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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Time Track and Engram Running by Chains, Bulletin 2 - B630608 | Сравнить
- Time Track and Engram Running by Chains, Bulletin 2 - B630608R77 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Трак Времени и Прохождение Инграмм по Цепям - 2 - Работа с Траком Времени (2) - Б630608 | Сравнить
- Трак Времени и Прохождение Инграмм по Цепям - 2 - Работа с Траком Времени - Б630608 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 630608 - HCO Bulletin - Time Track and Engram Running by Chains - Bulletin 2, The [B003-025]
- 630608 - HCO Bulletin - Time Track and Engram Running by Chains - Bulletin 2, The [B039-019]
- 630608 - HCO Bulletin - Time Track and Engram Running by Chains - Bulletin 2, The [B116-006]
- 630608R - HCO Bulletin - Time Track and Engram Running by Chains - Bulletin 2, The [B087-002]
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Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Central OrgsCentral Orgs
(Revision in this type style)
(Reissued 21 March 1978 to correct a typo.)



Although finding and curtailing the development of the Time Track at genus is not improbable, the ability of the preclear to attain it early on is questionable without reducing the charge on the existing track. Therefore, any system which reduces the charged condition of the Time Track without reducing but increasing the awareness and decisionability of the preclear is valid processing. Any system which seeks to handle the charge but reduces the preclear’s awareness and decisionability is not valid processing but is degrading.


According to early axioms, the single source of aberration is Time. Therefore any system which further confuses or overwhelms the preclear’s sense of time will not be beneficial.

Although finding and curtailing the development of the time track at genus is not improbable, the ability of the preclear to attain it early on is questionable without reducing the charge on the existing track. Therefore, any system which reduces the charged condition of the time track without reducing but increasing the awareness and decisionability of the preclear is valid processing. Any system which seeks to handle the charge but reduces the preclear’s awareness and decisionability is not valid processing but is degrading.

Thus the first task of the student of engram running is to master the handling of Time on the preclear’s Time Track. It must be handled without question, uncertainty or confusion.

According to early axioms, the single source of aberration is time. Therefore any system which further confuses or overwhelms the preclear’s sense of time will not be beneficial.

Failing to handle the Time in the pc’s Time Track with confidence, certainty and without error will result in grouping or denying the Time Track to the pc.

Thus the first task of the student of engram running is to master the handling of time on the preclear’s time track. It must be handled without question, uncertainty or confusion.

The prime source of ARC break in engram running sessions is by-passing charge by Time mishandling by the auditor. As a subhead under this, taking and trying to run incidents which are not basic on a chain constitute an error in Time and react on the pc like By-Passed RIs or GPMs.

Failing to handle the time in the pc’s time track with confidence, certainty and without error will result in grouping or denying the time track to the pc.

An ARC break-less session requires gentle accurate time scouting, the selection of the earliest Timed incident available and the accurate Time handling of the incident as it is run.

The prime source of ARC break in engram running sessions is bypassing charge by time mishandling by the auditor. As a subhead under this, taking and trying to run incidents which are not basic on a chain constitute an error in time and react on the pc like bypassed RIs or GPMs.

There are only a few reasons why some cannot run engrams on pcs. These are:

An ARC break-less session requires gentle accurate time scouting, the selection of the earliest timed incident available and the accurate time handling of the incident as it is run.

  1. Q and A with the pain and unconsciousness of incidents;

There are only a few reasons why some cannot run engrams on pcs. These are:

  • Failing to handle the Time Track of the pc for the pc;
  • 1. Q and A with the pain and unconsciousness of incidents;

  • Failure to understand and handle Time.
  • 2. Failing to handle the time track of the pc for the pc;

    2 and 3 are much the same. However, there are three ways to move a Time Track about:

    3. Failure to understand and handle time.

    1. By Significance (the moment something was considered);

    2 and 3 are much the same. However, there are three ways to move a time track about:

  • By Location (the moment the pc was located somewhere);
  • (a) By Significance (the moment something was considered);

  • By Time alone (the date or years before an event or years ago).
  • (b) By Location (the moment the pc was located somewhere);

    You will see all three have time in common. “The moment when you thought _____” “The moment you were on the cliff______” “Two years before you put your foot on the bottom step of the scaffold” are all dependent on Time. Each designates an instant on the Time Track of which there can be no mistake by either auditor or pc.

    (c) By Time alone (the date or years before an event or years ago).

    The whole handling of the Time Track can be done by any one of these three methods, Significance, Location, Time.

