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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Security Forms 7a and 7b Employment Sec Check - B610928 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 610928 - HCO Bulletin - HCO WW Security Forms 7A and 7B [B028-044]
- 610928 - HCO Bulletin - HCO WW Security Forms 7A and 7B [B037-059]
- 610928 - HCO Bulletin - HCO WW Security Forms 7A and 7B [B082-052]
- 610928 - HCO Bulletin - HCO WW Security Forms 7A and 7B [B161-020]
(For persons now employed)
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Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex



(Employment Sec Checks)
(Reissued from HCO Policy Letters of September 13 and September 18, 1961)
(Employment Sec Checks)
(Reissued from HCO Policy Letters of September 13 and September 18, 1961)

These two Security Checks have been devised specifically for employment – i.e. to check applicants for employment, or personnel already employed. Each Sec Check should take no more than twenty minutes, and is completely effective if expertly done.

These two Security Checks have been devised specifically for employment – i.e. to check applicants for employment, or personnel already employed. Each Sec Check should take no more than twenty minutes, and is completely effective if expertly done.

HCO WW SECURITY FORM 7A (For Staff Applicants)

HCO WW SECURITY FORM 7A (For Staff Applicants)

Person’s Name __________ Date_____________________

Person’s Name __________ Date_____________________

The following Security Check is for Security use. All other Security Checks have passed into processing use and so can no longer be used for Security, taking too much time, and the auditor seeking to clear every question.

The following Security Check is for Security use. All other Security Checks have passed into processing use and so can no longer be used for Security, taking too much time, and the auditor seeking to clear every question.



Use a standard organization approved or manufactured E-Meter such as the British Mark IV.

Use a standard organization approved or manufactured E-Meter such as the British Mark IV.

Make certain, by can squeeze, that the instrument is plugged in and adjusted.

Make certain, by can squeeze, that the instrument is plugged in and adjusted.

Use the meter strictly in accordance with the manual E-Meter Essentials.

Use the meter strictly in accordance with the manual E-Meter Essentials.

Read only instant reactions. Do not use latent reactions of the needle. If the needle reacts within a 1/5th or 1/10th of a second after the question is asked, it is an instant read. This is valid. If it reacts ½ to 1 second after the question, this is invalid. Explore only instant reads on any check. Ignore all latent reads.

Read only instant reactions. Do not use latent reactions of the needle. If the needle reacts within a 1/5th or 1/10th of a second after the question is asked, it is an instant read. This is valid. If it reacts ½ to 1 second after the question, this is invalid. Explore only instant reads on any check. Ignore all latent reads.

It should take only 10 to 20 minutes to give this check. If it takes longer you are doing something wrong.

It should take only 10 to 20 minutes to give this check. If it takes longer you are doing something wrong.

All you do is put the applicant on the meter and read the questions to him with sensitivity set high (l dial or more drop for can squeeze).

All you do is put the applicant on the meter and read the questions to him with sensitivity set high (l dial or more drop for can squeeze).

Keep the needle near centre of dial. Don’t adjust it while asking a question. Don’t ask a question if it is uncentred.

Keep the needle near centre of dial. Don’t adjust it while asking a question. Don’t ask a question if it is uncentred.

If you get no reaction go on to next question.

If you get no reaction go on to next question.

If you get a reaction, compartment the question, (reading it word by word and phrase by phrase) and see if any one word or any one phrase falls rather than the question as a whole. Clear each word or phrase that reads on the needle. Then read the whole question. If it is the whole question that reacts, it is a flunk.

If you get a reaction, compartment the question, (reading it word by word and phrase by phrase) and see if any one word or any one phrase falls rather than the question as a whole. Clear each word or phrase that reads on the needle. Then read the whole question. If it is the whole question that reacts, it is a flunk.

Don’t clear flunks. Just go on to next question.

Don’t clear flunks. Just go on to next question.

The person being checked does not have to answer anything verbally.

The person being checked does not have to answer anything verbally.

The person giving the check does not have to find out or get off any withhold as this is not a processing check.

The person giving the check does not have to find out or get off any withhold as this is not a processing check.

A needle reaction must be clearly established to be a reaction to the question before it can be a flunk.

A needle reaction must be clearly established to be a reaction to the question before it can be a flunk.

The tone arm action is ignored.

The tone arm action is ignored.

Rising needle is ignored.

Rising needle is ignored.

The Auditor’s Code is ignored.

The Auditor’s Code is ignored.

Processing is ignored.

Processing is ignored.

You’ll find that the main trouble with giving this check is that it is so easy to give that people try to complicate it.

You’ll find that the main trouble with giving this check is that it is so easy to give that people try to complicate it.

