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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- TRs Training Breakthrough - BTB750313R75 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 750313 - Board Technical Bulletin - TRs Training Breakthrough [BTB06-025]
- 750313 - Board Technical Bulletin - TRs Training Breakthrough [BTB10-021]
- 750313R - Board Technical Bulletin - TRs Training Breakthrough [BTB06-027]
13 MARCH 1975R
Cancel BTB 29 June 1962 How to Acknowledge and
Revises BTB 29 Oct 72 Ex Dn Series 17 Ex Dn Case K and
BTB 20 Sept 72 TR Training Under LRH.
13 MARCH 1975R
Cancel BTB 29 June 1962 How to Acknowledge and
Revises BTB 29 Oct 72 Ex Dn Series 17 Ex Dn Case K and
BTB 20 Sept 72 TR Training Under LRH.
Intern SupIntern Sup
Cramming OfficerCramming Officer
TRs SupersTRs Supers



LRH has been recently coaching, on tape, the TRs of Flag Auditors and Internes for many weeks. Each night Messengers have been lugging in a great batch of tape recorders, each containing one or more auditing tapes.

LRH has been recently coaching, on tape, the TRs of Flag Auditors and Internes for many weeks. Each night Messengers have been lugging in a great batch of tape recorders, each containing one or more auditing tapes.

Some real breakthroughs were made on TR training that have never been seen or released. The Tech of making an assessment really impinge and read was completely wrapped up.

Some real breakthroughs were made on TR training that have never been seen or released. The Tech of making an assessment really impinge and read was completely wrapped up.

Pcs, very early in this, began to comment that their Auditor was “much better”.

Pcs, very early in this, began to comment that their Auditor was “much better”.

The Auditors had a great many wins.

The Auditors had a great many wins.

They are released here for your use in upgrading the quality of your org’s auditing.

They are released here for your use in upgrading the quality of your org’s auditing.



There are two different kinds of TRs. These are General TRs and Assessment TRs. General TRs are for use in regular auditing. They are natural, relaxed, while fully controlling the session and the pc.

There are two different kinds of TRs. These are General TRs and Assessment TRs. General TRs are for use in regular auditing. They are natural, relaxed, while fully controlling the session and the pc.

Assessment TRs are used to get a list to read. Assess­ment questions are delivered with impingement, the Auditor accenting or “barking” the last word and syllable. An assessment is done crisply and businesslike with real punch (not shouting) so each line is to the pc. This is not to say that an assessment is done Tone 40 or with antagonism. Its friendly but businesslike and impinged.

Assessment TRs are used to get a list to read. Assess­ment questions are delivered with impingement, the Auditor accenting or “barking” the last word and syllable. An assessment is done crisply and businesslike with real punch (not shouting) so each line is to the pc. This is not to say that an assessment is done Tone 40 or with antagonism. Its friendly but businesslike and impinged.



In training Auditors and Internes, the person super­vising the TR Training, and tapes trains them first on General TRs to a pass, then on Assessment TRs to a pass. A full TRs pass requires both.

In training Auditors and Internes, the person super­vising the TR Training, and tapes trains them first on General TRs to a pass, then on Assessment TRs to a pass. A full TRs pass requires both.

All previous tape cover notes to the Supervisor and his comments should be attached together in sequence so he can see that progress has been made and which points are being worked on.

All previous tape cover notes to the Supervisor and his comments should be attached together in sequence so he can see that progress has been made and which points are being worked on.

Care must be given to ensure that the Auditors learn how to set up a tape recorder, position the mike so the Auditor and pc can be heard easily and keep the heads clean so that recordings are not faint but easily audible. The proper position of the mike is either hung from the ceiling a bit to the side of the Auditor and pc with the mike at the same height as the Auditor’s face, or sticking out from under the meter behind the meter shield.

Care must be given to ensure that the Auditors learn how to set up a tape recorder, position the mike so the Auditor and pc can be heard easily and keep the heads clean so that recordings are not faint but easily audible. The proper position of the mike is either hung from the ceiling a bit to the side of the Auditor and pc with the mike at the same height as the Auditor’s face, or sticking out from under the meter behind the meter shield.

