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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Word Clearing Method 4 (WCS-32RA) - B720222RA74 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Метод 4 Прояснения Слов (ПСЛ-32RA) - Б720222RA74 | Сравнить
- Метод 4 Прояснения Слов (ПСЛ-37) (2) - Б720222R72 | Сравнить
- Метод 4 Прояснения Слов (ПСЛ-37) - Б720222R72 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 720222 - HCO Bulletin - Word Clearing Method 4 [B012-039]
- 720222 - HCO Bulletin - Word Clearing Method 4 [B012-053]
- 720222 - HCO Bulletin - Word Clearing Method 4 [B048-046]
- 720222 - HCO Bulletin - Word Clearing Method 4 [B165-055]
- 720222RA - HCO Bulletin - Word Clearing Method 4 [B052-021]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
(Revised 26 March 1972 and 8 July 1974).
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
(Revised 26 March 1972 and 8 July 1974).
All SupervisorsAll Supervisors
Student’s HatStudent’s Hat
Mini Crse Super CrseMini Crse Super Crse
Word Clearing CrseWord Clearing Crse
Est Off CrseEst Off Crse
Dept 13 PersonnelDept 13 Personnel
Word Clearing Series 32RA Word Clearing Series 32RA
Vital for all Supervisors, Est-Os, and Cramming Officers.
Vital for all Supervisors, Est-Os, and Cramming Officers.



Tech and admin cramming officers, word clearers and course supervisors use method 4 word clearing when fishing for a misunderstood word. e.g. cramming officers use it to fish for misunderstood words concerning what the person is being crammed on. Word clearers use it on interns when the intern needs a retrain or retread or even if the intern is sent to cramming. Course supervisors use it in the classroom continuously on non-F/N students or queries.

Tech and admin cramming officers, word clearers and course supervisors use method 4 word clearing when fishing for a misunderstood word. e.g. cramming officers use it to fish for misunderstood words concerning what the person is being crammed on. Word clearers use it on interns when the intern needs a retrain or retread or even if the intern is sent to cramming. Course supervisors use it in the classroom continuously on non-F/N students or queries.

The whole idea is the person requiring the method 4 word clearing has a cramming order or is not an F/Ning student because of confusion as a result of a misunderstood word, as per Word Clearing Series 16R or omitted materials.

The whole idea is the person requiring the method 4 word clearing has a cramming order or is not an F/Ning student because of confusion as a result of a misunderstood word, as per Word Clearing Series 16R or omitted materials.

Method 4 fishes for the misunderstood word, finds it, clears it to F/N, looks for another in the area until there are no more with an F/N VGIs, then moves to another area, handles that – eventually all the misunderstoods that resulted in the cramming order or non-F/N student are handled.

Method 4 fishes for the misunderstood word, finds it, clears it to F/N, looks for another in the area until there are no more with an F/N VGIs, then moves to another area, handles that – eventually all the misunderstoods that resulted in the cramming order or non-F/N student are handled.

It requires no C/S OK for it to be done. Method 1 is not a prerequisite to method 4.

It requires no C/S OK for it to be done. Method 1 is not a prerequisite to method 4.

E-Meter Drill No. 21 is the E-Meter Drill to be drilled on method 4. It’s the method of fishing for a cognition.

E-Meter Drill No. 21 is the E-Meter Drill to be drilled on method 4. It’s the method of fishing for a cognition.

Requires proper application of TRs and metering. All supervisors, Est-Os, and Dept 13 personnel to check out on, drill, and apply this tech as it is vital study tech.

Requires proper application of TRs and metering. All supervisors, Est-Os, and Dept 13 personnel to check out on, drill, and apply this tech as it is vital study tech.



1. Give person the cans, state, „I am not auditing you.”

1. Give person the cans, state, „I am not auditing you.”

2. Ask while watching the meter: „Is there any part of what you’re studying you did not fully get?” Trace the read. Use „fishing for a cog” drill (per HCO B 25 June 70, Issue III) if needed. If no read the question may be varied, e.g.

2. Ask while watching the meter: „Is there any part of what you’re studying you did not fully get?” Trace the read. Use „fishing for a cog” drill (per HCO B 25 June 70, Issue III) if needed. If no read the question may be varied, e.g.

„Is there any part of the materials you’re studying you disagree with?” or „Is there any part of what you’re studying you feel you could not apply?” or „In (material being checked) is there anything you didn’t understand?”

„Is there any part of the materials you’re studying you disagree with?” or „Is there any part of what you’re studying you feel you could not apply?” or „In (material being checked) is there anything you didn’t understand?”

Let the student tell you briefly. Do not tell him the data.

Let the student tell you briefly. Do not tell him the data.

Verify that his study pack is complete as the data might have been omitted. Also he might never have read the pack at all.