Any question still reacting after it has been cleared word for word or phrase by phrase Flunks the Applicant. That’s it. One question that reacts and the person cannot be hired. It is not permitted to hire the person for anything or for any reason or for any purpose until the person is wholly cleared. You must not goof on this. Don’t hire people who cannot pass this check.

Any question still reacting after it has been cleared word for word or phrase by phrase Flunks the Applicant. That’s it. One question that reacts and the person cannot be hired. It is not permitted to hire the person for anything or for any reason or for any purpose until the person is wholly cleared. You must not goof on this. Don’t hire people who cannot pass this check.

If a person is guilty of any part of this check, the person will react on that exact question, providing the question is put to the person directly (not his shadow).

If a person is guilty of any part of this check, the person will react on that exact question, providing the question is put to the person directly (not his shadow).

There are no nul questions to be given the applicant.

There are no nul questions to be given the applicant.

The following statement is read to the applicant:

The following statement is read to the applicant:


“This is a Security Check I am giving you. These are E-Meter electrodes. This is a very modern instrument developed after ten years of research. It can and does detect guilt very easily. If you pass this check you will be trusted. If you fail to pass this check, you cannot be employed here without extensive processing with Scientology.

“This is a Security Check I am giving you. These are E-Meter electrodes. This is a very modern instrument developed after ten years of research. It can and does detect guilt very easily. If you pass this check you will be trusted. If you fail to pass this check, you cannot be employed here without extensive processing with Scientology.

“You do not have to speak or answer if you do not want to. It makes no difference.

“You do not have to speak or answer if you do not want to. It makes no difference.

“Here is the first question.”

“Here is the first question.”

1. If anyone found out about something you’ve done in this lifetime, could you be blackmailed about it?___________

1. If anyone found out about something you’ve done in this lifetime, could you be blackmailed about it?___________

2. Are you a pervert?___________

2. Are you a pervert?___________

3. Have you ever stolen from an employer?___________

3. Have you ever stolen from an employer?___________

4. Have you ever falsified records to obtain money by fraud?___________

4. Have you ever falsified records to obtain money by fraud?___________

5. Have you ever tried to get a fellow worker in trouble by telling lies about him or her?___________

5. Have you ever tried to get a fellow worker in trouble by telling lies about him or her?___________

6. Do you hate all employers?___________

6. Do you hate all employers?___________

7. Are you or have you ever been a Communist?___________

7. Are you or have you ever been a Communist?___________

8. If you were employed here would you try to damage this organization?___________

8. If you were employed here would you try to damage this organization?___________

9. On your last job did you consistently complain about being overworked and underpaid?___________

9. On your last job did you consistently complain about being overworked and underpaid?___________

10. Have you ever worked in an organization just to spy on it for others?___________

10. Have you ever worked in an organization just to spy on it for others?___________

11. Have you even taken money for passing on confidential information?___________

11. Have you even taken money for passing on confidential information?___________

12. Have you ever consciously driven customers away from your employer?___________

12. Have you ever consciously driven customers away from your employer?___________

13. Do you privately think we are a fraud or a racket?___________

13. Do you privately think we are a fraud or a racket?___________

14. Have you ever secretly bought anything yourself and sold it to your employer at a profit? ___________

14. Have you ever secretly bought anything yourself and sold it to your employer at a profit? ___________

15. Have you ever taken a bribe or a secret commission to give someone an employer’s business?___________

15. Have you ever taken a bribe or a secret commission to give someone an employer’s business?___________

16. Is there something about your past jobs you are hoping desperately we don’t find out?___________

16. Is there something about your past jobs you are hoping desperately we don’t find out?___________

17. Do you hate work of any kind?___________

17. Do you hate work of any kind?___________

18. Do you have a criminal record?___________

18. Do you have a criminal record?___________

19. Are you wanted anywhere by the police?___________

19. Are you wanted anywhere by the police?___________

20. Do you intend to quit soon after starting work here?___________

20. Do you intend to quit soon after starting work here?___________


The interrogator can smooth out any ARC breaks caused.

The interrogator can smooth out any ARC breaks caused.


If the needle gave consistent or unmistakable instant response on any of the above, the applicant may not be employed at this time.

If the needle gave consistent or unmistakable instant response on any of the above, the applicant may not be employed at this time.

The applicant, feeling falsely accused, should be informed he has the right to be security checked by another person with the same form.

The applicant, feeling falsely accused, should be informed he has the right to be security checked by another person with the same form.

Passed __________

Passed __________

Security Checker________________________________

Security Checker________________________________

Failed __________

Failed __________




(For persons now employed)

(For persons now employed)

Give this check in exactly the same way as HCO WW Security Form 7A.

Give this check in exactly the same way as HCO WW Security Form 7A.

Failure to pass one or more questions on this check results in suspension until processing has been given.

