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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Amnesty - Cancelled Certs - Justice Comments (DIV1.DEP3.ETHICS) - P650407-3 | Сравнить
- Healing Policy in Field (DIV1.PTS) - P650407-2 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Амнистия, Отмененные Сертификаты, Замечания по Поводу Правосудия (КРО-1) (ц) - И650407-3 | Сравнить
- Доход от Продажи Книг (КРО-2) (ц) - И650407-4RA89 | Сравнить
- Книжний Доход - И650407-4RA89 | Сравнить
- Одитор по Книге (КРО-2) (ц) - И650407-1 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 650407 - HCO Policy Letter - Book Auditor [PL008-064]
- 650407 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - Healing Policy in Field [PL008-065]
- 650407 Issue 3 - HCO Policy Letter - Justice - Amnesty - Cancelled Certs - Justice Comments [PL008-066]
- 650407 Issue 4 - HCO Policy Letter - Book Income [PL008-063]
- 650407 Issue 4R - HCO Policy Letter - Book Income [PL034-004]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue II
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue II
Gen Non-RemimeoGen Non-Remimeo
A future Issue of The AuditorA future Issue of The Auditor



The HCO Policy Letter of October 27, 1964 is now binding on all field auditors and field staff members.

The HCO Policy Letter of October 27, 1964 is now binding on all field auditors and field staff members.

Many field auditors do not realize that they damage their own dissemination and usefulness by becoming involved with the very ill and the insane.

Many field auditors do not realize that they damage their own dissemination and usefulness by becoming involved with the very ill and the insane.

The only thing a field auditor can do, really, without going down, is to promote, run meetings and do short assists as field staff members of their nearest org. But whether they are or not, all Field Auditors including HBA, HAS and HQS must abide carefully by this policy and inform those persons who seek to persuade them to help the insane or very ill that “it is a Committee of Evidence offense to break HCO policy” and thus get themselves free. I have seen too many field auditors fail by their becoming entangled with psychos and chronically sick cases to fail to protect them from such a mistake.

The only thing a field auditor can do, really, without going down, is to promote, run meetings and do short assists as field staff members of their nearest org. But whether they are or not, all Field Auditors including HBA, HAS and HQS must abide carefully by this policy and inform those persons who seek to persuade them to help the insane or very ill that “it is a Committee of Evidence offense to break HCO policy” and thus get themselves free. I have seen too many field auditors fail by their becoming entangled with psychos and chronically sick cases to fail to protect them from such a mistake.

Excerpt from HCO Pol Ltr Oct 27 ’64:

Excerpt from HCO Pol Ltr Oct 27 ’64:



“Any process labelled ‘healing’, old or new refers to healing by mental and spiritual means and should therefore be looked upon as the relief of difficulties arising from mental and spiritual causes.

“Any process labelled ‘healing’, old or new refers to healing by mental and spiritual means and should therefore be looked upon as the relief of difficulties arising from mental and spiritual causes.

“The proper procedure in being requested to heal some complained of physical disability is as follows:

“The proper procedure in being requested to heal some complained of physical disability is as follows:

1. Require a physical examination from whatever practitioners of the physical healing arts may be competent and available;

1. Require a physical examination from whatever practitioners of the physical healing arts may be competent and available;

2. Clearly establish that the disability does not stem from immediately physical causes;

2. Clearly establish that the disability does not stem from immediately physical causes;

3. If the disability is pronounced to be curable within the skill of the physical practitioner and is in actual fact a disease or illness which surrenders to contemporary physical treatment, to require the person to be so treated before Scientology processing may be undertaken;

3. If the disability is pronounced to be curable within the skill of the physical practitioner and is in actual fact a disease or illness which surrenders to contemporary physical treatment, to require the person to be so treated before Scientology processing may be undertaken;

4. If, however, the physical practitioner’s recommendation includes surgery or treatment of an unproven nature or the illness or disease cannot be accurately diagnosed as a specific physical illness or disease with a known cure, the person may be accepted for processing on the reasonable assumption that no purely physical illness is proven to exist, and that it is probably mental or spiritual in origin.”

4. If, however, the physical practitioner’s recommendation includes surgery or treatment of an unproven nature or the illness or disease cannot be accurately diagnosed as a specific physical illness or disease with a known cure, the person may be accepted for processing on the reasonable assumption that no purely physical illness is proven to exist, and that it is probably mental or spiritual in origin.”