A poor recording is as worthless as an illegible auditing report.

A poor recording is as worthless as an illegible auditing report.

The person supervising the TRs tapes (usually the Interne Super with a final pass by the Senior C/S or KOT) must not invalidate or evaluate for the Auditors but must use lots of encouragement and ARC. When an Auditor back­slides the Supervisor must tell him not to backslide and see that the Auditor is sorted out and improving again.

The person supervising the TRs tapes (usually the Interne Super with a final pass by the Senior C/S or KOT) must not invalidate or evaluate for the Auditors but must use lots of encouragement and ARC. When an Auditor back­slides the Supervisor must tell him not to backslide and see that the Auditor is sorted out and improving again.

This TR training is not a pattycake affair, but must be demanding and tough enough to get the Auditors through it. Pc results are at stake. LRH has when warranted, ordered an Auditor to 12 hours a day TR Training and increased it to 14 hours a day to bring up the Auditor’s necessity level and get him through it when he had been lagging and was overdue to fire to his org.

This TR training is not a pattycake affair, but must be demanding and tough enough to get the Auditors through it. Pc results are at stake. LRH has when warranted, ordered an Auditor to 12 hours a day TR Training and increased it to 14 hours a day to bring up the Auditor’s necessity level and get him through it when he had been lagging and was overdue to fire to his org.



Tools used in General TR Training were LRH model auditing tapes, lots of Word Clearing, use of the TR Booklets, study of Original Thesis Primary Axioms (Chapter 2) and the rules that permit engram running (Chapter “The Laws of Returning”), use of Mood Drills (later described), drilling out attitudes about pcs that interfere with the session, knocking out automaticities by having the Auditor drill doing them, causatively and the TRs themselves.

Tools used in General TR Training were LRH model auditing tapes, lots of Word Clearing, use of the TR Booklets, study of Original Thesis Primary Axioms (Chapter 2) and the rules that permit engram running (Chapter “The Laws of Returning”), use of Mood Drills (later described), drilling out attitudes about pcs that interfere with the session, knocking out automaticities by having the Auditor drill doing them, causatively and the TRs themselves.

In knocking out faulty or inconsistent TRs, the tech used is to drill the entire scale from one extreme to another up and down. For example: Auditor has a problem with loudness and tends to mumble – have him drill the faulty TR 1 or 2 on a gradient from the barest mumble to Tone 40 and back again until it’s cured.

In knocking out faulty or inconsistent TRs, the tech used is to drill the entire scale from one extreme to another up and down. For example: Auditor has a problem with loudness and tends to mumble – have him drill the faulty TR 1 or 2 on a gradient from the barest mumble to Tone 40 and back again until it’s cured.

The idea is to get General TRs up to a level of real polish and consistency (not just barely passing one tape) so they are live, natural, interested in the pc, delivered to the pc, relaxed and smooth.

The idea is to get General TRs up to a level of real polish and consistency (not just barely passing one tape) so they are live, natural, interested in the pc, delivered to the pc, relaxed and smooth.

Use of TR 0

Use of TR 0

TR 0 is ordered when it is obviously out, or when other TRs drills don’t seem to be resolving.

TR 0 is ordered when it is obviously out, or when other TRs drills don’t seem to be resolving.

TR 0 is used so that the Auditor can be with the pc easily, is comfortable in session and not anxious or impatient. TR 0 is ordered done where there is not much Auditor there in session.

TR 0 is used so that the Auditor can be with the pc easily, is comfortable in session and not anxious or impatient. TR 0 is ordered done where there is not much Auditor there in session.

TR 0 was ordered in recent TR training when the following showed up in the Auditors’ tapes: when an Auditor was clearing his throat, when an Auditor was fumbling assessment lines, when TR 1 and 2 were way out and not improving, when an Auditor went mechanical in session, to handle a timid Auditor, when an Auditor’s mood wasn’t resolving with Mood Drills, when the pc was unaware of the Auditor and wasn’t working well in session = not much Auditor there.