Failure to pass one or more questions on this check results in suspension until processing has been given.

The security checker does not attempt to clear or process any of the following questions if they produce instant needle reaction. Clearing questions is an auditor’s job and is done in an auditing session, not while receiving this check.

The security checker does not attempt to clear or process any of the following questions if they produce instant needle reaction. Clearing questions is an auditor’s job and is done in an auditing session, not while receiving this check.

If a question produces instant needle response, clear it word by word and phrase by phrase until all words and phrases are as nul as they can be made. Then test for reaction to the whole question. If it reacts then it is a flunk.

If a question produces instant needle response, clear it word by word and phrase by phrase until all words and phrases are as nul as they can be made. Then test for reaction to the whole question. If it reacts then it is a flunk.

The whole test is always completed.

The whole test is always completed.

It should take 10 to 20 minutes at the most.

It should take 10 to 20 minutes at the most.

Read the following to the staff member.

Read the following to the staff member.

“There is nothing personal about this check. It is for your protection as well as others. If you pass it you have no worries. If you flunk it you will be suspended immediately until processed on your own arrangements. If you feel you have been falsely flunked, if you are flunked, you can demand that another skilled person give you the same check over again. But you may only be checked by two people.

“There is nothing personal about this check. It is for your protection as well as others. If you pass it you have no worries. If you flunk it you will be suspended immediately until processed on your own arrangements. If you feel you have been falsely flunked, if you are flunked, you can demand that another skilled person give you the same check over again. But you may only be checked by two people.

“Here is the check. You do not have to answer anything if you don’t care to.”

“Here is the check. You do not have to answer anything if you don’t care to.”

1. Have you ever committed any criminal act for which you could be blackmailed now?___________

1. Have you ever committed any criminal act for which you could be blackmailed now?___________

2. Do you or your close family currently have any connection with organizations violently opposed to L. Ron Hubbard?___________

2. Do you or your close family currently have any connection with organizations violently opposed to L. Ron Hubbard?___________

3. Have you ever personally accepted a commission, percentage, bribe or “gift” for giving any firm or person this organization’s business?___________

3. Have you ever personally accepted a commission, percentage, bribe or “gift” for giving any firm or person this organization’s business?___________

4. Have you ever stolen anything here?___________

4. Have you ever stolen anything here?___________

5. Have you ever falsified an expense account here? ___________

5. Have you ever falsified an expense account here? ___________

6. Have you ever falsely accounted for petty cash?___________

6. Have you ever falsely accounted for petty cash?___________

7. Have you ever maliciously gossiped about your fellow staff members or your superiors?___________

7. Have you ever maliciously gossiped about your fellow staff members or your superiors?___________

8. Are you here purposely to upset or damage Scientology or Scientology Organizations?___________

8. Are you here purposely to upset or damage Scientology or Scientology Organizations?___________

9. Have you ever cautioned anyone about following L. Ron Hubbard’s directions or data or told them not to?___________

9. Have you ever cautioned anyone about following L. Ron Hubbard’s directions or data or told them not to?___________

10. Have you ever maliciously criticized Scientology, its organizations, data or people to persons outside this organization?___________

10. Have you ever maliciously criticized Scientology, its organizations, data or people to persons outside this organization?___________

11. Have you ever used people you met here to secretly further your personal gain outside of the organization?___________

11. Have you ever used people you met here to secretly further your personal gain outside of the organization?___________

12. Do you feel Scientology is a fraud or racket?___________

12. Do you feel Scientology is a fraud or racket?___________

13. Do you complain about how overworked and underpaid you are?___________

13. Do you complain about how overworked and underpaid you are?___________

14. Do you ever privately laugh at the antics of your superiors?___________

14. Do you ever privately laugh at the antics of your superiors?___________

15. Have you ever slowed things down just because your superiors wanted them speeded up?___________

15. Have you ever slowed things down just because your superiors wanted them speeded up?___________

16. Do you think it really doesn’t matter whether you do a good job or not?___________

16. Do you think it really doesn’t matter whether you do a good job or not?___________

17. Do you intend to quit just as soon as you’ve achieved your own ends?___________

17. Do you intend to quit just as soon as you’ve achieved your own ends?___________

18. Do you illegally have anything in your personal possession that really belongs to us?___________

18. Do you illegally have anything in your personal possession that really belongs to us?___________

19. Do you get satisfaction out of not doing your job?___________

19. Do you get satisfaction out of not doing your job?___________

20. Have you consistently covered up the blunders and mistakes of other staff members so they won’t be found out?___________

20. Have you consistently covered up the blunders and mistakes of other staff members so they won’t be found out?___________

Passed __________

Passed __________

Security Checker_______________________________

Security Checker_______________________________

Failed __________

Failed __________



Findings and Decision:

Findings and Decision:






