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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Alter-ls and Degraded Beings (AKH-14, DIV1.DEP1.PERS-PLACE) - P670322 | Сравнить
- Personnel Requirement (DIV1.DEP1.PERS-PLACE) - P670322 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Искажение и Деградировавшие Существа (АНХ-14, КРО-1) (ц) - И670322-1 | Сравнить
- Требование к Персоналу (КРО-1) (ц) - И670322-2 | Сравнить
- Требование к Персоналу - И670322 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 670322 - HCO Policy Letter - Personnel Requirement [PL012-015]
CONTENTS PERSONNEL REQUIREMENT Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
All ExecsAll Execs
Org Exec CourseOrg Exec Course
(Div 1 Dept 1 Personnel)(Div 1 Dept 1 Personnel)
Div 1 Dept 1 for AdherenceDiv 1 Dept 1 for Adherence
Tech Sec for attention Tech Sec for attention
Qual Sec for attentionQual Sec for attention
(Reference HCO B of 22 Mar 67
Alter-Is and Degraded Beings)
(Reference HCO B of 22 Mar 67
Alter-Is and Degraded Beings)



A Scientology org must be at CAUSE over the environment and public.

A Scientology org must be at CAUSE over the environment and public.

Whenever it has gotten into trouble it has slipped to effect.

Whenever it has gotten into trouble it has slipped to effect.

It is only the negligence or alter-is or non-compliance on the part of certain persons on staff or in the professional employ of org (such as attorneys, accountants) that gets the org in trouble.

It is only the negligence or alter-is or non-compliance on the part of certain persons on staff or in the professional employ of org (such as attorneys, accountants) that gets the org in trouble.

Such beings are uniformly degraded beings. They are at best pcs. They are not truly staff members or effective professionals.

Such beings are uniformly degraded beings. They are at best pcs. They are not truly staff members or effective professionals.

The more degraded beings you employ or retain as professionals to "fill a post" or "need a lawyer" or for any other reason, the more the org will be at effect.

The more degraded beings you employ or retain as professionals to "fill a post" or "need a lawyer" or for any other reason, the more the org will be at effect.

These are the people who get you and your org in trouble.

These are the people who get you and your org in trouble.

Their characteristic is alter-is of tech, alter-is of policy, and non-compliance with Tech, Policy and orders.

Their characteristic is alter-is of tech, alter-is of policy, and non-compliance with Tech, Policy and orders.

Where these characteristics are spotted in a person hired on staff the person is only qualified to be a pc and MUST NOT BE RETAINED ON STAFF or as a professional contact.

Where these characteristics are spotted in a person hired on staff the person is only qualified to be a pc and MUST NOT BE RETAINED ON STAFF or as a professional contact.

This is a different thing than a suppressive. A suppressive is seeking to destroy knowingly and gets no case gain.

This is a different thing than a suppressive. A suppressive is seeking to destroy knowingly and gets no case gain.

"Degraded being" is a harsh term but a true one. It means a person who is at effect to such a degree that he or she avoids orders or instructions in any possible covert or overt way because orders of any kind are confused with painful indoctrinations in the past.

"Degraded being" is a harsh term but a true one. It means a person who is at effect to such a degree that he or she avoids orders or instructions in any possible covert or overt way because orders of any kind are confused with painful indoctrinations in the past.

This person cannot be at cause without attaining OT Level 3. Therefore they prevent the org from being at cause as they cannot be at cause themselves and will not let the org or anything else be at cause including executives.

This person cannot be at cause without attaining OT Level 3. Therefore they prevent the org from being at cause as they cannot be at cause themselves and will not let the org or anything else be at cause including executives.

Persons who alter-is tech or refuse to comply with proper legal orders constitute a class of pcs we can process gently and happily but MUST NOT employ.

Persons who alter-is tech or refuse to comply with proper legal orders constitute a class of pcs we can process gently and happily but MUST NOT employ.

Further an org that goes mad on "process the whole staff" continually regardless of duties has a degraded being complex. ("Us poor equal thetans".)

Further an org that goes mad on "process the whole staff" continually regardless of duties has a degraded being complex. ("Us poor equal thetans".)

In such an org the degraded beings outnumber the Big Being staff members. Such an org is not at cause over the environment but is a sort of mutual aid society or a self treating mental ward where the inmates use Scn to treat each other but are but dimly aware of the outer environment.

In such an org the degraded beings outnumber the Big Being staff members. Such an org is not at cause over the environment but is a sort of mutual aid society or a self treating mental ward where the inmates use Scn to treat each other but are but dimly aware of the outer environment.

In a staff member we expect lots of auditing and case gain. But we do not expect him to be on staff yet only capable of being a pc (as he alter-ises and non-complies).

In a staff member we expect lots of auditing and case gain. But we do not expect him to be on staff yet only capable of being a pc (as he alter-ises and non-complies).

We are completely happy to service such. We refuse utterly to use them on staff.

We are completely happy to service such. We refuse utterly to use them on staff.

A staff member must be capable of being, with the org, cause over his environment.

A staff member must be capable of being, with the org, cause over his environment.

It is policy that an executive may not retain on his staff or in his division or in the org any repeatedly alter-ising or non-complying staff member but must see the person dismissed, gently but firmly and put in a pc status only.

It is policy that an executive may not retain on his staff or in his division or in the org any repeatedly alter-ising or non-complying staff member but must see the person dismissed, gently but firmly and put in a pc status only.

Personnel Officers hiring persons who have little ability to be cause over their own life environment are in violation of this policy.

Personnel Officers hiring persons who have little ability to be cause over their own life environment are in violation of this policy.

We can process and bring up to stature such beings. But they are pcs entirely and cannot do other than bring an org down to the effect level and so get it into often severe trouble. They are the source (next above suppressives) of all org executives' overwork and woe.

We can process and bring up to stature such beings. But they are pcs entirely and cannot do other than bring an org down to the effect level and so get it into often severe trouble. They are the source (next above suppressives) of all org executives' overwork and woe.

The cash-bills ratio of an org is a very good index of the proportion of degraded beings on its staff or even in charge of things there.

The cash-bills ratio of an org is a very good index of the proportion of degraded beings on its staff or even in charge of things there.

An effective remedy for WW on such an org is to send someone to examine alter-is and non-compliance in that org and dismiss all staff so inclined. The org, even with 2 who are Big Beings left in it, will do better!

An effective remedy for WW on such an org is to send someone to examine alter-is and non-compliance in that org and dismiss all staff so inclined. The org, even with 2 who are Big Beings left in it, will do better!

This policy letter is based on new tech data concerning thetans. When complied with it will increase the effectiveness of orgs many times over.

This policy letter is based on new tech data concerning thetans. When complied with it will increase the effectiveness of orgs many times over.

Our problem is to lift up people. We cannot do so if we are internally held down.

Our problem is to lift up people. We cannot do so if we are internally held down.

If our orgs are not maintained at cause then we fail the millions for the sake of being stupid about a few. Remember, we have not abandoned anyone by refusing him or her staff status.

If our orgs are not maintained at cause then we fail the millions for the sake of being stupid about a few. Remember, we have not abandoned anyone by refusing him or her staff status.
