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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Some Help Terminals - B600721 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Некоторые Терминалы Помощи (2) - Б600721 | Сравнить
- Некоторые Терминалы Помощи - Б600721 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 600721 - HCO Bulletin - Some Help Terminals [B027-059]
- 600721 - HCO Bulletin - Some Help Terminals [B114-026]
- 600721 - HCO Bulletin - Some Help Terminals [B114-027]
- 600721 - HCO Bulletin - Some Help Terminals [B114-028]
- 600721 - HCO Bulletin - Some Help Terminals [B114-029]
- 600721 - HCO Bulletin - Some Help Terminals [B140-015]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Fran HldrsFran Hldrs

Some Help Terminals

Some Help Terminals



The basic method of finding a help terminal is of course the E-Meter, using an ordinary or dynamic assessment.

The basic method of finding a help terminal is of course the E-Meter, using an ordinary or dynamic assessment.

A simple and very satisfactory way of making a pc happy and getting results is to ask the pc what he thinks is wrong with him/her and run whatever the pc says – providing it’s a terminal – in a general form. If it’s not a terminal, get the pc to convert it to one.

A simple and very satisfactory way of making a pc happy and getting results is to ask the pc what he thinks is wrong with him/her and run whatever the pc says – providing it’s a terminal – in a general form. If it’s not a terminal, get the pc to convert it to one.



Auditor: “What do you think is wrong with you?”

Auditor: “What do you think is wrong with you?”

PC: “My wife.”

PC: “My wife.”

Auditor: “OK, we’ll run a wife.”

Auditor: “OK, we’ll run a wife.”



Auditor: “What do you think is wrong with you?”

Auditor: “What do you think is wrong with you?”

PC: “I’m impatient.”

PC: “I’m impatient.”

Auditor: “Can you think of somebody who was impatient?”

Auditor: “Can you think of somebody who was impatient?”

PC: “My Father.”

PC: “My Father.”

Auditor: “OK, we’ll run a Father.”

Auditor: “OK, we’ll run a Father.”



Auditor: “What do you think is wrong with you?”

Auditor: “What do you think is wrong with you?”

PC: “Well, I think I am attenuated.”

PC: “Well, I think I am attenuated.”

Auditor: “Did you ever know an attenuated person?”

Auditor: “Did you ever know an attenuated person?”

PC: “Yes.”

PC: “Yes.”

Auditor: “Who was it?”

Auditor: “Who was it?”

PC: “George James.”

PC: “George James.”

Auditor:(since this is a specific terminal and we want a general one) “What was George James?”

Auditor:(since this is a specific terminal and we want a general one) “What was George James?”

PC: “A Loafer!”

PC: “A Loafer!”

Auditor: “OK, we’ll run help on ‘a loafer’, all right?”

Auditor: “OK, we’ll run help on ‘a loafer’, all right?”

PC: “Fine.”

PC: “Fine.”



There are however some “professional” terminals you can run which do a lot for a case.

There are however some “professional” terminals you can run which do a lot for a case.

Find out what the pc was professionally in this lifetime and sort out what this profession helped as a terminal and run that.

Find out what the pc was professionally in this lifetime and sort out what this profession helped as a terminal and run that.

Then run the beingness of the pc in this lifetime as a terminal and you’ve cleaned up a lot of track.

Then run the beingness of the pc in this lifetime as a terminal and you’ve cleaned up a lot of track.

Always use, of course, the general form of any terminal – not Aunt Agatha but an Aunt. Not “the works mechanic at Pulman” but a works mechanic or a mechanic. The less adjectives the better.

Always use, of course, the general form of any terminal – not Aunt Agatha but an Aunt. Not “the works mechanic at Pulman” but a works mechanic or a mechanic. The less adjectives the better.

This does much for a case, and rapidly.

This does much for a case, and rapidly.



A pc also gets very happy when you run a beingness the pc is trying to be or hopes to be or even once hoped to be.

A pc also gets very happy when you run a beingness the pc is trying to be or hopes to be or even once hoped to be.

For instance, the pc wants to be a painter or wishes he were a painter or wishes he could be a painter again. Fine, just run help on “a painter”.