TR 0 was ordered in recent TR training when the following showed up in the Auditors’ tapes: when an Auditor was clearing his throat, when an Auditor was fumbling assessment lines, when TR 1 and 2 were way out and not improving, when an Auditor went mechanical in session, to handle a timid Auditor, when an Auditor’s mood wasn’t resolving with Mood Drills, when the pc was unaware of the Auditor and wasn’t working well in session = not much Auditor there.

TR 0 can also be used with Mood Drills and when knocking out an Auditor attitude that is interfering. What is usually ordered is to have the Auditor look over his attitude to pcs and drill that attitude to free it up, then practice other attitudes. And also do TR 0.

TR 0 can also be used with Mood Drills and when knocking out an Auditor attitude that is interfering. What is usually ordered is to have the Auditor look over his attitude to pcs and drill that attitude to free it up, then practice other attitudes. And also do TR 0.

TR 1

TR 1

TR 1 in General TRs must be friendly and real, natural, positive with each command given in its own unit of time. Poor diction can get in the road and have to be drilled out. TR 1 must also be live and interested with adequate volume and crispness to arrive at the pc. Commands must be given without hesitation or being slowly dragged out because that gives a slow session pace and violates the rule on number of commands given and answered per unit of time determines gain.

TR 1 in General TRs must be friendly and real, natural, positive with each command given in its own unit of time. Poor diction can get in the road and have to be drilled out. TR 1 must also be live and interested with adequate volume and crispness to arrive at the pc. Commands must be given without hesitation or being slowly dragged out because that gives a slow session pace and violates the rule on number of commands given and answered per unit of time determines gain.

A lilt on TR 1 loses any impingement the question could have. It can be cured by drilling lilting and then the opposite, monotone, until the automaticity is broken.

A lilt on TR 1 loses any impingement the question could have. It can be cured by drilling lilting and then the opposite, monotone, until the automaticity is broken.

The opposite of this is where the Auditor drops the end of the line or swallows it. This also loses impinge­ment and must be drilled out.

The opposite of this is where the Auditor drops the end of the line or swallows it. This also loses impinge­ment and must be drilled out.

An Auditor whose TR 1 is too soft and low volume can be ordered to do 50 foot TRs.

An Auditor whose TR 1 is too soft and low volume can be ordered to do 50 foot TRs.

A breathless TR 1 can be cured by having the Auditor practice being breathless to get rid of the automaticity.

A breathless TR 1 can be cured by having the Auditor practice being breathless to get rid of the automaticity.

A timid Auditor can practice being a mean tiger to get the softness out of his TR 1. He should also review the Primary Axioms of Original Thesis.

A timid Auditor can practice being a mean tiger to get the softness out of his TR 1. He should also review the Primary Axioms of Original Thesis.

Timing is an important part of TR 1. Session pace depends on it. Where commands or questions are too far apart auditing time is extended.

Timing is an important part of TR 1. Session pace depends on it. Where commands or questions are too far apart auditing time is extended.

Flubbed command are out. Having to re-read a command is a flub and shouldn’t be necessary if the Auditor drills the procedure so it’s smooth.

Flubbed command are out. Having to re-read a command is a flub and shouldn’t be necessary if the Auditor drills the procedure so it’s smooth.

When taking questions or commands from an HCOB the Auditor can sound like he’s reading the question and must learn to sound like he’s saying when he’s in fact reading.

When taking questions or commands from an HCOB the Auditor can sound like he’s reading the question and must learn to sound like he’s saying when he’s in fact reading.

These were some of the points picked out on TR 1.

These were some of the points picked out on TR 1.

TR 2

TR 2

“The essence of TR 2 is session control.” “The pc’s comm is begun with TR 1 and controlled in flow with TR 2. “ (LRH) There are really different types of TR 2, a whole range that go from a ½ ack to a full ack up to a Tone 40 ack.

“The essence of TR 2 is session control.” “The pc’s comm is begun with TR 1 and controlled in flow with TR 2. “ (LRH) There are really different types of TR 2, a whole range that go from a ½ ack to a full ack up to a Tone 40 ack.

