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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Organization rudiments (DIV1.DEP3.ORG-RUDS) - P611211 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Рудименты Организации - И611211RA89 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 611211R - HCO Policy Letter - Organization Rudiments [PL028-003]
- 611211R - HCO Policy Letter - Organization Rudiments [PL061-007]
- 611211RA - HCO Policy Letter - Organization Rudiments [PL032-021]
- 611211RA - HCO Policy Letter - Organization Rudiments [PL061-008]
- 611211RA - HCO Policy Letter - Organization Rudiments [PL68-067]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex



(Include: Duties of the HCO Area Sec.)(Include: Duties of the HCO Area Sec.)

The handling of a Central Org begins with simplicity and ends with complexity from additives none know about but the adders or omissions none ever noticed were now gone.

The handling of a Central Org begins with simplicity and ends with complexity from additives none know about but the adders or omissions none ever noticed were now gone.

For some time, I have been advocating that you get one piece of organizational data in before you do another. This has been a very rewarding action. Orgs have become better off at once by doing this.

For some time, I have been advocating that you get one piece of organizational data in before you do another. This has been a very rewarding action. Orgs have become better off at once by doing this.

Therefore, let's call it 'Rudiments of an Org' and have the HCO Area Sec get them in one at a time all the while the Assn Sec is keeping things running.

Therefore, let's call it 'Rudiments of an Org' and have the HCO Area Sec get them in one at a time all the while the Assn Sec is keeping things running.

While orgs are not cases, they sometimes act aberrated. This is never from unwilling staff in my opinion. It is always from uninformed staff, untrained staff, disorganized staff.

While orgs are not cases, they sometimes act aberrated. This is never from unwilling staff in my opinion. It is always from uninformed staff, untrained staff, disorganized staff.

Therefore, to make an organization whizz, while keeping it running, you don't try to get everything straight at once. You get in one simple thing. Then you get in another.

Therefore, to make an organization whizz, while keeping it running, you don't try to get everything straight at once. You get in one simple thing. Then you get in another.

An org is composed of two factors. These are Technical and Administration. These must never get out of balance, in either personnel numbers or programmes. Therefore when getting in Org Rudiments, you always get one in in Tech and one in in Admin at the same time.

An org is composed of two factors. These are Technical and Administration. These must never get out of balance, in either personnel numbers or programmes. Therefore when getting in Org Rudiments, you always get one in in Tech and one in in Admin at the same time.

Do rudiments in order. Get one in before going on to the next.

Do rudiments in order. Get one in before going on to the next.



ADMIN: Be sure organization is properly registered and in proper legal relationship to HCO WW. Be sure key posts are covered even if doubled. Make sure there is an Association Secretary on post doing Assn Sec work of running org, a Registrar, a Letter Registrar, somebody on PE, somebody on Accts, somebody receiving and mailing the mail, somebody answering 'phone, somebody selling books, and that the persons on these posts are doing these jobs.

ADMIN: Be sure organization is properly registered and in proper legal relationship to HCO WW. Be sure key posts are covered even if doubled. Make sure there is an Association Secretary on post doing Assn Sec work of running org, a Registrar, a Letter Registrar, somebody on PE, somebody on Accts, somebody receiving and mailing the mail, somebody answering 'phone, somebody selling books, and that the persons on these posts are doing these jobs.

Do up the org board properly and truly.

Do up the org board properly and truly.

Make sure that quarters exist adequate to need, that bank accounts exist in proper order and that records of income and disbursement are being kept.

Make sure that quarters exist adequate to need, that bank accounts exist in proper order and that records of income and disbursement are being kept.

Be sure the standard unit system is in force without large sums going out on fixed pay or unjust favouritisms.

Be sure the standard unit system is in force without large sums going out on fixed pay or unjust favouritisms.

TECH: Be sure that there is an Academy in the hands of a person who knows his Scientology and that there is an HGC in the hands of somebody who can crack cases and that staff auditors exist who can audit.

TECH: Be sure that there is an Academy in the hands of a person who knows his Scientology and that there is an HGC in the hands of somebody who can crack cases and that staff auditors exist who can audit.

The extent of action of this rudiment is to get basic legal, basic posts, basic quarters entirely covered, a condition which may deteriorate at other times than at an org's beginning. So cover all these points by careful review each time this Rudiment is done.

The extent of action of this rudiment is to get basic legal, basic posts, basic quarters entirely covered, a condition which may deteriorate at other times than at an org's beginning. So cover all these points by careful review each time this Rudiment is done.

Incidentally, make sure there are no new departments or posts which are contrary to the six department system.

Incidentally, make sure there are no new departments or posts which are contrary to the six department system.