    You will see all three have time in common. “The moment when you thought ______” “The moment you were on the cliff _____“ “Two years before you put your foot on the bottom step of the scaffold” are all dependent on time. Each designates an instant on the time track of which there can be no mistake by either auditor or pc.

    Therefore all projectionist work is done by the Time of Significance, the Time of Location or Time alone.

    The whole handling of the time track can be done by any one of these three methods, Significance, Location, Time.

    The track responds. Those auditors who have trouble cannot grasp the totality and accuracy and speed of that response. The idiotic and wonderful precision of the Time Track defeats the sloppy and careless. They wonder if it went. They question the pc’s being there. They fumble about until they destroy their command over the Time Track.

    Therefore all projectionist work is done by the Time of Significance, the Time of Location or Time alone.

    “Go to 47,983,678,283,736 years 2 months, 4 days 1 hour and six minutes ago.” Well, a clear statement of it, unfumbled, will cause just that to happen. The tiniest quiver of doubt, a fumble over the millions and nothing happens.

    The track responds. Those auditors who have trouble cannot grasp the totality and accuracy and speed of that response. The idiotic and wonderful precision of the time track defeats the sloppy and careless. They wonder if it went. They question the pc’s being there. They fumble about until they destroy their command over the time track.

    Fumbled dating gets no dates. One must date boldly with no throat catches or hesitations. “More than 40,000? Less than 40,000?” Get it the first read. Don’t go on peering myopically at the meter asking the same question the rest of the session. Accurate, Bold, Rapid. Those are the watchwords of dating and Time Track handling.

    “Go to 47,983,678,283,736 years 2 months, 4 days I hour and six minutes ago.” Well, a clear statement of it, unfumbled, will cause just that to happen. The tiniest quiver of doubt, a fumble over the millions and nothing happens.

    In moving a Time Track about, move only the track. Don’t mix it and also move the pc. You can say “Move to.” You don’t have to say (but you can) “The somatic strip will move to.” But never say “You will move to.” And this also applies to Present Time. The pc won’t come to Present Time. He’s here. But the Time Track will move to the date of present time unless the pc is really stuck. In getting a pc to Present Time (unimportant in modern engram running) say “Move to (date month and year of PT).”

    Fumbled dating gets no dates. One must date boldly with no throat catches or hesitations. “More than 40,000? Less than 40,000?” Get it the first read. Don’t go on peering myopically at the meter asking the same question the rest of the session. Accurate, bold, rapid. Those are the watchwords of dating and time track handling.

    In scouting you always use To. “Move To_____.” In running an engram or whatever, you always use THROUGH. “Move through the incident_____.”

    In moving a time track about, move only the track. Don’t mix it and also move the pc. You can say “Move to.” You don’t have to say (but you can) “The somatic strip will move to.” But never say “You will move to.” And this also applies to present time. The pc won’t come to present time. He’s here. But the time track will move to the date of present time unless the pc is really stuck. In getting a pc to present time (unimportant in modern engram running) say “Move to (date month and year of PT).”

    If an auditor hasn’t a ruddy clue about the Time Track and its composition, he or she won’t ever be able to run engrams. So, obviously, the first thing to teach and have passed in engram running is Time Track Composition. When the auditor learns that, he or she will be able to run engrams. If the auditor does not know the subject of the Time Track well, then he or she can’t be taught to run engrams, for no rote commands that cover all cases can exist. You couldn’t teach the handling of a motion picture projector by rote commands if the operator had never imagined the existence of film. An auditor sitting there thinking the pc is doing this or that and being in a general fuddle about it will soon have film all over the floor and wrapped about his ears. His plea for a rote command will just tangle up more film so long as he doesn’t know it is film and that he, not the preclear, is handling it.

    In scouting you always use To. “Move To.” In running an engram or whatever, you always use through. “Move through the incident.”

    If an auditor can learn this, he will then be able to learn to run those small parts of the Time Track called engrams. If an auditor can’t run a pc through some pleasant Time Track flawlessly, he or she sure can’t run a pc through the living lightning parts of that Track called Engrams.

    If an auditor hasn’t a ruddy clue about the time track and its composition, he or she won’t ever be able to run engrams. So, obviously, the first thing to teach and have passed in engram running is time track composition. When the auditor learns that, he or she will be able to run engrams. If the auditor does not know the subject of the time track well, then he or she can’t be taught to run engrams, for no rote commands that cover all cases can exist. You couldn’t teach the handling of a motion picture projector by rote commands if the operator had never imagined the existence of film. An auditor sitting there thinking the pc is doing this or that and being in a general fuddle about it will soon have film all over the floor and wrapped about his ears. His plea for a rote command will just tangle up more film so long as he doesn’t know it is film and that he, not the preclear, is handling it.