“A full ack is really a stop ack. If you break it down, there’s a degree of acks going from ‘go on, I’m listening’ order mutter to an ‘okay, that’s enough of this phase of this’ to ‘well we got through with that and that’s it’. One doesn’t use such words. It is done by tone and intention. It’s called session control. There’s also a Tone 40 ack which ends off the whole scene and that’s that.” (LRH)

“A full ack is really a stop ack. If you break it down, there’s a degree of acks going from ‘go on, I’m listening’ order mutter to an ‘okay, that’s enough of this phase of this’ to ‘well we got through with that and that’s it’. One doesn’t use such words. It is done by tone and intention. It’s called session control. There’s also a Tone 40 ack which ends off the whole scene and that’s that.” (LRH)

“A half ack keeps the pc going and also keeps a pc from over-itsaing.” “Half ack when it is going to go on, like Earl Sim. “ (LRH) You use half acks to show the pc you are still there and to let him know you’re interested.

“A half ack keeps the pc going and also keeps a pc from over-itsaing.” “Half ack when it is going to go on, like Earl Sim. “ (LRH) You use half acks to show the pc you are still there and to let him know you’re interested.

On R3R you use half acks on 1 to 8, full ack on 9, half acks on A to C and a full ack on D.

On R3R you use half acks on 1 to 8, full ack on 9, half acks on A to C and a full ack on D.

Where a pc over-itsas it is caused by a slow TR 2, a lack of TR 2 especially half acks, too strong a half ack and over-acking. A lack of half acks shows up with a pc who is unaware of the Auditor and so is out of control or doesn’t work well in session.

Where a pc over-itsas it is caused by a slow TR 2, a lack of TR 2 especially half acks, too strong a half ack and over-acking. A lack of half acks shows up with a pc who is unaware of the Auditor and so is out of control or doesn’t work well in session.

Practice on half acks and full acks so as not to fall between and drilling acks that control comm from making it continue to making it stop utterly, the full range of ½ acks to full acks to Tone 40 acks, cures an Auditor who flubs on the above.

Practice on half acks and full acks so as not to fall between and drilling acks that control comm from making it continue to making it stop utterly, the full range of ½ acks to full acks to Tone 40 acks, cures an Auditor who flubs on the above.

Where TR 2 is interruptive and overrides the end of the pc’s answer, it will put the pc on a W/H. Practice on timing of TR 2 and perception of when the pc has said all corrects that.

Where TR 2 is interruptive and overrides the end of the pc’s answer, it will put the pc on a W/H. Practice on timing of TR 2 and perception of when the pc has said all corrects that.

Double acks, multiple acks such as: “OK. Good.” and “All right. Thank you. OK.” are not OK and must be knocked out by drilling the Auditor so he learns to ack with one ack. TR 2 repeated makes an overack.

Double acks, multiple acks such as: “OK. Good.” and “All right. Thank you. OK.” are not OK and must be knocked out by drilling the Auditor so he learns to ack with one ack. TR 2 repeated makes an overack.

Too cold a TR 2 can be corrected by Mood Drills (see below). TR 2 expresses mood and interest in the pc’s incidents and itsa. TR 2 must be to the pc so he gets it.

Too cold a TR 2 can be corrected by Mood Drills (see below). TR 2 expresses mood and interest in the pc’s incidents and itsa. TR 2 must be to the pc so he gets it.

Sometimes an Auditor has TR 2 and the next TR 1 colliding, running together so that they nearly overlap. This is corrected by drilling timing of TR 1 and TR 2 and the next TR 1 so that each TR 1 is in its own unit of time and each TR 2 ends that comm cycle.

Sometimes an Auditor has TR 2 and the next TR 1 colliding, running together so that they nearly overlap. This is corrected by drilling timing of TR 1 and TR 2 and the next TR 1 so that each TR 1 is in its own unit of time and each TR 2 ends that comm cycle.

Use of LRH model auditing tapes is necessary in training Auditors on TR 2.

Use of LRH model auditing tapes is necessary in training Auditors on TR 2.



Mood Drills were developed by LRH to handle stuck or fixated Auditor moods or where some Auditor’s mood entered into the session would rough up or upset a pc or slow his progress.

Mood Drills were developed by LRH to handle stuck or fixated Auditor moods or where some Auditor’s mood entered into the session would rough up or upset a pc or slow his progress.