ADMIN: Get the personnel busy. We don't care at what, but really rip up people who stand around talking and who burn up the staff's units with no production.

ADMIN: Get the personnel busy. We don't care at what, but really rip up people who stand around talking and who burn up the staff's units with no production.

Get staff meeting reorganized and going.

Get staff meeting reorganized and going.

Hold a staff meeting, explain unit system and how nobody can afford idle hands. The way to raise the unit is to get busy. New wild ideas won't work. It's getting busy on the existing ideas that raise the unit. The org makes as much as it can deliver service and no more. Find out who thinks they are overworked and underpaid and find out what they've done on their jobs the past week.

Hold a staff meeting, explain unit system and how nobody can afford idle hands. The way to raise the unit is to get busy. New wild ideas won't work. It's getting busy on the existing ideas that raise the unit. The org makes as much as it can deliver service and no more. Find out who thinks they are overworked and underpaid and find out what they've done on their jobs the past week.

Raise a storm and get people busy.

Raise a storm and get people busy.

TECH: Get the Instructors training and the Auditors auditing. We don't care how at this stage. Just get them busy doing technical actions flat out. We don't care how, but get pcs being audited so they're better and students trained so they can audit.

TECH: Get the Instructors training and the Auditors auditing. We don't care how at this stage. Just get them busy doing technical actions flat out. We don't care how, but get pcs being audited so they're better and students trained so they can audit.



ADMIN: Get the Current Policy Letter on the Six Department system brought to date and then hat checked on everybody including all executive, admin and tech staff and the janitor. Get everyone to pass it from Assn Sec to cat on all departments until every person knows the functions and actions of all departments. Then they see what's supposed to be happening.

ADMIN: Get the Current Policy Letter on the Six Department system brought to date and then hat checked on everybody including all executive, admin and tech staff and the janitor. Get everyone to pass it from Assn Sec to cat on all departments until every person knows the functions and actions of all departments. Then they see what's supposed to be happening.

TECH: Get all trained Scientologists checked over on operating an E-Meter until there isn't anybody present who hasn't passed E-Meter Essentials 100% perfect and can actually run a pc on a Meter without goofs of any kind.

TECH: Get all trained Scientologists checked over on operating an E-Meter until there isn't anybody present who hasn't passed E-Meter Essentials 100% perfect and can actually run a pc on a Meter without goofs of any kind.



ADMIN: Check out the Letter Registrar and all address and mailing personnel on their jobs, making up any nonexistent hats from old files and get all the addresses you can that would mean anything into action and get them personally getting written to as a steady high volume programme.

ADMIN: Check out the Letter Registrar and all address and mailing personnel on their jobs, making up any nonexistent hats from old files and get all the addresses you can that would mean anything into action and get them personally getting written to as a steady high volume programme.

TECH: Get all Scientologists into line on Security Checking until they never goof a withhold on anyone.

TECH: Get all Scientologists into line on Security Checking until they never goof a withhold on anyone.



ADMIN: Get the Registrar and Reception Hats made up and checked out and the body lines of students and pcs really straight and working.

ADMIN: Get the Registrar and Reception Hats made up and checked out and the body lines of students and pcs really straight and working.

TECH: Get D of T and all Instructors Hat Checked on the latest Academy rundowns and make sure the Academy is running to train students, not to burn time. Get Academy 8C tough and sharp and training pressure up. When the students' tongues are hanging out and their foreheads bead with sweat and they're really learning, this rud is in.

TECH: Get D of T and all Instructors Hat Checked on the latest Academy rundowns and make sure the Academy is running to train students, not to burn time. Get Academy 8C tough and sharp and training pressure up. When the students' tongues are hanging out and their foreheads bead with sweat and they're really learning, this rud is in.



ADMIN: Get Accounts Hats on and Collection straightened up and to date.

ADMIN: Get Accounts Hats on and Collection straightened up and to date.

TECH: Hat Check Assn Sec and D of P on all allowed processes and technical hats and rundown, and get them functioning on them.

TECH: Hat Check Assn Sec and D of P on all allowed processes and technical hats and rundown, and get them functioning on them.



ADMIN: Security Check all personnel, regardless of whether they've been checked before. Form 7.

ADMIN: Security Check all personnel, regardless of whether they've been checked before. Form 7.

TECH: Security Check all personnel, regardless of whether they've been checked before. Form 7.

TECH: Security Check all personnel, regardless of whether they've been checked before. Form 7.



ADMIN: Get Dir Mat Hat assembled and checked and get building(s) clean, his personnel straightened out and odd jobs unfinished ended or re-started. Check up on any new quarters or plans and status of buildings re mortgages, etc.

