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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- HGC Preclear Assessment - B600610 | Сравнить
- What We Expect of a Scientologist - B600610 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Что Мы Ожидаем от Саентолога (СДС-33) - Б600610-1 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 600610 - HCO Bulletin - HGC Preclear Assessment [B036-100]
- 600610 - HCO Bulletin - HGC Preclear Assessment [B114-023]
- 600610 - HCO Bulletin - What We Expect of a Scientologist [B024-151]
- 600610 - HCO Bulletin - What We Expect of a Scientologist [B036-099]
- 600610 - HCO Bulletin - What We Expect of a Scientologist [B055-004]
- 600610 - HCO Bulletin - What We Expect of a Scientologist [B061-026]
- 600610 - HCO Bulletin - What We Expect of a Scientologist [B114-017]
- 600610 - HCO Bulletin - What We Expect of a Scientologist [B114-018]
- 600610 - HCO Bulletin - What We Expect of a Scientologist [B114-019]
- 600610 - HCO Bulletin - What We Expect of a Scientologist [B114-020]
- 600610 - HCO Bulletin - What We Expect of a Scientologist [B114-021]
- 600610 - HCO Bulletin - What We Expect of a Scientologist [B114-022]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex



We inherited, when we began, a great many hidden errors in the society, so deeply laid they seemed right. “Everybody knows that…” is a tombstone of progress for it contains uninspected lies that bring the wittiest of us to grief. “Everybody knows that Man is Evil” was only one of the many things we found wrong, exposed and dropped from our own knowledge.

With considerable data accumulating on Help when used in conjunction with Alternate Confront and Havingness, and with Help even working on vague past terminals in concept form (“Get the idea of helping a “ “Get the idea of not helping a “), it is time to pick up any cases that have been in processing more recently, by starting them again on the first terminal they were ever run on.

However, in the field of what is expected of a Scientologist, we have for ten years carried along an inherited error. It is this: “Everybody knows that a specialist in a science hangs out a shingle and, if a professional, becomes a private practitioner.”

You will find that Help O/W will move a case that was begun unsuccessfully no matter how long ago, providing that you discover with a meter what terminal the case was started on originally and address that terminal and audit it until it is flat.

Now listen. Psycho-analysis was developed in 1894 by Sigmund Freud. Everybody who studied it was expected to hang out a shingle and start practising. It took half a century for psycho-analysis to become generally known by the people. Yet how could it miss? Its tenet was that if you were sexually uninhibited you would be happy.

This experimental approach should work, because it has worked that when cases were started again and the first process ever run was flattened, the case began to move.

The psycho-analyst took his cue from the medico of his day. If you could heal you were a healer with a shingle.

This will work even though the first approach was engram running or straight wire away back. It should be discovered what the pc’s first goal in auditing ever was, or his first hope for auditing, and get the terminal closest to that goal. It will often be found that the pc was trying to help his eyes or his wife or himself as the first Help terminal in auditing.

Well, I’m afraid a lot of us have bought this too. If we were trained in Scientology as a professional we should hang out our shingle as a practitioner. With all due respect to the Scientologist in professional practice (where they have every right to be) this is not a true idea. It is a borrowed idea. It’s as old as the witch doctor.

When this terminal was not totally flattened the pc, finding he had not helped whatever he was trying to help, got an auditing lose. By finding out what the pc was trying to help at the very first contact with Scientology and by giving him sessions on it with Help O/W a most important win can be obtained.

A Scientologist is the being three feet behind society’s head. And society runs on eight dynamics, not in a sick room. Some of us, of course, would become professional practitioners. But a professional Scientologist is one who expertly uses Scientology on any area or level of the society.

This bulletin should be given very serious attention in HGCs where the cases always come that have real heavy auditing problems. HGCs get the toughest cases and usually all the old time cases. Where any case is being handled in an HGC it should be suspected that there has been an auditing flub somewhere along the line. Perhaps the pc won wonderfully with the first auditing session but failed heavily down the line somewhere. In such a circumstance always convert the loss to a win.

A housewife who does not have professional level skill in Scientology could not expect to run a wholly successful family or keep order in her neighbourhood and keep her family well. A factory foreman could not possibly handle his crews with full effectiveness without professional Scientology skill. The personal assistant to a corporation executive could not do a fully effective job without being a professional Scientologist. A corporation president without a certificate will someday fail. And the head of a country would go to pieces if he didn’t know Scientology from a professional angle.

HGCs do more patch-up than virgin work. Thus it is safe to assume first that any applying pc has had something he tried to help in his own auditing that he received, and that it isn’t flat, and second that the pc has had a lose on some terminal.

How can these people handle life if they have no expert knowledge of how to handle life.

HGC auditing as a rule should regard itself as parasitic upon other auditing already done. HGC staff auditors should rarely be attempting the new and strange in an assessment of a case but should be trying to recover past data dredged up in earlier than HGC sessions and converting the losses to wins. This is a type of assessment peculiar to an HGC and we should study it.

Now we don’t expect everyone in the world to become a trained auditor. But we expect the people who are making the world to have a knowledge of how to make it go.


A trained Scientologist is not a doctor. He is someone with special knowledge in the handling of life.


We have many, many personal success stories in Scientology. They begin with a book acquaintance and bloom when professional skill enters the background. These people, small people, big people, drove a wedge for themselves into companies, societies, with Scientology and then took over control of the area. They succeeded where they never would have dreamed they could. And every time one of us drives in such a wedge, we all win because the world is brought nearer to a sane and decent world.

The factories, the marts of trade, the homes, the neighbourhoods, these are the places we want trained Scientologists. In that way alone, we’re on the busy, still healthy communication lines of the world.

Some of us need to run centres and schools just to give the rest of us service when required. Training at a pro level must continue and must be kept good. And service and communication must be given. Hence, we have Central Organizations on every continent and HCOs. But if we avoid the throbbing comm lines of the world and act like doctors, we will not win soon enough as a group.

Any trained Scientologist can win to success in society. Heightened IQ, a knowledge of life, a forthright attitude – with these things it is easy for him or her to improve a social or business position, to get higher pay, to exert wider personal influence. This we know we can do, we have done it so often so let’s improve the ability.

Process people weekends, run a co-audit some evenings of the week at home, but get on the active lines of the world and make your presence felt.

It takes full training to do it. It’s been done from our books alone but not always well. It takes tough Academy training to make a Scientologist, so don’t go at it half armed.

And stop feeling apologetic because you are not a “full time auditor”. We are the auditors to the world, not to a handful of the sick.

We are not doctors. We are the world’s trouble shooters. When we make a company win, the whole world wins, when we make a neighbourhood win, we all win.

A full time Scientologist makes life better wherever he is. And that is enough pro activity for anyone.

What do we expect of you? To become the best Scientologist that can be and to get on the comm lines of the world and bring a big win where it counts. We don’t expect you to hang up a shingle as a doctor and have a private practice. We’ll respect you if you do. But we’ll respect you just as much and even more if you get trained as a pro and go out and up in the world of action and of life.

Hit for the key spots by whatever means, the head of the women’s club, the personnel director of a company, the leader of a good orchestra, the president’s secretary, the advisor of the trade union – any key spot. Make a good sound living at it, drive a good car, but get your job done, handle and better the people you meet and bring about a better earth.

And stop feeling hangdog because you “aren’t auditing full time”. Nobody expects you to.

We’ll keep centres going to service your needs, some of us, we’ll provide ammunition and books. And the rest of us had better invade every activity there is on a high level of success and make our influence felt on the comm lines of the world.

Scientology is the only game on Earth where everybody wins.

So let’s help the world win.