    An auditor who cannot handle the Time Track smoothly can scarcely call himself an auditor as that’s all there is to audit besides postulates, no matter what process you are using, no matter what process you invent and even if you tried what is laughingly called a “biochemical approach” to the mind. There’s only a Time Track for the bios to affect.

    If an auditor can learn this, he will then be able to learn to run those small parts of the time track called engrams. If an auditor can’t run a pc through some pleasant time track flawlessly, he or she sure can’t run a pc through the living lightning parts of that track called engrams.

    There’s a thetan, there’s a Time Track. The thetan gets caught in the Time Track. The job of the auditor is to free the thetan by digging him out of his Time Track. So if you can’t handle what you’re digging a thetan out of, you’re going to have an awful lot of landslides and a lot of auditing loses for both you and preclears.

    An auditor who cannot handle the time track smoothly can scarcely call himself an auditor as that’s all there is to audit besides postulates, no matter what process you are using, no matter what process you invent and even if you tried what is laughingly called a “biochemical approach” to the mind. There’s only a time track for the bios to affect.

    Invent games, devices, charts and training aids galore and teach with them and you’ll have auditors who can handle the Time Track and run engrams.

    There’s a thetan, there’s a time track. The thetan gets caught in the time track. The job of the auditor is to free the theta n by digging him out of his time track. So if you can’t handle what you’re digging a thetan out of, you’re going to have an awful lot of landslides and a lot of auditing loses for both you and preclears.


    Invent games, devices, charts and training aids galore and teach with them and you’ll have auditors who can handle the time track and run engrams.

    Charge, the stored quantities of energy in the Time Track, is the sole thing that is being relieved or removed by the auditor from the Time Track.


    When this charge is present in huge amounts the Time Track overwhelms the pc and the pc is thrust below observation of the actual Track.

    Charge, the stored quantities of energy in the time track, is the sole thing that is being relieved or removed by the auditor from the time track.

    This is the State of Case Scale. (All levels given are major levels. Minor levels exist between them.)

    When this charge is present in huge amounts the time track overwhelms the pc and the pc is thrust below observation of the actual track.

    This is the State of Case Scale. (All levels given are major levels. Minor levels exist between them.)

    Level (1)
    Level (1)No Charge.
    No Track
    No chargeLevel (2)
    Level (2)Some Charge.
    Full Visible Time Track
    Some chargeLevel (3)
    Level (3)Some heavily charged areas.
    Sporadic Visibility of Track
    Some heavily charged areas.Level (4)
    INVISIBLE TRACK (Black or Invisible Field)
    Level (4)Very heavily charged areas exist.
    Invisible Track'''(Black or Invisible Field.)
    Very heavily charged areas exist.Level (5)
    Level (5)Some areas of Track so heavily charged pc is below consciousness in them.
    Some areas of track so heavily charged pc is below consciousness in them.Level (6)
    Level (6)Many areas of Track so heavily charged, the Dub-in is submerged.
    Dub-In of Dub-In
    Many areas of track so heavily charged, the dub-in is submerged.Level (7)
    Level (7)Track too heavily charged to be viewed at all.
    Only Aware of Own Evaluations
    Track too heavily chargedto be viewed at all.Level (8)
    Level (8)Pc dull, often in a coma.
    Pc dull, often in a coma.

    On this new scale the very good, easy to run cases are at Level (3). Skilled engram running can handle down to Level (4). Engram running is useless from Level (4) down. Level (4) is questionable.

    Level ( 1 ) is of course an OT. Level (2) is the clearest clear anybody ever heard of. Level (3) can run engrams. Level (4) can run early track engrams if the running is skilled. (Level (4) includes the Black V case.) Level (5) has to be run on general ARC processes. Level (6) has to be run carefully on special ARC processes with lots of havingness. Level (7) responds to the CCHs. Level (8) responds only to reach and withdraw CCHs.

    On this new scale the very good, easy to run cases are at Level (3). Skilled engram running can handle down to Level (4). Engram running is useless from Level (4) down. Level (4) is questionable.

    Pre-Dianetic and Pre-Scientology mental studies were observations from Level (7) which considered Levels (5) and (6) and (8) the only states of case and oddly enough overlooked Level (7) entirely, all states of case were considered either neurotic or insane, with sanity either slightly glimpsed or decried.