ADMIN: Get Dir Mat Hat assembled and checked and get building(s) clean, his personnel straightened out and odd jobs unfinished ended or re-started. Check up on any new quarters or plans and status of buildings re mortgages, etc.

TECH: Get Staff Clearing Programme in hand and staff staff auditors well hatted and operating and review staff cases with D of P to be sure of progress. Check, by this progress, that no patty cake tacit consent is occurring in view of fact execs choose their own auditors.

TECH: Get Staff Clearing Programme in hand and staff staff auditors well hatted and operating and review staff cases with D of P to be sure of progress. Check, by this progress, that no patty cake tacit consent is occurring in view of fact execs choose their own auditors.



ADMIN: Get magazine in hand and outflowing to all available lists, on schedule, straighten up such lists and improve means to acquire more names.

ADMIN: Get magazine in hand and outflowing to all available lists, on schedule, straighten up such lists and improve means to acquire more names.

Check over Comm Centres and see that all persons in org have proper comm baskets. Check up on HCO Hats and Comm system.

Check over Comm Centres and see that all persons in org have proper comm baskets. Check up on HCO Hats and Comm system.

Get report lines to HCO WW straightened up.

Get report lines to HCO WW straightened up.

TECH: Get all staff auditors and instructors Hat Checked on all Tech bulletins that apply to their jobs.

TECH: Get all staff auditors and instructors Hat Checked on all Tech bulletins that apply to their jobs.



ADMIN: Get PE Dir and Instructors Hat Checked on PE Admin, schedules, advertising, etc.

ADMIN: Get PE Dir and Instructors Hat Checked on PE Admin, schedules, advertising, etc.

TECH: Get PE Comm Course and Co-Audit running on best current rundown and these instructors Hat Checked on technical material as it applies to their actions.

TECH: Get PE Comm Course and Co-Audit running on best current rundown and these instructors Hat Checked on technical material as it applies to their actions.



ADMIN: Get Assn Sec Hat Checked on all applicable policy, his comm system, quarters and lines straight, get any personal personnel he has Hat Checked. Get his O.I.C. board going or up to date and gone over with him.

ADMIN: Get Assn Sec Hat Checked on all applicable policy, his comm system, quarters and lines straight, get any personal personnel he has Hat Checked. Get his O.I.C. board going or up to date and gone over with him.

Check up on Org legal matters and position.

Check up on Org legal matters and position.

Check up Org personnel procurement and records.

Check up Org personnel procurement and records.

TECH: Get Extension Course Director Hat Checked on his or her post, books and answers and his or her technical accuracy of reply to Extension Course students checked.

TECH: Get Extension Course Director Hat Checked on his or her post, books and answers and his or her technical accuracy of reply to Extension Course students checked.



ADMIN: Get book sales going in reception and through mails, book supplies adjusted and planned out.

ADMIN: Get book sales going in reception and through mails, book supplies adjusted and planned out.

TECH: Get all Scientologists on staff checked over on where they stand in classification. Get them working toward or examined for next classification or reviewing developments in their current classification. Go over their needed items on their own classification check lists with them to get them to studying.

TECH: Get all Scientologists on staff checked over on where they stand in classification. Get them working toward or examined for next classification or reviewing developments in their current classification. Go over their needed items on their own classification check lists with them to get them to studying.



ADMIN: Go over CF thoroughly and get it in hand and CF in charge Hat Checked. Check over and get straight Memberships and Certification. Check up on HCO Board of Review.

ADMIN: Go over CF thoroughly and get it in hand and CF in charge Hat Checked. Check over and get straight Memberships and Certification. Check up on HCO Board of Review.

TECH: Go over HGC or PE testing or both and Hat Check all personnel and review their body traffic lines and testing records.

TECH: Go over HGC or PE testing or both and Hat Check all personnel and review their body traffic lines and testing records.



ADMIN: Go over Accts Disbursement system and Hat Check personnel and review Policy Letters with them and inspect accounts. Check up on HCO Accounts and percentages to HCO WW.

ADMIN: Go over Accts Disbursement system and Hat Check personnel and review Policy Letters with them and inspect accounts. Check up on HCO Accounts and percentages to HCO WW.

TECH: Step in on HGC Admin and interview HGC pcs to establish their attitude toward HGC so any faults can be corrected in Technical service.

TECH: Step in on HGC Admin and interview HGC pcs to establish their attitude toward HGC so any faults can be corrected in Technical service.



ADMIN: Arrange Open Evenings, future Congresses and special courses.

ADMIN: Arrange Open Evenings, future Congresses and special courses.

Hat Check all additional personnel and units not reached in these rudiments and get their hats and jobs in order.

