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SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 810108 - HCO Policy Letter - Advance Course Regulations and Security [PL093-091]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
(CANCELS BPL 12 Aug 1971R ADVANCE COURSES REGULATIONS, ADVANCE COURSE SECURITY and BPL 23 Jan 1969R ADVANCE COURSES SECURITY, as these issues have been updated and consolidated into this HCO Policy Letter.)
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
AOs and AOSHs OnlyRemimeo
EthicsAdvance Orgs
Adv Courses PersonnelSHs
Adv Courses Students



(Reference HCOB 8 Oct 71 Issue II C/S Series No. 5 and HCOB 7 Dec 71 C/S Series No. 5 ADDITION)

The Technology of the Advance Courses is a very precise one. There is no room for any arbitraries to enter in, and due to the confidential nature of the material a very firm ethics code is needed in the area. There is no other source of data than in the materials themselves. The following regulations have proven successful over many years and are now very strict policy.

  1. No off-line advice may be sought in cases of students on the Advanced Courses.
Hereafter the following will be considered GROSS VIOLATIONS if they occur in an Advanced Org or an AOSH or SH.

  • Any “unusual solution” sought or question asked must be answered only by referring to relevant Advanced Course materials and standard word clearing tech by the supervisors.
  • Full Solo Line not under 1 In Charge.

  • Examination of states of case must be done by Qual Examiner and the student’s complete folder must be submitted to such an Examiner at the time of examination for his inspection.
  • Having no Review Auditor or Auditors in the Solo Ad-Course line up, but sending pcs to “Review” and jamming them into HGC backlogs.

  • Any person examining for attained states of case must have been checked out on all technical materials of the Advanced Courses.
  • Letting a student onto Solo Auditing who can’t audit and hasn’t been trained to audit. Giving a Solo Student his materials while he is still studying basic auditing.

  • Any Examiner examining states of case in Qual must be on III or above.
  • Letting files or materials get in any confusion. Letting security go out on the Solo materials line. Failing to C/S sessions.

  • All Advanced Course personnel must be on III or above.
  • Not having a Solo Unit.

  • No person may be admitted on the Advanced Courses who has a bad Ethics history or a this lifetime suppressive order or a criminal record without a special Board of Investigation convened by the HCO Area Sec.
  • Not applying the C/S Series.

  • No person with a record of using R6EW or Clearing Course materials suppressively may be admitted on the Courses.
  • Not making students attain the EP of a level before going on. Using next levels to handle what’s wrong with a case.

  • Persons who have been grossly insecure in their handling of R6EW or Clearing Course materials or anyone making them available illegally to another may not be admitted on the Course regardless of the action taken at the time.
  • Not seeing Solo and Advance Course are well attended and promoted and sold. Failing to get blows or incompletes back in and handled.

  • Students folders are to be C/Sed after each session. The student goes to the Examiner after each session.
  • Lose track of a student after sending him for intensives and not being at all times aware of who is on Solo lines.

  • After the student has gone to the Examiner, he takes his folder to Solo Tech Reception.
  • Feeding EPs to students.

  • When an Advance Courses student wishes to communicate to the Case Supervisor about his case or his auditing, he must do so either in writing via his folder or as an origination given to the Examiner on the meter.
  • Failing to be courteous and friendly and helpful to Solo students.

  • If the student needs to clarify a C/S’s instructions or has any questions or uncertainty about his auditing tech he should always write it up and send it to the course supervisor along with his folder and the course supervisor will go over it with him giving any needed references or drilling.
  • These are the major faults which slow up or stop the Solo-R6EW-AO flow lines, cost wins and income and keep orgs who have AO lines from being prosperous.

  • No alcohol may be consumed within 24 hours before session and students must not consume or have administered to them any drugs, antibiotics, aspirin, barbiturates, opiates, sedatives, hypnotics or stimulants without written OK from the Course Supervisor and C/S. The only exception would be a medical emergency, and the C/S must be informed without delay.
  • If you were to take the above as a checklist and go over the Solo lines, each point found in violation would be a major WHY as to low income and upsets.

  • Auditing must be done daily unless the C/S has instructed a break be taken due to a big win. AO 1 forms of daily progress must be filled in and handed in at the place designated in the Solo Tech Reception area.
  • For instance the Solo Supervisor is not just responsible for the Solo Course. He is responsible for ALL checkouts of ALL solo and Advance Courses INCLUDING R6EW.

  • Advance Course students are not to discuss their cases with ANYONE except, (1) the Case Supervisor (and then only by written comm put into the auditing folder), (2) the Examiner by way of a metered origination, (3) a review auditor in session or (4) the Solo Case Consultant.
  • When there is no IN CHARGE for the whole line, Solo, R6EW, clear to VII on up there is no one to regulate and coordinate flow so it doesn’t flow.

  • Students who are in case trouble or who have ceased to audit on Advance Courses shall be sent to the Solo Case Consultant or to review.
  • If there is no Solo Review Auditor then a patch up can only be done by sending the person to the HGC where an inevitable backlog bars the person off Solo for days, weeks or forever and kills all further course wins and sales. Review for a Solo student must be immediate. It is of course charged for.

  • Advance Courses students session admin must be legible. If it is not it will be considered a No Report.
  • The only way a Solo student gets off this one line is by be sent to Cramming. That should be a one day action at the most.

  • Advance Courses students should not leave town until given permission to do so in writing by the Case Supervisor.
  • If Mini Courses have to be taken by Solo students they are taken under the Solo Super. This doesn’t say that the Solo Course Supervisor cannot have persons for Admin and other Course Supers under him.

  • A student who does not qualify as a fast flow student per HCO PL 25 Sep 79 SUCCESSFUL TRAINING LINE UP, and therefore takes an examination on the materials of the course in Qual, may not take his examination paper or answer sheet out of the Qual area designated for confidential exams. After marking, the exam is handed back to the student for reference but it must always be promptly returned by the student after reviewing it as to any errors made. It is the Examiners responsibility to see this is done.
  • As for Promo, when an AO begins to specialize in intensives, lower grades and Class IV actions they are taking business away from Class IV orgs and SHs and not wearing their own hat. Thus Solo Courses MUST be promoted.

    This means NO notes, NO photocopies, NO “little simplifications”, NO little codes to keep handy. None of the materials are to be in any way copied, not even partially or in alter-ised form. They must not be tape recorded. Any student possessing “notes” or “study aids” on any Advance Courses issues or films, flash cards, copies of commands, or any such copies must immediately destroy them completely.
  • Nothing in this Policy Letter may be interpreted to mean that a Solo sign up can’t be audited on anything but fast reviews. It is totally possible that a person signed up for Solo R6EW may be found to need several intensives and be given them. As long as 1. The student IS signed up for Solo and 2. He is not shunted over into HGC backlog but is actual gotten into auditing with actual intensives being given in rapid succession like one or two 12 1/2 hour intensives a week. If these conditions can’t be met the Solo line is justified in expanding its own review.

  • Any written references given the student by the Cramming Officer while on a cramming cycle must be handed in to the Cramming Officer at the end of each cramming period.
  • All manner of irregularities can occur on Solo lines. Like giving a “10 day Solo Course” at R6 level and then letting the student who of course could never learn to audit in 10 days, fall flat on his head from there on out.

  • The line up is given in C/S Series No. 5 and C/S Series No. 5 Addition. Solo Courses can and do produce the most fantastic wins and case gains. It is up to those entrusted with the activity to make it so.

    Violation of points 21, 22 and 23 above will bring about a severe Ethics action, which could include debarment from future Advance Courses (though not limited to this).