    Level (1) is of course an OT. Level (2) is the clearest Clear anybody ever heard of. Level (3) can run engrams. Level (4) can run early track engrams if the running is skilled. (Level (4) includes the Black V case.) Level (5) has to be run on general ARC processes. Level (6) has to be run carefully on special ARC processes with lots of havingness. Level (7) responds to the CCHs. Level (8) responds only to reach and withdraw CCHs.

    In actuality on some portion of every Time Track in every case you will find each of the Levels except (l ) momentarily expressed. The above scale is devoted to chronic case level and is useful in Programming a case. But any case for brief moments or longer will hit these levels in being processed. This is the Temporary Case Level found only in sessions on chronically higher level cases when they go through a tough bit.

    Pre-Dianetic and Pre-Scientology mental studies were observations from Level (7) which considered Levels (5) and (6) and (8) the only states of case and oddly enough overlooked Level (7) entirely, all states of case were considered either neurotic or insane, with sanity either slightly glimpsed or decried.

    Thus engram running can be seen to be limited to higher level cases. Other processing, notably modern ARC processes, moves the case up to engram running.

    In actuality on some portion of every time track in every case you will find each of the levels except (I) momentarily expressed. The above scale is devoted to chronic case level and is useful in programming a case. But any case for brief moments or longer will hit these levels in being processed. This is the temporary case level found only in sessions on chronically higher level cases when they go through a tough bit.

    Now what makes these levels of case?

    Thus engram running can be seen to be limited to higher level cases. Other processing, notably modern ARC processes, moves the case up to engram running.

    It is entirely charge. The more heavily charged the case, the lower it falls on the above scale. It is charge that prevents the pc from confronting the Time Track and submerges the Time Track from view.

    Now what makes these levels of case?

    Charge is stored energy or stored or recreatable potentials of energy.

    It is entirely charge. The more heavily charged the case, the lower it falls on the above scale. It is charge that prevents the pc from confronting the time track and submerges the time track from view.

    The E-Meter registers charge. A very high or low tone arm, a sticky or dirty needle, all are registrations of this charge. The “chronic meter of a case” is an index of chronic charge. The fluctuations of a meter during a session are registering relative charge in different portions of the pc’s Time Track.

    Charge is stored energy or stored or recreatable potentials of energy.

    More valuably the meter registers released charge. You can see it blowing on the meter. The disintegrating RR, the blowing down of the TA, the heavy falls, the loosening needle all show charge being released.

    The E-Meter registers charge. A very high or low tone arm, a sticky or dirty needle, all are registrations of this charge. The “chronic meter of a case” is an index of chronic charge. The fluctuations of a meter during a session are registering relative charge in different portions of the pc’s time track.

    The meter registers charge found and then charge released. It registers charge found but not yet released by the needle getting tight, by DN, by a climbing TA or a TA going far below the clear read. Then as this cleans up, the charge is seen to “blow”.

    More valuably the meter registers released charge. You can see it blowing on the meter. The disintegrating RR, the blowing down of the TA, the heavy falls, the loosening needle all show charge being released.

    Charge that is restimulated but not released causes the case to “charge up”, in that charge already on the Time Track is triggered but is not yet viewed by the pc. The whole cycle of restimulated charge that is then blown gives us the action of auditing. When prior charge is restimulated but not located so that it can be blown, we get “ARC Breaks”.

    The meter registers charge found and then charge released. It registers charge found but not yet released by the needle getting tight, by DN, by a climbing TA or a TA going far below the clear read. Then as this cleans up, the charge is seen to “blow.”

    The State of Case, the Chronic Level, as given on the above scale, is the totality of charge on the case. Level (I) has no charge on it. Level (8) is total charge. The day to day condition of a case, its temper, reaction to things, brightness, depends upon two factors,

    Charge that is restimulated but not released causes the case to “charge up,” in that charge already on the time track is triggered but is not yet viewed by the pc. The whole cycle of restimulated charge that is then blown gives us the action of auditing. When PRIOR charge is restimulated but not located so that it can be blown, we get “ARC breaks.”

    (a) the totality of charge on the case and

    The State of Case, the chronic level, as given on the above scale, is the totality of charge on the case. Level (1) has no charge on it. Level (8) is total charge. The day to day condition of a case, its temper, reaction to things, brightness, depends upon two factors,

    (b) the amount of charge in restimulation.

    (a) the totality of charge on the case and

    Thus a case being processed varies in tone by

    (b) the amount of charge in restimulation.

