big withhold and if I can keep on fooling around by giving critical thoughts, rumours, and what others did, you’ll never get it.” And if he gets away with it, the auditor has missed a withhold question.

If the pc “heard” and the pc “thought” and the pc “said” in answer to a Sec Check question, the pc’s reactive bank is really saying, “I’ve got a crashing big withhold and if I can keep on fooling around by giving critical thoughts, rumours, and what others did, you’ll never get it.” And if he gets away with it, the auditor has missed a withhold question.

We only want to know what the pc did, when he did it, what was the first time he did it and what he did just before that, and we’ll nail it every time.

We only want to know what the pc did, when he did it, what was the first time he did it and what he did just before that, and we’ll nail it every time.


The Irresponsible PC

The Irresponsible PC

If you want to get withholds off an “irresponsible pc” you sometimes can’t ask what the pc did or withheld and get a meter reaction.

If you want to get withholds off an “irresponsible pc” you sometimes can’t ask what the pc did or withheld and get a meter reaction.

This problem has bugged us for some time. I finally got very bright and realized that no matter whether the pc thought it was a crime or not, he or she will answer up on “don’t know” versions as follows:

This problem has bugged us for some time. I finally got very bright and realized that no matter whether the pc thought it was a crime or not, he or she will answer up on “don’t know” versions as follows:

Situation: “What have you done to your husband?” Pc’s answer, “Nothing bad.” E-Meter reaction, nul. Now we know this pc, through our noticing she is critical of her husband, has overts on him. But she can take no responsibility for her own acts.

Situation: “What have you done to your husband?” Pc’s answer, “Nothing bad.” E-Meter reaction, nul. Now we know this pc, through our noticing she is critical of her husband, has overts on him. But she can take no responsibility for her own acts.

But she can take responsibility for his not knowing. She is making certain of that.

But she can take responsibility for his not knowing. She is making certain of that.

So we ask, “What have you done that your husband doesn’t know about?”

So we ask, “What have you done that your husband doesn’t know about?”

And it takes an hour for her to spill it all, the quantity is so great. For the question releases the floodgates. The Meter bangs around.

And it takes an hour for her to spill it all, the quantity is so great. For the question releases the floodgates. The Meter bangs around.

And with these withholds off, her responsibility comes up and she can take responsibility on the items.

And with these withholds off, her responsibility comes up and she can take responsibility on the items.

This applies to any zone or area or terminal of Sec Checking.

This applies to any zone or area or terminal of Sec Checking.

Situation: We are getting a lot of “I thought”, “I heard”, “They said”, “They did” in answer to a question. We take the terminal or terminals involved and put them in this blank.

Situation: We are getting a lot of “I thought”, “I heard”, “They said”, “They did” in answer to a question. We take the terminal or terminals involved and put them in this blank.

“What have you done that ……… (doesn’t) (don’t) know about?”

“What have you done that ……… (doesn’t) (don’t) know about?”

And we can get the major overts that lay under the blanket of “How bad everyone is but me”.

And we can get the major overts that lay under the blanket of “How bad everyone is but me”.

____________________ ____________________

This prevents you missing a Sec Check question. It’s a bad crime to do so. This will shorten the labour involved in getting every question flat.

This prevents you missing a Sec Check question. It’s a bad crime to do so. This will shorten the labour involved in getting every question flat.

Every session of Sec Checking you should ask the pc in the end rudiments, “Have I missed a Sec Check question on you?” In addition to “Are you withholding anything” and “half truths etc”.

Every session of Sec Checking you should ask the pc in the end rudiments, “Have I missed a Sec Check question on you?” In addition to “Are you withholding anything” and “half truths etc”.

And if your pc is very withholdy you can insert this “Have I missed a Sec Check question on you?” every few questions while doing a Sec Check.

And if your pc is very withholdy you can insert this “Have I missed a Sec Check question on you?” every few questions while doing a Sec Check.

Always clear up what was missed.

Always clear up what was missed.

A pc can be very upset by reason of a missed Sec Check question. Keep them going up, not down.

A pc can be very upset by reason of a missed Sec Check question. Keep them going up, not down.