Mood Drills consist of TRs 1 to 4 done out of session on each tone level of the full tone scale, hitting each mood up and down the scale. The coach calls the mood, the Auditor does TRs 1 to 4 in that mood. It doesn’t really require much coaching.

Mood Drills consist of TRs 1 to 4 done out of session on each tone level of the full tone scale, hitting each mood up and down the scale. The coach calls the mood, the Auditor does TRs 1 to 4 in that mood. It doesn’t really require much coaching.

“You just start low on the scale and TR that mood then the next, then the next. Like all TRs done ‘hopeless’, etc. Lots of laughs doing it really. Doing TRs as a dead Auditor is pretty tricky.” (LRH)

“You just start low on the scale and TR that mood then the next, then the next. Like all TRs done ‘hopeless’, etc. Lots of laughs doing it really. Doing TRs as a dead Auditor is pretty tricky.” (LRH)

An Auditor drilling these must beware of mis-Us and make sure that he understands each mood (tone). Any moods that are too easy to do or too hard should be spotted by coach and Auditor and repeated until the automaticity is broken. Once begun mood drills should be continued until the whole scale is flat so the Auditor doesn’t get stuck on the Tone Scale but can do any mood easily and without strain.

An Auditor drilling these must beware of mis-Us and make sure that he understands each mood (tone). Any moods that are too easy to do or too hard should be spotted by coach and Auditor and repeated until the automaticity is broken. Once begun mood drills should be continued until the whole scale is flat so the Auditor doesn’t get stuck on the Tone Scale but can do any mood easily and without strain.

“TRs are a matter of sound not how an Auditor feels.” (LRH)

“TRs are a matter of sound not how an Auditor feels.” (LRH)

Where an Auditor is upset about his voice you can have him try – out of session – speaking melodiously, boringly, enthusiastically, until he can change his mood about at will.

Where an Auditor is upset about his voice you can have him try – out of session – speaking melodiously, boringly, enthusiastically, until he can change his mood about at will.

Mood drills can be done on TR 104 when R3R is mechanical, brush off, not interested or done with a set emotion. You have the Auditor drill TR 104 by mood, up and down the tone scale, and to the pc. The coach calls the mood as with TRs 1 to 4.

Mood drills can be done on TR 104 when R3R is mechanical, brush off, not interested or done with a set emotion. You have the Auditor drill TR 104 by mood, up and down the tone scale, and to the pc. The coach calls the mood as with TRs 1 to 4.

50 foot Mood Drills can be used to cure a fixed mood that doesn’t seem to budge with regular Mood Drills.

50 foot Mood Drills can be used to cure a fixed mood that doesn’t seem to budge with regular Mood Drills.

A timid Dn Auditor is cured with 104 at each mood level including doing it as a panther, a lion, aggressive. As a bird, scared stiff. This breaks the automaticity.

A timid Dn Auditor is cured with 104 at each mood level including doing it as a panther, a lion, aggressive. As a bird, scared stiff. This breaks the automaticity.

Mood Drills can be done on Assessments where the Auditor’s mood would rough up the pc, where the assessment has an up lilt, or when it’s dull or monotonous or when it’s an out mood of any sort that’s fouling up the Auditor’s assessment. The Auditor can be drilled on assessments in the E-Meter Drill book at different moods or he can use a prepared list in a dummy session at different moods.

Mood Drills can be done on Assessments where the Auditor’s mood would rough up the pc, where the assessment has an up lilt, or when it’s dull or monotonous or when it’s an out mood of any sort that’s fouling up the Auditor’s assessment. The Auditor can be drilled on assessments in the E-Meter Drill book at different moods or he can use a prepared list in a dummy session at different moods.

Mood Drills can also be used to fix up a TR 1 that’s too variable or rushed, on a set emotion, choppy, pushy, monotonous, sad, dreary and even on TR 2 when it’s an out moods.

Mood Drills can also be used to fix up a TR 1 that’s too variable or rushed, on a set emotion, choppy, pushy, monotonous, sad, dreary and even on TR 2 when it’s an out moods.