Hat Check all additional personnel and units not reached in these rudiments and get their hats and jobs in order.

TECH. Interview Academy students to see that they are actually learning something worth while. Examine two or three at random, talk to many. Try to shorten up their length of time on course and extend their knowledge, reversing any tendency to lengthen time on course and shorten knowledge.

TECH. Interview Academy students to see that they are actually learning something worth while. Examine two or three at random, talk to many. Try to shorten up their length of time on course and extend their knowledge, reversing any tendency to lengthen time on course and shorten knowledge.



ADMIN: Straighten out Ad Comm, read to it the paper creating Ad Comms, get it effective in advising. Straighten out any misconceptions of its position or abuse of its functions.

ADMIN: Straighten out Ad Comm, read to it the paper creating Ad Comms, get it effective in advising. Straighten out any misconceptions of its position or abuse of its functions.

TECH: Hold several nightly meetings of all Scientologists in Org and straighten up any difficulty they may be having with current rundown. Answer their questions by referral to HCO Bs or tapes. Set up routine study of materials.

TECH: Hold several nightly meetings of all Scientologists in Org and straighten up any difficulty they may be having with current rundown. Answer their questions by referral to HCO Bs or tapes. Set up routine study of materials.



ADMIN: Get HCO B and Pol Ltr files up to date. Be sure tapes are available where needed and tape library well cared for. Examine Field Auditor relations with Org and take up their correspondence with Assn Sec and straighten out any difficulties with them.

ADMIN: Get HCO B and Pol Ltr files up to date. Be sure tapes are available where needed and tape library well cared for. Examine Field Auditor relations with Org and take up their correspondence with Assn Sec and straighten out any difficulties with them.

Check up on any Special Programmes.

Check up on any Special Programmes.

Check up on Ethics Problems.

Check up on Ethics Problems.

TECH: Look over quality of auditing in field and attempt to get weak spots retreaded at Academy or audited at HGC. Enforce policies on uses of processes.

TECH: Look over quality of auditing in field and attempt to get weak spots retreaded at Academy or audited at HGC. Enforce policies on uses of processes.

From here on review the Org as a whole for a week or two, not more.

From here on review the Org as a whole for a week or two, not more.

Then do all rudiments again, checking on them in the above sequence, finding if they're out and in the above sequence getting them in.

Then do all rudiments again, checking on them in the above sequence, finding if they're out and in the above sequence getting them in.

If all these rudiments stay in, a Central Org (or a City Office) will prosper.

If all these rudiments stay in, a Central Org (or a City Office) will prosper.

It may take 34 weeks to get them all in the first time, 20 weeks the second time, 10 weeks the third time, etc. until they can be done easily in a month.

It may take 34 weeks to get them all in the first time, 20 weeks the second time, 10 weeks the third time, etc. until they can be done easily in a month.

Naturally, all this time personnel is coming and going and transferring and one has to get them on the job when they get on the job. But all this is routine Org running and has nothing to do with rudiments. One has one's job and the Org is the Org and then there are Rudiments to get in. And, as in any session, if they do go out by reason of transferred personnel or ineffectiveness, the thing to do is get them in in an orderly sequence, not drive the whole Org mad with a turmoil of doing it all at once. Rudiments will go in. And units will come up by that reason alone.

Naturally, all this time personnel is coming and going and transferring and one has to get them on the job when they get on the job. But all this is routine Org running and has nothing to do with rudiments. One has one's job and the Org is the Org and then there are Rudiments to get in. And, as in any session, if they do go out by reason of transferred personnel or ineffectiveness, the thing to do is get them in in an orderly sequence, not drive the whole Org mad with a turmoil of doing it all at once. Rudiments will go in. And units will come up by that reason alone.

BUT don't ever leave a Rudiment until it's IN. That's good auditing and good organization.

BUT don't ever leave a Rudiment until it's IN. That's good auditing and good organization.

And each time you get a Rud in write me a short despatch saying how it was and is.

And each time you get a Rud in write me a short despatch saying how it was and is.

I strongly advocate this programme. These are exactly the things I would do if I were right there daily. And you'd see things hum. So my secretary on the ground can do it for me. It would be a real help. And if continued and kept on with over and over, how could you lose?

I strongly advocate this programme. These are exactly the things I would do if I were right there daily. And you'd see things hum. So my secretary on the ground can do it for me. It would be a real help. And if continued and kept on with over and over, how could you lose?


[This Policy Letter was revised on 1 April 1973 bringing it into line with the 1973 Org Board and adding some additional rudiments. In the 1973 Year Book.]

[This Policy Letter was revised on 1 April 1973 bringing it into line with the 1973 Org Board and adding some additional rudiments. In the 1973 Year Book.]