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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Information Boards (DIV1.DEP2.COM-SYS) - P570421 | Сравнить

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CONTENTS INFORMATION BOARDS Cохранить документ себе Скачать
37 Fitzroy Street, London W.1
Hasi policy letter OF 21 APRIL 1957
c.c. Association Secretary
37 Fitzroy Street, London W.1
Hasi policy letter OF 21 APRIL 1957
c.c. Association Secretary
Director of AdminDirector of Admin
Director of ProcessingDirector of Processing
Director Of TrainingDirector Of Training
HCO Washington DCHCO Washington DC
HCO LondonHCO London
Construction & RepairConstruction & Repair



Information Boards, as different from the Bulletin Board in the Comm Centre, may be placed in:

Information Boards, as different from the Bulletin Board in the Comm Centre, may be placed in:

(a) CF and Procurement for Administration,

(a) CF and Procurement for Administration,

(b) in Training Office for Instructors and Students,

(b) in Training Office for Instructors and Students,

(c) in Processing Office for Auditors, and

(c) in Processing Office for Auditors, and

(d) in HCO for HCO Staff Info only.

(d) in HCO for HCO Staff Info only.

These boards are for the posting of Information relating to the exact job. For example, the Admin Board may contain instructions on How to Write Letters, the Training Board may show schedules of classes, etc. The Processing Board may show new angles on pc handling. Financial Data may also go on Administration Info Board.

These boards are for the posting of Information relating to the exact job. For example, the Admin Board may contain instructions on How to Write Letters, the Training Board may show schedules of classes, etc. The Processing Board may show new angles on pc handling. Financial Data may also go on Administration Info Board.

These Information Boards may contain personal notes, advertising of cafes, rooms, and other such data.

These Information Boards may contain personal notes, advertising of cafes, rooms, and other such data.

Nothing posted on these boards can be considered official for whole organization and none but the staff to which they apply can be held responsible for not having read them. They are in essence the voices of Department heads within their departments.

Nothing posted on these boards can be considered official for whole organization and none but the staff to which they apply can be held responsible for not having read them. They are in essence the voices of Department heads within their departments.

This is not true of the Comm Centre Bulletin Board. Everything on it is official or of general public and staff interest. Orders posted on it are binding. It is in actuality the voices of the Agent for Great Britain and the Association Secretary.

This is not true of the Comm Centre Bulletin Board. Everything on it is official or of general public and staff interest. Orders posted on it are binding. It is in actuality the voices of the Agent for Great Britain and the Association Secretary.

The keeping of the Bulletin Board is done by the Association Secretary via HCO. This is also true of the Organizational Chart.

The keeping of the Bulletin Board is done by the Association Secretary via HCO. This is also true of the Organizational Chart.

The keeping of the Administration Information Board in CF and Procurement is done by the Director of Admin via CF in Charge.

The keeping of the Administration Information Board in CF and Procurement is done by the Director of Admin via CF in Charge.

The keeping of the Training Information Board is done by the Director of Training.

The keeping of the Training Information Board is done by the Director of Training.

The keeping of the Processing Info Board is done by the Director of Processing.

The keeping of the Processing Info Board is done by the Director of Processing.

The keeping of the HCO Board is done by the HCO Secretary.

The keeping of the HCO Board is done by the HCO Secretary.

This system of posting is entirely in the interests of making it easy to get data and information around and should not be used to hide data.

This system of posting is entirely in the interests of making it easy to get data and information around and should not be used to hide data.

The head of any unit must have a place to speak without calling departmental meetings every few hours. An Information Board can help.

The head of any unit must have a place to speak without calling departmental meetings every few hours. An Information Board can help.

Construction and Repair, please place these boards.

Construction and Repair, please place these boards.


[See also HCO B 20 September 1958, Bulletin BoardComm Centre, on next page.]

[See also HCO B 20 September 1958, Bulletin BoardComm Centre, on next page.]