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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Hats Program Pitfalls (PERS-16) - P701227 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Ловушки в Программе по Ошляпливанию (ПЕРС-16) (ц) - И701227 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 701227 - HCO Policy Letter - Hats Program Pitfalls [PL017-084]
- 701227 - HCO Policy Letter - Hats Program Pitfalls [PL042-080]
- 701227 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - Hats Officer - Checksheet [PL017-085]
CONTENTS HATS PROGRAM PITFALLS Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
HCO Area SecHCO Area Sec
Hats OfficerHats Officer
Personnel Series 16Personnel Series 16



The main outnesses about hats are

The main outnesses about hats are

1. Personnel having a hat and title but doing some other job or jobs.

1. Personnel having a hat and title but doing some other job or jobs.

2. Personnel falling between two divs or posts and being in neither.

2. Personnel falling between two divs or posts and being in neither.

3. Personnel having no hat at all.

3. Personnel having no hat at all.

4. Personnel unable to even cope because people around them don’t have hats.

4. Personnel unable to even cope because people around them don’t have hats.

5. Hats matching an org board but the org board itself is disorganized.

5. Hats matching an org board but the org board itself is disorganized.

6. Personnel holding a part-time hat but no other hat even though full-time.

6. Personnel holding a part-time hat but no other hat even though full-time.

7. Hats lost in post turnovers and no complete hat file.

7. Hats lost in post turnovers and no complete hat file.

8. The only other copy in the hat file issued and also lost.

8. The only other copy in the hat file issued and also lost.

9. Org pattern changes which make hats unreal.

9. Org pattern changes which make hats unreal.

10. Juniors trying to wear their hats but a senior, being unaware of them, issuing different orders.

10. Juniors trying to wear their hats but a senior, being unaware of them, issuing different orders.

11. Seniors trying to wear their hats but juniors unaware of them and making different demands.

11. Seniors trying to wear their hats but juniors unaware of them and making different demands.

12. Personnel moving off not replaced, leaving others in the organization to carry a load for which they have no hat.

12. Personnel moving off not replaced, leaving others in the organization to carry a load for which they have no hat.

13. Missing ideal scene for hat.

13. Missing ideal scene for hat.

14. Missing general ideal scene for division.

14. Missing general ideal scene for division.

15. No concept of the scene at all.

15. No concept of the scene at all.

16. A person just not doing his hat.

16. A person just not doing his hat.

17. Checksheet and/or pack missing or incomplete for post.

17. Checksheet and/or pack missing or incomplete for post.

18. Missing any part of full hat content per HCO PL 22 Sept. 70, HATS.

18. Missing any part of full hat content per HCO PL 22 Sept. 70, HATS.

19. Hat checksheet contains (a) omissions (too short); (b) highly irrelevant data; (c) doesn’t belong to the post.

19. Hat checksheet contains (a) omissions (too short); (b) highly irrelevant data; (c) doesn’t belong to the post.

20. Counter-policy present in hat write-up.

20. Counter-policy present in hat write-up.

21. Seniors issue counter-policy in despatches or verbally.

21. Seniors issue counter-policy in despatches or verbally.

22. Senior not grooving personnel in on post or seeing to proper hat study.

22. Senior not grooving personnel in on post or seeing to proper hat study.

23. Valuable final product missing for hat.

23. Valuable final product missing for hat.

24. Purpose and/or valuable final product missing in hat for group’s whole activity.

24. Purpose and/or valuable final product missing in hat for group’s whole activity.

25. An earlier or more basic hat is out such as a top executive not knowing the basic staff hat fully.

25. An earlier or more basic hat is out such as a top executive not knowing the basic staff hat fully.

26. Nonutilization in any of its various forms such as a personnel trained for one thing is required to do something else. Or his training is not used. Or he is not used at all.

26. Nonutilization in any of its various forms such as a personnel trained for one thing is required to do something else. Or his training is not used. Or he is not used at all.

If the Hats Officer can do his job and not get caught up in these pitfalls, we’ll really soar.

If the Hats Officer can do his job and not get caught up in these pitfalls, we’ll really soar.
