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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Attacks on Scientology, Sex and Organizations - P660303 | Сравнить
- OIC Report Form (DIV1.DEP3.OIC) - P660303 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Нападки на Саентологию, Секс и Организации (АДМИН) (ц) - И660303-1 | Сравнить
- Нападки на Саентологию, Секс и Организации (АДМИН) - И660303-1 | Сравнить
- Резервный Фонд (МЕН) (ц) - И660303R91 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 660303 - HCO Policy Letter - Attacks on Scientology - Sex and Organizations [PL010-074]
CONTENTS OIC REPORT FORM Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue II
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Gen Non-RemimeoRemimeo



It is interesting that a review of faltering orgs that got into trouble in their areas each one had a bad sex entanglement high on staff.


A Review of actions of orgs and attacks over the last 15 years makes it stand out sharply that an org which is mixed up sexually in the higher echelons will not be effective, will have low statistics and can’t defend itself on the public front.

(Cancels earlier cable form)

Such are not attacked for loose sexual relations. They are just too decayed to do a good job of defense or follow policy. So they become subject to attack.

The report of OIC whether cabled or despatched to a senior executive division for its OIC graphing follows the following pattern:

The last UK attack was easily rebuffed and so are many attacks. But where an org is caved in by bad sexual messes, it doesn’t seem to be able to defend itself on the general front.

  • HCO Despatch Number

We don’t often get such situations as a sex-mess org but where we do, they get into severe trouble on other counts.

  • RON
  • Sex, obsessive and promiscuous, is a blood brother of psychosis. Note the sex stress of Freud, the sex orgies in institutions between patients and attendants and psychiatrists. Note the book (early ‘50s, U.S.) by Psychiatrist FREDA FROHMM REICHMANN, where she tries to get her fellow psychiatrists to leave their patients alone. It is a text trying to make them ethical in their practices. It reveals a sordid picture.

  • Arithmetical date
  • This is given as an indicator. I know only 4 orgs in all the 16 years before this writing that collapsed or came near collapse at one period in the history of each. And each one was sex crazy. (LA 1950, Melbourne early 60s, Johannesburg 60s, Washington 62 on. Each of these got into severe trouble. LA 50 collapsed, Melbourne collapsed, Johannesburg nearly collapsed, DC is being saved only by strenuous effort.)

  • Month abbreviated
  • So we have an indicator that when an org in the upper strata starts tolerating sexual promiscuity you can expect serious trouble of other kinds just ahead within the next year or two.

  • Gross Income for week
  • This also applies to psychiatry as we will start knocking them out shortly.

  • Org’s gross Cash
  • I am not talking about an occasional „affaire“ or a slip. I am talking about general dedicated sexual misconduct by staff as the ordinary occurrence.

  • Org’s gross Bills
  • As a speculation it might be the early Christians (who were no fools as they built strong organizations) discovered in the first century or two that a Church which went sexually off-beam didn’t last and so banned it. They may have banned it so hard they made even casual Christians madly anti-sex, which is a lot too much. Certain it is they saw sex as an organizational menace and did not see that violent anti-sex was just as crazy, being the other side of the same coin.

  • Letters In
  • Thus Exec Secretaries should be alert for an org going off the beam. Watch in low statistic orgs that don’t recover easily for heavy sexual promiscuity and get the sex loops out of it quick, particularly out of its upper executive level. For I promise you that that org will absorb thousands of man-hours of work to rebuild if sexual misconduct is let go on.

  • Letters Out
  • The label of sexual promiscuity easily attaches to persons and is not always true. So be very thorough in the investigation and be sure the charges are factual. If so, shoot quick. Don’t caution. Experience with such has taught me that no amount of persuasion or orders will (a) bring up their statistics or (b) stop the catastrophe they will walk into. Only prompt removal of the offenders will get the org going up again.

  • Book Sales
  • Enrolments
  • LRH:ml.rd
  • Credit collected
  • Bills Paid
  • Completions
  • Income for services collected by Qual
  • New names to CF
  • Amt paid Field Staff Members
  • Signatory
  • This would look as follows:

    237 NY RON 5 MAR 5000/16000/6000/860/1520/1008/20/890/600/64/580/1270/ 500 = MARGE

    The change is made because of the change in Exec Div statistic HCO Policy Letter 1 Mar 66 The Guardian and HCO Policy Letter 1 Mar 66 Issue II Exec Div Organisations.

    Where a Continental Office Statistic is also included, it is made the first two numbers followed by the Area name in full. Thus, if NY were a Continental Org it would read:

    • Continental despatch number and letters
  • RON
  • Arithmetical date
  • Month date
  • Area
  • Org name
  • Etc as per first list
  • (The NE in the example would stand for “New England” and means the New England states of the US)

    237 NE RON 5 MAR 16000/21000 NEW YORK 5000/16000/6000/860/1520/1008/ 20/890/600/64/580/1270/500 BOSTON 3000/7000/4000/400/865/400/12/200/628/ 41/152/82/205 PROVIDENCE 900/ etc.

    This would only occur where a Continental Exec Division established after this date by specific SEC ED was collecting its Continental Area Org figures and relaying them all in one cable.

    Note that the Continental statistic is the first pair of figures followed by the Area Org names, the two figures consisting of cash on hand and total debts owed as described in the two policy letters mentioned.

    The rule is that an Area Org’s OIC data for report follows on the first figures in the despatch place designation (237NY). This gives 13 groups of figures for an Area Org OIC report. It gives two additional for a Continental.

    Where a Zone Exec Div exists (HCO Policy Letter Issue II) a Continental type cable is sent to Continental and relayed as is, but the two Continental figures statistic figures beginning, then a Zone despatch number, two figures of the Zone Exec Div, then the name of an Area Org in the Zone followed by its 13 figures. Several Zone OIC reports might be in the Continental cable. One would know a new Zone in the cable because it has a new despatch number from the Zone bearing the Zone initials.

    If NE were “New England” a Continental Exec Div and MA were “Massachusetts” a Zone Exec Div and VT were “Vermont” another Zone Exec Div of New England, we would have:

    237 NE RON 5 MAR 16000/21000 26MA 5905/8006 BOSTON 3000/7000/4000/400 etc... 174 VT 8009/12006 BENNINGTON 260/800/502/etc...