Mood Drills are not only fun to do but also enable an Auditor to pass off a session without strain and without his own feelings interfering with it. The session will sound live, the Auditor will be interested in the pc and with good TRs get maximum pc gain.

Mood Drills are not only fun to do but also enable an Auditor to pass off a session without strain and without his own feelings interfering with it. The session will sound live, the Auditor will be interested in the pc and with good TRs get maximum pc gain.



Assessments are done to impinge and get a meter to read. The Auditor barks the last word and the last syllable so it does impinge. You don’t go -\, -\. Go ____/, ____/. You don’t drop your voice or downcurve your voice tone at the end of the line as that will cost you reads. You punch the last syllable to make it read, and to the pc. This is different from a lilt which is a ____/.Assessments are done to impinge and get a meter to read. The Auditor barks the last word and the last syllable so it does impinge. You don’t go -\, -\. Go ____/, ____/. You don’t drop your voice or downcurve your voice tone at the end of the line as that will cost you reads. You punch the last syllable to make it read, and to the pc. This is different from a lilt which is a ____/.

The accent is at the end of the sentence routinely, not on the earlier part. This must be drilled, drilled, drilled until the Auditor can do it easily and consistently with good bark.

The accent is at the end of the sentence routinely, not on the earlier part. This must be drilled, drilled, drilled until the Auditor can do it easily and consistently with good bark.

A lot of automaticities will come off with the drilling and it may sound “strange” at first but you’ll be surprised at the reads you otherwise wouldn’t get. An example is the line “Were you ashamed to cause an upset” (usual emphasis under­lined) which when assessed goes “Were you ashamed to cause an upset” (bark on last syllable).

A lot of automaticities will come off with the drilling and it may sound “strange” at first but you’ll be surprised at the reads you otherwise wouldn’t get. An example is the line “Were you ashamed to cause an upset” (usual emphasis under­lined) which when assessed goes “Were you ashamed to cause an upset” (bark on last syllable).

Don’t get the idea that assessments are harsh or forceful. You don’t have to shout. They must be natural without strain, consistent, friendly but businesslike, with good impingement and bark.

Don’t get the idea that assessments are harsh or forceful. You don’t have to shout. They must be natural without strain, consistent, friendly but businesslike, with good impingement and bark.

Done as above your assessments will read when they should and not when they shouldn’t.

Done as above your assessments will read when they should and not when they shouldn’t.



Beware of verbal tech on TR training. You can detect verbal tech when several Auditors are making the same TR errors.

Beware of verbal tech on TR training. You can detect verbal tech when several Auditors are making the same TR errors.

Locate the source of the verbal tech, the “expert” giving advice and knock it out. It can cost you your results.

Locate the source of the verbal tech, the “expert” giving advice and knock it out. It can cost you your results.



Do you want maximum gains for your pcs and maximum results for your Auditors?

Do you want maximum gains for your pcs and maximum results for your Auditors?

Interne Supers, Senior C/Ses, Cramming Officers, KOTs, TRs Supers. Put these drills into effect now. Use them on Auditor and Interne TR training as part of BPL 8 Nov 71RB Electronic Attestation Form and when correcting TR flubs.

Interne Supers, Senior C/Ses, Cramming Officers, KOTs, TRs Supers. Put these drills into effect now. Use them on Auditor and Interne TR training as part of BPL 8 Nov 71RB Electronic Attestation Form and when correcting TR flubs.

They do not replace the TRs themselves, the TR Booklets or LRH tapes but are used with them.

They do not replace the TRs themselves, the TR Booklets or LRH tapes but are used with them.

As a result of Ron’s coaching drills above, Auditor began to get rave notices from pcs as to how good the Auditor was suddenly.

As a result of Ron’s coaching drills above, Auditor began to get rave notices from pcs as to how good the Auditor was suddenly.

Any Auditor can win on these.

Any Auditor can win on these.

Here’s to a Golden Era of Tech with real TRs.

Here’s to a Golden Era of Tech with real TRs.

Taken from recent LRH TR developments by
W/O Ron Shafran CS-4
Approved by
for the
of the
Taken from recent LRH TR developments by
W/O Ron Shafran CS-4
Approved by
for the
of the