For instance, the pc wants to be a painter or wishes he were a painter or wishes he could be a painter again. Fine, just run help on “a painter”.

The pc wanted to be a singer. Run it as “a singer”.

The pc wanted to be a singer. Run it as “a singer”.

The pc is trying to be a good housewife or husband. Fine, run “a housewife” or “a husband”.

The pc is trying to be a good housewife or husband. Fine, run “a housewife” or “a husband”.

In short, when you explore why the pc wants to be processed the pc often is either trying to correct something wrong (see above) or is trying to be something. Your assessment is done when you establish either item and the pc will recover, do better and be very happy with you.

In short, when you explore why the pc wants to be processed the pc often is either trying to correct something wrong (see above) or is trying to be something. Your assessment is done when you establish either item and the pc will recover, do better and be very happy with you.



When a pc is getting processed to be able to recall Sanskrit or German, if the pc is in good shape by reason of other processing as above, you can recover it for him by finding out what spoke the language or had the skill and run Concept Help on that terminal.

When a pc is getting processed to be able to recall Sanskrit or German, if the pc is in good shape by reason of other processing as above, you can recover it for him by finding out what spoke the language or had the skill and run Concept Help on that terminal.

Example: (typical) Pc can’t learn Spanish, desperately wants to learn Spanish. E-Meter will tell you it’s overts against the Spanish people (or Iberians) that occludes it all. Overts, run, will improve the situation but help, neglecting the overts, should recover the ability. Run “Think of helping the Spanish people (or Spain or whatever falls hardest on the overts)” and “Think of the Spanish people (or same as first command terminal) helping you.” Level it off with a version of Continuous Confront and Havingness on the room and you should attain the goal.

Example: (typical) Pc can’t learn Spanish, desperately wants to learn Spanish. E-Meter will tell you it’s overts against the Spanish people (or Iberians) that occludes it all. Overts, run, will improve the situation but help, neglecting the overts, should recover the ability. Run “Think of helping the Spanish people (or Spain or whatever falls hardest on the overts)” and “Think of the Spanish people (or same as first command terminal) helping you.” Level it off with a version of Continuous Confront and Havingness on the room and you should attain the goal.



Some particularly vicious and penetrating terminals can be run on a pc providing his case is already in good shape.

Some particularly vicious and penetrating terminals can be run on a pc providing his case is already in good shape.

These terminals stem from HCO Bulletin of July 14, 1960. They are run in the order below:

These terminals stem from HCO Bulletin of July 14, 1960. They are run in the order below:

a confusion

a confusion

an unconscious person

an unconscious person

a creative person.

a creative person.

Two other deadly terminals that probably should be used to finish off the last stage before clear on an auditor should be “a victim” and “a practitioner”.

Two other deadly terminals that probably should be used to finish off the last stage before clear on an auditor should be “a victim” and “a practitioner”.

Concept Help is the only known version of help that can be run on the five terminals named here as the first three are the fundamentals of a reactive mind.

Concept Help is the only known version of help that can be run on the five terminals named here as the first three are the fundamentals of a reactive mind.

“A responsible person” can be run before “a creative person”.

“A responsible person” can be run before “a creative person”.

These are all rather deadly, over-the-average-ability-to-run, terminals so they should be reserved for the end of clearing.

These are all rather deadly, over-the-average-ability-to-run, terminals so they should be reserved for the end of clearing.

By the way, just as a comment, clearing is happening with help processed in various forms and by various auditors, around the 250 hr mark, with no reference to time spent on earlier auditing. This is an early datum, based on two cases. On one of these there was auditor trouble and a change of auditors. The processes used were:

By the way, just as a comment, clearing is happening with help processed in various forms and by various auditors, around the 250 hr mark, with no reference to time spent on earlier auditing. This is an early datum, based on two cases. On one of these there was auditor trouble and a change of auditors. The processes used were:

Help O/W

Help O/W

Concept Help

Concept Help





The terminals used on these two cases were selected by myself, which renders this data specialized.

The terminals used on these two cases were selected by myself, which renders this data specialized.