    (a) the totality of charge remaining on the case

    Thus a case being processed varies in tone by

    (b) the amount of charge in restimulation and

    (a) the totality of charge remaining on the case

    (c) the amount of charge blown by processing.

    (b) the amount of charge in restimulation and

    Charge is held in place by the basic on a chain. When only later than basic incidents are run charge can be restimulated and then bottled up again with a very small amount blown. This is known as “grinding out” an incident. An engram is getting run, but as it is not basic on a chain, no adequate amount of charge is being released.

    (c) the amount of charge blown by processing.

    Later than basic incidents are run either (a) to uncover more basic (earlier) incidents or (b) to clean up the chain after basic has been found and erased.

    Charge is held in place by the basic on a chain. When only later than basic incidents are run charge can be restimulated and then bottled up again with a very small amount blown. This is known as “grinding out” an incident. An engram is getting run, but as it is not basic on a chain, no adequate amount of charge is being released.

    No full erasure of incidents later than basic is possible, but charge can be removed from them providing they are not ground out but only run lightly a time or two and then an earlier incident on the chain found and similarly run. When the basic is found it is erased by many passes over it. Basic is the only one which can be run many times. The later the incident is (the further from basic) the more lightly it is run.

    Later than basic incidents are run either (a) to uncover more basic (earlier) incidents or (b) to clean up the chain after basic has been found and erased.

    There is no difference in the technology required to run a basic or a later incident. It is only the number of times THROUGH that differs. Basic is run through many times. A somewhat later engram is run through a couple of times. An engram very late on the chain is gone through once. Otherwise all engrams whether basic or not are run exactly the same.

    No full erasure of incidents later than basic is possible, but charge can be removed from them providing they are not ground out but only run lightly a time or two and then an earlier incident on the chain found and similarly run. When the basic is found it is erased by many passes over it. Basic is the only one which can be run many times. The later the incident is (the further from basic) the more lightly it is run.

    Engrams are run to release Charge from a case. Charge is not released to cure the body or to cure anything physical and the meter cures nothing. Charge is released entirely to return to a thetan his causation over the Time Track, to restore his power of choice, and to free him of his most intimate trap, his own Time Track. You cannot have decent, honest or capable beings as long as they are trapped and overwhelmed. While this philosophy may be contrary to the intentions of a slavemaster or a degrader it is nevertheless demonstrably true. The universe is not itself a trap capable only of degradation. But beings exist who, beaten and overwhelmed themselves, can utilize this universe to degrade others.

    There is no difference in the technology required to run a basic or a later incident. It is only the number of times through that differs. Basic is run through many times. A somewhat later engram is run through a couple of times. An engram very late on the chain is gone through once. Otherwise all engrams whether basic or not are run exactly the same.

    The mission of engram running is to free the charge which has accumulated in a being and so restore that being to appreciated life.

    Engrams are run to release charge from a case. Charge is not released to cure the body or to cure anything physical and the meter cures nothing. Charge is released entirely to return to a thetan his causation over the time track, to restore his power of choice, and to free him of his most intimate trap, his own time track. You cannot have decent, honest or capable beings as long as they are trapped and overwhelmed. While this philosophy may be contrary to the intentions of a slavemaster or a degrader it is nevertheless demonstrably true. The universe is not itself a trap capable only of degradation. But beings exist who, beaten and overwhelmed themselves, can utilize this universe to degrade others.

    All cases, sooner or later, have to be run on engrams, no matter what else has to be done. For it is in engrams that the bulk of the charge on the Time Track lies. And it is therefore those parts of the Time Track called engrams which overwhelm the thetan. These contain pain and unconsciousness and are therefore the record of moments when a thetan was most at effect and least at cause. In these moments then the thetan is least able to confront or to be causative.

    The mission of engram running is to free the charge which has accumulated in a being and so restore that being to appreciated life.

    The engram also contains moments when it was necessary to have moved and most degrading to have held a position in space.

    All cases, sooner or later, have to be run on engrams, no matter what else has to be done. For it is in engrams that the bulk of the charge on the time track lies. And it is therefore those parts of the time track called engrams which overwhelm the thetan. These contain pain and unconsciousness and are therefore the record of moments when a thetan was most at effect and least at cause. In these moments then the thetan is least able to confront or to be causative.

    And the engram contains the heaviest ARC Break with a thetan’s environment and other beings.

    The engram also contains moments when it was necessary to have moved and most degrading to have held a position in space.

