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- Scientology Answers - ARTICLE 660231 | Сравнить

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Scientology Answers

Philosophy Wins After 2,000 Years

by L. Ron Hubbardby L. Ron Hubbard
Authored as a companion piece to “Philosophy Wins After 2,000 Years,” Mr. Hubbard’s 1966 “Scientology Answers” presents a vista of freedom quite beyond what philosophers of old imagined possible.In what amounts to a definitive statement of Scientology’s place within the tradition of philosophy comes L. Ron Hubbard’s “Philosophy Wins After 2,000 Years.” Written in late February 1966, it is an acknowledgment to those he viewed as legitimate predecessors of Dianetics and Scientology, in particular Greek philosophers Aristotle, Socrates, Plato and Euclid.

Man has asked a great many questions about himself.

Philosophy did not die with Ancient Greece.

Such questions are “Who am I?” “Where do I come from?” “What is Death?” “Is there a Hereafter?”

Out of the Natural Philosophy of those times came science.

Any child asks these questions, yet Man has never had answers that long satisfied him.

The wonders of chrome and metal, cars, planes, the atom bomb and even the satellites have their roots in the firm base of Greek Philosophy.

Religions have various answers to these questions and they belong in fact in the field of religious philosophy, since this is the area of Man’s knowledge that has sought to answer them.

But Socrates, Aristotle, Euclid, Thales, Heraclitus, Parmenides, Democritus, Pythagoras, Plato and all the rest did not have in mind the manufacture of material things when they released their knowledge to the world.

Answers have varied through the ages and race to race and this variation alone is the stumbling block which brings disbelief into faiths. Old religions fade because people no longer find their answers to the above questions real.

Even though all these great things developed out of Greek thought and mathematics, the great names of Philosophy considered they had failed.

The decline of Christianity is marked by modern cynicism about a Hell where one burns for an eternity and a Heaven where one plays a harp forever.

And so they had. Until today.

Materialistic sciences have sought to invalidate the entire field by shrugging the problem off with the equally impossible answers that one is merely meat and all life arose by spontaneous and accidental combustion from a sea of ammonia. Such “answers” sound more like pre-Buddhist India where the world was said to be carried on seven elephants that stood on seven pillars which stood on a turtle and, in exasperation to the child’s question as to what the turtle stood on, “Mud! And it’s mud from there on down!”

For their philosophic goal was the understanding of the spirit of Man and his relationship to the Universe. And this they could only speculate upon. They never proved their contention that Man was a spirit clothed in flesh, they could only assert it.

It is the nature of Truth that if one knows it, even more things get understood. The disease and decay of Asia tends to invalidate their concepts as Truth and in the West, war, where soldiers saw “Gott Mit Uns” [“God with us”] on the slain enemy belt buckles, tended to end the domination of the churches of those times — for God could not be on both sides of such Devil’s work, or so the soldiers reasoned.

And so they drowned in the avalanche of superstition which engulfed the world in the Dark Ages.

Even Christ’s great commandment of “Love Thy Neighbor” seems to have less force today in a world of income tax, inflation and the slaughter of civil populations in the name of peace.

Why did they fail? They needed the higher mathematics and electronics which would, over two thousand years later, develop from their philosophies.

So without in any way condemning or scorning any man’s beliefs, Scientology arose from the ashes of a spiritless science and again asked — and answered — the eternal questions.

These were developed. But they were used for different purposes than those intended, and Man turned his back upon their lofty dreams while building planes to bomb cities and atom bombs to wipe out the Mankind no one had ever understood.

That the answers have the force of Truth is attested by the results. Instead of the sickness of religious India, Scientologists are seldom ill. Instead of internal warfare such as the riots of Alexandria, Scientologists live in relative harmony with each other and have skills that restore relations rapidly.

Until Scientology.

The world tends to attack new things and Scientology has had its share from vested interest groups and governments but it keeps rising eventually victorious from each clash, without bitterness.

And in it the goals of Greek Philosophy live again.

Various interesting results proceed from the practice of Scientology. One’s intelligence increases and one’s ability to handle his problems is markedly bettered.

Using modern developments in the sciences, it became possible to approach again the basic problems, What is Man? What is his relationship to the Universe? What is the Universe?

One does not have to study Scientology very long to know that one does not have to die to find out what he is or where he is going after death, for one can experience it all for himself with no persuasion or hypnotism or “faith.”

Scientology, after a third of a century of careful research and investigation, can answer, with scientific truth, those questions and can prove the answers.

“When you yourself hold the Truth, the shadows by which you are bound tend to slither away.”

This is rather startling.

So Scientology is different mainly because one doesn’t have to believe in it to have it work. Its truths are of the order of “Is this black?” “Is this white?” You can see for yourself something is black if it’s black and that something is white when it’s white. No tricks of logic are needed to prove any point and Scientologists only ask people to look for themselves.

We have come so far from Thales, Heraclitus, Parmenides and Democritus that we have almost forgotten what they were trying to discover. But if you consult writings of the work they did over two thousand years ago, you will see what it was.

Thus, along with science, Scientology can achieve positive invariable results. Given the same conditions, one always gets the same results. And anyone given the same conditions can obtain the same results.

They wanted Man to know. They did not fail. They laid the ancient Greeks a firm foundation on which to build. And two thousand and more years later, we can furnish all the evidence they need.

What has happened is the superstition has been subtracted from spiritual studies. And today this is a very acceptable state of affairs to Man.

And that evidence and its truths and its great potential of betterment for the individual and all Mankind are completed work today in Scientology.

The ultimate freedom depends on knowing the ultimate Truth. Truth is not what people say it is, it is what it is. And Truth, quite remarkably, sets one free, just like philosophers have said down the ages.

We have reached the star they saw. And we know what it is. You’ll find its value when you become a Scientologist, a being who has come to know himself, life and the Universe and can give a hand to those around him to reach the stars.

What the philosophers did not say was how free can one get? And that is the surprise contained in Scientology for everyone who walks the Road to Truth — one can be totally free.

Naturally this makes no friendly news to the person who wants slaves and Fascistic, Capitalistic and even some more liberal creeds forbid that utterly, for who could be a master, so they think, where no slave wears his chains? They miss the point entirely, for who has to be a master?

When you yourself hold the Truth, the shadows by which you are bound tend to slither away.

And when you at last know for yourself in your own experience that Scientology does have the answers, and when you have applied them, you have the result all philosophers, savants, sages and saviors have always dreamed of — and freedom as well.

As much of Scientology is true for you as you know of it. Those who know it only by name react to the hope of it. And as one advances upon the road, one knows more and more of it and is more and more free. Unlike so many promises made to Man and which have made him fear disappointment, Scientology delivers. It may be over a rough road. It may be over a smooth one. But Scientology eventually delivers all it says it can.

And that is what is new about it and why it grows. No other religion ever given Man delivered. They all waited until after the end for one to find his harp or his Nirvana.

For the first time in all the ages there is something that in this one lifetime delivers the answers to the eternal questions and delivers immortality as well.