Verify that his study pack is complete as the data might have been omitted. Also he might never have read the pack at all.

If the data was missing do not go on to step 3. See that he gets the complete pack and reads it. Then repeat method 4.

If the data was missing do not go on to step 3. See that he gets the complete pack and reads it. Then repeat method 4.

If the person just has not read the materials do not go on to 3 but get him to read the materials. Then repeat method 4.

If the person just has not read the materials do not go on to 3 but get him to read the materials. Then repeat method 4.

3. Get what it is then ask: „What word was misunderstood just before that?” Meter reads, word clearer finds the word, never accepting a confusion but finds the word giving the read (SF, F, LF, BD), gets it looked up in a dictionary and used in sentences until it can be seen from the sentences that the student now understands the word and the word F/Ns. All the tools of study tech and word clearing are at the word clearer’s disposal to take the word to F/N. The word clearer does not stop at one misunderstood but makes sure all are cleared.

3. Get what it is then ask: „What word was misunderstood just before that?” Meter reads, word clearer finds the word, never accepting a confusion but finds the word giving the read (SF, F, LF, BD), gets it looked up in a dictionary and used in sentences until it can be seen from the sentences that the student now understands the word and the word F/Ns. All the tools of study tech and word clearing are at the word clearer’s disposal to take the word to F/N. The word clearer does not stop at one misunderstood but makes sure all are cleared.

4. Repeat 2 & 3 until the materials are fully cleared up and any and all misunderstoods or confusions handled.

4. Repeat 2 & 3 until the materials are fully cleared up and any and all misunderstoods or confusions handled.

5. If the action bogs when used in the classroom the student must be sent to Qual for handling and supervisor to cramming on TRs and metering and drilling on this procedure.

5. If the action bogs when used in the classroom the student must be sent to Qual for handling and supervisor to cramming on TRs and metering and drilling on this procedure.

The correct action is a W/C Correction List done on the student and handled.

The correct action is a W/C Correction List done on the student and handled.

Of course if the above question F/Ns on asking, there would be no misunderstoods on the material being checked, but the person is in cramming, not an F/Ning student or whatever, so there obviously are misunderstood words to be found and handled.

Of course if the above question F/Ns on asking, there would be no misunderstoods on the material being checked, but the person is in cramming, not an F/Ning student or whatever, so there obviously are misunderstood words to be found and handled.

Look at HCO PL 16 Feb 72, The Purpose of the Dept of Personnel Enhancement. It says this Dept „reaches and looks for business all over the org and brings it in”. So someone with stats down – student or post stats, confusion about what to do, overloaded, can’t seem to handle it, how do you do this, etc. etc. are all indicators of misunderstood words as the person is saying confusion, confusion. Well, underneath the confusion is a misunderstood word just as Word Clearing 16R says.

Look at HCO PL 16 Feb 72, The Purpose of the Dept of Personnel Enhancement. It says this Dept „reaches and looks for business all over the org and brings it in”. So someone with stats down – student or post stats, confusion about what to do, overloaded, can’t seem to handle it, how do you do this, etc. etc. are all indicators of misunderstood words as the person is saying confusion, confusion. Well, underneath the confusion is a misunderstood word just as Word Clearing 16R says.

Method 4 word clearing is what is used in doing and achieving the purpose of the Dept of Personnel Enhancement, HCO PL 16 Feb 72.

Method 4 word clearing is what is used in doing and achieving the purpose of the Dept of Personnel Enhancement, HCO PL 16 Feb 72.

One of the ways the word clearers in this Dept do the job is using method 4 word clearing.

One of the ways the word clearers in this Dept do the job is using method 4 word clearing.

Method 4 is used by course supervisors to handle all student queries about contents of course materials.

Method 4 is used by course supervisors to handle all student queries about contents of course materials.

The reason students ask questions about „What is meant” is because of omitted pack materials from their checksheet, failure to read what they have or because of a mis­understood word just before they got confused.

The reason students ask questions about „What is meant” is because of omitted pack materials from their checksheet, failure to read what they have or because of a mis­understood word just before they got confused.

The super has to know only where the materials are and be smart enough to do Method 4 instead of giving the student alter-ised answers that stop Scientology working.

The super has to know only where the materials are and be smart enough to do Method 4 instead of giving the student alter-ised answers that stop Scientology working.

Word clearing, especially method 4, is how to get in High Crime HCO PL 7 Feb 1965, Reissued 15 June 70, „Keeping Scientology Working”.

Word clearing, especially method 4, is how to get in High Crime HCO PL 7 Feb 1965, Reissued 15 June 70, „Keeping Scientology Working”.

Successful Course Supervision and successful Cramming require this action be fully known and u – s – e – d.

Successful Course Supervision and successful Cramming require this action be fully known and u – s – e – d.