    And all these things add up to charge, an impulse to withdraw from that which can’t be withdrawn from or to approach that which can’t be approached, and this, like a two pole battery, generates current. This constantly generated current is chronic charge. The principal actions are:

    And the engram contains the heaviest ARC break with a thetan’s environment and other beings.

    1. When the attention of the thetan is directed broadly in the direction of such a track record the current increases.
    2. And all these things add up to charge, an impulse to withdraw from that which can’t be withdrawn from or to approach that which can’t be approached, and this, like a two pole battery, generates current. This constantly generated current is chronic charge. The principal actions are:

    3. When the attention is more closely (but not forcefully) and accurately directed, the current is discharged.
    4. (a) When the attention of the thetan is directed broadly in the direction of such a track record the current increases.

    5. When the basic on the chain is found and erased, that which composes the poles themselves is erased and later incidents eased, for no further generation is possible by that chain and it becomes incapable of producing further charge to be restimulated. The above are the actions which occur during auditing. If these actions do not occur despite auditing, then there is no case betterment, so it is the auditor’s responsibility to make sure they do occur.

    (b) When the attention is more closely (but not forcefully) and accurately directed, the current is discharged.

    As the Time Track is created by an involuntary response of the thetan, it is and exists as a real thing, composed of space, matter, energy, time and significance. On a Level (8) Case the Time Track is completely submerged by charge even down to a total unawareness of thought itself. At Level (7) awareness of the track is confined by extant charge to opinions about it. At Level (6) charge on the track is such that pictures of pictures of the track are gratuitously furnished, causing delusive copies of inaccurate copies of the track. At Level (5) charge is sufficient to cause only inaccurate copies of the track to be viewable. At Level (4) charge is sufficient to obscure the track. At Level (3) charge is sufficient to wipe out portions of the track. At Level (2) there is only enough charge to maintain the existence of the track. At Level (1) there is no charge and no track to create it. All charge from Level (1) and up into higher states that is generated is knowingly generated by the thetan, whose ability to hold locations in space and poles apart results in charge as needful.

    (c) When the basic on the chain is found and erased, that which composes the poles themselves is erased and later incidents eased, for no further generation is possible by that chain and it becomes incapable of producing further charge to be restimulated. The above are the actions which occur during auditing. If these actions do not occur despite auditing, then there is no case betterment, so it is the auditor’s responsibility to make sure they do occur.

    This would degenerate again as he put such matters on automatic or began once more to make a Time Track, but these actions alone are not capable of aberrating a thetan until he encounters further violent degradation and entrapment in the form of implants. Aberration itself must be calculated to occur. The existence of a Time Track only makes it possible for it to occur and be retained.

    As the time track is created by an involuntary response of the thetan, it is and exists as a real thing, composed of space, matter, energy, time and significance. On a Level (8) Case the time track is completely submerged by charge even down to a total unawareness of thought itself. At Level (7) awareness of the track is confined by extant charge to opinions about it. At Level (6) charge on the track is such that pictures of pictures of the track are gratuitously furnished, causing delusive copies of inaccurate copies of the track. At Level (5) charge is sufficient to cause only inaccurate copies of the track to be viewable. At Level (4) charge is sufficient to obscure the track. At Level (3) charge is sufficient to wipe out portions of the track. At Level (2) there is only enough charge to maintain the existence of the track. At Level (1) there is no charge and no track to create it. All charge from Level (1) and up into higher states that is generated is knowingly generated by the thetan, whose ability to hold locations in space and poles apart results in charge as needful.

    Thus a thetan’s first real mistake is to consider his own pictures and their recorded events important, and his second mistake is in not obliterating entrapment activities in such a way as not to become entrapped or aberrated in doing so, all of which can be done and should be.

    This would degenerate again as he put such matters on automatic or began once more to make a time track, but these actions alone are not capable of aberrating a thetan until he encounters further violent degradation and entrapment in the form of implants. Aberration itself must be calculated to occur. The existence of a time track only makes it possible for it to occur and be retained.

    Engram running is a step necessary to get at the more fundamental causes of a Time Track and handle them.

    Thus a thetan’s first real mistake is to consider his own pictures and their recorded events important, and his second mistake is in not obliterating entrapment activities in such a way as not to become entrapped or aberrated in doing so, all of which can be done and should be.

    So it is a skill which must be done and done well.

    Engram running is a step necessary to get at the more fundamental causes of a time track and handle them.

    LRH:dr jh

    So it is a skill which must be done and done well.

    L. RON HUBBARD Revision assisted by
    Jill Steinberg
    Editor “Dianetics Today”